My wife and I will be voting today despite the success of totalitarian meddling in US politics.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment
Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment

I did study history ... and joined the winning side ...

You? ...
Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment
It must be nice to be able to vote in a primary that actually matters.

If you don't live in places like Iowa or Vermont, you rarely get that chance.

This is part of why the system is broken.
Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment
That's cool. Just know that Trump is acting a lot like Hitler did in the 1930's. When I was a kid I used to wonder what is wrong with the German people that they would allow such a party to take over their country. Well, now I know America isn't any different. At least 45% of Americans are brainwashed Nazi's. Or, I should say 51% or more of your party are Nazi's. But then there's the ones who might not like the nazi party (nikki, ron) but will endorse our Hitler when they drop out, because they want to have a career after this, in the Nazi party, I mean Republican party. Not much difference.

No, I'm not saying you are going to gas jews, blacks, mexicans or muslims. I'm just saying racism is big part of your platform. But maybe you can get enough Kanye Wests to vote for you.

You can be homophobic, but maybe enough conservative gays like Kaytlyn Jenner will vote for you.

Arabs are going to vote for Trump because of how Biden handled Hamas? Wow. But of course we all know Muslims want to destroy America from within. So of course they support Trump.

Mexicans. Republicans like Nikki and Trump say America is not racist. But as soon as Trump got a Mexican judge, suddenly racism is real.
Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment
This is what those Germans back in the 1930s said to themselves before Hitler came into power.

Today, their descendants recognize the Genesis of this and are protesting this fascism in historical proportions.
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It must be nice to be able to vote in a primary that actually matters.

If you don't live in places like Iowa or Vermont, you rarely get that chance.

This is part of why the system is broken.

I think we ought to do this:

  1. The states need to tell the parties (GOP, DNC, Greens, Yellows, Reds, Blues, Libertarians, Spotted owls, whomever) that they run the primaries...not the parties. They select the dates. They select the polling places, they make the rules. The parties can have all sorts of events in the periphery but once every other Winter or Spring, the State will hold a primary election. They can take part or not. If they want to use public schools, have public officials involved, it happens on the same day.
  2. The states agree to a rotating schedule of elections on the 2nd Tuesday of every month between February and June where regional elections are held. For example, in 2026....
    • 2/10/26: FL, SC, GA, NC, AL, MS, LA, TN, AR and TX vote.
    • 3/10/26: WA, OR, CA, HI, AK, NV, AZ, ID, UT, and NM vote.
    • 4/14/26: MT, ND, MN, WI, CO, NE, OK, KS, SD, and IA vote...
      • You get the idea. Then in 2028, the western states go first or the NE states go first.
  3. You get rid of this all important contest in IA or NH that eliminates candidates that over 90% of the nation never get to vote for. You let the candidates play to their strengths. Like in the example above, someone who is strong in urban areas can focus on the large cities in those states in TX, FL, and TN. Candidates who are stronger in rural areas can do the same thing.
No, I'm not saying you are going to gas jews, blacks, mexicans or muslims. I'm just saying racism is big part of your platform. But maybe you can get enough Kanye Wests to vote for you.

You can be homophobic, but maybe enough conservative gays like Kaytlyn Jenner will vote for you.

Arabs are going to vote for Trump because of how Biden handled Hamas? Wow. But of course we all know Muslims want to destroy America from within. So of course they support Trump.

Mexicans. Republicans like Nikki and Trump say America is not racist. But as soon as Trump got a Mexican judge, suddenly racism is real.
This is his agenda. . .

Please point out where in this agenda, the place in it that supports your hyperbole please.

This is what those Germans back in the 1930s said to themselves before Hitler came into power.

Today, their descendants recognize the Genesis of this and are protesting this fascism in historical proportions.
No, actually, Hitler was quite explicit in his book. Folks could read what was on the agenda...

You and sealy are going full Godwin, and I really don't understand why. . . ???

Can you please explain to me why?

  1. You get rid of this all important contest in IA or NH that eliminates candidates that over 90% of the nation never get to vote for. You let the candidates play to their strengths. Like in the example above, someone who is strong in urban areas can focus on the large cities in those states in TX, FL, and TN. Candidates who are stronger in rural areas can do the same thing.
There is a very good reason why Iowa and New Hampshire are first.

It is because they are small-ish States. And the Big Money Candidates can't come in and roll over everybody. Even though they try. Haley spent the most in Iowa. Followed by RDS. Trump spent HALF what Haley did.

A popular Candidate without a lot of money can be competitive. The Big Corporate Interests are trying to change that but it doesn't seem to be working.

It's funny how dims used to always talk about how they were the Party of The People but, truth be known. They are all Corporate whores now.

THE Biggest companies in the World? All dimocrap. All the top ten. Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Facebook, Berkshire Hathaway......

And they're not just 'pro-dimocrap' they're ACTIVISTS. In the old days, when our Corporate scum were promoting Republicans, they were just mildly pro-Republican, they weren't crusading douchebags like Apple and Zuck. And DEIsney.

If you could see your self through my eyes
primaries are gross now. Politics have ruined those too. Time for a REVOLUTION. Just kidding, CIA; fuck off fuckers. Just kidding again, you got other problems.

Last thing I or the govt. needs to attention on me, fuckers;) "Just cuz you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching."
Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment
You elites are a hoot!
There is a very good reason why Iowa and New Hampshire are first.
No there isn’t.
It is because they are small-ish States. And the Big Money Candidates can't come in and roll over everybody. Even though they try. Haley spent the most in Iowa. Followed by RDS. Trump spent HALF what Haley did.
Not even remotely why they go first. They go first because their legislatures decided they liked the cache of going first.
It's funny how dims used to always talk about how they were the Party of The People but, truth be known. They are all Corporate whores now.
Thanks for the chuckle.
THE Biggest companies in the World? All dimocrap. All the top ten. Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Facebook, Berkshire Hathaway......
Doesn’t have anything to do with the topic at hand but yeah...

So much for “go woke, go broke” then right Cletus?
If you could see your self through my eyes
No thanks.
This is his agenda. . .

Please point out where in this agenda, the place in it that supports your hyperbole please.

13 minute and 30 seconds in. Listen to Trump admit he's a scumbag, endorse Biden and praise Jimmy Kimmel.

Later today my wife and I will go to vote in the primary election. We were going to wait until after she got out of work but we decided to go at mid-day because a snow storm is coming and it will be dark with the roads cluttered with brain-damaged drivers, mostly Baby Boomers, on alcohol, weed, and prescription opoids. They will no doubt be among the sheep supporting write-in campaigns for Joe Biden and the Washington plant, Nikki Haley. Because my wife and I have normal brain function we will be supporting Donald Trump and it is important that we vote.

If you want to know how the US came to the unfortunate state it is in maybe you should study history:

AMERICA’S DOWNFALL EXPLAINED: The 4 Stages of Subversion According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Valuetainment
I think your wife said do the fn dishes before I pick your lazy ass up to vote because all I ever hear is you whine about how nothing ever gets done.

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