My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat

One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

No it won't. After 4 years, you should be able to see what he will do.
We have seen some of what he will do but much I suspect we have not seen because of the never ending democrat obstruction. Fake Mueller "investigation", fake collusion, fake impeachment, and now the virus and the BS reaction from democrat scum killing the economy. And then the rioting looting and burning and murdering for the last four months approved of and allowed by democrats doing everything they can to destroy the economy just to get Trump. Imagine what he might have done if he didn't have to fight these traitors everyday and the colluding media.

The way our system has evolved, either party will do all they can to hurt the other party rather than do what we elected them to do.
Never has there EVER been such an attack on the American people as there has been now by the democrats. Never.
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What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

Where I lived in Cali -- when the immigrants were solid hard working people -- turned the UGLY side of my lily white San Fran Peninsula to vibrant businesses and culture.. They took $200K tear downs and re-built housing neighborhoods which in FEW years became $500K homes (using fake California money inflation)..

The PROBLEMS came after 2000, when the type of southern border immigration became "amnesty" seekers.. Didn't REALLY intend to be American -- just escaping the Narco-dictator states in what you call the "hell holes"..

At that point -- even the PREVIOUS generation of "south border" immigrants -- had a problem with that.

We SHOULD have a government that focuses on immigration and borders.. And then we could be very generous on immigration.. But we DONT... They are MIA on immigration and using it as tool to run for power...
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Oh, now you are a comedian?
If you find facts funny

I find what you post hilarious. Especially the parts about having separate ballot boxes for the different parties, claims of open carrying an AR in a polling place in Massachusetts, and your assumption that things will change dramatically if Trump gets reelected. I laughed out loud.
Ohh that’s what I thought no substance.

Substance? I have done what almost everyone else in this thread has done. Called bullshit on your story.
I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but I’m back by several private independent militias in America.. We’ve got more firepower than all of Russia combined

LMAO!! I know who I am talking to. All the claimed firepower doesn't mean they would let you do what you claim to have done in the imaginary polling place you have talked about.
Who said it would, move on troll

You are the one who claimed to be standing in a polling place, with a modified AR, stopping people and harassing voters. You are the one who claimed that the polling place directed democrats to put ballots in one box and republicans in another. The entire premise of this thread is trolling.
Like I thought all your opinion.. anything little man?

Little? Who is the one posting fantasies just for the attention?
Don’t you have some better things to do with your time besides harass this patriot. I took a risk with my shake downs.

Better? I am sure I could find more productive things to do with my time. But few would be as much fun.

A risk? That is for sure. What you were doing (if you had actually done it) was illegal. They would have thrown you in jail. Maybe those private, independent militias could post your bail.

As for being a patriot, you are not. First of all, your claims of your actions at the polling place in Massachusetts are nonsense and a lie. Second, you were only harassing democrats, so you were hindering a fair election. And lastly, you are chasing attention and trolling. Hardly patriotic.
Reminder y'all -- break up those long quote trains with selective quoting.. The one I just responded to carried a PAGE LONG nest of previous quotes in it.. If you don't know what I'm talking about -- go to Announcements and read this ---

Reminder y'all -- break up those long quote trains with selective quoting.. The one I just responded to carried a PAGE LONG nest of previous quotes in it.. If you don't know what I'm talking about -- go to Announcements and read this ---

My mistake. Old habits die hard.
Reminder y'all -- break up those long quote trains with selective quoting.. The one I just responded to carried a PAGE LONG nest of previous quotes in it.. If you don't know what I'm talking about -- go to Announcements and read this ---

My mistake. Old habits die hard.

Not singling out anyone.. But were you wearing a mask and washing your hands while ya did it? LOL..
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

Where I lived in Cali -- when the immigrants were solid hard working people -- turned the UGLY side of my lily white San Fran Peninsula to vibrant businesses and culture.. They took $200K tear downs and re-built housing neighborhoods which in FEW years became $500K homes (using fake California money inflation)..

The PROBLEMS came after 2000, when the type of southern border immigration became "amnesty" seekers.. Didn't REALLY intend to be American -- just escaping the Narco-dictator states in what you call the "hell holes"..

At that point -- even the PREVIOUS generation of "south border" immigrants -- had a problem with that.

We SHOULD have a government that focuses on immigration and borders.. And then we could be very generous on immigration.. But we DONT... They are MIA on immigration and using it as tool to run for power...
What happen to the poor whites and blacks in these neighborhoods?
Oh, now you are a comedian?
If you find facts funny

I find what you post hilarious. Especially the parts about having separate ballot boxes for the different parties, claims of open carrying an AR in a polling place in Massachusetts, and your assumption that things will change dramatically if Trump gets reelected. I laughed out loud.
Ohh that’s what I thought no substance.

Substance? I have done what almost everyone else in this thread has done. Called bullshit on your story.
I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but I’m back by several private independent militias in America.. We’ve got more firepower than all of Russia combined

LMAO!! I know who I am talking to. All the claimed firepower doesn't mean they would let you do what you claim to have done in the imaginary polling place you have talked about.
Who said it would, move on troll

You are the one who claimed to be standing in a polling place, with a modified AR, stopping people and harassing voters. You are the one who claimed that the polling place directed democrats to put ballots in one box and republicans in another. The entire premise of this thread is trolling.
Like I thought all your opinion.. anything little man?

Little? Who is the one posting fantasies just for the attention?
Don’t you have some better things to do with your time besides harass this patriot. I took a risk with my shake downs.

Better? I am sure I could find more productive things to do with my time. But few would be as much fun.

A risk? That is for sure. What you were doing (if you had actually done it) was illegal. They would have thrown you in jail. Maybe those private, independent militias could post your bail.

As for being a patriot, you are not. First of all, your claims of your actions at the polling place in Massachusetts are nonsense and a lie. Second, you were only harassing democrats, so you were hindering a fair election. And lastly, you are chasing attention and trolling. Hardly patriotic.
Someone get triggered easy
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
Looks like you got caught in a red curtain

Nah, they are just cheap polyester curtains on a double-wide trailer. I am not caught. I am just calling bullshit on a liar. Same as I have done before.
Let’s stick to the topic sir. Don’t want to have you removed
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
Looks like you got caught in a red curtain

Nah, they are just cheap polyester curtains on a double-wide trailer. I am not caught. I am just calling bullshit on a liar. Same as I have done before.
Let’s stick to the topic sir. Don’t want to have you removed

I was just replying to your comments. But I am happy to stay on topic. The OP is pure fantasy. You did not open carry a modified AR into a Massachusetts polling place and harass voters.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
Looks like you got caught in a red curtain

Nah, they are just cheap polyester curtains on a double-wide trailer. I am not caught. I am just calling bullshit on a liar. Same as I have done before.
Let’s stick to the topic sir. Don’t want to have you removed

I was just replying to your comments. But I am happy to stay on topic. The OP is pure fantasy. You did not open carry a modified AR into a Massachusetts polling place and harass voters.
Now you’re trolling because you can’t prove I didn’t do you have anything to add here or not if not take a hike clown
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
Looks like you got caught in a red curtain

Nah, they are just cheap polyester curtains on a double-wide trailer. I am not caught. I am just calling bullshit on a liar. Same as I have done before.
Let’s stick to the topic sir. Don’t want to have you removed

I was just replying to your comments. But I am happy to stay on topic. The OP is pure fantasy. You did not open carry a modified AR into a Massachusetts polling place and harass voters.
Now you’re trolling because you can’t prove I didn’t do you have anything to add here or not if not take a hike clown

Are you a Massachusetts resident? You didn't answer that when I asked earlier.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
Looks like you got caught in a red curtain

Nah, they are just cheap polyester curtains on a double-wide trailer. I am not caught. I am just calling bullshit on a liar. Same as I have done before.
Let’s stick to the topic sir. Don’t want to have you removed

I was just replying to your comments. But I am happy to stay on topic. The OP is pure fantasy. You did not open carry a modified AR into a Massachusetts polling place and harass voters.
Now you’re trolling because you can’t prove I didn’t do you have anything to add here or not if not take a hike clown

Are you a Massachusetts resident? You didn't answer that when I asked earlier.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
Looks like you got caught in a red curtain

Nah, they are just cheap polyester curtains on a double-wide trailer. I am not caught. I am just calling bullshit on a liar. Same as I have done before.
Let’s stick to the topic sir. Don’t want to have you removed

I was just replying to your comments. But I am happy to stay on topic. The OP is pure fantasy. You did not open carry a modified AR into a Massachusetts polling place and harass voters.
Now you’re trolling because you can’t prove I didn’t do you have anything to add here or not if not take a hike clown

Are you a Massachusetts resident? You didn't answer that when I asked earlier.

LOL! Of course!

And you are saying that you were allowed to open carry a modified AR inside a polling place and stop voters from entering, despite the fact you have no authority?
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
" Someone get triggered easy"

Not at all. I replied to your post. I am not triggered at all.
Looks like you got caught in a red curtain

Nah, they are just cheap polyester curtains on a double-wide trailer. I am not caught. I am just calling bullshit on a liar. Same as I have done before.
Let’s stick to the topic sir. Don’t want to have you removed

I was just replying to your comments. But I am happy to stay on topic. The OP is pure fantasy. You did not open carry a modified AR into a Massachusetts polling place and harass voters.
Now you’re trolling because you can’t prove I didn’t do you have anything to add here or not if not take a hike clown

Are you a Massachusetts resident? You didn't answer that when I asked earlier.

LOL! Of course!

And you are saying that you were allowed to open carry a modified AR inside a polling place and stop voters from entering, despite the fact you have no authority?
Second amendment says I have the authority

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