NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

so you're saying the Naacp is needed to "stomp on our rights of FREEDOM OF SPEECH"?

we NEED the NAACP like we needed the KKK.

both were hateful, wrongheaded, and supported by the left. go figure.

Has the NAACP ever burned down someones house?
Have they ever lynched someone?

Your comparison is repulsive

Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the NAACP to the KKK to repulsive. The NAACP has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists
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The TEA Baggers are exactly the same as the KKK - they despise all minorities even the President.
The Klan only hated Catholics, Negros, Jews, etc etc etc etc etc etc..................................
The TEA Baggers are exactly the same as the KKK - they despise all minorities even the President.
The Klan only hated Catholics, Negros, Jews, etc etc etc etc etc etc..................................

Nice bit of hyperbole there.

Exactly how are the Tea Partiers in anyway similar to the KKK as a movement?
Has the NAACP ever burned down someones house?
Have they ever lynched someone?

Your comparison is repulsive

Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the ACLU to the KKK to repulsive. The ACLU has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

awww, but you lefties didn't find a damn thing wrong with comparing Bush to Hitler.
remember, BushHitler.
and what's with this "patriotic" crap applied to any lefty organization today. since when is it patriotic to fight against your own country and it's citizens ?
your alls faux outrage is surly one sided and a real joke. I'm not sure ANYONE takes you folks serious anymore, I know I don't.:lol:
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Has the NAACP ever burned down someones house?
Have they ever lynched someone?

Your comparison is repulsive

Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the ACLU to the KKK to repulsive. The ACLU has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

Comparisons to the KKK have become as careless and ignorant as comparisons to Hitler, Nazi's, Stalin, Fascism....etc
Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the ACLU to the KKK to repulsive. The ACLU has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

awww, but you lefties didn't find a damn thing wrong with comparing Bush to Hitler.
remember, BushHitler.

your alls faux outrage is surly one sided and a real joke. I'm not sure ANYONE takes you folks serious anymore, I know I don't.:lol:


Comparisons like that just show the person's utter ignorance of history.
Has the NAACP ever burned down someones house?
Have they ever lynched someone?

Your comparison is repulsive

Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the ACLU to the KKK to repulsive. The ACLU has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

How did you go from praising the NAACP to praising the ACLU in one post?

Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the ACLU to the KKK to repulsive. The ACLU has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

awww, but you lefties didn't find a damn thing wrong with comparing Bush to Hitler.
remember, BushHitler.
and what's with this "patriotic" crap applied to any lefty organization today. since when is it patriotic to fight against your own country and it's citizens ?
your alls faux outrage is surly one sided and a real joke. I'm not sure ANYONE takes you folks serious anymore, I know I don't.:lol:

I never compared Bush to Hitler
I would never compare the Tea Party to the did though

The NAACP did fight for this country. They fought for Liberty, they fought for freedom and they did so while risking their own lives

More than can be said about the phoney Tea Baggers
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Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the ACLU to the KKK to repulsive. The ACLU has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

How did you go from praising the NAACP to praising the ACLU in one post?


My bad...thanks for the catch....I meant NAACP

I'll save the ACLU for another thread
I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the ACLU to the KKK to repulsive. The ACLU has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

awww, but you lefties didn't find a damn thing wrong with comparing Bush to Hitler.
remember, BushHitler.
and what's with this "patriotic" crap applied to any lefty organization today. since when is it patriotic to fight against your own country and it's citizens ?
your alls faux outrage is surly one sided and a real joke. I'm not sure ANYONE takes you folks serious anymore, I know I don't.:lol:

I never compared Bush to Hitler
I would never compare the Tea Party to the did though

The ACLU did fight for this country. They fought for Liberty, they fought for freedom and they did so while risking their own lives

More than can be said about the phoney Tea Baggers

Oh dear me. :lol::lol:
Has the NAACP ever burned down someones house?
Have they ever lynched someone?

Your comparison is repulsive

Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the NAACP to the KKK to repulsive. The NAACP has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.
Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the NAACP to the KKK to repulsive. The NAACP has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.


And the Tea Party never called anyone names?
Has the Tea Party people ever burned down a house?
Have they ever lynched anyone?

I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the NAACP to the KKK to repulsive. The NAACP has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.
The NAACP is a political front for the democratic party. Their tax exempt status NEEDS TO BE REVOKED!!!!!!!!! end of story. :eusa_snooty:
I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the NAACP to the KKK to repulsive. The NAACP has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

Stop dreaming.
I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the NAACP to the KKK to repulsive. The NAACP has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

holy smokes, I guess no tea bagging American fought and died to help give them rights to all them people, oh no,.
you are one lost sheep. sheesh
Couldn't say it any better than Michelle!!! :eusa_whistle:

Townhall - Michelle Malkin - The National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People
Before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People decided to ride the anti-tea party wave back to political relevancy, its most recent activist crusade involved a silly space-themed Hallmark graduation card. Yes, the NAACP has been lost in space for quite some time now. And blaming whitey will no longer cut it.

In June, the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP demanded that the greeting card be pulled because it used the term "black holes" (which the bionically equipped ears of the p.c. police insisted sounded like "black whores"). "It sounds like a group of children laughing and joking about blackness," one NAACP official complained.

It was a group of hipster cartoon characters chattering about the universe and galaxies and wide-open possibilities to new high school and college grads. Alas, this is what has become of the once-inspired drive against racial discrimination.

In just a few short decades, the stalwart strivers for equality have turned into coddled whiners for hypersensitivity. The NAACP is a laughingstock. The group no longer represents the best interests of oppressed minorities, but the thin-skinned whims of the black elite and the ravenous appetite of the Nanny State. Establishment civil rights leaders now use their once-compelling moral authority to hector, bully and shake down corporate and political targets.

As Ward Connerly, the truly maverick opponent of government racial preferences who is black, wrote recently, "the NAACP is not so much a civil-rights organization as it is a trade association with clear links to the Democratic Party, despite the claim of its chairman that 'the NAACP has always been non-partisan.' Such a statement doesn't pass the giggle test. The NAACP uses the plight of poor black people as a fig leaf to hide its true agenda of promoting policies that benefit their dues-paying members, not black people in general or poor black people in particular."

To compensate for squandering the proud history of the civil rights organization on innocent greeting cards, NAACP leaders introduced a much-hyped resolution at their annual convention this week attacking the nation's biggest racial bogeyman: the tea party movement. It's a tried and true tactic of worn-out grievance-mongers: When you can't find evil enough enemies to blame for your problems, manufacture them. (Just ask hate crimes huckster Al Sharpton.) This is why one of the most popular signs spotted at tea party protests across the country remains the one that reads: "It doesn't matter what this sign says. You'll call it racism, anyway!"

The NAACP resolution calls on its chapters across the country to "repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties" and stand against the movement's attempt to "push our country back to the pre-civil rights era." Yet, it's the NAACP that lobbied the Obama White House to dismiss voter intimidation charges against the thugs of the New Black Panther Party, according to Justice Department whistleblower J. Christian Adams. It's the NAACP that opposes the 21st century school choice movement to free poor minority students from rotten government schools, as black parents in Washington, D.C., have suffered firsthand. It's the NAACP that elevates "diversity" above academic rigor as its primary education goal. And it's the NAACP that backs retrograde, race-based set-asides and classifications that encourage cronyism of color championed by their water-carriers at the Congressional Black Caucus.

And it's the NAACP that tolerates racist sneers and smears like those leveled by the St. Louis NAACP chapter against black limited-government activist Kenneth Gladney, who was derided by civil rights leaders as an "Uncle Tom" after he was beaten bloody by Service Employees International Union henchmen last summer.
If you ask me this latest "Cry Wolf Crap" is nothing but fear mongering by the NAACP and The Obama administration, they believe if they can falsely accuse Tea Party Members of being Racist, then that will be all the more success of getting NAACP Members to get out and vote Democrat. As a non-profit organization, is it not against the Tax Codes to use the organization for Vote Getting? (not sure, just asking).....

one problem I see is this False accusation can have another effect; it only heats up the us-them problem between Blacks and Whites, it seems every time America makes progress in uniting all people some Jerk or Jerks try to sir up Tensions and make mindless accusations.

There will unfortunately always be Racists, but to say The Tea Party Supports Racists is only Ignorance and most likely a way to grow the coffers of the NAACP with new membership dues.


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