N. Dakota woman to hand out letters to obese kids for Halloween

I heard a telephone call from her. She sounds very young. The ones who know better usually are.

Probably very young. I don't suppose she thought of the long term psycological effects something like a "your fat, no treats for you" note will have on the kids? Beating the crap out of the kids self esteem is like poring gasoline on a fire.

Nice job lady:clap2:

Liberal schools send the same letters home with kids.

Mooooooooooooooooooooooooochelle encourages it.
Yet on that you are silent.......
It's ok from the messiah or his Lardy arsed wife.
But from others it's wrong!!
Gotcha, loud and clear!

:confused:I never supported Moochelle's or schools sending letters home?
Just say no and shut the door. That's what I do.

Exactly, but you don't even have to do that,just don't turn the porch light on and the kids won't go to your house. It's a stupid reaction from a lady who obviously has way to much time on her hands and is desparate for attention.
Why not just hand out healthy snacks to the fat kids and keep your mouth shut? Keep a bowl of apple chips next to a bowl of candy bars. Oh yeah, she wouldn't get any attention that way.
Why not just hand out healthy snacks to the fat kids and keep your mouth shut? Keep a bowl of apple chips next to a bowl of candy bars. Oh yeah, she wouldn't get any attention that way.

There's plenty of healthy snacks like raisins,fat free pudding,applesauce or other prepackaged fruit, you can even buy sugarfree candy and the kid won't ever know. How about Sugar free gum or even if it's not sugar free, bazooka gum has 15 calories in it,the kid will burn that off walking down the street. Either this lady is misery just looking for company or she's been drinking way too much of Bloomberg and Moochelles nanny state koolaid.

Calories in Bazooka Bubble Gum and Nutrition Facts
There's plenty of healthy snacks like raisins,fat free pudding,applesauce or other prepackaged fruit, you can even buy sugarfree candy and the kid won't ever know. How about Sugar free gum or even if it's not sugar free, bazooka gum has 15 calories in it,the kid will burn that off walking down the street. Either this lady is misery just looking for company or she's been drinking way too much of Bloomberg and Moochelles nanny state koolaid.

Exactly. Halloween is a huge day for kids. This woman is the Grinch. I bet her gas tank gets sugared.
Why not just hand out healthy snacks to the fat kids and keep your mouth shut? Keep a bowl of apple chips next to a bowl of candy bars. Oh yeah, she wouldn't get any attention that way.

My guess is that kids don't knock on your door to get an apple. They want junk food.
Wow what a bitch

Mooooooochelle has schools sending letters home to the same effect.
Is moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooochelle of the humongous arse also a bitch?

I think it's a matter of CONTEXT, Double Wide.

Schools are supposed to be monitoring what might be a problem.

Some woman handing out letters when she isn't a health professional and hasn't seen that child's history on a day when kids are supposed to be having fun... not so much.


Her house, tomorrow morning....
Wow what a bitch

Mooooooochelle has schools sending letters home to the same effect.
Is moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooochelle of the humongous arse also a bitch?

I think it's a matter of CONTEXT, Double Wide.

Schools are supposed to be monitoring what might be a problem.

Some woman handing out letters when she isn't a health professional and hasn't seen that child's history on a day when kids are supposed to be having fun... not so much.


Her house, tomorrow morning....

Why not just hand out healthy snacks to the fat kids and keep your mouth shut? Keep a bowl of apple chips next to a bowl of candy bars. Oh yeah, she wouldn't get any attention that way.

My guess is that kids don't knock on your door to get an apple. They want junk food.

Perhaps she should hang a picture of Justin Bieber on her door.

Humiliating a fat kid only makes the kid feel like shit. (speaking as a former chunky kid)

As an adult, I find myself amazed at the hubris and uncaring of people. As a child I had people I didn't even know comment on my weight. And BTW, I was never obese, just a bit chunky.

I don't think I'll ever understand the meanness of people.
Wow what a bitch

Mooooooochelle has schools sending letters home to the same effect.
Is moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooochelle of the humongous arse also a bitch?

I think it's a matter of CONTEXT, Double Wide.

Schools are supposed to be monitoring what might be a problem.

Some woman handing out letters when she isn't a health professional and hasn't seen that child's history on a day when kids are supposed to be having fun... not so much.


Her house, tomorrow morning....

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?
Simple. Stop giving candy altogether. Turn the light off and stop inviting them. Save that much money on not buying candy... or letterhead. Problem solved. Micheal Bloomberg does not need any competition.

Eh, Halloween comes with a built in remedy to her behavior. Expect to see an egg, shaving cream, and TP covered house, and a bunch of husky teenagers running away afterwards.

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

Oh, didn't liberals take sports out of the curriculum?

5'3" and 127 lbs is obese?

I guess you fanatics get to pick and choose, right?

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

Oh, didn't liberals take sports out of the curriculum?

5'3" and 127 lbs is obese?

I guess you fanatics get to pick and choose, right?

According to the BMI charts, it is... for that age.

And, no liberals didn't take "sports" out. you need to stop listening to the obese closeted drug abuser telling you lies in your Double Wide all day.
Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

Oh, didn't liberals take sports out of the curriculum?

5'3" and 127 lbs is obese?

I guess you fanatics get to pick and choose, right?

According to the BMI charts, it is... for that age.

And, no liberals didn't take "sports" out. you need to stop listening to the obese closeted drug abuser telling you lies in your Double Wide all day.

Look at the photos of the kids who get letters home.

The kid who played football, does karate and has almost no body fat was told by his school that he was obese.
Is Tom Brady obese ?

Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooochelles charts say he is .

She would be morbidly obese.
Boston public schools took sports out of the curriculum in the mid 90s.
Liberal mayor.
Liberal president.
Again, you come with the text book answer.

Fox .

That's your indoctrination right?
Next step......Blame Bush!!

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