My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

Do you want to go on record stating that you believe that polls in general are reliable?

I guess would would have to be an actual poll before we can pass judgement on it.

LOL I rest my case.

There is no poll.

I found a self selected internet poll on the HuffPost and it still only had 70% of those that responded being against it. The 98% number is total bullshit someone pulled out of their ass

Teachers are overwhelmingly liberal, the 70% number I can believe.

I agree with them, none of them should be forced to carry a gun. The other 30% can save them while they hide under desks waiting to die

Nobody should be forced to carry a gun, no matter who they are.

As for your silly stereotyping, there are lots of liberals that own guns and know how ot use them. This sort of stereotyping does not help anyone.

I also do not agree with all of your dime story cowboys disparaging the Run/Hide/Fight plan for an active shooter event. This is what the Marine Corps teaches the Marines. It is what the DOD teaches and it is what every law enforcement agency in the country advocates.
It's funny that the gun nuts want laws requiring teachers to be armed,

but with any gun related law they don't like, they say, oh, well, the criminals will just find a way around the law...
You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

You'll have to show me how a teacher once the shooting begins tries to calm kids or get them to safety and tries to open the safe in all the chaos.

You can open a biometric safe in seconds with your eyes closed.

Even if there is total chaos and you're thinking about getting the kids to safety first? You can say all you want sitting behind your computer in the safety of your home. How many teacher's are going to completly going to freeze?

I'm all for one entrance to schools with metal detector's and a carrying cop at the door checking people.

So if 20% carry guns and half of them freeze, so what? The ones who freeze don't help but they don't hurt and you still have the shooter not knowing who is armed.

Also "freeze" is not binary. A teacher may freeze to pursue the shooter, but they may turn around and shoot when the shooter walks into their classroom. Either way, they are a risk to the shooter

So a cop walks in and sees someone with a gun without knowing a 100% who the shooter is, bang that teacher is dead. Doesn't matter the teacher is yelling I'm a teacher, how the hell is the cop suppose to know? Bang your dead teach.
That’s what training programs are for…
You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

You'll have to show me how a teacher once the shooting begins tries to calm kids or get them to safety and tries to open the safe in all the chaos.

You can open a biometric safe in seconds with your eyes closed.

Even if there is total chaos and you're thinking about getting the kids to safety first? You can say all you want sitting behind your computer in the safety of your home. How many teacher's are going to completly going to freeze?

I'm all for one entrance to schools with metal detector's and a carrying cop at the door checking people.

So if 20% carry guns and half of them freeze, so what? The ones who freeze don't help but they don't hurt and you still have the shooter not knowing who is armed.

Also "freeze" is not binary. A teacher may freeze to pursue the shooter, but they may turn around and shoot when the shooter walks into their classroom. Either way, they are a risk to the shooter

So a cop walks in and sees someone with a gun without knowing a 100% who the shooter is, bang that teacher is dead. Doesn't matter the teacher is yelling I'm a teacher, how the hell is the cop suppose to know? Bang your dead teach.

That is an unlikely scenario.
There would be training so you could avoid those situations.
And the cops are going in with the knowledge that there are armed teachers.
They could even announce a code word over the intercom telling the teachers that the police are on the scene.
One in every 4 teachers in a school packing is insane, Dumbass.

It's your numbers ... You don't trust the teachers ... :dunno:
Why in the hell would you send your child into a classroom with a teacher you don't trust ... Dumbass.

98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.

That's just a flat out lie that you made up

NOPE ...

neither do police and emergency rescue .. the fewer people with guns the better they like it .. reduces the risk of them getting shot while teyre trying to figure out wtf is who


98% is a lie, liar

And yes, of course, only government employees can use guns responsibly and should be armed, thanks for letting me know that. You're just a leftist ideologue

prove that asshat
98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.

That's just a flat out lie that you made up

NOPE ...

neither do police and emergency rescue .. the fewer people with guns the better they like it .. reduces the risk of them getting shot while teyre trying to figure out wtf is who


98% is a lie, liar

And yes, of course, only government employees can use guns responsibly and should be armed, thanks for letting me know that. You're just a leftist ideologue

prove that asshat

Pretty sure you've already done that.
In spite of what occurred on Wednesday, your children ( and their teachers ) are much less likely to be shot in school than they are in their own homes.

The idea that introducing firearms into classrooms will result in a safer environment for children is ludicrous. Fear is a poor basis for sound decision making.

That you have to go with emotional language saying in "classrooms" shows that even you know how terrible your argument is. First, schools are more than just classrooms and administrators don't dwell in classrooms and teachers aren't there all the time. It's about schools, not just "classrooms."

Second, you're afraid teachers are going to start shooting kids who don't do their homework?

That when a kid is murdering 17 students and shooting dozens more your focus is working even harder to ensure his safety shows how sick you are.

They really need to get inner city liberals like you out of your secluded lofts and wine bars and into the rest of America where you can meet real Americans who own guns and you can cure your bigotry and ignorance about Americans

That is awesome. So much stupid in one post. You are fantastic.

You're the one fighting for the safety of people to go into schools and shoot people, and you're talking about someone else's post being "stupid?"

And obviously you picked the word "classrooms" rather than "schools" to appeal to emotion. Man up to it, Nancy
98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.
/——/ 98% ???? Did you know that 87.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
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I guess would would have to be an actual poll before we can pass judgement on it.

LOL I rest my case.

There is no poll.

I found a self selected internet poll on the HuffPost and it still only had 70% of those that responded being against it. The 98% number is total bullshit someone pulled out of their ass

Teachers are overwhelmingly liberal, the 70% number I can believe.

I agree with them, none of them should be forced to carry a gun. The other 30% can save them while they hide under desks waiting to die

Nobody should be forced to carry a gun, no matter who they are.

As for your silly stereotyping, there are lots of liberals that own guns and know how ot use them. This sort of stereotyping does not help anyone.

I also do not agree with all of your dime story cowboys disparaging the Run/Hide/Fight plan for an active shooter event. This is what the Marine Corps teaches the Marines. It is what the DOD teaches and it is what every law enforcement agency in the country advocates.
But the problem is the collective/federal government/deep state want to force everyone into the same box.
The federal government is the last thing we should be trusting for anyones safety, only a fool would trust them.
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NOPE ...

neither do police and emergency rescue .. the fewer people with guns the better they like it .. reduces the risk of them getting shot while teyre trying to figure out wtf is who


Whereas an armed teacher would have a far better idea who the aggressor is ... :thup:

It's funny that the gun nuts want laws requiring teachers to be armed,

but with any gun related law they don't like, they say, oh, well, the criminals will just find a way around the law...
It should be a choice, and no progressives do not know what’s best for teachers and the kids…
How about we force police officers to go be teachers. Mine as well since we are going to ask teachers to be police officers. We should probably increase pay too.

Or we could get some good gun control and not have a mass shooting problem like countries with strong gun control.

Remember that there was an armed off duty police officer at the Orlando massacre. He was outgunned and unable to stop the shooter. Thinking a teacher is going to be able to do something is highly unlikely. And you are bringing accidental shootings into the school if you start having random teachers carrying. What we need to do is stop handing out guns for mass killings. Nobody needs high capacity magazines except for mass killers.

Oh and in TX law officers were themselves the victims of a mass shooting.
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

We need gun control.
LOL I rest my case.

There is no poll.

I found a self selected internet poll on the HuffPost and it still only had 70% of those that responded being against it. The 98% number is total bullshit someone pulled out of their ass

Teachers are overwhelmingly liberal, the 70% number I can believe.

I agree with them, none of them should be forced to carry a gun. The other 30% can save them while they hide under desks waiting to die

Nobody should be forced to carry a gun, no matter who they are.

As for your silly stereotyping, there are lots of liberals that own guns and know how ot use them. This sort of stereotyping does not help anyone.

I also do not agree with all of your dime story cowboys disparaging the Run/Hide/Fight plan for an active shooter event. This is what the Marine Corps teaches the Marines. It is what the DOD teaches and it is what every law enforcement agency in the country advocates.
But the problem is the collective/federal government/deep state and want to force everyone into the same box.
The federal government is the last thing we should be trusting for anyones safety, only a fool would trust them.

And yet you do so every day.
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.
Shooter drills are now a common part of education. Sad...but true. Deterioration of society began in 1960’s and it’s finally caught up to us.
I guess would would have to be an actual poll before we can pass judgement on it.

LOL I rest my case.

There is no poll.

I found a self selected internet poll on the HuffPost and it still only had 70% of those that responded being against it. The 98% number is total bullshit someone pulled out of their ass

Teachers are overwhelmingly liberal, the 70% number I can believe.

I agree with them, none of them should be forced to carry a gun. The other 30% can save them while they hide under desks waiting to die

Nobody should be forced to carry a gun, no matter who they are.

As for your silly stereotyping, there are lots of liberals that own guns and know how ot use them. This sort of stereotyping does not help anyone.

I also do not agree with all of your dime story cowboys disparaging the Run/Hide/Fight plan for an active shooter event. This is what the Marine Corps teaches the Marines. It is what the DOD teaches and it is what every law enforcement agency in the country advocates.

Reading comprehension isn't your strength.

The post I agreed was that I could believe 70% don't want guns in schools. You turned around and said some of them might want guns allowed in schools. How does that even make sense?

BTW, they're leftists, there is nothing liberal about them.

I've noticed you like to disagree with anything anyone says. ODD?
It's funny that the gun nuts want laws requiring teachers to be armed,

but with any gun related law they don't like, they say, oh, well, the criminals will just find a way around the law...
It should be a choice, and no progressives do not know what’s best for teachers and the kids…

it will never get passed local law enforcement ... ever.
There is no poll.

I found a self selected internet poll on the HuffPost and it still only had 70% of those that responded being against it. The 98% number is total bullshit someone pulled out of their ass

Teachers are overwhelmingly liberal, the 70% number I can believe.

I agree with them, none of them should be forced to carry a gun. The other 30% can save them while they hide under desks waiting to die

Nobody should be forced to carry a gun, no matter who they are.

As for your silly stereotyping, there are lots of liberals that own guns and know how ot use them. This sort of stereotyping does not help anyone.

I also do not agree with all of your dime story cowboys disparaging the Run/Hide/Fight plan for an active shooter event. This is what the Marine Corps teaches the Marines. It is what the DOD teaches and it is what every law enforcement agency in the country advocates.
But the problem is the collective/federal government/deep state and want to force everyone into the same box.
The federal government is the last thing we should be trusting for anyones safety, only a fool would trust them.

And yet you do so every day.
Na, not really...
There really is no solution. That is the reality of it.
No it's not. The rate of public massacres can be reduced. And would be if it wasn't for vested interests saying there is no solution. Other countries have reduced their rates of massacre by controlling guns. There are solutions, the people who control American politicians don't want to implement those solutions.

If you read through all the threads created since the shooting their is one common denominator between most (not all) of these gun nuts. It's their's and everyone else right to have a gun no matter the consequences. Seems they believe when it's your time it's your time and nothing ain't going to stop it besides it's my right. Doesn't matter if it's one old person, 1 young person or several at a time it's my right to have this gun and do not tread on my rights, it was their time to die and nothing will stop it. This thinking over the years have filtered down to their kids and grand kids, no wonder kids or young adults are committing mass shootings.
The only thing that is COMMON among you fuckers is every shooting is a white conservative Christians fault. Never the actual person that shot fucking people. Especially if that person is some shade of brown.
Hope you daughter never has to deal with it.

Kids are tough to relate to sometimes. I have one that was a Bernie nut and one "gun nut" as the lefties like to call them.

BOTH girls in their twenties so I just nod and say yes dear...
So you had one kid that turned out well despite your negative influence.
One out of two ain’t bad.
They are both great girls. Do you have ANY limits?

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