Mystery Babylon.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?
What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?
Catholic theology gets really weird on this point. The images of Holy Mother Church and the Whore of Babylon have precisely the same elements. Then there is also the fact that according to Catholic beliefs about prophecy include that the False Prophet and/or Anti-Christ will become the Pope and execute believing Catholics as heretics.
3 layers ;
1)Historical Babylon
2)Repeat history emulation of Babylon=Iraq with
Saddam emulating Nebuchadnezar.
3)Spiritual emulation= the mystery of the church emulating the mythology of
Baal father, Ishtar/Isis godess mother, and morning star son.
The original trinity was father mother son, before turning into father word son then settling into father spirit son.
The mystery was always, who is this father the church refuses to name. The mythology was always Babylonian, the Birthdate and symbols and death scene was always Baal then rehashed and given a Jewish mask to get Jews to submit and pay taxes(tithes) to the Church's Baal worship under the new priests of Bel and their new authority( =2 horn system). This was due to all the insurrection, by hiding the Political Roman authority behind the mask of religious power(horn) they replace political subversion with deemed religious obedience to the culture's God.
Hence the beast is symboled by this 2 horn(power) scarlet(Rome's army) color "devil".
That which is described in Revelation
chapter 1 to wield the power of death and destruction.
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What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?
I understand exactly what Jesus said. You might want to try reading the verse you provided in context.
What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?

Jesus said the all the Pharisee's was,not all the Jews.
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What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?

Jesus said the all the Pharisee's was,not all the Jews.
I think he's just a Jew hater. You can't reason with someone like that. They're right and everyone else is wrong.
What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?
Well, you didn't even try to explain it. Did you?
Following is From: Keepers of the Unpopular Truth
(c) Copyright 2001 by Michael HaShev.
All Rights Reserved.

Revelation 17:6,9,18

"And I saw the woman (Vatican) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration ... And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth ... And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."

[Note that scholars place the era of this Revelation at approximately 95 A.D. The city which then ruled the world was Rome, literally built on seven hills. We also know this woman seduced many kingdoms as the harlot which had many offspring (sects) and they did actually reign over the kings of the earth.]

'Scarlet Beast' (Revelation 17:4 ) wearing red and purple (color rich men used)and covered in gold and riches holding a gold cup filled with its iniquities and social injustices sits in the Vatican as the continuation of the ruler of the SEA (Rome).
This all describes the Vatican.
All the Kingdoms of the earth, especially the ten mentioned in Dan, have slept with this Harlot who lifted high the harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu (father was Roman soldier Pantheras).

Rev 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.

Rev 18:12 the Beast of Babylonian Mysteries is described in what is found in the Vatican, the articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, and the scarlet and purple cloth and silk.

Which religion always talks about the Mysteries?

Which faith can't explain anything so they resort to calling it a mystery?

The title mystery comes from the cult mystery religions that were all compiled to create one world religious order.
As for "Mystery," that name marked on the woman's forehead is the perfect indication of the Vatican City. These Mysteries are at the very heart of Roman Catholic practice and teachings.

A dead giveaway is in the words "Mysterium fide" pronounced at the alleged transformation of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.

Every sacrament and ritual, from baptism to laying on of the hands, manifests the mysterious power which the deceived must faithfully believe the priests� exercise.

Perfect examples:
The fifteen mysteries of the rosary are divided into three orders:
the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, and the glorious mysteries.
Many of these Mysterys are that they are from the story of Bel. (resource predated Bel Tablets)*

The 5 Joyful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Annunciation

� The Mystery of the Visitation (luciferous light visitations to the apostles, Paul, Constantine)

� The Mystery of the Birth of the Lord (dEC25TH BEING bAAL'S bIRTHDAY, cave/barn story from Bel Tablet)

� The Mystery of the Presentation in the Temple (TAKEN FROM BEL'S STORY-PREDATED TABLETS)
� The Mystery of Finding Jesus in the Temple (taken from Bel Tablets)

The 5 Sorrowful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Agony in the Garden (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar (forbidden persian Pillars scripture warns of)

� The Mystery of the Crowning with Thorns (baal Tablet plagiarism exact storys)

� The Mystery of Jesus carrying his cross (mithraic image used by the Bascilica prexisted in Mithraic temples they reused)

� The Mystery of the Crucifixion (Yeshu son of Mary was hanged not crucified (read Acts) the cross=symbol of death which is what this topic is about)

The 5 Glorious Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Resurrection (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord (Bel story)

� The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
(his descent to hell as per
1 Peter 3:19, Acts 2:27,&the Apostles Creed)

Fulfilling the description of Lucifer- son of 'perdition' (to fall to the pit) in Ezekiel 28.

� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

� The Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin
Is anything known or is everything a mystery to explain the fact they know nothing, these priests who claim to be the mediator between G0D and mankind?

One of the mystery religions that Rome Absorbed involved the Philistine idol of the fish-man god called Dagon, also referred to as the devil was Baal's father.
Baal's son was the Morning Star-Rev 22:16 Jesus is being claimed Baal's son that is the mystery.

*source for Bel Tablet:
yeah but-----it is not nice to SO blatantly ID the object of the lines in the
book of revulsions to THE VATICAN or THE CATHOLIC church.
Let people figure it our for themselves-----for the sake of propriety
I believe the mainstream interpretation is that Babylon is Rome and the whore of Babylon was Nero. It was dangerous to name either explicitly. Was there even a Vatican or Catholic church back then?
I believe the mainstream interpretation is that Babylon is Rome and the whore of Babylon was Nero. It was dangerous to name either explicitly. Was there even a Vatican or Catholic church back then?

There was a ROME and it was CATHOLIC ROME that ruled the world-----eventually. It was Rome that destroyed Judea by the time the book
of revulsions was written. Seems likely to me that it was logical to assume
at that time that the future of the known world at that time was ROME---
the new Babylon.
I believe the mainstream interpretation is that Babylon is Rome and the whore of Babylon was Nero. It was dangerous to name either explicitly. Was there even a Vatican or Catholic church back then?

There was a ROME and it was CATHOLIC ROME that ruled the world-----eventually. It was Rome that destroyed Judea by the time the book
of revulsions was written. Seems likely to me that it was logical to assume
at that time that the future of the known world at that time was ROME---
the new Babylon.
Sorry but I don't know what 'CATHOLIC ROME' means. Maybe if you didn't shout so...
I believe the mainstream interpretation is that Babylon is Rome and the whore of Babylon was Nero. It was dangerous to name either explicitly. Was there even a Vatican or Catholic church back then?

the word vatican refers to vaticanus or the oracles from the underworld that were delivered from ancient times on the hill where the vatican was built.

The whore of Babylon, who is drunk on a cup of the blood of God's people, seems to be referring to the church who received its power and authority from Rome after assimilating and perverting christianity by creating the papacy dedicated to burying the teachings of Jesus under a mountain of blasphemy upon which the jabberwocky sits....
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What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?

Jesus said the all the Pharisee's was,not all the Jews.

“If God were your Father, you would love me." Liar, is refusing to love Jesus the definition of a Pharisee, or the nature of a Jew?

"You are of your father the devil." You who, shithead? The Jews, because God isn't their father, as shown because they don't love Jesus.

"The Jews answered him, 'Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?'” Judas, is that the word "Jews" or "Pharisees"?
What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?

Jesus said the all the Pharisee's was,not all the Jews.

“If God were your Father, you would love me." Liar, is refusing to love Jesus the definition of a Pharisee, or the nature of a Jew?

"You are of your father the devil." You who, shithead? The Jews, because God isn't their father, as shown because they don't love Jesus.

"The Jews answered him, 'Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?'” Judas, is that the word "Jews" or "Pharisees"?

You are a shithead. Jesus was denouncing a sect of Judaism not Jews. All of the earliest believers in Jesus were Jews and to them, you were the enemy.
What is it? There are a few theories, and they all sound good. Some believe it is America. Others believe it is Rome. What do you think?

If you can't even understand Jesus when he said clearly that Jews are children of the devil, what hope do you have to understand me when I explain Mystery Babylon?

Jesus said the all the Pharisee's was,not all the Jews.

“If God were your Father, you would love me." Liar, is refusing to love Jesus the definition of a Pharisee, or the nature of a Jew?

"You are of your father the devil." You who, shithead? The Jews, because God isn't their father, as shown because they don't love Jesus.

"The Jews answered him, 'Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?'” Judas, is that the word "Jews" or "Pharisees"?
I'm getting sick and tired of your deliberate lies. If you read the entire chapter, it is perfectly clear that Jesus was speaking to the Scribes and the Pharisees. Not Jews in general. You are nothing but a Jew-hating Schmuck! STFU already!! PUNK!
I'm getting sick and tired of your deliberate lies. If you read the entire chapter, it is perfectly clear that Jesus was speaking to the Scribes and the Pharisees. Not Jews in general. You are nothing but a Jew-hating Schmuck! STFU already!! PUNK!

Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word Ye are of your father the devil."

You're of the devil, too, shithead. That's why you can't understand Jesus, even as Jesus simply and explicitly explains the quality of rejecting him is what establishes the Jews as being the children of the devil. Not the quality of joining the sect of the Pharisees.

You accuse me of Jew-hating. So what? Jesus hates the Jews with a perfect hatred. And, you hate Jesus, the real Jesus.

Yes, the chapter starts by telling us that the Scribes and Pharisees brought a whore to Jesus to test Jesus. The Scribes represent the most expert of Jews. The Pharisees represent the most devoted of Jews. But, it's not expertise and devotion that makes them children of the Devil. It's their rejection of Christ, you illiterate fool. Also, shithead, while member of those two groups of Jews were testing Jesus, by no means does the chapter say the crowd of Jews there was limited to those two groups. And, regardless of who was standing there, Jesus addresses "Jews", both by the word and by their nature.

BTW, shithead, the whore of Babylon are the Jews. Their unfaithfulness made these Babylonian-captives-in-spirit spiritual whores.

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