My problem with the NFL re: National Anthem

Please show me anywhere that is a requirement in the privacy of your own home.

When traveling on Army posts, I have to do this very thing, and some of those are just bugle calls!
Please show me the punishment all those players got when they knelt last sunday. None you say? Then it's not a requirement.

So no actual punishment from the NFL. Got it.

Yep and there won't be from the NFL (National Felon League) They are now turning it all about Trump. I would really like to think that the protestors knew the point they are trying to make, but I believe most don't know.

Trump put himself in that position. Do you types ever stop being victims?

You have a really hard time understand things. The "protest" about civil injustice that started with ONE guy pretty much stayed with ONE guy until this week end. What changed? Trump. Now the "protest" isn't about social justice it is about Trump. Doesn't that seem to diminish what was the original intent?

Don't you think it BS that players who sworn they never would take a knee when it was about social injustice, now take a knee when it is about Trump. Two faced fakes the whole lot of them. And the biggest howl is that it is millionaires taking a knee for rich team owners, meanwhile nothing changes for black lives. If anything this will make it worse.
So the Pittsburgh Steelers, especially their coach, wanted to show support for a player's right to kneel, stand, or whatever by encouraging and pressuring all of their team members to boycott the national anthem 'to remove themselves from the circumstance'. .

Offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva, however, wanted to exercise HIS right to go out, stand, and put his hand over his heart in respect to the flag. Villanueva, by the way, served his country as an Army Ranger and, respectfully, he wanted no part of a team 'show of unity' by disrespecting the flag.

To Villanueva, to stay in the locker room during the anthem was pretty much the same as taking a knee on the sideline. So, he, on his own, came out and honored the flag. Tomlin 'took a swipe' at him when talking to the media for not joining with his team in protest.

Umm, I thought the point was players should not be maligned for their choices, Coach Tomlin? Or maybe you were saying loyalty to team is more important to country?

Kudos to Villanueva for standing up and putting nation / patriotism over 'team solidarity' when, in his opinion, what they were doing was the wrong least it was for him.


:clap: :happy-1: :mm: :rock: :salute: :thewave: :eusa_clap: :bow3: :clap2:
He has since been forced to apologize for not disrespecting the flag, the country and those who have served. the world is upside down.
Your problem with the NFL re: the National Anthem is exactly the same as every dumbass rube's problem. You don't understand what the protest is about and you don't understand what the flag represents.

Saying "there are other ways to protest" is really stupid and fails to recognize the importanct role that protests play in our society.
Can someone quickly lookup the original intent and meaning of the national anthem?

Also, please post the 3rd verse.

Your problem with the NFL re: the National Anthem is exactly the same as every dumbass rube's problem. You don't understand what the protest is about and you don't understand what the flag represents.

Saying "there are other ways to protest" is really stupid and fails to recognize the importanct role that protests play in our society.
Can someone quickly lookup the original intent and meaning of the national anthem?

Also, please post the 3rd verse.

You mean the 3rd verse that is never played and very very few even know was written, until there had to be a reason to hate the anthem. The 3rd verse that talks about slaves that traded and went over to fight for the British, you mean that verse?

Or do you mean this loving verse?

I'm a cop killer, better you than me.
Cop killer, fuck police brutality!
Cop killer, I know your family's grieving,
(fuck 'em!)
Cop killer, but tonight we get even, ha ha.
You mean the 3rd verse that is never played and very very few even know was written, until there had to be a reason to hate the anthem. The 3rd verse that talks about slaves that traded and went over to fight for the British, you mean that verse?

Or do you mean this loving verse?

I'm a cop killer, better you than me.
Cop killer, fuck police brutality!
Cop killer, I know your family's grieving,
(fuck 'em!)
Cop killer, but tonight we get even, ha ha.
The 3rd verse is pro-slavery?

Hmm...doesn't that mean that the song is about that? Or is about defending that at the very least?
You mean the 3rd verse that is never played and very very few even know was written, until there had to be a reason to hate the anthem. The 3rd verse that talks about slaves that traded and went over to fight for the British, you mean that verse?

Or do you mean this loving verse?

I'm a cop killer, better you than me.
Cop killer, fuck police brutality!
Cop killer, I know your family's grieving,
(fuck 'em!)
Cop killer, but tonight we get even, ha ha.
The 3rd verse is pro-slavery?

Hmm...doesn't that mean that the song is about that? Or is about defending that at the very least?
Here is an article that explains it to you. I realize you have a story line to follow but try and understand.

The National Anthem Does Not 'Celebrate Slavery': The Meaning of Lyric Used to Defend Kaepernick

BTW, was there slavery, yes we all know there was. Was it right, no we can all agree. I just wonder how long you are going to keep yourself in bondage to events that ended long ago.

EDIT: there is nothing in the 3rd verse that is pro slavery.
Here is an article that explains it to you. I realize you have a story line to follow but try and understand.

The National Anthem Does Not 'Celebrate Slavery': The Meaning of Lyric Used to Defend Kaepernick

BTW, was there slavery, yes we all know there was. Was it right, no we can all agree. I just wonder how long you are going to keep yourself in bondage to events that ended long ago.

EDIT: there is nothing in the 3rd verse that is pro slavery.
How long are those Confederate flag lovers going to be in bondage over their loss decades ago?
Here is an article that explains it to you. I realize you have a story line to follow but try and understand.

The National Anthem Does Not 'Celebrate Slavery': The Meaning of Lyric Used to Defend Kaepernick

BTW, was there slavery, yes we all know there was. Was it right, no we can all agree. I just wonder how long you are going to keep yourself in bondage to events that ended long ago.

EDIT: there is nothing in the 3rd verse that is pro slavery.
How long are those Confederate flag lovers going to be in bondage over their loss decades ago?
Not sure, but there still are a lot of loss causers out there. But I will say, pointing out bad behavior is not a good excuse for your own.
Per the NFL rulebook:

  1. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country.
Why do you not respect the flag or our country. Our country is the people. There are other ways to show your discontent with the President. People take not standing up for the flag as an insult on the United States as a unit. It makes people feel that you don't want to be here or don't like the unit as a whole (not just the administration) - and there are a lot of people that worked hard to build the US that are still alive today. There are a lot of people young and old that have risked their lives for the United States.

this is not going to be popular among a lot of posters here but i have never been one worried about what others think and never back down from what i say when i know i am here it is.

what they dont understand when risking their lives is that in all these wars we get involved in,they are all started by the bankers.they have been brainwashed and conditioned to believe they are fighting for our country when they are actually serving the interests of the know the elite has plans to kill us all off right? they want to but they wont succeed.

I will hear from the sheep that that is a conspiracy theory and I am tinfoil hatter but that is because they have done no research into it and are not aware of the facts and that is because they dont want to go down that rabbet hole cause its a scary hole once you go down it and see the light on how corrupt our government really is.

I find here all the time i would have better luck talking to a brick wall trying to get them to reason to facts that the democrats are as evil and corrupt as the republicans than I do with many posters here.anytime i challenge them to look at the evidence,they do this everytime-:scared1:

I dont see that as disrespecting the flag or the country at all.I see that as taking a stand against our corrupt government with a bunch of racist redneck cops murdering blacks and protesting the criminals in washington by doing that.

Ever since I been awake to how corrupt our government REALLY is,i myself have refused when i go to ballgames to stand there and put my hand over my heart and salute the flag,i leave and go to the restroom at that point.It nausates me when all the sheep do that because this isnt a free country,its a facist DICTATERSHIP.

It nauseates me to hear that song the national anthem because of those propaganda BS words the Land of the free. It is the land of the OPPRESSED is what is accurate.:mad:

and the pledge of allegiance -all men are crated equal? please what kind of BS is that? we are the most racist dictaters in the nation.

Did you know there is not ONE BLACK OWNER in the NFL? thats because they are racist rednecks who dont want someone of that color in their own little country club.

I admire all these NFL players for taking a stand against our corrupt government as they have.I would stand with them in a heartbeat myself.:thup:

I really hope baseball and other players of other professional sports follow the lead of the NFL.:thup:

we are living in dangerous times right now with more and more freedoms being taken away from us all the time and more and more like big brother all the time.someone has to take s atand against this and thats what they are doing and i admire them for doing so.
. So for you it's all about the racist whitey America in which you hate ? You say government, but do you mean that white government ?? Are you a racist because of white racist ? Are you black ?
Your problem with the NFL re: the National Anthem is exactly the same as every dumbass rube's problem. You don't understand what the protest is about and you don't understand what the flag represents.

Saying "there are other ways to protest" is really stupid and fails to recognize the importanct role that protests play in our society.
Can someone quickly lookup the original intent and meaning of the national anthem?

Also, please post the 3rd verse.

. If you hate everything about this country, and even the sacrifices whites have made on your behalf, then you know where the door is.
Here is an article that explains it to you. I realize you have a story line to follow but try and understand.

The National Anthem Does Not 'Celebrate Slavery': The Meaning of Lyric Used to Defend Kaepernick

BTW, was there slavery, yes we all know there was. Was it right, no we can all agree. I just wonder how long you are going to keep yourself in bondage to events that ended long ago.

EDIT: there is nothing in the 3rd verse that is pro slavery.
How long are those Confederate flag lovers going to be in bondage over their loss decades ago?
Not sure, but there still are a lot of loss causers out there. But I will say, pointing out bad behavior is not a good excuse for your own.
. Using bad behaviour as a reason to kill innocent cops (IMHO) crossed the line big time. Those who advocated for such a thing haven't got a leg to stand on after that bullcrap. Just showed that they can be just as bad as the bad cops are, where as in that respect everyone loses in the situation. How about let's all focus on the individuals who are actual players/victims in the crimes that are committed, and quit making war upon the innocent. The blacks ought to realize by now, that they have plenty of white allies who will fight right along side of them for justice, so why make this some sort of racist white verses black thing, when it's just a criminal verses the unarmed Innocent citizen sort of thing ?? Whites have been killed by bad cop's in the past also.
Not sure, but there still are a lot of loss causers out there. But I will say, pointing out bad behavior is not a good excuse for your own.
The point was that I never see you pointing out the lost cause of the Confederate flag lovers, although you have ample opportunities, and will continue, to do so.

However, carry on.
Here is an article that explains it to you. I realize you have a story line to follow but try and understand.

The National Anthem Does Not 'Celebrate Slavery': The Meaning of Lyric Used to Defend Kaepernick

BTW, was there slavery, yes we all know there was. Was it right, no we can all agree. I just wonder how long you are going to keep yourself in bondage to events that ended long ago.

EDIT: there is nothing in the 3rd verse that is pro slavery.
How long are those Confederate flag lovers going to be in bondage over their loss decades ago?
Not sure, but there still are a lot of loss causers out there. But I will say, pointing out bad behavior is not a good excuse for your own.
. Using bad behaviour as a reason to kill innocent cops (IMHO) crossed the line big time. Those who advocated for such a thing haven't got a leg to stand on after that bullcrap. Just showed that they can be just as bad as the bad cops are, where as in that respect everyone loses in the situation. How about let's all focus on the individuals who are actual players/victims in the crimes that are committed, and quit making war upon the innocent. The blacks ought to realize by now, that they have plenty of white allies who will fight right along side of them for justice, so why make this some sort of racist white verses black thing, when it's just a criminal verses the unarmed Innocent citizen sort of thing ?? Whites have been killed by bad cop's in the past also.

Oh. You think someone here has tried to justify killing cops? No wonder you can't arrive at the right conclusion. You are hindered by absolute ignorance.
Actually this is not a free speech issue at all.

If the owners of the teams told the players they cannot protest while they are at work and if they do they'll be fired or suspended without pay then the players would have to comply if they didn't want to be fired or suspended.

Well, yeah,except that the players have union contracts that makes it very difficult to fire them or do that.

But of course, Once the Orange Shitgibbon started attacking the NFL, they had to side with the players.
Bad cop.... Nobody stands up for or behind a bad cop, but we do stand when innocent cops are gunned down because people seek vengence instead of justice. Let the justice system work, and if it don't then peacefully protest like they did on the Washington mall. No dam excuse in violence period.

But that's the problem. The system isn't holding the bad cops responsible.

Other than Slager, not a single bad cop has gone to jail yet.
Actually this is not a free speech issue at all.

If the owners of the teams told the players they cannot protest while they are at work and if they do they'll be fired or suspended without pay then the players would have to comply if they didn't want to be fired or suspended.

Well, yeah,except that the players have union contracts that makes it very difficult to fire them or do that.

But of course, Once the Orange Shitgibbon started attacking the NFL, they had to side with the players.

There are always clauses in a contract that can be exploited

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