My New Spiritual Home...


aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
Cajun Country
As I mentioned in another thread, I'm 'bout ready to get baptized in Jesus' name...

I'm 61 years old...

born into a Roman Catholic family... which I've always considered an "accident of birth"...

and, including kindergarten, was put through 13 years of Catholic school... all of which I dropped like a stone without looking back nearly as soon as I left home for college...

since then, I've had a look at nearly every religion and denomination there is... and found them all lacking in some way or other... none of 'em seemed to be a good fit for me...

and, at one point, I even considered starting my own religion, based solely on Jesus' message of love and acceptance...

but I soon realized that I don't have the energy and focus to pull that off...

anyhow, I've pretty much given up on finding a "perfect fit"... but I think I've finally found a home... a tiny little Adventist church just down the street from me... there's only about a dozen families in the congregation... but the place feels so full of love that I can't help but want to go back and be a part of 'em...
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...the place feels so full of love that I can't help but want to go back and be a part of 'em...

There is something deeply spiritual about the need for fellowship. If you can reconcile the doctrinal bullshit with your personal fulfillment of that need, more power to you.
...the place feels so full of love that I can't help but want to go back and be a part of 'em...

There is something deeply spiritual about the need for fellowship. If you can reconcile the doctrinal bullshit with your personal fulfillment of that need, more power to you.

indeed... I have yearned for fellowship for many many years... to be accepted and surrounded by others who feel the love of Jesus in the same way that I do... unconditionally... without judgment... without any religious or political agendas...
...the place feels so full of love that I can't help but want to go back and be a part of 'em...

There is something deeply spiritual about the need for fellowship. If you can reconcile the doctrinal bullshit with your personal fulfillment of that need, more power to you.

indeed... I have yearned for fellowship for many many years... to be accepted and surrounded by others who feel the love of Jesus in the same way that I do... unconditionally... without judgment... without any religious or political agendas...

Everyone yearns for fellowship, it is a part of being human.
Hope your new spiritual home will sustain you and strengthen your faith in the Lord.

but the place feels so full of love that I can't help but want to go back and be a part of 'em...

I am so happy for you, to have sought and found the right place and people you wish to be around.

I feel that kind of feeling every Sunday when I watch Joel Osteen. I like where his messages refocus my direction and often I watch repeats during the week. I do feel the love, as I listen to him. He is making me a happier person, in these terribly trying days. :)

Best of luck to each of us. I don't think it matters where we find inspiration as long as we do. He concludes each missive with this statement: "Find yourself a good Bible-based church and go to it." ( paraphrased )

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