My three electric vehicle questions.

well then how can we the people win? blows up your entire thought.
That was a response to a different thought.

If 'we the people' do the right things we will win. People expect too much of government.
1. What is the impact of mining the materials needed to construct the batteries. Getting rid of fossil fuels to mine for more scarce materials seems conflicting.
Most of those materials are in great quantity in CHINA, so, EVs are good business for them. And you can bet that the Chinese will not lift a finger for the environment mining all the lithium and cobalt you need. BTW, these metals have HUGE waste components and are very toxic once mined and refined. So EV battery production for any length of time at the scale needed to power every vehicle in the country will soon be an ecological DISASTER.

2. Disposal of the batteries. I've seen some say recycling, but how would that work?
Recycling works up to a point. It produces more waste, but you can recycle only so many times. Then you are still left with all the toxic waste.

3. Where does the energy come from to charge the batteries?
Obviously, from the same place as everywhere else: about 20% from renewable (green) sources and the other 80% from the same fossil fuels they need otherwise.

So yeah, the whole push to EV cars is really a joke. You'll just end up with a more expensive car, much higher electric costs, much greater government regulations and restrictions in driving, including the government knowing everywhere you drive and being able to turn off your car when they don't like you.
yet your solution, wind turbines and solar panels and electric cars, does increase co2
I never said that was my solution. I favor conservation and insulation. Other innovations* can be useful of course.

*Solar need not produce co2. A 100 foot garden hose left in the sun can easily produce 50 gallons of piping hot water on a sunny day while producing no co2 except from the pump needed to push it through the hose.
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You butted into comments someone else made, for what reason, I do not know. Your comment was out of place. Your comment was odd, you stated something irrelevant that everyone agrees with.
If you would point out that post I will address it.

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