My problem with the NFL re: National Anthem

I don't have sympathy for people who victimize society. Good riddance.

He was 'victimizing society" by selling CD's? Really?

This would tell most thinking people that there is much more to this story. The cops aren't going to chase you down and shoot you for selling CDs. He was obviously fighting with them, and THAT is why he was shot. NOT for selling CDs. You liberals are such annoying clowns.
This would tell most thinking people that there is much more to this story. The cops aren't going to chase you down and shoot you for selling CDs. He was obviously fighting with them, and THAT is why he was shot. NOT for selling CDs. You liberals are such annoying clowns.

Was he obviously fighting with them? Because the witnesses say he wasn't, and the tape doesn't seem to support that.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People!

Well, if they start fighting, then it is what it is. The outcome is your own fault.

Strikes me that if you want to make that the standard, cops can just claim you were 'fighting' and execute you in the street. That wouldn't be a good thing.
This would tell most thinking people that there is much more to this story. The cops aren't going to chase you down and shoot you for selling CDs. He was obviously fighting with them, and THAT is why he was shot. NOT for selling CDs. You liberals are such annoying clowns.

Was he obviously fighting with them? Because the witnesses say he wasn't, and the tape doesn't seem to support that.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People!

Well, if they start fighting, then it is what it is. The outcome is your own fault.

Strikes me that if you want to make that the standard, cops can just claim you were 'fighting' and execute you in the street. That wouldn't be a good thing.

Looks like he is to me. Did you watch the video? They are fighting with him because he is still resisting them.
This would tell most thinking people that there is much more to this story. The cops aren't going to chase you down and shoot you for selling CDs. He was obviously fighting with them, and THAT is why he was shot. NOT for selling CDs. You liberals are such annoying clowns.

Was he obviously fighting with them? Because the witnesses say he wasn't, and the tape doesn't seem to support that.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People!

Well, if they start fighting, then it is what it is. The outcome is your own fault.

Strikes me that if you want to make that the standard, cops can just claim you were 'fighting' and execute you in the street. That wouldn't be a good thing.

Yet that seems to happen rarely when people cooperate and are pleasant.
Looks like he is to me. Did you watch the video? They are fighting with him because he is still resisting them.

I did watch the video. I see two guys beating up a guy and then shooting him.

But Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People!

Yet that seems to happen rarely when people cooperate and are pleasant.

Yes, "Pleasant" = "White"
Per the NFL rulebook:

  1. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country.
Why do you not respect the flag or our country. Our country is the people. There are other ways to show your discontent with the President. People take not standing up for the flag as an insult on the United States as a unit. It makes people feel that you don't want to be here or don't like the unit as a whole (not just the administration) - and there are a lot of people that worked hard to build the US that are still alive today. There are a lot of people young and old that have risked their lives for the United States.

Problem being they did NOT take a knee during the National A OR the flag. it was before. big deal, a small non violent silent protest.
Like everyone, people have a right to NOT do things. To say what they want.
But also, there are consequences, so, if you are willing to endure them, fine.

Just like committing crimes. You have a right to commit them. But you also have the consequence of going to jail.
Actually this is not a free speech issue at all.

If the owners of the teams told the players they cannot protest while they are at work and if they do they'll be fired or suspended without pay then the players would have to comply if they didn't want to be fired or suspended.
No they shouldn't be, and no good cop wants to shoot someone for nothing, but depending on what happens in the stop, people sure can be shot if cause a bad situation that prompts an officer to take such actions in order to defend him or herself.

Except, of course, you get cases like Walter Scott, where the cop claimed that Scott tried to steal his taser, and then video emerged of him shooting Scott in the back and planting his taser on him.
. Bad cop.... Nobody stands up for or behind a bad cop, but we do stand when innocent cops are gunned down because people seek vengence instead of justice. Let the justice system work, and if it don't then peacefully protest like they did on the Washington mall. No dam excuse in violence period.
Most people who are shot by the police are involved in some form of criminal activity. You are responsible for your own path that you choose in this life.
. This is known already, but what they (the black community) is doing is extending the boundaries to include as many numbers as possible amongst their ranks (leave no man behind in which in most cases is a very noble thing), and to cover as many issues as possible under the umbrella they've got opened up..... When they do this, the bad end up in the basket with them sadly (happens to all cultures and races). Then when that bad tries to spoil the whole bunch, they don't care what you or I say about it, because they've got an overall agenda working in which the numbers must stay strong on. This stems from a long time ago rocky tragic past, where as they feel for some reason it is creeping back up on them or can creep back up on them if not aware. It's really a complicated issue for them, because they feel as if they are not ready for the future in many ways, so they hang onto the numbers in an attempt to slow down the change they don't like, but within those numbers lay evilness or the bad in which seeks to disrupt their progress from within. That evil or bad steady tells them that you can't trust whitey ever, and then when the bad end up in a situation, they say see, see, see, I told you that you can't trust whitey even if whitey had nothing to do with it.
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Like everyone, people have a right to NOT do things. To say what they want.
But also, there are consequences, so, if you are willing to endure them, fine.

Just like committing crimes. You have a right to commit them. But you also have the consequence of going to jail.
Actually this is not a free speech issue at all.

If the owners of the teams told the players they cannot protest while they are at work and if they do they'll be fired or suspended without pay then the players would have to comply if they didn't want to be fired or suspended.
. The owners are to scared to do it, because the league has a percentage problem of athlete's being of one color, and that color when it comes down to it will stick together like glue no matter what if they think they are right about something. The whites as players in the same senario ??? Not so much I don't think....... They (the owners) are terrified of a walk out if attempt to punish anyone for the situation that is going on (huge losses they predict). I guess this is a great example of people standing behind something if they think they are right or it is an example of how to hold hostage any institution if you got the numbers to do it whether wrong or right.
Most people who are shot by the police are involved in some form of criminal activity. You are responsible for your own path that you choose in this life.

Yeah, well, here's the thing. We aren't hiring executioners. also, they are more likely to use lethal force against blacks, if they were shooting white people are this rate, we wouldn't have an issue.

Now post all the blacks faces who murdered their own in Chicago... I bet they look just as ominus as that mentally unstable white kid above who needs the dam electric chair just as quickly as any other cold blooded murderous cop or thug does.
I'm sure we can find incidents of black people NOT getting shot as well. Lol. More hyperbole from you. How surprising.

Did you watch the video? that WHite guy was in the middle of the street with an assault rifle and they spent about five minutes talking to him instead of shooting him.

As opposed to Tamir Rice, who was shot 1.3 seconds after the cop left the car.

Or LaQuan McDonald, who was shot 16 times, and he didn't even have a gun.
. What are the rates of incidences between the cultures, the cops and the races ?? Cherry picking can always skew the results, and one thing many who end up picking a side are good at is cherry picking.
This would tell most thinking people that there is much more to this story. The cops aren't going to chase you down and shoot you for selling CDs. He was obviously fighting with them, and THAT is why he was shot. NOT for selling CDs. You liberals are such annoying clowns.

Was he obviously fighting with them? Because the witnesses say he wasn't, and the tape doesn't seem to support that.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People!

Well, if they start fighting, then it is what it is. The outcome is your own fault.

Strikes me that if you want to make that the standard, cops can just claim you were 'fighting' and execute you in the street. That wouldn't be a good thing.
. There you go labeling cop's as bad again or lumping them all together again. Good grief... It's people like you who have the blood of innocent cops on your hands.
Per the NFL rulebook:

  1. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country.
Why do you not respect the flag or our country. Our country is the people. There are other ways to show your discontent with the President. People take not standing up for the flag as an insult on the United States as a unit. It makes people feel that you don't want to be here or don't like the unit as a whole (not just the administration) - and there are a lot of people that worked hard to build the US that are still alive today. There are a lot of people young and old that have risked their lives for the United States.

this is not going to be popular among a lot of posters here but i have never been one worried about what others think and never back down from what i say when i know i am here it is.

what they dont understand when risking their lives is that in all these wars we get involved in,they are all started by the bankers.they have been brainwashed and conditioned to believe they are fighting for our country when they are actually serving the interests of the know the elite has plans to kill us all off right? they want to but they wont succeed.

I will hear from the sheep that that is a conspiracy theory and I am tinfoil hatter but that is because they have done no research into it and are not aware of the facts and that is because they dont want to go down that rabbet hole cause its a scary hole once you go down it and see the light on how corrupt our government really is.

I find here all the time i would have better luck talking to a brick wall trying to get them to reason to facts that the democrats are as evil and corrupt as the republicans than I do with many posters here.anytime i challenge them to look at the evidence,they do this everytime-:scared1:

I dont see that as disrespecting the flag or the country at all.I see that as taking a stand against our corrupt government with a bunch of racist redneck cops murdering blacks and protesting the criminals in washington by doing that.

Ever since I been awake to how corrupt our government REALLY is,i myself have refused when i go to ballgames to stand there and put my hand over my heart and salute the flag,i leave and go to the restroom at that point.It nausates me when all the sheep do that because this isnt a free country,its a facist DICTATERSHIP.

It nauseates me to hear that song the national anthem because of those propaganda BS words the Land of the free. It is the land of the OPPRESSED is what is accurate.:mad:

and the pledge of allegiance -all men are crated equal? please what kind of BS is that? we are the most racist dictaters in the nation.

Did you know there is not ONE BLACK OWNER in the NFL? thats because they are racist rednecks who dont want someone of that color in their own little country club.

I admire all these NFL players for taking a stand against our corrupt government as they have.I would stand with them in a heartbeat myself.:thup:

I really hope baseball and other players of other professional sports follow the lead of the NFL.:thup:

we are living in dangerous times right now with more and more freedoms being taken away from us all the time and more and more like big brother all the time.someone has to take s atand against this and thats what they are doing and i admire them for doing so.
Per the NFL rulebook:

  1. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country.
Why do you not respect the flag or our country. Our country is the people. There are other ways to show your discontent with the President. People take not standing up for the flag as an insult on the United States as a unit. It makes people feel that you don't want to be here or don't like the unit as a whole (not just the administration) - and there are a lot of people that worked hard to build the US that are still alive today. There are a lot of people young and old that have risked their lives for the United States.
STFU you fucking hypocrite, I bet you've NEVER stood up at home when you hear a national anthem.

I'm usually not watching the game when it's being played, but, no, I would not you are correct. But when I am at the events I always do (and I also sing along, which I'm sure is QUITE offensive to those around me!)

If you sing along,then i am afraid that is being a blind sheep as i mentioned before,no offense.hey i was one as well at one point so I am including myself in there also since i did it one point as well.
WHY anybody would want to stand there and sing those propaganda BS words Land of the free when it is the Land of the OPPRESSED,disgusts me that they are not awake yet all these years later and cant see how they have been brainwashed into believing they dont live in a free country as we have been programmed to believe our whole lives by our corrupt school system.:cuckoo:

beam me up scotty,theres no intelligent life forms on this planet.
I see photos like the one in your post, Hutch Starskey, and I'm reminded that people want us to believe that the Confederate flag wavers aren't espousing hatred and bigotry. In turn, I wonder just how stupid are the people who say that is so, but I know the answer: stupid enough to think the rest of us believe sh*t when they utter it.

I used to have the CBF displayed at my home in MD, and when a neighbor complained to me personally about it and explained why, I took it down and put it in my closet.

My sole reason for displaying the flag was that I am a military history fan, and I enjoy reading about the Civil War and displayed the flag as a reminder of that war.

Others, like the Sons of Confederate Veterans display their flags in annual ceremonies honoring the Civil War dead of both sides.

You really shouldnt play Kreskin and try to read the minds of other people whose pics you see on the internet.

There's no ambiguity about the intentions of the flag bearers in the subject photo.

View attachment 151235
Thank you.

I couldn't think of something polite to say in response to Jim's comment, so I just didn't post anything.

They have the same right to carry those flags as the players do in speaking their minds. Hiowever, the flagbearers are in an actual protest, not standing on a field getting ready to do their job.
Actually the pregame is part of the player's job too.
I see photos like the one in your post, Hutch Starskey, and I'm reminded that people want us to believe that the Confederate flag wavers aren't espousing hatred and bigotry. In turn, I wonder just how stupid are the people who say that is so, but I know the answer: stupid enough to think the rest of us believe sh*t when they utter it.

I used to have the CBF displayed at my home in MD, and when a neighbor complained to me personally about it and explained why, I took it down and put it in my closet.

My sole reason for displaying the flag was that I am a military history fan, and I enjoy reading about the Civil War and displayed the flag as a reminder of that war.

Others, like the Sons of Confederate Veterans display their flags in annual ceremonies honoring the Civil War dead of both sides.

You really shouldnt play Kreskin and try to read the minds of other people whose pics you see on the internet.

There's no ambiguity about the intentions of the flag bearers in the subject photo.

View attachment 151235
Thank you.

I couldn't think of something polite to say in response to Jim's comment, so I just didn't post anything.

They have the same right to carry those flags as the players do in speaking their minds. Hiowever, the flagbearers are in an actual protest, not standing on a field getting ready to do their job.

Since when does protesting and self expression have temporal requirements?
When on the clock, it's time to do one's job.

If my free expression is damaging to the public image of my employer, there may be consequences, I may find that I am no longer employed.

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