My State of Texas Tells Teachers: TIME TO ARM - YEEEHAW!

Our children's schools have armed security.

So far no shootings there
Texas put programs together allowing our school faculty and staff to get legally armed and trained a decade ago.

Small districts don't have the money to provide fulltime police officers in the schools nor are they necessary.
U can't do shit. Iraqis, afghans and Ukrainians were armed to thr teeth thry couldn't do anything against advanced well equipped armies. But hey keep shooting each other and keep killing innocent kids, concert goers, Co workers, market shoppers....only in America.

You go ahead and believe that.
U can't do shit. Iraqis, afghans and Ukrainians were armed to thr teeth thry couldn't do anything against advanced well equipped armies. But hey keep shooting each other and keep killing innocent kids, concert goers, Co workers, market shoppers....only in America.
Afghans fought the three largest and most powerful armies on earth to a draw in three consecutive wars.

Ukraine had very limited private ownership of firearms prior to the invasion. Fewer than 10% of Ukrainians possessed firearms legally and their carry laws are extremely restrictive.

You're talking out of your ass.

Mr. Ken Paxton, the AG here in Texas told Newsmax that it was time to arm our teachers and have shootouts in the playground - that will help solve the school shooting issue here in Texas. I hope teachers get a little bit of training that way when a 5 year old asks them "What is that, Mrs. Jones?" she can give a strong answer "That is in case Mrs. Jones needs to blow a shooter's brain out, Timmy - go back to recess."

Thoughts on telling teachers to get armed and be ready for a gunfight?

We are at least 25 years past the time that all schools should have had ample armed security, and I would have absolutely no problem with a contingent of well trained teachers carrying concealed to boot.
Leftist love their criminals. Wanna make sure they are the only ones with guns. So everyone is easy prey.

Arm them and instead of hide under desk drills. Shoot tge perp drills.

Mr. Ken Paxton, the AG here in Texas told Newsmax that it was time to arm our teachers and have shootouts in the playground - that will help solve the school shooting issue here in Texas. I hope teachers get a little bit of training that way when a 5 year old asks them "What is that, Mrs. Jones?" she can give a strong answer "That is in case Mrs. Jones needs to blow a shooter's brain out, Timmy - go back to recess."

Thoughts on telling teachers to get armed and be ready for a gunfight?

Great until:
  • A teacher looses it
  • A teacher believes he is getting attacked by kid
  • There is an accident (even top security professionals have accidents (Prince William bodyguard in gun mishap)
  • Some child asks why billy having two dads by homophobic teacher
Let's be clear, no other country in the world has there teachers armed, no one.. But Texas thinks they are the only ones to solve the problem (which no one else has)...

Teaching is a stressful job, it is a very large profession. Look at the amount of disciplinary actions on this profession a year, then think the problem is that they haven't got a gun.
I have family practically in many parts of the world Their kids have 0 fears of being outside and even using public transportation let alone going to school. Same for me growing overseas, IM ALMOST 50 and always asked why thr hell Americans think that owning guns is a wise choice?
here I'm live now here and still ask the Same question.

some call for arming teachers. Who will guarantees us that some teachers won't on a mass shooting too ?

most of the world have crazy kids but those crazy kids don't have access to lethal weapons, bingo !!! Same for citizens. Oh and you are not gonna stop a tyrant government with your pistol either.
The term 'going postal' is about someone coming to work and blowing everyone away...

When you have a term to describe it and you now want to give them guns... Maddness
Great until:
  • A teacher looses it
  • A teacher believes he is getting attacked by kid
  • There is an accident (even top security professionals have accidents (Prince William bodyguard in gun mishap)
  • Some child asks why billy having two dads by homophobic teacher
Let's be clear, no other country in the world has there teachers armed, no one.. But Texas thinks they are the only ones to solve the problem (which no one else has)...

Teaching is a stressful job, it is a very large profession. Look at the amount of disciplinary actions on this profession a year, then think the problem is that they haven't got a gun.
Well Cowboy tit. Stop sucking on your mommas tit too much. Your brain has turned to mush.

That knife in your kirchen is gonna cause you go crazy in your house and kill your family and pets. You are hereby ordered to lock up or get rid of all your knives in your house.

Knuves kill Cowboy tit. This is for your own good.
Is there a guarantee now that a teacher won't go on a mass shooting spree? Nope.

But if the other teachers are armed the chances of stopping it quickly are much higher.
Nope... First thing is to shoot the teachers and then spend all day shooting children...

Ever consider how no other country really has this problem at the scale US has? Have they for a secret formula?

There is accusations everyday that these people or these are far left... No one else has this problem, ever consider that you are far right?
Well Cowboy tit. Stop sucking on your mommas tit too much. Your brain has turned to mush.

That knife in your kirchen is gonna cause you go crazy in your house and kill your family and pets. You are hereby ordered to lock up or get rid of all your knives in your house.

Knuves kill Cowboy tit. This is for your own good.

Do we have to explain to you the differences between the lethality of a gun and a knife?

I mean we look on TV and think, what Ukraine needs, is more knives?

You can't debate this, you lost the common sense argument a long time ago and now you cling to a 200 year old document and say where the comma is...

This is the cost of unfettered access to guns, no reasonable control, kids get killed... There are people out there who say that having guns as the leading cause of death in children is a must have.. Think about that, you care for your guns more than your kids...

And then they call you the daft ones...
Great until:
  • A teacher looses it
  • A teacher believes he is getting attacked by kid
  • There is an accident (even top security professionals have accidents (Prince William bodyguard in gun mishap)
  • Some child asks why billy having two dads by homophobic teacher
Let's be clear, no other country in the world has there teachers armed, no one.. But Texas thinks they are the only ones to solve the problem (which no one else has)...

Teaching is a stressful job, it is a very large profession. Look at the amount of disciplinary actions on this profession a year, then think the problem is that they haven't got a gun.

The same society that says we can't "publicly humiliate" a child by saying such atrocious things like "Jayden, please sit up and listen" now wants teachers to pack heat.


I don't know a lot but I know two things. Yesterday, 19 children tragically lost their lives. And my profession just lost a bunch more teachers.
Do we have to explain to you the differences between the lethality of a gun and a knife?

I mean we look on TV and think, what Ukraine needs, is more knives?

You can't debate this, you lost the common sense argument a long time ago and now you cling to a 200 year old document and say where the comma is...

This is the cost of unfettered access to guns, no reasonable control, kids get killed... There are people out there who say that having guns as the leading cause of death in children is a must have.. Think about that, you care for your guns more than your kids...

And then they call you the daft ones...
Shall not be infringed. That means Fringe people like you cant take them
Texas put programs together allowing our school faculty and staff to get legally armed and trained a decade ago.

Small districts don't have the money to provide fulltime police officers in the schools nor are they necessary.
So that’s your answer

Secure schools and the shootings will stop
A gunman intent on a mass shooting can choose his location.
If not a school, a mall, a supermarket, Walmart, church, park….
The possibilities are endless

What we need to do is identify these killers, stop them from buying the killing power they seek, stop them from buying body armor
338 million people. This will happen from time to time. Just the way it is and everytime the gun grabbers will push there agenda.

You dont punish the innocent for the acts of criminals. Bam guns and criminals will still get them.

Getting some teschers armed and trained is a good idea. Not to mention getting them training on even non lethal means to give them a fighting chance instead of hiding under a desk til they get shot dead.

A can of wasp spray has a rang of 20 feet and will blind your ass. Bettter than being a target
Texas can be proud they have secured their place as the preferred location for public slaughter

Their Governor has just signed legislation ensuring that Texans have easy access to the weapons and tools needed to slaughter 10 year olds

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