NAACP Bombing In Colorado Spring Was Deliberate.


Dec 5, 2011

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.
why do you watch this station if you think it is shit?....i see so many people saying this....but they all must watch the dam thing...why?....

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.
why do you watch this station if you think it is shit?....i see so many people saying this....but they all must watch the dam thing...why?....

Oh Harry, I do not have to watch Fixed Lies to know that Fixed Lies has a pre-disposed bias.

How Fox News Covers Right-Wing Cop Killers Blog Media Matters for America

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.

The only thing deliberate here is your stupidity. The two following quotes are from your article;

“The investigation is ongoing and it is not known at this time if the NAACP or a business in the vicinity was the intended target,” said spokeswoman Sanders in a statement.

Hell even the Chapter President is showing restraint; "NAACP chapter president Henry Allen Jr. was “hesitant” on Tuesday to call the bomb a hate crime until more information is revealed, but he said in an interview with local newspaper
The Gazette that the chapter “will not be deterred” by threats"

Plus, there's always these articles you can read;


FBI helps investigate explosion next door to Colorado Springs NAACP no injuries reported Fox News
Colorado NAACP standing vigilant after blast near office Fox News
FBI looking for man connected to explosion outside Colorado Springs NAACP Fox News
FBI seeks man after explosion near Colorado NAACP chapter Fox News

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.
Yet despite your child like blubbering,you still watch LOL

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.

why should they? it's a state and local ISSUE. dear gawd you people and Fox news. dumb

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.
Yet despite your child like blubbering,you still watch LOL
He OD'd on CNN, the Lost Plane Channel.
Blacks can riot, loot, shoot up and burn down an entire town, but OOOOOH BOY... don't put no little pipe bomb outside ONE of their little RACIST offices... CAN'T DO THAT!

The PROGTARD HYPOCRISY is once again DRIPPING off another of their SHITTY THREADS.

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.
It appears that the LEFT is FULL of racists, and they're just not EVER going to quit PIMPING RACE. They must LOVE the divide, they must THRIVE on the divide, they must want the divide to CONSTANTLY GROW... because they'd have nothing to BITCH about if it didn't.

PROGTARDS: Constant fucking WHINERS.

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.
why do you watch this station if you think it is shit?....i see so many people saying this....but they all must watch the dam thing...why?....

Obama told him Fox was bad and he is too stupid to watch it and decide for himself.
The op has lost his mind.

Of course bombs are deliberate and FOX has reported on it.
The op has lost his mind.

Of course bombs are deliberate and FOX has reported on it.
I'm tellin' ya... since the ass kicking the left got last November... it's been nothing but one huge frothing at the mouth melt down.

They're absolutely coming unhinged. And now with their beloved muslims shooting up another 12 innocent people over a cartoon, now more than ever it's becoming blatantly apparent just what kind of NUT JOBS LIBERALS ARE.
The op has lost his mind.

Of course bombs are deliberate and FOX has reported on it.

thanks dear, I don't usually watch any of them so I have no idea what they are reporting on. but this stupid obsession people have with fox news has to some sort or mental disorder. sheeesh
The op has lost his mind.

Of course bombs are deliberate and FOX has reported on it.

thanks dear, I don't usually watch any of them so I have no idea what they are reporting on. but this stupid obsession people have with fox news has to some sort or mental disorder. sheeesh
It's the ONE CHANNEL... **ONE DAMN CHANNEL**... that isn't one of THEIR DEMOCRAP PROPAGANDA OUTLETS, and THEY CAN'T STAND IT. The fact of the matter is, these BIGOTS can't stand ANYONE disagreeing with them about ANYTHING! They are HYPOCRISY in the FLESH.

But isn't it odd how Fox News is watched by MORE PEOPLE than all their progtard channels COMBINED!

They are the MINORITY, and people are getting more fed up with them by the day.

And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.

Comrade, why are you such a fucking liar?

FBI looking for man connected to explosion outside Colorado Springs NAACP Fox News
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And of course, being as Fair and Balanced as Fox Lies is known to be, NOT ONE WORD about the Pipebomb placed outside the building in Colorado Springs were the offices of the NAACP was located.

And of course, the suspect is a White Male...the base for Fox Lies.

Give a White Racist Rancher a platform for people who kill cops in Las Vegas and Fox Lies is all over it.

Fair and Balanced my ass.

Comrade, why are you such a fucking liar?

FBI looking for man connected to explosion outside Colorado Springs NAACP Fox News

Oopsie. :2up:

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