My son wears dresses - Get over it

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
My Son Wears Dresses; Get Over It - Atlantic Mobile

I've been a police officer for more than 15 years. I've been a detective and now I’m a senior officer who trains the new recruits out on the street. Before that I was a firefighter. Before that I played football in college after playing baseball and football in high school, and lettering my sophomore year. I like beer, classic trucks, punk music, riding my motorcycle and catching the game with my buddies. I’m a stereotypical “guy’s guy” and hyper-masculine to a lot of people, I guess. Which may be why it surprises them when they find out that my son wears dresses. And heels, and makeup. It surprises them even more when they learn that I’m cool with it. And at this point, I wouldn't want him to change. Because, if my son liked boy stuff and dressed like a boy, he wouldn't be my boy, he’d be like a stranger.

I grew up in a sports-oriented family. My father was a high school football and baseball coach and my mother was a professional surfer. I had one brother. Growing up, I don’t remember homosexuality or gender being discussed in my house. No negative talk. No positive talk. No talk about it at all. My brother and I are straight. It appeared that all of my extended family and my parents’ friends were straight. I thought that that’s how it went. Then, at 18, I met my future wife and she introduced me to her brother. He was the first openly gay person I had ever met. He was cool, and who he chose to love or get physical with was none of my concern. That didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that I thought his sister was hot. I focused on that.

But, being an athlete, a firefighter, and a cop, I have spent a lot of time in locker rooms and around guys who dish out homophobic slurs like turkey on Thanksgiving. Faggot. Queer. Gay. Homo. Cocksucker. I started to notice the slurs more after I met my future brother-in-law. Then, I had a son who—as he describes himself—only likes girl stuff and wants to be treated like a girl, and those insults started to get under my skin in a new way.

Sometimes I’ll call people out when they use them.

“Bro, I was just joking. You know I was kidding. What’s your problem?”

Those are the responses I get.

Here’s the thing. When you use those words as a way to degrade or get the upper hand on someone, you are implying that to be a man who is gay or effeminate is to be “lesser than.” Now, when I hear those words, I feel like you are calling my son and people like him “lesser than.” I won’t stand for that. Get a dictionary. Learn some new words.

I don’t tell most of the guys who I work with at the police department about my son. It’s none of their business and I don’t trust them with the information. I don’t trust what they might think or say behind my back when they should just say it to my face. I don’t trust them with a kid as kick-ass and special as mine.

My close friends know. And I know that they are my close friends because they don’t give a shit. They don’t care what toys my son likes or how he chooses to dress. They just care that he is happy and healthy and that I’m being a good dad.

More at the link.

Parents who have children that are "special" because of a peculiar aberration are usually quite proud of that aberration. The child has a mental defect and he believes himself to be a girl. He could have Down's Syndrome, or retardation, or been born crippled. Parents of such children still find reasons to be proud of their children. They do need to recognize that them and their child will not get the chest bursting pride of others, but pity.
Just because a man, or boy, likes to wear dresses, it doesn't mean he is gay.

In fact, I believe that statistically, most crossdressers are heterosexual. Very few gays crossdress.

Luddly, nice piece. An example of how the love of a parent for their child should be.
I have never met or heard of any parents of a new born infant who said, "I hope when little Johnny grows up he chooses to become a homo".

True story......... :cool:

Looks like you're one of those ignorant fools who actually believe you CHOSE to be heterosexual.

Go to Google Images. Key in 'queen elizabeth man with kilt'. See man in kilt sitting next to the queen. Suck on that for a while! Cheers!
Two of my three sons went through stages where they experimented with girls clothes etc. We laughed but when it looked like it was going to become a thing, I told them both "you're a boy, and boys don't wear girls clothes. Dresses, makeup and heels are for girls."

No trauma, no drama.

If you're allowing your little boy to dress in drag, you're a pervert who is living vicariously and pervertedly through your kid.
Just because a man, or boy, likes to wear dresses, it doesn't mean he is gay.

In fact, I believe that statistically, most crossdressers are heterosexual. Very few gays crossdress.

Luddly, nice piece. An example of how the love of a parent for their child should be.

Cross dressing men never think they are women.
Two of my three sons went through stages where they experimented with girls clothes etc. We laughed but when it looked like it was going to become a thing, I told them both "you're a boy, and boys don't wear girls clothes. Dresses, makeup and heels are for girls."

No trauma, no drama.

If you're allowing your little boy to dress in drag, you're a pervert who is living vicariously and pervertedly through your kid.

Exactly. They all go through that. My son also played with his sister's dolls and I think that helped him to become more nurturing. He would wear his fire helmet and pretend to be a fireman home on lunch break helping with the baby. The wife of our friend who WAS a fireman said that isn't exactly what they want to do when they are home on lunch break! LOL.
I have never met or heard of any parents of a new born infant who said, "I hope when little Johnny grows up he chooses to become a homo".

True story......... :cool:

Looks like you're one of those ignorant fools who actually believe you CHOSE to be heterosexual.

No you stupid fuck, nature made us male and female to keep the evolution going so the species doesn't die off. If nature wanted same sex mating, its would have given both sexual organs you dumb low down piece of shit. Its a choice and even you knuckle dragging idiot libtards know it but it goes against your political stance so you believe and repeat a lie because everyone knows liberalism comes before everything esp your fellow Americans and our country.
I don't make gay insults and when others, (9 times out of 10, Liberals) do, I laugh it off. It doesn't affect me.
So if you're son wants to wear dresses, get him voice lessons. He could make some big bucks in the tranny review in Key West.
The dad loves his son unconditionally, as it should be. The dad needs to grow a thicker skin, though. People will insult and make fun of others. Get over it. It says more about the person doing the insulting that it does about who they are directing the insults towards.
All parents should love their children unconditionally. They shouldn't help them be freaks though.
When you use those words as a way to degrade or get the upper hand on someone, you are implying that to be a man who is gay or effeminate is to be “lesser than.”

A man who is gay or effeminate IS a lesser man.

an example is Bradley Manning - he is NOT a man in a traditional meaning of the word.

Now, the kid in the OP story is most likely suffering from transgender syndrome.
In no way is the kid a man, no matter how much the father wants it.

It's a sad and very complicated situation.
Many Scots ware a "skirt" they call it a Kilt, the majority do not suck cock
All parents should love their children unconditionally. They shouldn't help them be freaks though.
The sad thing is that sometimes the best way to say that you will not help them be a freak is to wash your hands of them completely. I know this from personal experience.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My only regret is that I did not wash my hands of a certain someone sooner especially when they have made it as clear as glass that they are not sorry for being the way that they choose to be. My only question for them is what makes them think that the Lord is going to let them slide when they are not sorry for continuing to go against his word? Yeah the Lord loves everyone, but that does not mean that he won't "discipline" those who are in need of it which is where I come in. If the Lord can punish those who are in need of the punishment, why can't the rest of us, me included? Aren't we supposed to be as much like the Lord as we possibly can?
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No you stupid fuck, nature made us male and female to keep the evolution going so the species doesn't die off. If nature wanted same sex mating, its would have given both sexual organs you dumb low down piece of shit. Its a choice and even you knuckle dragging idiot libtards know it but it goes against your political stance so you believe and repeat a lie because everyone knows liberalism comes before everything esp your fellow Americans and our country.

So you could go out and screw another guy tonight, right?

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