MyPillowGuy is Broke

This is simple.

Don't lie about elections.

Don't go Full Retard and you won't lose your business.

If the Pillow Guy is so broke why do I keep seeing his commercials every time I watch TV? TV advertising is not dirt cheap.

To me the bottomline is if you make a product, just make it as good as you can and stay the hell away from expressing your personal views on political issues.
"Nuttiness has its price."

Personally, I think PillowBoy has been 'value-added' to our political discussions.
He's sorta like a court-jester. Unintentional by him, no doubt......but still his contributions are satire rich, and abundantly snarkable.
One of my favs, is this one:

""We already have all the pieces of the puzzle," Lindell said. "When you talk about evidence, we have enough evidence to put everybody in prison for life –300 some million people."

Which, if posters here are mildly arithmetic-competent means that ALL American adults can go to prison.
Leaving then, America's children to guard those adults in prison, run our factories, operate our nuclear plants.

Viva Mike!! Viva MAGA!!

Nutsocrazo nincompoops.
Don't engage your 1st Amendment rights if you are a republican. The socialist left will ruin you with frivolous law suits that are designed to bankrupt especially hard working businessmen with legal fees and fines from liberal judges who let felons go free. The sad thing is that the radical left thinks the agenda makes sense.
And what government agency is shutting down that moron's free speech?

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