Mysterious Polio-Like Illness Paralyzes 20+ Kids in Californian


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Mysterious Polio-Like Illness Paralyzes 20+ Kids in California

There have been 20 suspected cases of the new infection, mostly in children, in the past 18 months...

A detailed analysis of five cases showed enterovirus-68 - which is related to poliovirus - could be to blame.

Parents who notice a sudden onset of weakness in their children should see their pediatrician right away, Van Haren advised. Physicians in the state should notify the California Department of Public Health any time they see a child with acute flaccid paralysis that is not due to diseases that affect the nervous system, such as botulism or Guillain-Barre syndrome, he added.

Dr Waubant suspects similar cases in Asia could explain why California is affected, but not the rest of the US.

Fellow researcher Dr Keith Van Haren, from Stanford University, said the cases "highlight the possibility of an emerging infectious polio-like syndrome" in California.

He added: "We would like to stress that this syndrome appears to be very, very rare. Any time a parent sees symptoms of paralysis in a child, the child should be seen by a doctor right away."

BBC News - Rare 'polio-like' disease reports

Mysterious Polio-Like Illness Paralyzes 20+ Kids in California - Health News and Views -

Doctor's are stressing they believe it to be rare, but if you see any sudden weakness to get your child to the doctor just to be sure they are okay.
The problem with the illegals are their low standards. Their culture doesn't promote being clean or education that leads to early warning of such things.

Both of these are why this nasty disease was wiped out in America last century...Now it is coming back....
Do children still receive polio vaccinations?

My kids got them as did I. Can't imagine they don't still give it. The only vaccine they don't do anymore that I know of is smallpox because their hasn't been a reported case in the world since the 70's due to the vaccine.
Infected countries
Polio remains endemic in three countries – Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Until poliovirus transmission is interrupted in these countries, all countries remain at risk of importation of polio, especially in the ‘poliovirus importation belt’ of countries from west Africa to the Horn of Africa.

- See more at: Global Polio Eradication Initiative > Infected countries
Do children still receive polio vaccinations?

not the radical religious ones....

Its more than just radical religious that do not vaccinate their children. Its many who believe vaccines are harmful and or the cause of autism even tho the study by Andrew Wakefield which showed vaccines caused autism was faked.

As far as the articles it states they were vaccinated or at least 5 according to CNN.

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