My proof that God exists

I was trying to keep the discussion at a higher level, but inevitably the trolls came along and dragged this thread into the gutter.

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but god can't be proven = the thread can't be serious/''higher level''/etc
I have proven God to my satisfaction, and hopefully to the satisfaction of those who believe, as I do, that the existence of beauty in this world proves the existence of God.
I was trying to keep the discussion at a higher level, but inevitably the trolls came along and dragged this thread into the gutter.

Moderators, please close this thread.
but god can't be proven = the thread can't be serious/''higher level''/etc a
I have proven God to my satisfaction, and hopefully to the satisfaction of those who believe, as I do, that the existence of beauty in this world proves the existence of God.
But in order to call one thing beautiful, you must call something else ugly. If everything was beautiful, there would be no such concept. So the fact that we consider somethings beautiful and others ugly, some things good and somethings bad in no way requires a god.
I was trying to keep the discussion at a higher level, but inevitably the trolls came along and dragged this thread into the gutter.

Moderators, please close this thread.
but god can't be proven = the thread can't be serious/''higher level''/etc
I have proven God to my satisfaction, and hopefully to the satisfaction of those who believe, as I do, that the existence of beauty in this world proves the existence of God.
no--it doesn't prove it
Look at women -- they are unnecessarily wonderful to look at.

All that is necessary for the human race to survive is that women attract men so that we want to have sexual intercourse with them.

But women are so much more than that.

They inspire us to paint them, make statues of them, write poetry and songs about them.

Women are unnecessarily wonderful and that is my proof of God.
If that’s your proof, tell us all why priests rape young boy ... sometimes.
Did they learn that from God?
..they have an idiotic answer for everything--like ''free will'' time I asked one if incest is a sin, that means Adam and Eve's kids committed incest.....he said '' it wasn't incest ---------back then''''' hahahahhahahah
I tried reading the Bible and could not stop shaking my head incredulously. After reading the beginning of Genesis, when God created a woman from Adam‘s rib, i stopped. Why could God not create a woman the same way he created Adam? Why was Adam first? If God was lazy (ha ha), he could have created Eve first and have Adam be the first “virgin” birth. LOL.
And the serpent original “sin” story. Give me a break!! Are believers that stupid?

MAKES NO SENSE, and neither do ANY OTHER religious texts made up by ignorant “authorities” guiding their sheep with force or money or guilt or you name it.
They don’t want people to think intelligently (common sense!) for themselves.
I was trying to keep the discussion at a higher level, but inevitably the trolls came along and dragged this thread into the gutter.

Moderators, please close this thread.
Oh, yeah.
I was jesting too.
Look at women -- they are unnecessarily wonderful to look at.

All that is necessary for the human race to survive is that women attract men so that we want to have sexual intercourse with them.

But women are so much more than that.

They inspire us to paint them, make statues of them, write poetry and songs about them.

Women are unnecessarily wonderful and that is my proof of God.
All you're really pointing out is that we exist because we are attracted to the opposite sex. If that attraction wasn't there, we wouldn't perpetuate the species. Ant by natural selection, we desire that which we see as more attractive, mating with it more, thereby giving certain qualities a natural advantage to become stronger and more attractive and mate even more.

In contrast, most leftists are so plain butt ugly, I couldn't mate with them to save the planet. Only mean, ugly, stupid people would mate with them which must be why most progressives are flying dickwads. Leftists are the natural poster child for birth control.

The animal mates, but get no joy in it.

Only humans feel the emotions of love, pleasure and joy as part of the mating act.

The relationship between a man and a woman is a gift from God. It is not necessary that we feel pleasure in each other's company, it is something we have because God has made it so.
Look at women -- they are unnecessarily wonderful to look at.

All that is necessary for the human race to survive is that women attract men so that we want to have sexual intercourse with them.

But women are so much more than that.

They inspire us to paint them, make statues of them, write poetry and songs about them.

Women are unnecessarily wonderful and that is my proof of God.
And force them to have sex against their will and maybe hurt them if they refuse......seems to be a male thing.
Look at women -- they are unnecessarily wonderful to look at.

All that is necessary for the human race to survive is that women attract men so that we want to have sexual intercourse with them.

But women are so much more than that.

They inspire us to paint them, make statues of them, write poetry and songs about them.

Women are unnecessarily wonderful and that is my proof of God.
If that’s your proof, tell us all why priests rape young boy ... sometimes.
Did they learn that from God?
Well, priests have also raped little girls and nuns too.
The animal mates, but get no joy in it.
How many animals have you asked?

Only humans feel the emotions of love, pleasure and joy as part of the mating act.
Anyone who has owned a pet can attest that animals feel love.
Anyone who has ever rubbed and petted their pet knows an animal feels pleasure.
Anyone who has ever seen a pet light up at their arrival coming home from a long day away can confirm an animal feels joy.
Look at women -- they are unnecessarily wonderful to look at.

All that is necessary for the human race to survive is that women attract men so that we want to have sexual intercourse with them.

But women are so much more than that.

They inspire us to paint them, make statues of them, write poetry and songs about them.

Women are unnecessarily wonderful and that is my proof of God.
If that’s your proof, tell us all why priests rape young boy ... sometimes.
Did they learn that from God?
Well, priests have also raped little girls and nuns too.
I know, but maybe the naive nuns deserved the lesson. Minor girls & boys don’t.
I was trying to keep the discussion at a higher level, but inevitably the trolls came along and dragged this thread into the gutter.

Moderators, please close this thread.

Not so fast blackrook! I didn't notice this thread until just now. I can assure you I will respond to your posts respectfully.

You are correct that beauty is one proof of God - as one poster mentioned - flowers are beautiful!

And, yes, some beautiful love songs have been written about women. But the Bible stresses inner beauty. I like the song of Solomon about one young woman who rejected his advances and all his power and riches and stayed loyal to her lover - I especially like this verse of that song - the words of this beautiful young woman whose greatest beauty was her loyal love:

Song of Solomon 8:6,7
Place me as a seal upon your heart,
As a seal upon your arm,
For love is as strong as death is,+
And exclusive devotion is as unyielding as the Grave.*
Its flames are a blazing fire, the flame of Jah.*+

7 Surging waters cannot extinguish love,+
Nor can rivers wash it away.+
If a man would offer all the wealth of his house for love,
It* would be utterly despised.”
I also liked these verses, again by the Shulahmite maiden:

Song of Solomon 3:1-5

“Upon my bed during the nights,
I sought the one I love.*+
I sought him, but I did not find him.+

2 I will arise and roam the city;
In the streets and in the public squares,
Let me seek the one I love.*
I sought him, but I did not find him.

3 The watchmen making their rounds in the city found me.+

‘Have you seen the one I love?’*

4 Scarcely had I passed by them
When I found the one I love.*
I held on to him, I would not let him go
Until I brought him into my mother’s house,+
Into the interior room of her who conceived me.
5 I put you under oath, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles and the does of the field:
Do not try to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined.”+

If you read the whole song you will find her lover felt the same way about her.

This type of love is called "the flame of Jah" (abbreviation of Jehovah). Of course, there are many evidences of God - but love is in my opinion the most beautiful evidence.

Btw - I have been married for 38 years - nothing but death will separate us.
The animal mates, but get no joy in it.

Only humans feel the emotions of love, pleasure and joy as part of the mating act.
more religious dogma from the desert.

* payton place, the next chapter, will the x be invited to the wedding - funny, your religious scruples ...
I was trying to keep the discussion at a higher level, but inevitably the trolls came along and dragged this thread into the gutter.

Moderators, please close this thread.
but god can't be proven = the thread can't be serious/''higher level''/etc
I have proven God to my satisfaction, and hopefully to the satisfaction of those who believe, as I do, that the existence of beauty in this world proves the existence of God.

Being a doubting Thomas type, that would not be enough proof for me - but I certainly agree that beauty on this planet (from God, not man) is proof of God's existence. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 states "Prove all things" - KJV. The study of beauty on this planet is just one of those things. But a beautiful thing!

As I posted, the Song of Solomon shows the inner beauty of loyal love and calls romantic love "the flame of Jah." The existence of love in its many good forms (as in the loyal love in the song) is even more "convincing evidence" (Greek for "evident demonstration in the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1) for me that God is love (1 John 4:8).

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