NAACP Celebrates Michael Brown's 28th Birthday on X... and gets roasted in the comments

Fake news.

If the NAACP Celebrated Philando Castile's Birthday, they would get a 100% different reaction.

"Hands up, don't shoot" was deemed the Lie of the Year by the Washington post

Brown got exactly what he deserved.
Let me cut this shit short. Every year you guys honor some of the greatest criminals in U.S. History on July 4th. So you really don't have ---- to say about what the NAACP did. And today you guys are planning on voting for a criminal to be the presdent of this country. When this criminal is gone, you will honor his birth. So you guys really need to examine yourselves because your racism is apparent here.

Racist piece of crap you are. Brown got exactly what he deserved.
Let me cut this shit short. Every year you guys honor some of the greatest criminals in U.S. History on July 4th. So you really don't have ---- to say about what the NAACP did. And today you guys are planning on voting for a criminal to be the presdent of this country. When this criminal is gone, you will honor his birth. So you guys really need to examine yourselves because your racism is apparent here.

Give it a rest Karen.

Or maybe just move to some more supposedly enlightened country since you obviously hate it here so much.

No one will try and stop you.

I promise.

In the meantime, can you break the news to all the illegal immigrants pouring over the border that America is actually a noxious hellscape?

It'd be one thing you could positively contribute on your way out the door.
1. Be very patient with the NAACP.

2. It is desperately trying to be relevant in this era of BLM.

3. It needs financial support to keep its employees and to pay the rent.

4. If it wants to make Mr. Brown a martyr, let it pass.

5. One good thing about Mr. Brown: According to the video, when he stole from that store, and the Asian owner tried to stop him, the dear sweet gentle Mr. Brown just pushed him out of the way. He did not kill the owner.
1. Be very patient with the NAACP.

2. It is desperately trying to be relevant in this era of BLM.

3. It needs financial support to keep its employees and to pay the rent.

4. If it wants to make Mr. Brown a martyr, let it pass.

5. One good thing about Mr. Brown: According to the video, when he stole from that store, and the Asian owner tried to stop him, the dear sweet gentle Mr. Brown just pushed him out of the way. He did not kill the owner.

More dumb white racism.

The NAACP and the National Urban League continue to be the top black organizations for civil rights in America. BLM is not.
😂 all this shit talking

From people that love them some confederate generals

Wanna honor them with statues and shit

And they were traitors 😂
Heroes of the South. War Generals.

Who exactly was Michael Brown a hero to? Is there a 2-bit Strongarm Robbers Hall of Fame exhibit in your basement next to your Pokemon card collection and your taxidermied cats?
Heroes of the South. War Generals.

Who exactly was Michael Brown a hero to? Is there a 2-bit Strongarm Robbers Hall of Fame exhibit in your basement next to your Pokemon card collection and your taxidermied cats?
I didn’t say that Brown was a hero

I said that the confederate generals were traitors
Let me cut this shit short. Every year you guys honor some of the greatest criminals in U.S. History on July 4th. So you really don't have ---- to say about what the NAACP did. And today you guys are planning on voting for a criminal to be the presdent of this country. When this criminal is gone, you will honor his birth. So you guys really need to examine yourselves because your racism is apparent here.
You see racism behind every blade of grass.

Is it possible that Michael Brown was not a good dude. A kid who believed being a criminal was cool. A guy who thought the law was too be flaunted and fought against, not obeyed.

And that Michael Brown took this attitude to the extreme and decided he was going to show John Law what a bad dude he was?

Is that possible?
I didn’t say that Brown was a hero

I said that the confederate generals were traitors
I think you're saying this like it's going to hurt someone's feelings...but you're barking up the wrong tree.

The founders of this country were all traitors too, so they're in good company.
And here we see the reality that white racism exists today just as it did in 1724, 1824, and 1924 in 2024.
Yes yes .. "Hands up .. don't shoot .." right before the savage attempts to reach in and disarm a law enforcement officer. Michael Brown .. the hoodlum who threatened a convenience store clerk while shoplifting right before he attempted to murder a police officer. What a great role model to celebrate .. like george floyd!
Yes yes .. "Hands up .. don't shoot .." right before the savage attempts to reach in and disarm a law enforcement officer. Michael Brown .. the hoodlum who threatened a convenience store clerk while shoplifting right before he attempted to murder a police officer. What a great role model to celebrate .. like george floyd!
IM2 Has already informed us these facts are racist.
Here is the NAACP's post

Here's a sample of the responses.

One less ignorant arrogant loud-mouthed stupid bullying Hood Rat in the world...

No great loss... as a matter of fact, no loss whatsoever...

Grabbing a police officer's gun through his patrol car window?

Nature has de-selected Brown.

Deservedly so.

As to the reaction of the local barbarians back then...

They can burn down their own $hit to their little hearts' content...

Funny stuff...
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Let me cut this shit short. Every year you guys honor some of the greatest criminals in U.S. History on July 4th. So you really don't have ---- to say about what the NAACP did. And today you guys are planning on voting for a criminal to be the presdent of this country. When this criminal is gone, you will honor his birth. So you guys really need to examine yourselves because your racism is apparent here.

Name the criminals we celebrate on the 4th.

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