My word IS ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Poontang.If i'm forced to listen and read and watch as my
country falls into the hands of State Government as if being castratated like
farm animals,then at least I need a dose of good old fashioned
Poontang to ease the frustration.
Not because there is no longer the Spirit of America.
Where inside every American there was an honest Patriot
trying to do right.Keeping their heads until some counter-revolution
{ like in the 60's } tired or grew weary.
A version of Benito Mussolini and his :
" It's either Us or Them! "
" Be ashamed to die until you have won some
victory for humanity " -- Horace Mann
Poontang.If i'm forced to listen and read and watch as my
country falls into the hands of State Government as if being castratated like
farm animals,then at least I need a dose of good old fashioned
Poontang to ease the frustration.
Not because there is no longer the Spirit of America.
Where inside every American there was an honest Patriot
trying to do right.Keeping their heads until some counter-revolution
{ like in the 60's } tired or grew weary.
A version of Benito Mussolini and his :
" It's either Us or Them! "
" Be ashamed to die until you have won some
victory for humanity " -- Horace Mann
Sounds like when W said, "You're either with us or agin us." LMAO
Sounds like when W said, "You're either with us or agin us." LMAO
I was very pro Bush 43.But he turned out to be a giant
weenie sandwich.He's been nowhere to be found since
Trump was Potus.The Bushies are more concerned with
being friendly with the Obamas.
Bush was a better than average War President.He did the right
thing by going after Saddam and his Sadist sons.He even gave them
48 hrs { Televised warning } to give themselves up.
Saddam and his Sadist sons were averaging around 30,ooo
murders a year in and around Baghdad.Some murders were
heinous.Like using huge industrial shredders and sticking males
in either head first { fast kill } or feet first.
I need a dose of good old fashioned
Poontang to ease the frustration.

Poontang.If i'm forced to listen and read and watch as my
country falls into the hands of State Government as if being castratated like
farm animals,then at least I need a dose of good old fashioned
Poontang to ease the frustration.
Not because there is no longer the Spirit of America.
Where inside every American there was an honest Patriot
trying to do right.Keeping their heads until some counter-revolution
{ like in the 60's } tired or grew weary.
A version of Benito Mussolini and his :
" It's either Us or Them! "
" Be ashamed to die until you have won some
victory for humanity " -- Horace Mann

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