N. Dakota woman to hand out letters to obese kids for Halloween


Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

More liberal bullshit thinking they can raise your children better than you.

How's that working out for the inner city liberals? You know the ones that look like they could be Obama's sons and daughters.

Why not go to the inner cities and tell them folks how to live? You won't because you don't give a rat's ass about anything but feeding your own ego.

Fucking pathetic pussies every last one of you liberals fucks!!

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

Can a child be fat and NOT be sick? "Sick" is a medical determination. Anyone making a determination that someone is sick, without a medical examination should be arrested and fined for practicing medicine without a license.
Why won't people mind there own fucking business?

Liberals can't help themselves.

They think they know what's better for you and your family than you do.

Don't leave your children defenseless in a gun free zone.
Don't let your children be bullied into conforming to the liberal standard.

All my children are grown. And I don't interfere on how they raise their kids. You raise smart children like I did then you don't have to worry about them being bullied or indoctrinated.
We have no idea which children were obese. We only know that in this one woman's opinion, she was choosing which children she considered obese.
Why not just hand out healthy snacks to the fat kids and keep your mouth shut? Keep a bowl of apple chips next to a bowl of candy bars. Oh yeah, she wouldn't get any attention that way.

My guess is that kids don't knock on your door to get an apple. They want junk food.

Again, I'd guess that you didn't do a lot of trick or treating when you were a kid, and I'd guess you don't have kids.

My son is thrilled when he get anything other than candy. Money? Awesome. Small toys? A thrill. Temporary tatts? Cha-ching!!! Pop-corn balls? Jack pott! If it is a homemade item? I have to know what house it came from, otherwise I am all right with it. On the very rare occasion that my son would get a piece of fruit, he liked it. Why? Because it was always a different variety than we purchase at home. I suppose, kids are all different. But if you raise healthy happy kids, YES, they do like fruit!

I am sick to death of the media and the government trying to destroy Halloween. It is the ONE holiday that really forces people to network and get to know each other. If I get a homemade treat, our child has to know who the person is that made it. Consequently, word gets around, and we start to know who people are, even if they live five blocks away. Because some kid that rides on the bus over in that neighbor where it was made will talk to the kids in our neighborhood, vouch for that old lady making them and how good they are, just so all the kids can eat their popcorn balls.

Halloween is great, it brings people together. And let's be frank, for a lot of kids, this is the most exercise they will get for a long time. They will walk all over for an hour, maybe two and come home with very tired and aching feet. Free stuff is a great motivator. It is a win win for all involved.

Syrenn is right, this lady that did this is forgetting about the TRICK in trick or treat.
Liberals can't help themselves.

They think they know what's better for you and your family than you do.

Don't leave your children defenseless in a gun free zone.
Don't let your children be bullied into conforming to the liberal standard.

All my children are grown. And I don't interfere on how they raise their kids. You raise smart children like I did then you don't have to worry about them being bullied or indoctrinated.

I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.
Don't leave your children defenseless in a gun free zone.
Don't let your children be bullied into conforming to the liberal standard.

All my children are grown. And I don't interfere on how they raise their kids. You raise smart children like I did then you don't have to worry about them being bullied or indoctrinated.

I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.

Who's blaming the victims?

A lot of children are bullied and it's a parents job (not the schools) to advise and teach their children to fight back. It's the parents responsibility to raise their kids, not the schools.
All my children are grown. And I don't interfere on how they raise their kids. You raise smart children like I did then you don't have to worry about them being bullied or indoctrinated.

I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.

Who's blaming the victims?

A lot of children are bullied and it's a parents job (not the schools) to advise and teach their children to fight back. It's the parents responsibility to raise their kids, not the schools.
Teach them to fight back in a leftist school when the perps are protected minorities?
Fast route out.
My son was permanently excluded from the same school.
A kid from the local council estate(govnt housing) punched him daily for 3 years.
Broke his nose twice, gave him a concussion, you know, kids stuff, according to the headmistress.
We were told to be more understanding because the kid came from a broken home.
One day liam hit back.
He was thrown out of the school.
I sent both kids to a private high school.
Liam is now an engineering officer with the RAF.
They were smart, are smart.
The liberal system enacts punitive measures against those who do the right thing.
People who work, pay tax, own their homes, parent their children etc, you know, do the right thing , are treated like scum.
The scum, the dross, the junkies, the criminals, the lazy, the takers are treated like superior beings.

That's a liberal society.
The UK.
Woe betide a normal taxpaying human being who injures one of the "vulnerable"!

Tony Martin was imprisoned for defending his home and person from the "vulnerable" gang that tried to break into his home.
I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.

Who's blaming the victims?

A lot of children are bullied and it's a parents job (not the schools) to advise and teach their children to fight back. It's the parents responsibility to raise their kids, not the schools.
Teach them to fight back in a leftist school when the perps are protected minorities?
Fast route out.
My son was permanently excluded from the same school.
A kid from the local council estate(govnt housing) punched him daily for 3 years.
Broke his nose twice, gave him a concussion, you know, kids stuff, according to the headmistress.
We were told to be more understanding because the kid came from a broken home.
One day liam hit back.
He was thrown out of the school.
I sent both kids to a private high school.
Liam is now an engineering officer with the RAF.
They were smart, are smart.
The liberal system enacts punitive measures against those who do the right thing.
People who work, pay tax, own their homes, parent their children etc, you know, do the right thing , are treated like scum.
The scum, the dross, the junkies, the criminals, the lazy, the takers are treated like superior beings.

That's a liberal society.
The UK.
Woe betide a normal taxpaying human being who injures one of the "vulnerable"!

Tony Martin was imprisoned for defending his home and person from the "vulnerable" gang that tried to break into his home.

Yes, teach them to fight back. Unless you want them to simply be perpetual victims.

A bully hit me once.

Then he found a 2x4 upside his head hurts like hell, but it cured him from bullying.

You can be a victim or fight back, the choice is yours.

I will not be a victim! Ever!
one year here it was pretty infamous...... robbin williams has a home in sea cliff....

the bastard gave out tooth brushes. Kid threw them back over the hedges.

Hmm you just sounded like a dick.

No double standard from me though.
This woman is a bitch for her letters.
But mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooochelle is not for hers?

Double standard on your part?

Michelle Obama passing out candy, not insults:


Look at that photo of her...she is prolly scaring the shit out of the kids with that fucking mug of hers. :cool:
Who's blaming the victims?

A lot of children are bullied and it's a parents job (not the schools) to advise and teach their children to fight back. It's the parents responsibility to raise their kids, not the schools.
Teach them to fight back in a leftist school when the perps are protected minorities?
Fast route out.
My son was permanently excluded from the same school.
A kid from the local council estate(govnt housing) punched him daily for 3 years.
Broke his nose twice, gave him a concussion, you know, kids stuff, according to the headmistress.
We were told to be more understanding because the kid came from a broken home.
One day liam hit back.
He was thrown out of the school.
I sent both kids to a private high school.
Liam is now an engineering officer with the RAF.
They were smart, are smart.
The liberal system enacts punitive measures against those who do the right thing.
People who work, pay tax, own their homes, parent their children etc, you know, do the right thing , are treated like scum.
The scum, the dross, the junkies, the criminals, the lazy, the takers are treated like superior beings.

That's a liberal society.
The UK.
Woe betide a normal taxpaying human being who injures one of the "vulnerable"!

Tony Martin was imprisoned for defending his home and person from the "vulnerable" gang that tried to break into his home.

Yes, teach them to fight back. Unless you want them to simply be perpetual victims.

A bully hit me once.

Then he found a 2x4 upside his head hurts like hell, but it cured him from bullying.

You can be a victim or fight back, the choice is yours.

I will not be a victim! Ever!

Again you are applying the rules of a civilized society to a crazed liberal society.

In the liberal UK you would be jailed for fighting back.
Every day in the UK the good decent citizens are terrorized by scumbags.
They have no recourse.
Criminals, scum, the takers are out under the protective label "vulnerable" and as such can only be considered victims.

They even release violent criminals from prison early because the guilt they have causes them to suffer PTSD!

The reason I moved to the USA.
Why not just hand out healthy snacks to the fat kids and keep your mouth shut? Keep a bowl of apple chips next to a bowl of candy bars. Oh yeah, she wouldn't get any attention that way.

My guess is that kids don't knock on your door to get an apple. They want junk food.

When I was a kid we always got apples from the old timers. Apples were considered traditional Halloween food. It went out of style when assholes began putting pins and razorblades in the apples. It was considered to easy to tamper with and the packaged foods became more popular. I don't know why,it only takes a minute to inspect an apple. Anyhoo I was allergic to chocolate and peanuts so I was happy to see something I could eat in my bag.
Don't leave your children defenseless in a gun free zone.
Don't let your children be bullied into conforming to the liberal standard.

All my children are grown. And I don't interfere on how they raise their kids. You raise smart children like I did then you don't have to worry about them being bullied or indoctrinated.

I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.

I teach my kids to fight back. Several instructors have told me that I am a horrible parent for doing so. I don't care what they think.
Why not just hand out healthy snacks to the fat kids and keep your mouth shut? Keep a bowl of apple chips next to a bowl of candy bars. Oh yeah, she wouldn't get any attention that way.

My guess is that kids don't knock on your door to get an apple. They want junk food.

When I was a kid we always got apples from the old timers. Apples were considered traditional Halloween food. It went out of style when assholes began putting pins and razorblades in the apples. It was considered to easy to tamper with and the packaged foods became more popular. I don't know why,it only takes a minute to inspect an apple. Anyhoo I was allergic to chocolate and peanuts so I was happy to see something I could eat in my bag.

Candy was not the norm in the'60's and 70's. We got popcorn balls, nuts, candied apples, rice crispy treats, cookies.. We all knew everyone in the hood so it was safe.
one year here it was pretty infamous...... robbin williams has a home in sea cliff....

the bastard gave out tooth brushes. Kid threw them back over the hedges.

Ha ha, yeah, my son got a toothbrush once. He did think that was pretty lame. His grandmother was a Dental Hygienist, she still gets mailed all that promo shwag, the latest in oral hygeniene technology all the time. I don't think he would've minded getting a toothbrush, but come on, anyone that is giving out toothbrushes is probably not going to give out good ones. :lol:

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