Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper identified in NYC


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Nov 22, 2011
Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper identified in NYC

By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News 12/10/2013

The generous mystery tipper who has been leaving waiters and waitresses across the country thousands of dollars in "Tips for Jesus" — and stamped with the @tipsforjesus handle — was identified by a New York City waiter as Jack Selby, former PayPal vice president.


Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper identified in NYC

Did you see the signature? He thinks he is the God.
Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper identified in NYC

By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News 12/10/2013

The generous mystery tipper who has been leaving waiters and waitresses across the country thousands of dollars in "Tips for Jesus" — and stamped with the @tipsforjesus handle — was identified by a New York City waiter as Jack Selby, former PayPal vice president.


Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper identified in NYC

Did you see the signature? He thinks he is the God.

That's your take-away from this story?
When I saw the signature of the receipt is “God”, (see above picture) I know what that mystery tipper is. That God has had got George Bush his second term of president.

As God Told Me ...
By Rebecca Leung February 11, 2009 8:14 PM

Here's Pat Robertson's exact quote: "I think George Bush is going to win in a walk. I'm hearing from the Lord that it's going to be a blowout."

As God Told Me ... - CBS News

That God also pushed war on Iraq.

God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers

Date: 06.10.2005

President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.

BBC - Press Office - George Bush on Elusive Peace

I had an analysis how they pushed for the Iraq war by DC sniper shooting. Here is a quote from #129):
The sniper spree started at the same day when the bill (H.J. res 114) "authorizing the use of armed force against Iraq" was introduced to the House. Six deaths within first 28 hours shocked the country, especially those lived in the DC area. Senators were warned it was dangerous to be in golf field. The shooting continued, maintained a terror pressure on politicians. On Oct. 11, 9:30 am, the eleventh shooting made a last push on Senators. Later that day, Senate passed the bill.
(see #104,105,108,115,116,118,126,128,129)

Most surprise thing was the sniper called himself “God”.

Fact sheet: What is known about the sniper
Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Investigators found a spent shell and a tarot card in a wooded area around the shooting at a Bowie, Maryland, middle school. The Tarot's "Death" card had a handwritten message on it: "Dear Policeman, I am God." (About Tarot cards) - Fact sheet: What is known about the sniper - Oct. 15, 2002

At that time, I thought it was because they thought they could never be caught, because they were in charge of the investigation. Mohammad became the scapegoat.

What makes the “God” distribute tips this time instead of shooting bullets?
805. Payment to informants (12/17/2013)

In 1994, to avoid the continuous E.M. wave attack, I went to Shanghai. I met with my cousin – a playmate in my childrenhood. I told him about my story. He often invited me to his home for a family gathering. I had a video camera he was very interested in. China is prospering after it getting membership of WTO in 2001. In 1990s, video camera and computer were still luxuries in China. Several months later, he showed me with a new video camera. It was a high end camera, much better than mine. I was surprised, my cousin was a thrifty man.

In May, 1995, my visa extending proposal was rejected by Chinese government. The day before my leaving I went to his home to say good bye. I found he and his son were unpacking a box. It was a computer. They also got two new bicycles. The new bicycles crowded with the old one made the entrance way hard to passing through. It seemed they got a fortune.

At that time, I found my neighborhood was recruited to survey our activity. They installed a motion detect lamp in their backyard lounge. When there was a movement in my parking lot, their lamp would lit up my garage. (see “28. My wife intimidated”)

A couple with two children lived in that house. Sometime in 1990s I noticed they started to buy new cars. When they got all their cars into new ones, they bought extra one for their children. I then found the child was grown to teenage who could drive. Then they upgraded their cars until they got a family vacation van. The new car parking at their lot was very eye-catching. It seemed they got a fortune too.

A news solved me all these puzzles. It was a punishment story of a law enforcement agent. An informant wanted a brand name shoe as his reward. His handler sold the brand name shoe and held the cash for himself. So I knew the Feds paid their informants by material object.

The payment to informants is grey money. They can’t pay it by check. How do they explain what is it for? They can’t pay it by cash – it will increase the chance of internal embezzlement. So they pay it in the material form.

In 1999 and 2000, I drifted in South-east Asia. I used to live in Guest House. The rent was low – generally under five dollars a day. The equipment was simple too – a table fan for tropical climate. Several times I noticed similar thing happened – when I finished a stay in a city, there would come an engineer company to install air-condition (window style) for the Guest house. It always took place on the day I left. I knew that was a payment for the co-operation of Hostel owners.
806. Financial institution (12/24/2013)

In #804 I quoted a news with picture. I carelessly thought that the word “God” in receipt was signature. A reader corrected it with a picture.

“No, as I told you on the other board you dumped this on, it says God Bless.


1. It was my mistake to take “God” as signature. I was misled by the picture with news. (See it at #804.) Signature used to be on bottom line.
2. It wouldn’t change my original meaning. The tipper, though didn’t sign as “God”, he at least works for it. “tips for Jesus” means it.
3. I studied the pictures, found that “tips for Jesus” was a stamp. Obviously it was used for convenience to report expenses to a “tips for Jesus” account. It should be an organization. Ordinary people won’t behave in this way.

"Tips for Jesus" — and stamped with the @tipsforjesus handle — was identified by a New York City waiter as Jack Selby, former PayPal vice president.
It reminds me of Sandy Hook shooting case. On 12/14/2012, police blocked the access to Sandy Hook Elementary whole day so it’s impossible for Robbie Park to confirm his daughter’s death on that day.

In January, I read a post about Emilie’s fund raising page. I went there and copied the page content then wrote the following: “Tell me who was so efficient to open a donation account in Credit Union for poor Emily and then set up a page in facebook the same day of her death?

Original funding page in facebook (the content I copied):

Joined Facebook 12/14/2012

Native of Utah, Emilie Parker was killed in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elem. We are seeking to assist the Parkers by setting up the Emilie Parker Memorial Fund at America First Credit Union in Utah.

Instructions on the Emilie Parker Memorial Account at America First Credit Union (account #5001359). For AFCU members making a transfer, select the Savings as the type of account, and the last name on the account is Parker. For non AFCU members, the AFCU routing number is 324377516. This account has been shared by several Utah media outlets and can be trusted. Thank you.

A PAYPAL account is also available if you use the email [email protected] “

I review that message. I allege that PAYPAL account has been existed there for a long time. It was an account used to collect money while “tips for Jesus” is used for expense. A big organization like the Feds must have a financial institution to run for its own secret business.

The signatures in two receipts were from different people. The handwriting of “God bless you” are different too. The stamp “tips for Jesus” are the same. It means Chiefs of different area went out to distribute payments to its informants. Different amount may reflect different value of the information. All from one account named “tips for Jesus”.

The signatures in two receipts were from different people. The handwriting of “God bless you” are different too. The stamp “tips for Jesus” are the same. It means Chiefs of different area went out to distribute payments to its informants. Different amount may reflect different value of the information. All from one account named “tips for Jesus”.

Please kill yourself.

The signatures in two receipts were from different people. The handwriting of “God bless you” are different too. The stamp “tips for Jesus” are the same. It means Chiefs of different area went out to distribute payments to its informants. Different amount may reflect different value of the information. All from one account named “tips for Jesus”.

Please kill yourself.

Why? Please tell me the reason. Is it too true?

It seems “tips for Jesus” is very popular and happens everywhere. It may prove the informants are used massively.
When it took that much trouble to pay informants, would bitcoin be an ideal payment for the Feds? It's hard to trace and easy to pay by Internet.

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven

By Paul Ford March 28, 2013

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a pseudonymous hacker who calls him or herself Satoshi Nakamoto (and who might be several people). It’s a form of virtual cash used to buy goods and services online. Even by Web standards, it’s a strange and supergeeky phenomenon.

As long as the Internet remains turned on, Bitcoin will be there—to its adherents, it’s the Platonic currency.

Given that the founder is nowhere to be found, it feels like a hoax, a parody of the global economy. That the technology used to implement it has, so far, shown itself to be impeccable and completely functional, and that it’s actually being exchanged, just makes it a better joke. The truth is, it doesn’t much matter if it’s a joke or not. It works.

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven - Businessweek
Who owns the wallet of Bitcoin?

World's Biggest Bitcoin Wallet Owned By U.S. Government

By Ryan W. Neal on December 18 2013

Bitcoin, an anonymous and unregulated digital currency, has become the poster child for the libertarian ideals of eliminating the Federal Reserve, avoiding inflation and keeping currency separated from governments. As it turns out, however, the world's largest bitcoin holder is the U.S. government.

The largest bitcoin wallet in the world, according to BitcoinRichList, which ranks the top 100 richest bitcoin addresses, contains more than 144,341 bitcoins, which is equivalent to roughly $86 million. While the owners of bitcoin accounts are anonymous, the transactions are all public, and the descriptions of this account’s transactions are all described as “DPR Seized Coins.”

In October, the FBI shut down Silk Road, an infamous Internet-only black market, and it arrested Ross William Ulbricht, who the FBI said was the owner of Silk Road, named Dread Pirate Roberts, or DPR. Later that month, New York U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara announced that the government had seized 144,336 bitcoins from Ulbricht.

Not only do the amount of bitcoins and the transaction descriptions match, but the first occurrence of a “DPR Seized Coins” transaction took place on Oct. 25, the same day Bharara announced the seizure. It seems safe to conclude that the Blockchain wallet is owned by the FBI.

World's Biggest Bitcoin Wallet Owned By U.S. Government
Murder and hacking to control the Bitcoin business. Who has the ability to do that?

Head of Online Currency Exchange Found Dead in Singapore
By Javier E. David March 5th 2014,

Autumn Radtke, the CEO of an upstart online currency exchange, died last week under mysterious circumstances at her home in Singapore.

Radtke, the U.S.-born head of First Meta, was found dead by local police Feb. 28, with the cause of death yet to be determined. In a statement on its website, First Meta said the company "was shocked and saddened by the tragic loss of our friend and CEO Autumn Radtke."

Last week, the world's largest bitcoin exchange, Mt.Gox, imploded; meanwhile, nearly $500 million in client funds vanished overnight. Elsewhere, untimely demises unrelated to bitcoin have claimed the lives of bankers at JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank and Zurich Insurance Group.

NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News
Someone likes Bitcoin because it favors to its secret task force. Someone doesn't like Bitcoin because it threatens their security.

Russian authorities say Bitcoin illegal

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian authorities have issued warnings against using Bitcoin, saying the virtual currency could be used for money laundering or financing terrorism and that treating it as a parallel currency is illegal.

"Systems for anonymous payments and cyber currencies that have gained considerable circulation - including the most well-known, Bitcoin - are money substitutes and cannot be used by individuals or legal entities," the Russian Prosecutor General's Office said on February6.

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