My three electric vehicle questions.

1. What is the impact of mining the materials needed to construct the batteries. Getting rid of fossil fuels to mine for more scarce materials seems conflicting.

The stuff in your currrent ICE engine car is mined as well. And there's a goodly amount of electronics and rarer minerals required for your car. There's even things your care has that mine will never require. I don't need a catalytic converter and that requires mining for some rare materials

2. Disposal of the batteries. I've seen some say recycling, but how would that work?

Definitely an issue of concern. Is it worse than spewing gigatons of noxious fumes and climate-altering gasses every single minute the engine runs every day every second?

3. Where does the energy come from to charge the batteries?

In my case my solar PV system on my house. I've been driving "for free" now for about 3 years. And I have only paid 2 electricity bills in about 5 years.

I've seen some say solar, but that doesn't sound realistic.

It is. I live it every day.
*Solar need not produce co2. A 100 foot garden hose left in the sun can easily produce 50 gallons of piping hot water on a sunny day while producing no co2 except from the pump needed to push it through the hose.
Except of course, in the winter.

And, let us not forget the big picture, we can not run our economy on a garden hose left in the sun.
I hate to break this to you, but solar water heaters can work quite well in the winter.

And if you have a big enough hose, you COULD run the entire economy on it.
I hate to break this to you, but solar water heaters can work quite well in the winter.

And if you have a big enough hose, you COULD run the entire economy on it.
Yeah, it will work great after the piping freezes solid!
Solar isn't really necessary to save on heating water. Just install a 'tempering' tank that will bring ground water up to air temperature before it goes into the water heater.
You install it inside next to the water heater.

In cold climates outdoor systems are drained until spring. In the south they work all year around.

Pumping groundwater into your house at 40-50 degrees F will not warm your house, but cool it!

I live in what is considered the south. We see freezing temps from October to April and sometimes May.
If we are speaking world wide. Some places don't have winter. So what?

The solution to what?
High energy bills. ;)
Pumping groundwater into your house at 40-50 degrees F will not warm your house, but cool it!
That's a good thing in the summer. The water cools the house as it warms up. And so reduces air conditioning costs as well as heating water costs (if the tank is located in the living space).
Lead acid batteries are no different than lithium/cobalt? They are much different. Once the energy is spent in lithium/cobalt that is the end.

LiCo Oxide batteries are used in cellphones which, last time I checked are rechargeable.

Li batteries are also rechargeable.

What, exactly, are you talking about here?
Slow climate change, man does not control the climate, period.

Wow! You somehow wound up disagreeing with just about every earth, oceanographic, atmospheric and climate scientist on earth over the last 60 years!

When you publish your "findings" I'm SURE you'll get a Nobel.

Just sure of it!
High energy bills. ;)

That's a good thing in the summer. The water cools the house as it warms up. And so reduces air conditioning costs as well as heating water costs (if the tank is located in the living space).
My water heater is already located in my basement. If this system is not free, it will cost me more than my fairly low electric bills.
Wow! You somehow wound up disagreeing with just about every earth, oceanographic, atmospheric and climate scientist on earth over the last 60 years!

When you publish your "findings" I'm SURE you'll get a Nobel.

Just sure of it!
Man's impact on the climate is almost non-existent compared to natural causes. Many scientists agree with that so your statement cannot possibly be true.
It's time for the people to take responsibility.

That would be nice. Instead we have folks acting like America bears not responsibility for global climate change and try everything to place the blame solely on China and India. We need to take responsibility for the amount of warming WE caused (ie most of it up until the relatively recent past) and then we need to take responsibility for the environmental damage China is doing to itself and the earth in order to make us cheap goods because we won't pay full price for ANYTHING.

Sadly our educational system discourages this. Teachers will give you and "A" in critical thinking if you arrive at their conclusions. :(

I've seen quite a few folks on this forum who fancy themselves "critical thinkers" but really it's just Dunning-Kruger run amok. Most of them don't really know what the technical definition of ad hominem is let alone all the other logic fallacies.
Man's impact on the climate is almost non-existent compared to natural causes.

Wrong. But, again, I look forward to your "research".

Many scientists agree with that

No. You are wrong. There are some scientists who think that, but by far the vast majority do NOT agree with that.

But if you want to bring up the Oregon Petition, by all means! Let's see what the SPICE GIRLS have to say! LOL!

so your statement cannot possibly be true.

Well, Admiral, sorry to break it to you but you simply don't know what you're talking about. :)

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