My opinion as an Indian American


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
I'm an Indian American (as in India, not native american). I grew up in America since age 4, and I'm an American citizen.

I wanted to share my thoughts on a couple of things.
1) I don't want to turn America into India. I don't hate myself or my people, but I recognize America is a different country. And I'm opposed to any country having so many immigrants. I think immigration needs to be very limited. I do cringe a little when I see so many Asians, Indians, Mexicans, etc. coming here and speaking their languages, acting so smug and overconfident. So I just wanted to let you know what it's not just white people that are tired of immigration. Other races have our opinion on this as well.
2) I don't like Muslims, I don't like blacks, in general. It's the way they act, the way they are. I'm a darkie myself, I fully know that I'm not white. I don't apologize for this opinion, if you don't like Hindu Indians, feel free to vent your hate here at me. I won't silence you, though the moderators might.
With all other groups, it sort of depends on the individual. With white people, if you act comfortably and friendly around me, I will do the same. If you are racist or abusive, I reserve the right to defend myself.
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We all have the right to defend ourselves. I don't give skin color much consideration. It's way over hyped for political gain.
I'm an Indian American (as in India, not native american). I grew up in America since age 4, and I'm an American citizen.

I wanted to share my thoughts on a couple of things.
1) I don't want to turn America into India. I don't hate myself or my people, but I recognize America is a different country. And I'm opposed to any country having so many immigrants. I think immigration needs to be very limited. I do cringe a little when I see so many Asians, Indians, Mexicans, etc. coming here and speaking their languages, acting so smug and overconfident. So I just wanted to let you know what it's not just white people that are tired of immigration. Other races have our opinion on this as well.
2) I don't like Muslims, I don't like blacks, in general. It's the way they act, the way they are. I'm a darkie myself, I fully know that I'm not white. I don't apologize for this opinion, if you don't like Hindu Indians, feel free to vent your hate here at me. I won't silence you, though the moderators might.
With all other groups, it sort of depends on the individual. With white people, if you act comfortably and friendly around me, I will do the same. If you are racist or abusive, I reserve the right to defend myself.

I have REALLY horrific news for you-----Punjabi. INDIANS from India----as in
the hindu kind-----are considered by anthropologists to be CAUCASION. ----
even the gorgeous little elegant dravidians. Of course so are muslims of
south-east asia Do not hate them-----most of them used to be you. It is
the BRITS who call Indians---"brown"------or ('god' help us) ---"WOGS"
I have encountered many a 1st and 2nd gen desi

work hard
stay out of trouble
do very good in school

model citizens
I'm an Indian American (as in India, not native american). I grew up in America since age 4, and I'm an American citizen.

I wanted to share my thoughts on a couple of things.
1) I don't want to turn America into India. I don't hate myself or my people, but I recognize America is a different country. And I'm opposed to any country having so many immigrants. I think immigration needs to be very limited. I do cringe a little when I see so many Asians, Indians, Mexicans, etc. coming here and speaking their languages, acting so smug and overconfident. So I just wanted to let you know what it's not just white people that are tired of immigration. Other races have our opinion on this as well.
2) I don't like Muslims, I don't like blacks, in general. It's the way they act, the way they are. I'm a darkie myself, I fully know that I'm not white. I don't apologize for this opinion, if you don't like Hindu Indians, feel free to vent your hate here at me. I won't silence you, though the moderators might.
With all other groups, it sort of depends on the individual. With white people, if you act comfortably and friendly around me, I will do the same. If you are racist or abusive, I reserve the right to defend myself.
You are that guy I talked to at AT&T aren't you?
I'm an Indian American (as in India, not native american). I grew up in America since age 4, and I'm an American citizen.

I wanted to share my thoughts on a couple of things.
1) I don't want to turn America into India. I don't hate myself or my people, but I recognize America is a different country. And I'm opposed to any country having so many immigrants. I think immigration needs to be very limited. I do cringe a little when I see so many Asians, Indians, Mexicans, etc. coming here and speaking their languages, acting so smug and overconfident. So I just wanted to let you know what it's not just white people that are tired of immigration. Other races have our opinion on this as well.
2) I don't like Muslims, I don't like blacks, in general. It's the way they act, the way they are. I'm a darkie myself, I fully know that I'm not white. I don't apologize for this opinion, if you don't like Hindu Indians, feel free to vent your hate here at me. I won't silence you, though the moderators might.
With all other groups, it sort of depends on the individual. With white people, if you act comfortably and friendly around me, I will do the same. If you are racist or abusive, I reserve the right to defend myself.

Sounds like you're conflating "race" with "culture" here. Your OP is basically about the latter, yet seems to be trying to latch onto the former as a crutch.

Also infected with blanket generalizations --- "I don't like Muslims" (which Muslims?). Hey, I don't like (some) Christians, (some) Jews or (some) atheists either but it's got nothing to do with what they do in private. I think that's your first thing to work on.

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