My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat

Redcurtain reminds me of another troll we had around for a while.

Open carrying an AR (especially a modified AR) inside a polling place? No way.
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right

I find that one impossible to believe, since American elections are done on the basis of a "secret ballot". It's one of the founding principles of the Republic.

Also, it's illegal to hang around the polling station, packing heat or otherwise. The crime is called "voter intimmidation". There are "scrutineers" from both sides at the polls. I've been a scrutineer for elections here. Our job was to sit and make sure that voters were struck off the list when they voted, and to watch the count to ensure no shennanigans and a clean count. We had offical badges identifying us as poll workers.

No one is allowed to just hang around a polling station unless they are there to vote, or are official poll workers.
Well I’m wearing a hat that says “ Don’t let my Second Amendment scare you from voting today“
Considering what you are describing is illegal, I doubt you have ever been in a polling place.

And no polling place lets someone just hang around.

I call bullshit. Are you old enough to vote?
I thought the same. However since this loser says he is fully engaged in voter intimidation and if he admits to being a creep and law breaker, I will believe him. Though I think Red is probably a 60 year old man typing on his computer from his parent’s basement.
Locked and loaded! Every vote will count on my watch
By the way, what would cause you to...

... draw your weapon?

... shoot someone?
I just had to stop somebody at the front door because they had some political Names on the shirt which is not allowed in this county. I had to turn them back.. i’m just demonstrating my second amendment right. My show of strength is asking for peace
Would you turn away someone wearing a “maga” hat or shirt?
Locked and loaded! Every vote will count on my watch
By the way, what would cause you to...

... draw your weapon?

... shoot someone?
I just had to stop somebody at the front door because they had some political Names on the shirt which is not allowed in this county. I had to turn them back.. i’m just demonstrating my second amendment right. My show of strength is asking for peace
Would you turn away someone wearing a “maga” hat or shirt?
Here in Texas you aren't allowed to wear them or any item that shows preference for one candidate over another. It's a good idea because the vast majority of the average run of the mill biden voter is so simple minded just seeing the word Trump at the polls would change their minds away from voting for your child molester.
Hey is anybody on Facebook can somebody check out the name Guadalupe Pérez! He says he works for gas company and it should show up on his Facebook page thank you

THERE you are, Jitz! Some folks were wondering about your absence
We must continue the fight against voter fraud.

I agree.

But I don't think sitting around and telling lies on message boards is helping in that effort.
Hey redcurtain, exactly what are you trying to accomplish by making all this up? You think this helps the cause?
Making it up?
I'd make you draw that weapon if you tried to screw with me while I vote. Just sayin'.
lol, you'd piss your panties.
I didn't the last couple of times. I'm a pretty big guy that looks like I might whip someone's ass and looks are not deceiving. Been a couple of times a pistol was the only thing that stood between an idiot and a well deserved ass beating.
Locked and loaded! Every vote will count on my watch
By the way, what would cause you to...

... draw your weapon?

... shoot someone?
I just had to stop somebody at the front door because they had some political Names on the shirt which is not allowed in this county. I had to turn them back.. i’m just demonstrating my second amendment right. My show of strength is asking for peace
Would you turn away someone wearing a “maga” hat or shirt?
Nope they are ok in my book
I'd make you draw that weapon if you tried to screw with me while I vote. Just sayin'.
lol, you'd piss your panties.
I didn't the last couple of times. I'm a pretty big guy that looks like I might whip someone's ass and looks are not deceiving. Been a couple of times a pistol was the only thing that stood between an idiot and a well deserved ass beating.
On the internet you can pretend to be anything.
I'd make you draw that weapon if you tried to screw with me while I vote. Just sayin'.
You feeling lucky?
You are too cowardly to walk up to someone like me and give me shit.
I bet you would run
You are imagining an increasingly ludicrous situation. You simply would not walk up to a big bearded biker looking guy and give them shit. You are a coward.
First off you would break eye contact first,, that means I’m dominating you. After that I own you

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