MyPillowGuy is Broke

"Attorneys representing conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell and his company MyPillow in a defamation lawsuits brought by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic have asked to withdraw from both cases after Lindell allegedly racked up millions in unpaid legal fees. In a court filings, Minnesota-based Parker Daniels Kibort said both Lindell and MyPillow have not paid the firm for its work on the case and won’t be able to pay future fees and costs.

In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Lindell acknowledged he has not paid the attorneys for the last two or three months, adding that he did not know who would next represent him in the case. But Lindell was adamant that he would not settle with Dominion or Smartmatic, another election technology company suing him for defamation."

This is outrageous, reports are the Biden admin is threatening Lindell's attorneys to drop from his case or else....from how Lindell is looking, he is in near tears in that interview - the Biden admin is literally trying to destroy well as destroy the jobs of the thousands of Americans who work for Lindell...this is the epitome of government tyranny. The Biden admin is essentially singling out a regular civilian just because he is fighting against Biden's election fraud.

I am also hearing reports that Soros and other nefarious globalists have also threatened people within the Trump circle to not give money to Lindell to pay his legal fees. Trump could easily hire attorneys to represent Lindell in order to prove the election was stolen, but since Biden has dispatched his prosecutors and judges to go after Trump; it makes it harder for Trump to protect Lindell....the Biden admin are evil criminal masterminds if they can pull off stealing the presidential election, not lose a single case alleging voter fraud, and now, basically destroy the main ones who had the evidence of their voter fraud.
What does being broke mean to a multi millionaire?

Maybe he’s down to his last million?
His business was never going to last more than 10 or 15 years.

For instance, we bough his products a few years ago but have no need to buy any more.

For a business to last the product needs to be replaced periodically.
This is simple.

Don't lie about elections.

Don't go Full Retard and you won't lose your business.

Just another Lying MAGA loser. This is what you get when you follow a lying POS like trump.

I'd he is broke, then he needs to stop the insane commercials on TV.
I’m certain he has a few million dollars buried same thing with Alex Jones. Man these Nazis in the Biden party are disgusting animals. What the fuck is wrong with these people

Well, I don’t wish for BLM Racist to go broke Oh wait, that’s because I’m not a monster along with most Trump supporters. That’s the difference between a Trump supporter and a Biden supporter way more often a Biden supporter turns to Nazism, an absolute hatred of humanity, and denying people free speech.

Burn in hell Biden blm people …certainly that is what is going to happen to many of the Biden supporters at least for some time.

And I don’t even like Mike Lindell really I don’t really agree with his politics necessarily …. But holy Toledo the Biden supporters show themselves to be out right monsters almost every day.

Just the Biden supporters? Trump supporters wouldn't back and promote similar?

The pro American push back has been a boycott of things like Bud Light and target.

Wokeism and cancel culture are the greatest threat our countries ever faced..more than the civil war….

Here’s why its more of a threat than the civil war we know blacks and Indians owned slaves too … so its blatant propaganda ….cancel culture is meant to weaken white and black men… and make people angry

Thank god cancel culture cant win …look at the boycott of bud light.

Are you sure?

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