My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat

I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
Sounds like you should be arrested for voter intimidation.
Bring it on
Lol..real tough guy..going to the polls and intimidating women and the elderly. Just another Trumpist loser.
He's not a Trump loser nor is he a Biden loser, he's just a loser looking for attention. Any fool can figure that much out so I guess that makes you a really special kind of a fool.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

You would take a gun to a polling place??? Of all the disgusting things. Did you receive any sort of upbringing? DO NOT HURT ANYONE AND DON'T GET IN ANYBODY'S WAY. You are a thug.
Excuse me sir it’s my constitutional right to have my protection on me.
You don't have a right to threaten, intimidate, interfere, or otherwise harm anyone. You make think that you have a constitutional right to carry it, but you still are a pig for doing it.
Sure we do. As redneck racist klansmen we have a God given right.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
Sounds like you should be arrested for voter intimidation.
Bring it on
Lol..real tough guy..going to the polls and intimidating women and the elderly. Just another Trumpist loser.
He's not a Trump loser nor is he a Biden loser, he's just a loser looking for attention. Any fool can figure that much out so I guess that makes you a really special kind of a fool.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
Sounds like you should be arrested for voter intimidation.
Bring it on
Lol..real tough guy..going to the polls and intimidating women and the elderly. Just another Trumpist loser.
He's not a Trump loser nor is he a Biden loser, he's just a loser looking for attention. Any fool can figure that much out so I guess that makes you a really special kind of a fool.
His politics are well-known. The fool is the person who refuses to acknowledge that he was merely following what his candidate was encouraging him to do.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
You belong in prison. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to jail.

This is a troll thread to get people all ruffled up. Not a word of truth to it; so settle down, Merpel.
How nice for you.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

You would take a gun to a polling place??? Of all the disgusting things. Did you receive any sort of upbringing? DO NOT HURT ANYONE AND DON'T GET IN ANYBODY'S WAY. You are a thug.
Excuse me sir it’s my constitutional right to have my protection on me.
You don't have a right to threaten, intimidate, interfere, or otherwise harm anyone. You make think that you have a constitutional right to carry it, but you still are a pig for doing it.
Is that part of their rules regarding no political garb inside of the polls? Then turning someone around isn't intimidation.

Political garb is not allowed inside any polling place. I will wear neutral clothing and will present my credentials as a lawful voter. No one is allow to turn me around. Let me be clear and concise. No private citizen has the right to turn me around. If anyone tries, I am calling the police. Do you think that you can make us slaves because you have a gun and a pathetic beard? What are you doing with a gun in a polling place?
My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat
Just a friendly suggestion and warning between friends

Keep your gun registration with you at all times & again as a friend, the FBI has put you on their watch list
some things just need repeating until heard
do you hear me now-?
just asking
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Hey redcurtain, exactly what are you trying to accomplish by making all this up? You think this helps the cause?
Making it up? View attachment 403100View attachment 403100
When did you take those pictures?
He Googled them!
I don't get all the hostility toward the OP. What's wrong with him being a pole watcher?
He described his actions which are grossly criminal.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!
I just had to stop somebody at the front door,.,..,..
May I ask what door were you speaking about & who were the folks at your door-?-?
because they had some political Names on the shirt which is not allowed in this county.
May I ask what country are you referring to-?
What door were you speaking about & who were the folks at your door-?-?

I had to turn them back..
May I ask, who be they-?

i’m just demonstrating my second amendment right.
In America you do have that universal right

My show of strength is asking for peace
Then please begin with that thought, not end with it in passing
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.just a friendly suggestion
no animosity intended or implied
Last edited:
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!
Maybe don't talk before you know what you're talking about. I've read the whole thread. I've been watching it since this morning.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!
Maybe don't talk before you know what you're talking about. I've read the whole thread. I've been watching it since this morning.
So you ignored his racist behavior? So sorry that you must be a fellow racist. Goodbye!
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!
Maybe don't talk before you know what you're talking about. I've read the whole thread. I've been watching it since this morning.
So you ignored his racist behavior? So sorry that you must be a fellow racist. Goodbye!
This is why that word means hardly anything to me anymore. It gets thrown around do much it loses its meaning. People are constantly calling things racist that aren't
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.
IF you ARE AN OBSERVER, why in the hell are you asking anyone anything?
Because I want to make sure only American vote counts.. this is why am carrying the proper weaponry. I’m bearing arms today folks
Under Federal election laws, poll watchers are OBSERVERS and can only WATCH. If they see something they are given phone numbers to call to report it after they inform the senior polling attendant.

Firearms are restricted in most states from polling places.

What your doing borders on election interference.... It is not your job to verify anything or question any voter..

My BS meter is pegged!
I just had a Confiscate a couple of ballots from a one Guadalupe Perez.. I told him any more credentials to prove that he is an American citizen so if anybody here is on Facebook can you please check them out for me
No one named “Guadalupe Perez” should have voting rights here in America...shred his ballot and kick his ass right now.
He told me he self identifies as an American citizen I said well my gun identifies as a I see Asian and I suggest you walk away
Racist bastard. Goodbye! Ignores-ville for your dumb ass!
You're kind of acting racist towards him.
Why? Because he has readily admitted to harassing Hispanics and Asians? Did you read the thread or just jump in without knowing what you are talking about? Personally, I think he lives in his Mom's basement and she just hollered and told him his pizza rolls were done!

Sounded like he was harassing wetbacks to me...You GOP’ers don’t have half the nutsack he does...If you sackless fucks did we would have rolled out an Operation Wetback 2.0 long ago....You spineless cowards should be ashamed of gave America away.

So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.

And being a volunteer observer is fine. But stopping people from voting far exceeds that authority. As a volunteer you are told to refer to authorities within the polling site.
“So anyone who speaks spanish is a wetback? That is pretty sad.”
Nope...I speak fluent Spanish....Anyone who can’t speak and articulate English is a wetback. This isn’t a revolutionary it?

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