Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

Genocide is genocide. Review the definition.
And really not the topic, starving and the chance to leave alive is.

And really. It is. It is all bound up together in what is being done to the Rohinga that you are doing everything you can to deny and call it what it is - genocide.

Because you can't bring yourself to say unequivocably that genocide is wrong - always has been and always will be?
I should not need to. I have a posting history trying to tell the truth about Islam. It has nothing to do with how I feel. And I do not endorse genocide, which is one of the reasons I oppose Islam. Stop the moral disgust, it is not working, you are an apologist and will continue to avoid the real cause of this situation. Islam.

Then you do not endorse Myanmar Buddhists are doing to the Rohinga? You oppose it?

the people of Myanmar never accepted the ROHINGYA
as citizens of MYANMAR and now are deporting the illegal
aliens------it is not my business to either endorse or oppose
that LEGAL ACTION. That the people who-----it seems----are largely BENGALI MUSLIMS are rejected by their fellow
BENGALI MUSLIMS is an atrocity

Is that how you rationalize the murder and rape of the Rohinga?

Do you feel the same way about the Holocaust? About the genocide of Armenians?
Regardless of what anyone said personal opinions do not matter, and it is how you deflect Islams role in this situation. It has become more than obvious than ever that avoiding the truth about Islam is all you do.

My position on genocide and ethnic cleansing has been consistent and absolutely clear through out my time here. I don't care if the victims and perpetrators are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Animist or Athiest.

Let me remind you what genocide is:

What is Genocide?
The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals.

Genocide - Facts & Summary -
Genocide is a term used to describe violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group with the intent to destroy the entire group. The word came into general usage only after World War II, when the full extent of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against European Jews during that conflict became known. In 1948, the United Nations declared genocide to be an international crime; the term would later be applied to the horrific acts of violence committed during conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and in the African country of Rwanda in the 1990s.​

What is Genocide?
The crime of genocide has two elements: intent and action.

“Intentional” means purposeful. Intent can be proven directly from statements or orders. But more often, it must be inferred from a systematic pattern of coordinated acts.

Intent is different from motive. Whatever may be the motive for the crime (land expropriation, national security, territorial integrity, etc.,) if the perpetrators commit acts intended to destroy a group, even part of a group, it is genocide.

Genocide is and always will be EVIL. No exceptions.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to say that speaks volumes.
Mother Nature commits Genocide. Darwinism insists that old species to die to make room for new species. It's called Evolution. Evolution insists that Muslims die off now.

Another Islamophobe displaying both his ignorance of science and his thirst for violence.
Islam and Infidelophobia
Infidelophobia is kind of like Islamophobia, only with dead bodies.

LOL- from making up fake definitions of Islamophobia to making up fake words- you bigots sure are consistent.
Let us know when you take your next vacation to Iran or Syria.
You are the same. Your are obsessed with the reactions to the problem, not the problem itself.

I oppose genocide unequivocably, in all it's forms, without reservation. I oppose ethnic cleansing.

Can you say the same? That is the problem.
Regardless of what anyone said personal opinions do not matter, and it is how you deflect Islams role in this situation. It has become more than obvious than ever that avoiding the truth about Islam is all you do.

My position on genocide and ethnic cleansing has been consistent and absolutely clear through out my time here. I don't care if the victims and perpetrators are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Animist or Athiest.

Let me remind you what genocide is:

What is Genocide?
The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals.

Genocide - Facts & Summary -
Genocide is a term used to describe violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group with the intent to destroy the entire group. The word came into general usage only after World War II, when the full extent of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against European Jews during that conflict became known. In 1948, the United Nations declared genocide to be an international crime; the term would later be applied to the horrific acts of violence committed during conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and in the African country of Rwanda in the 1990s.​

What is Genocide?
The crime of genocide has two elements: intent and action.

“Intentional” means purposeful. Intent can be proven directly from statements or orders. But more often, it must be inferred from a systematic pattern of coordinated acts.

Intent is different from motive. Whatever may be the motive for the crime (land expropriation, national security, territorial integrity, etc.,) if the perpetrators commit acts intended to destroy a group, even part of a group, it is genocide.

Genocide is and always will be EVIL. No exceptions.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to say that speaks volumes.
Mother Nature commits Genocide. Darwinism insists that old species to die to make room for new species. It's called Evolution. Evolution insists that Muslims die off now.

Another Islamophobe displaying both his ignorance of science and his thirst for violence.
Logic dictates that for the strong to Floris you have to sacrifice the weak.
Feed them to your fictional Gods like the Aztecs did, or give them a graceful exit, but get rid of them nevertheless and your country will grow stronger, richer, more powerful.
Regardless of what anyone said personal opinions do not matter, and it is how you deflect Islams role in this situation. It has become more than obvious than ever that avoiding the truth about Islam is all you do.

My position on genocide and ethnic cleansing has been consistent and absolutely clear through out my time here. I don't care if the victims and perpetrators are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Animist or Athiest.

Let me remind you what genocide is:

What is Genocide?
The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals.

Genocide - Facts & Summary -
Genocide is a term used to describe violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group with the intent to destroy the entire group. The word came into general usage only after World War II, when the full extent of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against European Jews during that conflict became known. In 1948, the United Nations declared genocide to be an international crime; the term would later be applied to the horrific acts of violence committed during conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and in the African country of Rwanda in the 1990s.​

What is Genocide?
The crime of genocide has two elements: intent and action.

“Intentional” means purposeful. Intent can be proven directly from statements or orders. But more often, it must be inferred from a systematic pattern of coordinated acts.

Intent is different from motive. Whatever may be the motive for the crime (land expropriation, national security, territorial integrity, etc.,) if the perpetrators commit acts intended to destroy a group, even part of a group, it is genocide.

Genocide is and always will be EVIL. No exceptions.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to say that speaks volumes.
Mother Nature commits Genocide. Darwinism insists that old species to die to make room for new species. It's called Evolution. Evolution insists that Muslims die off now.

Another Islamophobe displaying both his ignorance of science and his thirst for violence.
Islam and Infidelophobia
Infidelophobia is kind of like Islamophobia, only with dead bodies.

LOL- from making up fake definitions of Islamophobia to making up fake words- you bigots sure are consistent.
Islamophobia is a made up word from a Muslim think tank. You are a moron and a tool sharpened by lies.
My position on genocide and ethnic cleansing has been consistent and absolutely clear through out my time here. I don't care if the victims and perpetrators are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Animist or Athiest.

Let me remind you what genocide is:

What is Genocide?
The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals.

Genocide - Facts & Summary -
Genocide is a term used to describe violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group with the intent to destroy the entire group. The word came into general usage only after World War II, when the full extent of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against European Jews during that conflict became known. In 1948, the United Nations declared genocide to be an international crime; the term would later be applied to the horrific acts of violence committed during conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and in the African country of Rwanda in the 1990s.​

What is Genocide?
The crime of genocide has two elements: intent and action.

“Intentional” means purposeful. Intent can be proven directly from statements or orders. But more often, it must be inferred from a systematic pattern of coordinated acts.

Intent is different from motive. Whatever may be the motive for the crime (land expropriation, national security, territorial integrity, etc.,) if the perpetrators commit acts intended to destroy a group, even part of a group, it is genocide.

Genocide is and always will be EVIL. No exceptions.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to say that speaks volumes.
Mother Nature commits Genocide. Darwinism insists that old species to die to make room for new species. It's called Evolution. Evolution insists that Muslims die off now.

Another Islamophobe displaying both his ignorance of science and his thirst for violence.
Islam and Infidelophobia
Infidelophobia is kind of like Islamophobia, only with dead bodies.

LOL- from making up fake definitions of Islamophobia to making up fake words- you bigots sure are consistent.
Islamophobia is a made up word from a Muslim think tank. You are a moron and a tool sharpened by lies.
Muslims want to conquer the planet. Turn it into a world wide caliphate. They are backwards barbarism. They need to be eradicated so the high tech society can move on without their constant interruptions into our lives via their terroristic tactics.
OH!!!! I got it------you are NOW INSISTING that the muslims of southeast Asia SEEK LOVE AND EQUITY AND
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE with Buddhists and Hindus -----
and that any idea of MOGHUL EMPIRE etc etc------and islamic shariah shit is UNIVERSALLY REPUDIATED IN THE SOUTH EAST UMMAH-------right? -----and right now the muslims of south east asia are GLUING the giant statues of
Buddha in Afghanistan back together and even asking the afghani jews to COME HOME.....right?-------and the people of Bangla desh are EAGER to welcome the hindu east bengalis back home with FULL COMPENSATION for their losses in 1971----RIGHT? IT's a general trend ALL OVER SOUTH
EAST ASIA_---------like a dream come true. I am damned impressed. I was a flower child in 1971----and AT THAT TIME----I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME

No Rosie. I'm "insisting" on one thing and one thing only. Genocide is wrong.

Is that such a difficult concept for you?

not at all-------but an intelligent and reasonable use of
the WORD genocide is, OBVIOUSLY, an impossible
concept for YOU.
Do you know of any group seeking
genocide of any other group. Last I heard-----the only
people I encountered who fart out and teach their children to
FART OUT-------"death too ______" chants-----heve been
muslims. You got some other group that so engages? ----
Historically----there was a genocide by a nut named POL POT. fairly recently--------and some genocidal actions in
Africa and the Balkans------piles and piles of dead bodies----
and a genocide of kurds by the baathist hero SADDAM

I'm quite clear on the definition of genocide. It is not dependent on the nature of the ethnic, religious or national groups involved. Simply because you don't like them doesn't make it any less genocide Rosie.

Wrong genocide is a hallmark of Islam. Jihad has killed 270 million and counting. Islam killed 10 million Buddhists and 80 million Hindus.

And genocide when committed by Muslims has been consistently in this thread- the only genocide you oppose.

Genocide of Jews, Rohinga- you don't have a problem with.
You keep lying. I will keep telling you, you are.
All those past atrocities are wrong, as are the ISIS destruction of antiquities, attempted genocide of Yazidi's and thousands of Muslims as well. So was the genocide that occurred in the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide in Turkey, Stalin's attempts to dilute and destroy USSR's ethnic minorities. The list is endless. We can't change the past though can we?

But what is happening to the Rohinga is ongoing. Not the past. Now.

OH!!!! I got it------you are NOW INSISTING that the muslims of southeast Asia SEEK LOVE AND EQUITY AND
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE with Buddhists and Hindus -----
and that any idea of MOGHUL EMPIRE etc etc------and islamic shariah shit is UNIVERSALLY REPUDIATED IN THE SOUTH EAST UMMAH-------right? -----and right now the muslims of south east asia are GLUING the giant statues of
Buddha in Afghanistan back together and even asking the afghani jews to COME HOME.....right?-------and the people of Bangla desh are EAGER to welcome the hindu east bengalis back home with FULL COMPENSATION for their losses in 1971----RIGHT? IT's a general trend ALL OVER SOUTH
EAST ASIA_---------like a dream come true. I am damned impressed. I was a flower child in 1971----and AT THAT TIME----I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME

No Rosie. I'm "insisting" on one thing and one thing only. Genocide is wrong.

Is that such a difficult concept for you?

not at all-------but an intelligent and reasonable use of
the WORD genocide is, OBVIOUSLY, an impossible
concept for YOU.
Do you know of any group seeking
genocide of any other group. Last I heard-----the only
people I encountered who fart out and teach their children to
FART OUT-------"death too ______" chants-----heve been
muslims. You got some other group that so engages? ----
Historically----there was a genocide by a nut named POL POT. fairly recently--------and some genocidal actions in
Africa and the Balkans------piles and piles of dead bodies----
and a genocide of kurds by the baathist hero SADDAM

I'm quite clear on the definition of genocide. It is not dependent on the nature of the ethnic, religious or national groups involved. Simply because you don't like them doesn't make it any less genocide Rosie.

Wrong genocide is a hallmark of Islam. Jihad has killed 270 million and counting. Islam killed 10 million Buddhists and 80million Hindus.

So what exactly are you saying? If some members of an ethnic or religious or national group committed bad acts it is okay to kill all of them? Are you saying that kind of genocide is ok in your book?

By the way...Hitler was not Muslim.
Nor was the leadership of the USSR when they starved the Ukrainians (Holodomor) and the Khaziks
The Khmer Rouge weren't Muslim.
The Hutu's of Rwanda weren't Muslim yet they killed 70% of the Tutsi's in Rwanda.
The Dzungar genocide, of the 1750's wasn't Muslim.
Regardless of what anyone said personal opinions do not matter, and it is how you deflect Islams role in this situation. It has become more than obvious than ever that avoiding the truth about Islam is all you do.

My position on genocide and ethnic cleansing has been consistent and absolutely clear through out my time here. I don't care if the victims and perpetrators are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Animist or Athiest.

Let me remind you what genocide is:

What is Genocide?
The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals.

Genocide - Facts & Summary -
Genocide is a term used to describe violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group with the intent to destroy the entire group. The word came into general usage only after World War II, when the full extent of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against European Jews during that conflict became known. In 1948, the United Nations declared genocide to be an international crime; the term would later be applied to the horrific acts of violence committed during conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and in the African country of Rwanda in the 1990s.​

What is Genocide?
The crime of genocide has two elements: intent and action.

“Intentional” means purposeful. Intent can be proven directly from statements or orders. But more often, it must be inferred from a systematic pattern of coordinated acts.

Intent is different from motive. Whatever may be the motive for the crime (land expropriation, national security, territorial integrity, etc.,) if the perpetrators commit acts intended to destroy a group, even part of a group, it is genocide.

Genocide is and always will be EVIL. No exceptions.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to say that speaks volumes.
Mother Nature commits Genocide. Darwinism insists that old species to die to make room for new species. It's called Evolution. Evolution insists that Muslims die off now.

Another Islamophobe displaying both his ignorance of science and his thirst for violence.
Islam and Infidelophobia
Infidelophobia is kind of like Islamophobia, only with dead bodies.

LOL- from making up fake definitions of Islamophobia to making up fake words- you bigots sure are consistent.

what is the definition of "islamophobia" ? does it appear in the DSM
OH!!!! I got it------you are NOW INSISTING that the muslims of southeast Asia SEEK LOVE AND EQUITY AND
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE with Buddhists and Hindus -----
and that any idea of MOGHUL EMPIRE etc etc------and islamic shariah shit is UNIVERSALLY REPUDIATED IN THE SOUTH EAST UMMAH-------right? -----and right now the muslims of south east asia are GLUING the giant statues of
Buddha in Afghanistan back together and even asking the afghani jews to COME HOME.....right?-------and the people of Bangla desh are EAGER to welcome the hindu east bengalis back home with FULL COMPENSATION for their losses in 1971----RIGHT? IT's a general trend ALL OVER SOUTH
EAST ASIA_---------like a dream come true. I am damned impressed. I was a flower child in 1971----and AT THAT TIME----I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME

No Rosie. I'm "insisting" on one thing and one thing only. Genocide is wrong.

Is that such a difficult concept for you?

not at all-------but an intelligent and reasonable use of
the WORD genocide is, OBVIOUSLY, an impossible
concept for YOU.
Do you know of any group seeking
genocide of any other group. Last I heard-----the only
people I encountered who fart out and teach their children to
FART OUT-------"death too ______" chants-----heve been
muslims. You got some other group that so engages? ----
Historically----there was a genocide by a nut named POL POT. fairly recently--------and some genocidal actions in
Africa and the Balkans------piles and piles of dead bodies----
and a genocide of kurds by the baathist hero SADDAM

I'm quite clear on the definition of genocide. It is not dependent on the nature of the ethnic, religious or national groups involved. Simply because you don't like them doesn't make it any less genocide Rosie.

Wrong genocide is a hallmark of Islam. Jihad has killed 270 million and counting. Islam killed 10 million Buddhists and 80million Hindus.

So what exactly are you saying? If some members of an ethnic or religious or national group committed bad acts it is okay to kill all of them? Are you saying that kind of genocide is ok in your book?

By the way...Hitler was not Muslim.
Nor was the leadership of the USSR when they starved the Ukrainians (Holodomor) and the Khaziks
The Khmer Rouge weren't Muslim.
The Hutu's of Rwanda weren't Muslim yet they killed 70% of the Tutsi's in Rwanda.
The Dzungar genocide, of the 1750's wasn't Muslim.
No I am not saying that. I am saying Islam sanctions terror and violence. Something you are afraid to admit, let alone discuss.
OH!!!! I got it------you are NOW INSISTING that the muslims of southeast Asia SEEK LOVE AND EQUITY AND
PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE with Buddhists and Hindus -----
and that any idea of MOGHUL EMPIRE etc etc------and islamic shariah shit is UNIVERSALLY REPUDIATED IN THE SOUTH EAST UMMAH-------right? -----and right now the muslims of south east asia are GLUING the giant statues of
Buddha in Afghanistan back together and even asking the afghani jews to COME HOME.....right?-------and the people of Bangla desh are EAGER to welcome the hindu east bengalis back home with FULL COMPENSATION for their losses in 1971----RIGHT? IT's a general trend ALL OVER SOUTH
EAST ASIA_---------like a dream come true. I am damned impressed. I was a flower child in 1971----and AT THAT TIME----I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME

No Rosie. I'm "insisting" on one thing and one thing only. Genocide is wrong.

Is that such a difficult concept for you?

not at all-------but an intelligent and reasonable use of
the WORD genocide is, OBVIOUSLY, an impossible
concept for YOU.
Do you know of any group seeking
genocide of any other group. Last I heard-----the only
people I encountered who fart out and teach their children to
FART OUT-------"death too ______" chants-----heve been
muslims. You got some other group that so engages? ----
Historically----there was a genocide by a nut named POL POT. fairly recently--------and some genocidal actions in
Africa and the Balkans------piles and piles of dead bodies----
and a genocide of kurds by the baathist hero SADDAM

I'm quite clear on the definition of genocide. It is not dependent on the nature of the ethnic, religious or national groups involved. Simply because you don't like them doesn't make it any less genocide Rosie.

Wrong genocide is a hallmark of Islam. Jihad has killed 270 million and counting. Islam killed 10 million Buddhists and 80million Hindus.

So what exactly are you saying? If some members of an ethnic or religious or national group committed bad acts it is okay to kill all of them? Are you saying that kind of genocide is ok in your book?

By the way...Hitler was not Muslim.
Nor was the leadership of the USSR when they starved the Ukrainians (Holodomor) and the Khaziks
The Khmer Rouge weren't Muslim.
The Hutu's of Rwanda weren't Muslim yet they killed 70% of the Tutsi's in Rwanda.
The Dzungar genocide, of the 1750's wasn't Muslim.

you are babbling again, coyote
Genocide is genocide. Review the definition.
And really not the topic, starving and the chance to leave alive is.

And really. It is. It is all bound up together in what is being done to the Rohinga that you are doing everything you can to deny and call it what it is - genocide.

Because you can't bring yourself to say unequivocably that genocide is wrong - always has been and always will be?
I should not need to. I have a posting history trying to tell the truth about Islam. It has nothing to do with how I feel. And I do not endorse genocide, which is one of the reasons I oppose Islam. Stop the moral disgust, it is not working, you are an apologist and will continue to avoid the real cause of this situation. Islam.

Then you do not endorse Myanmar Buddhists are doing to the Rohinga? You oppose it?

the people of Myanmar never accepted the ROHINGYA
as citizens of MYANMAR and now are deporting the illegal
aliens------it is not my business to either endorse or oppose
that LEGAL ACTION. That the people who-----it seems----are largely BENGALI MUSLIMS are rejected by their fellow
BENGALI MUSLIMS is an atrocity

So genocide is now a "legal action". :cranky:
Why did you delete your post Coyote? All those examples of genocide by non-Muslims do not change the fact Islam endorses terror and genocide is terror. That is true, correct?

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah').
No Rosie. I'm "insisting" on one thing and one thing only. Genocide is wrong.

Is that such a difficult concept for you?

not at all-------but an intelligent and reasonable use of
the WORD genocide is, OBVIOUSLY, an impossible
concept for YOU.
Do you know of any group seeking
genocide of any other group. Last I heard-----the only
people I encountered who fart out and teach their children to
FART OUT-------"death too ______" chants-----heve been
muslims. You got some other group that so engages? ----
Historically----there was a genocide by a nut named POL POT. fairly recently--------and some genocidal actions in
Africa and the Balkans------piles and piles of dead bodies----
and a genocide of kurds by the baathist hero SADDAM

I'm quite clear on the definition of genocide. It is not dependent on the nature of the ethnic, religious or national groups involved. Simply because you don't like them doesn't make it any less genocide Rosie.

Wrong genocide is a hallmark of Islam. Jihad has killed 270 million and counting. Islam killed 10 million Buddhists and 80million Hindus.

So what exactly are you saying? If some members of an ethnic or religious or national group committed bad acts it is okay to kill all of them? Are you saying that kind of genocide is ok in your book?

By the way...Hitler was not Muslim.
Nor was the leadership of the USSR when they starved the Ukrainians (Holodomor) and the Khaziks
The Khmer Rouge weren't Muslim.
The Hutu's of Rwanda weren't Muslim yet they killed 70% of the Tutsi's in Rwanda.
The Dzungar genocide, of the 1750's wasn't Muslim.
No I am not saying that. I am saying Islam sanctions terror and violence. Something you are afraid to admit, let alone discuss.

Are you then saying that makes genocide against them ok? Is that why you can not condemn the genocide on the Rohinga?
Why did you delete your post Coyote? All those examples of genocide by non-Muslims do not change the fact Islam endorses terror and genocide is terror.

Because it was a duplicate - I had already posted it but my computer was acting up. I would be happy to undelete it if you wish.
Why did you delete your post Coyote? All those examples of genocide by non-Muslims do not change the fact Islam endorses terror and genocide is terror.

Because it was a duplicate - I had already posted it but my computer was acting up. I would be happy to undelete it if you wish.
You can go back to that post of mine, it has been edited and a question added.
Why did you delete your post Coyote? All those examples of genocide by non-Muslims do not change the fact Islam endorses terror and genocide is terror.

Because it was a duplicate - I had already posted it but my computer was acting up. I would be happy to undelete it if you wish.
You can go back to that post of mine, it has been edited and a question added.

Islam endorses both peace and violence, within specific conexts. Beyond that, it is not really relevant to this discussion which is not on religious doctrine.

What a person believes does not in anyway make genocide against that person's people acceptable.
Why did you delete your post Coyote? All those examples of genocide by non-Muslims do not change the fact Islam endorses terror and genocide is terror.

Because it was a duplicate - I had already posted it but my computer was acting up. I would be happy to undelete it if you wish.
You can go back to that post of mine, it has been edited and a question added.

Islam endorses both peace and violence, within specific conexts. Beyond that, it is not really relevant to this discussion which is not on religious doctrine.

What a person believes does not in anyway make genocide against that person's people acceptable.
Contexts? More bullshit. Abrogation leaves Islam with 0 nice to say about non-Muslims. From calling them animals, to saying they should be subdued, converted or killed.

Those are the facts, and you are a liar to say they are not.
And really not the topic, starving and the chance to leave alive is.

And really. It is. It is all bound up together in what is being done to the Rohinga that you are doing everything you can to deny and call it what it is - genocide.

Because you can't bring yourself to say unequivocably that genocide is wrong - always has been and always will be?
I should not need to. I have a posting history trying to tell the truth about Islam. It has nothing to do with how I feel. And I do not endorse genocide, which is one of the reasons I oppose Islam. Stop the moral disgust, it is not working, you are an apologist and will continue to avoid the real cause of this situation. Islam.

Then you do not endorse Myanmar Buddhists are doing to the Rohinga? You oppose it?

the people of Myanmar never accepted the ROHINGYA
as citizens of MYANMAR and now are deporting the illegal
aliens------it is not my business to either endorse or oppose
that LEGAL ACTION. That the people who-----it seems----are largely BENGALI MUSLIMS are rejected by their fellow
BENGALI MUSLIMS is an atrocity

So genocide is now a "legal action". :cranky:

Deportation of alien residents is a legal action-----if
you want to use a VERY BROAD definition of genocide
to include ANY ACTION that reduces a population----then
you can call it "genocide" -----but in that case you would have
to (were you honest) to find every islamic nation guilty of
GENOCIDE. You want to start with Iran?
Why did you delete your post Coyote? All those examples of genocide by non-Muslims do not change the fact Islam endorses terror and genocide is terror.

Because it was a duplicate - I had already posted it but my computer was acting up. I would be happy to undelete it if you wish.
You can go back to that post of mine, it has been edited and a question added.

Islam endorses both peace and violence, within specific conexts. Beyond that, it is not really relevant to this discussion which is not on religious doctrine.

What a person believes does not in anyway make genocide against that person's people acceptable.
Contexts? More bullshit. Abrogation leaves Islam with 0 nice to say about non-Muslims. From calling them animals, to saying they should be subdued, converted or killed.

Those are the facts, and you are a liar to say they are not.

I've argued it with you before in other threads.

Does that, in your mind, justify genocide against Muslims?

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