NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Most of the Negros drafted into service in WWII were kept behind the "lines" doing menial work. They were not trusted.

During Korea the 24th Infantry was mostly Black. They were the first to get the full brunt of the N. Korean attack in the Korean peninsula. What I've read on the subject they claim that many of them wouldn't fight because they didn't feel they should fight for a country that treated them like second-classed citizens.

I'm going to have to ask for a link on this is too preposterous...even for you
Stop dreaming.

The original terrorists in this country were white and came in the middle of the night. They would openly bomb churches, grab innocent people from their beds and lynch them and openly brag about it. These terrorists were supported by their local and state governments and were never convicted regardless of the evidence against them

The Patriotic NAACP engaged in peaceful protest, boycotts and engaged worldwide media attention to their plight and finally got Federal intervention to enforce the Constitution

What exactly maked Tea Baggers Patriots?

Well assuming you're bright enough to know that the Tea Partiers and the KKK are not the same thing, in no way related, and are mostly 180 degree opposite in their perspectives, values, and goals, then perhaps you might see that the Tea Partiers are promoting Constitutional law, fiscal integrity in government, and unalienable rights as the Founders defined those.

What exactly do you see unpatriotic about that?

To compare the Tea Partiers with the KKK, which you did in a subtle manner in your post, is as offensive as comparing the NAACP to black groups that promote killing crackers and their babies before black power will be achieved.

Where did I ever compare the Tea Baggers to the KKK?

I am merely establishing the fact that the NAACP are actual patriots while the Tea Baggers run around in funny hats pretending to be patriots
The original terrorists in this country were white and came in the middle of the night. They would openly bomb churches, grab innocent people from their beds and lynch them and openly brag about it. These terrorists were supported by their local and state governments and were never convicted regardless of the evidence against them

The Patriotic NAACP engaged in peaceful protest, boycotts and engaged worldwide media attention to their plight and finally got Federal intervention to enforce the Constitution

What exactly maked Tea Baggers Patriots?

Well assuming you're bright enough to know that the Tea Partiers and the KKK are not the same thing, in no way related, and are mostly 180 degree opposite in their perspectives, values, and goals, then perhaps you might see that the Tea Partiers are promoting Constitutional law, fiscal integrity in government, and unalienable rights as the Founders defined those.

What exactly do you see unpatriotic about that?

To compare the Tea Partiers with the KKK, which you did in a subtle manner in your post, is as offensive as comparing the NAACP to black groups that promote killing crackers and their babies before black power will be achieved.

Why is David Duke courting the Tea Party? Why are there militias in the Tea Party?

The Tea Party won't have anything to do with a racist like David Duke.

Militias are not automatically racists. You seem to have fallen pray to the left's stereotypical psycho-babble.
The original terrorists in this country were white and came in the middle of the night. They would openly bomb churches, grab innocent people from their beds and lynch them and openly brag about it. These terrorists were supported by their local and state governments and were never convicted regardless of the evidence against them

The Patriotic NAACP engaged in peaceful protest, boycotts and engaged worldwide media attention to their plight and finally got Federal intervention to enforce the Constitution

What exactly maked Tea Baggers Patriots?

Well assuming you're bright enough to know that the Tea Partiers and the KKK are not the same thing, in no way related, and are mostly 180 degree opposite in their perspectives, values, and goals, then perhaps you might see that the Tea Partiers are promoting Constitutional law, fiscal integrity in government, and unalienable rights as the Founders defined those.

What exactly do you see unpatriotic about that?

To compare the Tea Partiers with the KKK, which you did in a subtle manner in your post, is as offensive as comparing the NAACP to black groups that promote killing crackers and their babies before black power will be achieved.

Where did I ever compare the Tea Baggers to the KKK?

I am merely establishing the fact that the NAACP are actual patriots while the Tea Baggers run around in funny hats pretending to be patriots

The NAACP is not actual patriots. They work to further their own cause. The cause of this country is last on their minds.

Tea Party members can't be assumed to be patriots....mainly because they're fighting for freedom from over taxation....nothing more.
The Tea Party won't have anything to do with a racist like David Duke.

Umm, David Duke has a doctorate degree and was a member of the House of Representatives. Yes, he was a KKK member, but so was Baird, and besides that was 30 years ago. I've read his book, "My Awakening", and in the 700 pages you will find no racial epithets whatsoever.
I think the tea baggers are very much like kkk lite. They leave the hoods home in the day time. I hope the resolution passes. Racist wouldn't think the NAACP is good for the country.
Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.


There are many societies and special interest groups that work for the betterment of certain groups of people defined by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality:

Anti-Defamation League
Catholic Alliance
National Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee
Uyghur American Association
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund

etc etc etc

Are all these groups "ists" of some sort?
holy smokes, I guess no tea bagging American fought and died to help give them rights to all them people, oh no,.
you are one lost sheep. sheesh

Yes they fought and died fighting for freedom and when they got home from fighting in other countries certain Americans were less free than others.

Black Americans came back from WWII and Korea only to find that the American ideals they fought for were not available to them

So what. You're talking ancient history.

You talk about it like it was yesterday.

There are many people still alive who remember that and lived through it. If it's still in living memory, then it's not "ancient history".
Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.


When is the NRA going to start fighting for ALL Constitutional rights?
The Tea Party won't have anything to do with a racist like David Duke.

Umm, David Duke has a doctorate degree and was a member of the House of Representatives. Yes, he was a KKK member, but so was Baird, and besides that was 30 years ago. I've read his book, "My Awakening", and in the 700 pages you will find no racial epithets whatsoever.

He's still a white supremacist. You must have missed the link I put to his utube addressing the Tea Party.

According to David Duke it's all about being white.
He's still a white supremacist.

That’s your opinion. You're only saying because he is white. FYI, David Duke doesn’t believe that any race should be “supreme” or rule over any other. That’s where I share ideological ideas with Dr. Duke. Everybody has a home. Japanese have Japan, Chinese have China, Hispanics have Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc, etc. Blacks have Africa, Somalia, Ugnada, not to mention Liberia which we gave them. White countries are for everybody. Just what do you think will be the ultimate result of all this immigration? The problem isn’t that there’s not enough whites, but there’s too many non-whites.

You must have missed the link I put to his utube addressing the Tea Party.

I've seen most of his vids.

According to David Duke it's all about being white.

In being white you’ve won the genetics lottery. Whites have tremendous ingenuity and have invented so much. In Africa, to this day there’s people that live in straw huts, hell birds and gophers have better mechanical ingenuity than your average African. Everybody wants to live in white nations to benefit off our vast wealth of knowledge and liquidity.
The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.


There are many societies and special interest groups that work for the betterment of certain groups of people defined by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality:

Anti-Defamation League
Catholic Alliance
National Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee
Uyghur American Association
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund

etc etc etc

Are all these groups "ists" of some sort?

Don't know all of those, but from what I can tell of the ones I know... yes.

You forgot CAIR and La Raza too

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.


When is the NRA going to start fighting for ALL Constitutional rights?

I am not a member of the NRA, have no plans of ever becoming a member of the NRA and can't answer your question as I don't read any of their literature. I do, however, support our 2nd Amendment rights as I see them. :razz:

It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.


When is the NRA going to start fighting for ALL Constitutional rights?

I am not a member of the NRA, have no plans of ever becoming a member of the NRA and can't answer your question as I don't read any of their literature. I do, however, support our 2nd Amendment rights as I see them. :razz:


Agreed. I'm not a member of the NRA either, but at such time as the courts hand down a ruling that violates the Second Amendment, I'll be looking for a chapter to join. As it is now, I do read some of their stuff and find myself agreeing and sometimes disagreeing with them.

But I am glad there is a group focused on Second Amendment rights and watching the store for us there. They are well organized enough and well researched enough that it is unlikely our government at any level could take any action that would jeopardize our Second Amendment rights without the NRA knowing about it and putting out an alert.

I see that as a very healthy thing.
I have absolutely no problem condemning racism in the Tea Party, but I believe the racism in the NAACP should be condemned as should all racism nationwide.


And what racism in the NAACP exists? Please I do pray.
Cause lower taxes and spending only what we can afford is such a racist policy.

I wish you fucking dumbass Tea bastards will quit playing stupid as if no one sees through your pseudo pro-Constitution cover, the fact of the matter is racism exists within the Tea Bastards and the NAACP was criticizing the Tea Bastards for not taking the racist elements within it to task for their racist signs and slander. No one has said that calling for lower taxes and spending what we can afford is racist, thats a fucking ad hominem.
so on what grounds do you claim the NAACP is racist?


Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam, not the NAACP, lets not start playing the guilt by association card because thats a battle you will lose you dipshit.
I wonder when they are going to go after Obama and the congressional Democrats for Making every issue about race, and being the most divisive Government we have ever had.

Noboby's making every issue about race except for the Republicans, Democrats in a lot of cases are just calling a spade a spade, the problem with you Republicans asswipes is that when an issue is clearly about race you avoid addressing and accusing others of playing the race card and being divisive when all they doing is pointing out whats obvious and visible to all.

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