My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat

The OP is obviously fantasizing and the thread should be under 'satire'.

If though what he is saying is true even in one single state, then your so-called free democratic elections are about as legitimate as in Belarus or Putin's Russia.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.

Haha... don’t get too comfortable living with your head in your ass.
  • Meet certain eligibility requirements. To see if you’re eligible, click on the link that is most similar to your situation. Some requirements may include being:
    • At least 18 years old when you apply
    • Able to read, write, and speak basic English
    • A person of good moral character

I stand corrected.

No, you do not! Note the words: "Some requirements MAY include being""

Age of the immigrants supplants that requirement.

You were correct in your original statement.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.

Haha... don’t get too comfortable living with your head in your ass.
  • Meet certain eligibility requirements. To see if you’re eligible, click on the link that is most similar to your situation. Some requirements may include being:
    • At least 18 years old when you apply
    • Able to read, write, and speak basic English
    • A person of good moral character

I stand corrected.

No, you do not! Note the words: "Some requirements MAY include being""

Age of the immigrants supplants that requirement.

You were correct in your original statement.
“I love illegal wetbacks, let them steal from Americans and speak their native Spanish.”
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

Did you see any voting irregularities at your trolling station?
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

What blue state is it that has ALL DEMOCRATS and REPUBS "standing in different lines"??? This is a NATIONAL election --- NO ONE has to declare party to vote on a General Election ballot.. How long are the Lines for Libertarians and the one for Independents? Did ya flunk out of "poll watching 101"???

I smell shart here.. MAJOR Shart... You aint even packing a full cranium I'd wager...
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

Did you see any voting irregularities at your trolling station?
Yes I had to kick out a wet back a guy named George Floyd
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
CNN are afraid of the results their "analysis" is that Biden will be victorious but they have fear in their ugly face they want to feel as safe as possible . Ha! Ha!
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
A hot water bottle in your panties is a damn good idea. Winter is cumming
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

No it won't. After 4 years, you should be able to see what he will do.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

No it won't. After 4 years, you should be able to see what he will do.
Anyone knows what this means?
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

No it won't. After 4 years, you should be able to see what he will do.
Anyone knows what this means?

So you make fun of Spanish, but you can't speak English?
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

No it won't. After 4 years, you should be able to see what he will do.
Anyone knows what this means?

So you make fun of Spanish, but you can't speak English?
Where did I say that? What’s up with this guy? Do you have anything to add here?
Here in my flaming liberal blue state it's 99% Trump support. Trump bumper stickers, giant truck bed flags, I have only seen 1 pro Biden sticker on a car the entire election. Maybe Dems are embarrassed to show their support for Biden??
Or maybe Republicans have been busy lighting them on fire?
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

No it won't. After 4 years, you should be able to see what he will do.
We have seen some of what he will do but much I suspect we have not seen because of the never ending democrat obstruction. Fake Mueller "investigation", fake collusion, fake impeachment, and now the virus and the BS reaction from democrat scum killing the economy. And then the rioting looting and burning and murdering for the last four months approved of and allowed by democrats doing everything they can to destroy the economy just to get Trump. Imagine what he might have done if he didn't have to fight these traitors everyday and the colluding media.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

The term "wetback" means someone who came here illegally from Mexico. A legal immigrant may speak English or they may not. Or they may be self-conscious about their limited use of English. So they may stick with their native tongue.

The point is, having some "volunteer" who is open carrying an AR, confronting people at the polls is completely unacceptable. He has no right to turn anyone away from the polls (if he were actually at the polling place and not simply fantasizing about it).
IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here. Try moving to Mexico and only speaking English. Or some other country.

You are welcome to your opinion. But it does not change the laws of this country. And the statement of someone who desperately wants attention is all you have that the individual in question cannot speak English. He may have simply not spoken English to an armed asshole with no authority whatsoever.
No, what I said was that someone who CAN'T speak English not someone who doesn't want to.

And there is still no law requiring someone to speak English.
I never said there was! Why do keep deflecting with this bullshit?

You said:
"IMO if a legal immigrant can't speak English then they got no business here"

Your opinion matters not. Do you not know that no one cares what a bigot like you thinks?
It's not bigoted to expect immigrants who want to live here to speak English. You're a leftist idiot.
The fucking gringo idiots down this way are just as bad....30 years and cant read a recipe in Spanish and too damn dumb to convert to the measurement system the rest of the world uses.
What moron would learn Spanish? lol there’s absolutely no value in the Spanish community except for thEre woman we convert. It’s a disgusting culture look at their communities in their country their shit holes.. They’re only here because Democrats need their low IQ vote all this is going to change after Trump wins

No it won't. After 4 years, you should be able to see what he will do.
Anyone knows what this means?

So you make fun of Spanish, but you can't speak English?
Where did I say that? What’s up with this guy? Do you have anything to add here?

My statement was pretty simple. What makes you think Trump's actions will change dramatically if he gets reelected?

Yes, I have added plenty to this thread about your fantasy.

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