My State of Texas Tells Teachers: TIME TO ARM - YEEEHAW!

I support armed security guards in schools

I don’t support untrained teachers engaging in shootouts

Nobody is saying have untrained teachers carry weapons. Training is of utmost importance. It's mandatory to take a concealed carry class in many states, and highly encouraged in others.

Mr. Ken Paxton, the AG here in Texas told Newsmax that it was time to arm our teachers and have shootouts in the playground - that will help solve the school shooting issue here in Texas. I hope teachers get a little bit of training that way when a 5 year old asks them "What is that, Mrs. Jones?" she can give a strong answer "That is in case Mrs. Jones needs to blow a shooter's brain out, Timmy - go back to recess."

Thoughts on telling teachers to get armed and be ready for a gunfight?

Maybe not the teachers but every school needs at least one armed security.
My only caveat is are there enough modern day teachers that would put their life on the line? That had what it takes to take on that level violence?
I know there are some but enough?
Remember when that kid killed the students in Florida & there was a cop right outside crouched behind the wall without the guts to go inside & try to stop it while it was still ongoing? That was a trained cop too. Granted he was obviously a coward & rightfully fired but still
We would need to stop all shooters with ARs from entering.
Why wasn't that school more secure? Two locking doors can trap shooters like a rat.
Its suicide for a cop/guard with a pistol to have a gunfight with an AR.
Pistol v pistol is a fair fight.
Not MORE guns, just more responsible people with guns. If a shooter could be stopped, even if the chance was slim, would you want to have that fighting chance? Do you just want to cower and take the bullet?
I think a better view is…are you pro-active or reactive?
What do you mean? They are gonna die anyway. May as well shoot back.
I mean I'm fine with arming teachers but they will probably only have a sidearm & may not be up to fighting back.
Trained & well armed security guards are even better. A high capacity 12ga with buckshot can stop a lot of problems real quick

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