My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat

I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

If they really thought Biden was ahead, they wouldn't be harping so hard about people getting out to vote.
I'd make you draw that weapon if you tried to screw with me while I vote. Just sayin'.
You feeling lucky?
You are too cowardly to walk up to someone like me and give me shit.
I bet you would run
You are imagining an increasingly ludicrous situation. You simply would not walk up to a big bearded biker looking guy and give them shit. You are a coward.
First off you would break eye contact first,, that means I’m dominating you. After that I own you
You're a pussy that thinks courage is something that comes from the barrel of a gun.
I do?
Yes, everyone who thinks they need a gun just out walking around is a yellow-bellied coward.
Yea yea yea all talk no action.. I wish you would
No you don't. You would either shoot me and go to jail or go to jail with an ass beating because you walked up to me and started shit. Me being intimidated by you is not on the menu.
In my state, most of the polling places are schools where it is illegal to pack heat.
I'm not real sure about that, but I know I'm not voting at gunpoint for gun-grabbing Establishment G.O.P. in fraternization with the D.N.C. who all have the same gun-banning agenda anyways.

We have to fight our way out of the City Hall foxhole. There's no way to vote these legal-marijuana assholes out peaceably.
Uhm voters don't line up in separate
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right
What happend to secret ballots? I thought that kinda crap went out years ago. In fact I've never seen it done that way in my entire lifetime, not anywhere I've ever lived anyway.
It is a secret you can still check on Biden‘s name. They just want the registered Republicans to drop it off in the left and the Democrats to the right

I don't believe that for one moment.
Everybody stands in one line until you get your ballot and then you just ask are you registered Republican or Democrat Republicans take your ballot and drop it off on the left Democrats on the right

Bullshit.... I've been an election judge and that's not even remotely what happens
Different states have different rules

What state are you in? Let's look at election rules

My guess is I'll get crickets
I traveled up here to Massachusetts today from DC to volunteer

You are claiming you are open carrying an AR in Massachusetts? In a polling place?
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.

Not your job! You do not have to speak English to be an American citizen.

Absolutely right! There is no requirement to speak English to vote.
I'd make you draw that weapon if you tried to screw with me while I vote. Just sayin'.
You feeling lucky?
You are too cowardly to walk up to someone like me and give me shit.
I bet you would run
You are imagining an increasingly ludicrous situation. You simply would not walk up to a big bearded biker looking guy and give them shit. You are a coward.
First off you would break eye contact first,, that means I’m dominating you. After that I own you
You're a pussy that thinks courage is something that comes from the barrel of a gun.
I do?
Yes, everyone who thinks they need a gun just out walking around is a yellow-bellied coward.
Yea yea yea all talk no action.. I wish you would
No you don't. You would either shoot me and go to jail or go to jail with an ass beating because you walked up to me and started shit. Me being intimidated by you is not on the menu.
Lol too funny
One second guys I’ve got somebody in here that can’t speak English that’s trying to vote I’m gonna have to ask him for some credentials give me a few minutes I’ll give you an update.

Not your job! You do not have to speak English to be an American citizen.

Absolutely right! There is no requirement to speak English to vote.
All I did was ask if he could prove his status before he proceeded
Looking for more volunteers to joint we to poll watch. All are welcome except woman.
I get a lot of “ thank you what’s your name” I just say poll watcher.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
Why are there 2 separate lines?
Because there aren't....He's making shit up.
What is he like 16? Obviously he’s never voted before. It’d be more believable if he was judging by the type of people coming in. I could tell Trump was going to win at least my county in 2016 just off the types of people in line.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

You would take a gun to a polling place??? Of all the disgusting things. Did you receive any sort of upbringing? DO NOT HURT ANYONE AND DON'T GET IN ANYBODY'S WAY. You are a thug.
Excuse me sir it’s my constitutional right to have my protection on me.
You don't have a right to threaten, intimidate, interfere, or otherwise harm anyone. You make think that you have a constitutional right to carry it, but you still are a pig for doing it.
I just put this creep Redcurtain and his supporter BrokeLoser on my ignore list. Recommend everyone do the same. Not at all because they are Trump supporters but because they are creepy lying trolls. Suggest everyone do the same.

I’m trying to get on the “ignore list” of all the nutless faggots around here.

“Say what I want to hear the way I want to hear it or I will censor you.” - All Nutless Faggots
What ever happened to secret ballot? Why would you need to pack heat? (Never understood why certain people advertise this sort of thing, but, not my business, not my voting poll either...) Is there not security there or is this for personal reasons? ...truly hope things are going smoothly.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
You belong in prison. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to jail.

This is a troll thread to get people all ruffled up. Not a word of truth to it; so settle down, Merpel.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation

You would take a gun to a polling place??? Of all the disgusting things. Did you receive any sort of upbringing? DO NOT HURT ANYONE AND DON'T GET IN ANYBODY'S WAY. You are a thug.
Excuse me sir it’s my constitutional right to have my protection on me.
You don't have a right to threaten, intimidate, interfere, or otherwise harm anyone. You make think that you have a constitutional right to carry it, but you still are a pig for doing it.
Is that part of their rules regarding no political garb inside of the polls? Then turning someone around isn't intimidation.

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