N. Dakota woman to hand out letters to obese kids for Halloween

All my children are grown. And I don't interfere on how they raise their kids. You raise smart children like I did then you don't have to worry about them being bullied or indoctrinated.

I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.

I teach my kids to fight back. Several instructors have told me that I am a horrible parent for doing so. I don't care what they think.

Unfortunately in a liberal totalitarian state, like the UK, like the liberals wish to create here, that would not be an option.
Your children would be removed from your custody if you did not comply with the instructions you were given.
Then they would become sex toys for government employees.
I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.

I teach my kids to fight back. Several instructors have told me that I am a horrible parent for doing so. I don't care what they think.

Unfortunately in a liberal totalitarian state, like the UK, like the liberals wish to create here, that would not be an option.
Your children would be removed from your custody if you did not comply with the instructions you were given.
Then they would become sex toys for government employees.

How does a lady giving out fat notes for Halloween degrade to CPS using kids as sex slaves? :lol:

Teach them to fight back in a leftist school when the perps are protected minorities?
Fast route out.
My son was permanently excluded from the same school.
A kid from the local council estate(govnt housing) punched him daily for 3 years.
Broke his nose twice, gave him a concussion, you know, kids stuff, according to the headmistress.
We were told to be more understanding because the kid came from a broken home.
One day liam hit back.
He was thrown out of the school.
I sent both kids to a private high school.
Liam is now an engineering officer with the RAF.
They were smart, are smart.
The liberal system enacts punitive measures against those who do the right thing.
People who work, pay tax, own their homes, parent their children etc, you know, do the right thing , are treated like scum.
The scum, the dross, the junkies, the criminals, the lazy, the takers are treated like superior beings.

That's a liberal society.
The UK.
Woe betide a normal taxpaying human being who injures one of the "vulnerable"!

Tony Martin was imprisoned for defending his home and person from the "vulnerable" gang that tried to break into his home.

Yes, teach them to fight back. Unless you want them to simply be perpetual victims.

A bully hit me once.

Then he found a 2x4 upside his head hurts like hell, but it cured him from bullying.

You can be a victim or fight back, the choice is yours.

I will not be a victim! Ever!

Again you are applying the rules of a civilized society to a crazed liberal society.

In the liberal UK you would be jailed for fighting back.
Every day in the UK the good decent citizens are terrorized by scumbags.
They have no recourse.
Criminals, scum, the takers are out under the protective label "vulnerable" and as such can only be considered victims.

They even release violent criminals from prison early because the guilt they have causes them to suffer PTSD!

The reason I moved to the USA.

Those are the rules I live by and ones I taught my children.

It's worked out very well.

This is Texas, not the UK.

Here we have the right to defend ourselves as well as our property. And to use deadly force if necessary.
I have 2 grown kids and 2 under 2.
My 25 year old daughter went to a junior school in the UK(age 7 through 11).

She was verbally abused for her American accent, no action taken.
One day she was sent home for causing one of the girls abusing her to burst into tears. She responded to the abuse by asking the girl if she had nits( head lice), must admit, I struggled not to laugh when I heard!!

She was an athletic, blond, blue eyed girl in a school with a larger group of Pakistani and Jamaican immigrants.
She was frequently assaulted violently by the Pakistanis because she was a better soccer player than they were, once she was sexually assaulted by a Jamaican kid.
No action taken, the headmistress ( principle) spouted some liberal garbage about it's just kids being kids.
Pinning a girl down, forcing her legs open and laying on top of her shouting" look I'm shagging her " is just child's play to the left!!

My Daughter grew up, highly intelligent, currently works as a special needs schoolteacher in the UK. Recently she has been recognized at a national level for her dedication to those in her care.

Smart kids get bullied too.
You shouldn't blame the victims, we have liberals to do that.

I teach my kids to fight back. Several instructors have told me that I am a horrible parent for doing so. I don't care what they think.

Unfortunately in a liberal totalitarian state, like the UK, like the liberals wish to create here, that would not be an option.
Your children would be removed from your custody if you did not comply with the instructions you were given.
Then they would become sex toys for government employees.

And what instructions are those?

Don't defend yourself and teach your children the same?

No wonder they got their asses kicked and needed the Americans to come save them.
My guess is that kids don't knock on your door to get an apple. They want junk food.

When I was a kid we always got apples from the old timers. Apples were considered traditional Halloween food. It went out of style when assholes began putting pins and razorblades in the apples. It was considered to easy to tamper with and the packaged foods became more popular. I don't know why,it only takes a minute to inspect an apple. Anyhoo I was allergic to chocolate and peanuts so I was happy to see something I could eat in my bag.

Candy was not the norm in the'60's and 70's. We got popcorn balls, nuts, candied apples, rice crispy treats, cookies.. We all knew everyone in the hood so it was safe.

Candy was the norm until liberals started poisoning children.

You can take your candy to any hospital and get it xrayed for needles and razor blades free.
My guess is that kids don't knock on your door to get an apple. They want junk food.

When I was a kid we always got apples from the old timers. Apples were considered traditional Halloween food. It went out of style when assholes began putting pins and razorblades in the apples. It was considered to easy to tamper with and the packaged foods became more popular. I don't know why,it only takes a minute to inspect an apple. Anyhoo I was allergic to chocolate and peanuts so I was happy to see something I could eat in my bag.

Candy was not the norm in the'60's and 70's. We got popcorn balls, nuts, candied apples, rice crispy treats, cookies.. We all knew everyone in the hood so it was safe.

You're right the treats were different and back in the day you lived,worked/school and went to church in the same neighborhood. My parents knew the other parents through Scouts/clubs,PTA,church, local sports or they went to school with my parents. New people moved in, you made an effort to meet them. It's funny cause this area isn't a small town but my neighborhood had a small town feel to it.

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

It's not their job it's the parents job. Tell little Pugsley to step away from the video games and get his ass outside to play. When I was a child you rarely saw a fat kid. Just the opposite,there were kids that looked like they needed a donut. If a child was heavy it was usually due to some medical condition and the school said nothing cause it wasn't their business. From dawn to dusk we were moving.

We did chores, rode bicycles,skated,played Tag,climbed trees,spent entire days on the playground, jumped rope and played hopscotch,baseball and kickball,yard gymnastics,sled riding, snowball fights,make snowmen,walked everywhere, we didn't stop. From early in the morning until late at night you heard kids outside playing. The local fire siren at 12 and 6 was our call home to eat and we were out until then. We didn't have a virtual world to play in, we only had the real world. Maybe it's time the parents insist that kids play superhero, soldier,pirate etc. in the real world.
When I was a kid we always got apples from the old timers. Apples were considered traditional Halloween food. It went out of style when assholes began putting pins and razorblades in the apples. It was considered to easy to tamper with and the packaged foods became more popular. I don't know why,it only takes a minute to inspect an apple. Anyhoo I was allergic to chocolate and peanuts so I was happy to see something I could eat in my bag.

Candy was not the norm in the'60's and 70's. We got popcorn balls, nuts, candied apples, rice crispy treats, cookies.. We all knew everyone in the hood so it was safe.

Candy was the norm until liberals started poisoning children.

You can take your candy to any hospital and get it xrayed for needles and razor blades free.

We had a mix of apples,candy,pennies for the gumball machine or candy store,and homemade treats. Mom just told us not to eat anything until she looked at it.

I don't know how anyone can be such a bitch as to refuse a kid cause he's overweight. I just saw some kindergarteners heading off to afternoon session and the school parade in costume and they are so excited. One kid was dressed as a skunk. lol. If Mom and dad are smart they will ration out the candy so junior doesn't eat it all in one night.

It's the parents job to make sure the kid is healthy. I was allergic to chocolate and peanuts when I was young. The school and neighbors didn't take it upon themselves to see to it I didn't eat candy I wasn't supposed to, my mother did. Much to my sisters delight, Mom would trade off all the stuff I couldn't eat with my sisters treats that I could eat. They got all my candybars and I got in return some of their taffy, hard candy and apples.
To me, if people can't respect where she stands on the issue, they shouldn't expect any out of her then.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Personally I commend her for caring enough about the well being of others when so many people do not.
one year here it was pretty infamous...... robbin williams has a home in sea cliff....

the bastard gave out tooth brushes. Kid threw them back over the hedges.

Ha ha, yeah, my son got a toothbrush once. He did think that was pretty lame. His grandmother was a Dental Hygienist, she still gets mailed all that promo shwag, the latest in oral hygeniene technology all the time. I don't think he would've minded getting a toothbrush, but come on, anyone that is giving out toothbrushes is probably not going to give out good ones. :lol:

i was lazy this year and did not make goodie bags......:eek::eek::eek:

So they will have to deal with 2 full size bars and an enormous handful of loose candy.
To me, if people can't respect where she stands on the issue, they shouldn't expect any out of her then.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Personally I commend her for caring enough about the well being of others when so many people do not.

I understand where she stands but as Mom used to say, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." That "your too fat" letter will bulldoze the kids self esteem. She could simply choose not to hand anything out or hand out something other than candy and still stick to her principles. Wanna help the kids, hand out glow sticks to keep them safe while they walk. She'd be supporting excercise,be the most popular person on the block because kids love those things.
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one year here it was pretty infamous...... robbin williams has a home in sea cliff....

the bastard gave out tooth brushes. Kid threw them back over the hedges.

Ha ha, yeah, my son got a toothbrush once. He did think that was pretty lame. His grandmother was a Dental Hygienist, she still gets mailed all that promo shwag, the latest in oral hygeniene technology all the time. I don't think he would've minded getting a toothbrush, but come on, anyone that is giving out toothbrushes is probably not going to give out good ones. :lol:

i was lazy this year and did not make goodie bags......:eek::eek::eek:

So they will have to deal with 2 full size bars and an enormous handful of loose candy.

Wow, big spender! If I did that, I would have candy laying around till after Christmas. I don't get many little goblins and skeletons here. This house is tucked away and looks kinda scary. :eek:

I've still probably gotten too much though. It's the only time of year I buy candy.

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?
tell that to the Grade schools out here.....many dont have PE anymore.....
She doesn't have to hand out anything at all. I don't see why she's going about it this way.

She's a progressive moonbat, and progressives use these sorts of methods to bully others, and show their disdain for children in general.

I think this could constitute a crime, possibly discrimination..perhaps harassment. Though probably there's a technicality that if they come to her house and ring the bell, she can choose to treat them or not.

But if I were a parent and my kid read that letter...I'd be kicking some ass.
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To me, if people can't respect where she stands on the issue, they shouldn't expect any out of her then.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Personally I commend her for caring enough about the well being of others when so many people do not.
I understand where she stands but as Mom used to say, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." That "your too fat" letter will bulldoze the kids self esteem. She could simply choose not to hand anything out or hand out something other than candy and still stick to her principles. Wanna help the kids, hand out glow sticks to keep them safe while they walk. She'd be supporting excercise,be the most popular person on the block because kids love those things.
Another thing that could be handed out in place of candy is fruit or quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Someone once gave me pocket change instead of a food item when I was a kid and when you think about it, giving money is the better thing to do because not all kids can eat just anything that is given to them. I am a day one fan of country singer Trace Adkins and his daughter, Brianna, is allergic to foods that have milk, egg, and nuts in them, and so that sadly cancels out a lot of stuff for her at this time of the year. :( :( :(

God bless you and Trace and his family always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I just now wrote to Trace at his Twitter page asking him about what is OK for Brianna to get on this day. :) :) :)
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Oh, didn't liberals take sports out of the curriculum?

5'3" and 127 lbs is obese?

I guess you fanatics get to pick and choose, right?

According to the BMI charts, it is... for that age.

And, no liberals didn't take "sports" out. you need to stop listening to the obese closeted drug abuser telling you lies in your Double Wide all day.

Look at the photos of the kids who get letters home.

The kid who played football, does karate and has almost no body fat was told by his school that he was obese.
Is Tom Brady obese ?

Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooochelles charts say he is .

She would be morbidly obese.

according to those stupid Govt charts Karl Malone was considered Obese....

Schools are there to EDUCATE kids.

Not to send letters home to kids who are not obese.

What right has a school to insult children?

Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

Can a child be fat and NOT be sick? "Sick" is a medical determination. Anyone making a determination that someone is sick, without a medical examination should be arrested and fined for practicing medicine without a license.

and yet there you were.....telling us people in the Pot thread how we were all Drug Addicts because we had a different opinion than you on Pot....
Schools are there to help develop children.

If they see a kid who is fat and sick because his parents who live in a double-wide are feeding him deep-fried twinkies, they really have a duty to say something about it.

You do understand the physical fitness is part of the education experience, right?

Can a child be fat and NOT be sick? "Sick" is a medical determination. Anyone making a determination that someone is sick, without a medical examination should be arrested and fined for practicing medicine without a license.

and yet there you were.....telling us people in the Pot thread how we were all Drug Addicts because we had a different opinion than you on Pot....

Actually, it has nothing to do with your opinion on pot...but an addict is by definition an addict if they are willing to risk their own livelihood and freedom for the sake of copping a high from a substance that is illegal or dangerous.

So you aren't an addict if you believe pot should be legalized...but you probably are an addict if you're obtaining it illegally. You're willing to put yourself and others at risk for what you consider *recreation*...and that's addiction.

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