NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Bullshit, the NAACP was created during a time in our country when acts of overt, violent racism was prevalent and as time moved on the organization dedicated itself to fighting for the rights of disenfranchised African Americans primarly but not solely. The NAACP does not advance any racist agendas for black people and many people were lynched for associting with the NAACP, think Megar Evers for example, you need to go back and do some fucking research before you start letting dumbshit fly out of your mouth by playing word games. David Duke does have a group called NAAWP and I want you to compare his group with the NAACP and tell is there any similarity you piece of shit.

What has the NAACP accomplished in the last 20 years?

Do your research and take a look for yourself dumbfuck.

That's what I thought. Your concession is duly noted.
"The NAACP got on the front page this week because of a resolution condemning the tea-party movement for harboring racist elements.

A fight draws attention, but this use of moral outrage isn't as effective a tool as it was in the 1960s, when discrimination was more blatant, and we knew less about how our brains work.

The tea-party movement has racist elements that ought not be tolerated by its leadership.

But a lot of what hurts black folks and everyone else these days are the unconscious biases that drive people's attitudes and behaviors. Making people aware of those biases, or even better, exorcising them would help reduce the disparities that afflict our country.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which has been fighting for equality for 101 years, has adapted to the times before.

It spent its early years fighting against lynchings and anti-black riots.

It evolved as the country changed, fighting for access to education and jobs. The U.S. has improved tremendously over that century, but the journey isn't complete.

Most Americans want nothing to do with racism. And yet something is still not right.

The explanation that shows up so often now in social science and brain science: unconscious bias. The garbage in our heads about blacks, women, gays, old people. Our brains have a set of stereotypes about everyone, some good, some bad, all with the potential to shape our thoughts and actions without a conscious thought.

Tests show 75 percent of white people and half of black people unconsciously associate black people with negative traits and white people with positive traits. (Take one of the tests yourself,

We need to talk about that more. It's usually not part of media analyses of incidents where race seems to be an issue. Incidents are reduced to a simplistic either it's racist or it isn't.
It may be frustrating, but research shows that mentioning racism or correcting someone's facts is likely to get the offending party to dig in his heels.

The Marysville School Board member who sent an e-mail about race and intelligence, backed off at first but then started sounding like his was still an argument that needed to be made.

He was not a racist, he said. Racist or not, if his thinking was shaped by ideas that are racist, that cannot have been good for the district.

He was on the board seven years before the e-mail. Waiting for someone to slip and then chastising them is no way to combat discrimination.

Making people more aware of how their brains work would help. And for groups like the NAACP, sometimes the best thing would be to address remedies directly to the unconscious brain.

Some politicians and most advertisers are good at crafting messages that bypass the conscious brain and lead us to feel good about their product.

The NAACP should figure out a way to do that. Drowning out negative images with positive ones has potential. It won't work on racists, nothing will, but it could help other people purge some of their negative filters."
Jerry Large | Unconscious bias is real challenge | Seattle Times Newspaper

This is a very thoughtful editorial and I agree with the sentiment.
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Ummm, there name says for the advancement of colored people.

Can it get any clearer?

And while 'advancement' of a particular group would be a soft racism; i.e. one not necessarily intended to give the group extraordinary power or advantage, the fact that it targets a specific group of people based on color is what makes it racist.

Change the name to National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People or
National Association for the Advancement of People of European Descent or
National Association for the Advancement of White or light skinned People, and I'm quite sure there would be no effort to downplay the racist connotations of that.

Bullshit, the NAACP was created during a time in our country when acts of overt, violent racism was prevalent and as time moved on the organization dedicated itself to fighting for the rights of disenfranchised African Americans primarly but not solely. The NAACP does not advance any racist agendas for black people and many people were lynched for associting with the NAACP, think Megar Evers for example, you need to go back and do some fucking research before you start letting dumbshit fly out of your mouth by playing word games. David Duke does have a group called NAAWP and I want you to compare his group with the NAACP and tell is there any similarity you piece of shit.

Perhaps you overlooked the part where I did not criticize or misrepresent the NAACP in any way.

I am simply making the point that ANY organization no matter WHY it was organized or what its stated purpose is or what its history is will be racist if it singles out any particular race for special treatment or consideration. It is basing policy or expectations or activity based on the color of a person's skin that makes something racist.

All racism is not evil or hateful or intended to diminish or harm anybody. And some racism is.

But until all Americans of all skin colors and ethnicities learn to stop separating ourselves into groups and see all of us as Americans, we will never become a colorblind society where the color of one's skin does not determine policy or opportunity. We can still enjoy each other's cultural heritage, but we don't have to treat each other as people that must be treated differently than other people.

When we reach that point, racism will no longer be a problem in America.
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And while 'advancement' of a particular group would be a soft racism; i.e. one not necessarily intended to give the group extraordinary power or advantage, the fact that it targets a specific group of people based on color is what makes it racist.

Change the name to National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People or
National Association for the Advancement of People of European Descent or
National Association for the Advancement of White or light skinned People, and I'm quite sure there would be no effort to downplay the racist connotations of that.

Bullshit, the NAACP was created during a time in our country when acts of overt, violent racism was prevalent and as time moved on the organization dedicated itself to fighting for the rights of disenfranchised African Americans primarly but not solely. The NAACP does not advance any racist agendas for black people and many people were lynched for associting with the NAACP, think Megar Evers for example, you need to go back and do some fucking research before you start letting dumbshit fly out of your mouth by playing word games. David Duke does have a group called NAAWP and I want you to compare his group with the NAACP and tell is there any similarity you piece of shit.

Perhaps you overlooked the part where I did not criticize or misrepresent the NAACP in any way.

I am simply making the point that ANY organization no matter WHY it was organized or what its stated purpose is or what its history is will be racist if it singles out any particular race for special treatment or consideration. It is basing policy or expectations or activity based on the color of a person's skin that makes something racist.

All racism is not evil or hateful or intended to diminish or harm anybody. And some racism is.

But until all Americans of all skin colors and ethnicities learn to stop separating ourselves into groups and see all of us as Americans, we will never become a colorblind society where the color of one's skin does not determine policy or opportunity. We can still enjoy each other's cultural heritage, but we don't have to treat each other as people that must be treated differently than other people.

When we reach that point, racism will no longer be a problem in America.

It we had no racism we would have no need for civil rights organizations like the NAACP. Somebody has to speak up about the racist elements in the Tea Party. They don't appear to be addressing the problem on their own.

"Remember in the 1990s when Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan was fanning racial animus, spewing anti-Semitism and spinning conspiracy theories about the government actively targeting black men for annihilation? African American lawmakers were called upon nationally and locally, particularly in New York, to denounce Farrakhan. It was unfair to ask elected officials to condemn his every crackpot utterance. But it was also a no-brainer for serious politicians to make clear that Farrakhan didn’t speak for them lest their work and priorities get derailed. Tea Party leaders who don’t want their real concerns crowded out by the radical elements around them must -- MUST -- do the same."
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What has the NAACP accomplished in the last 20 years?

Do your research and take a look for yourself dumbfuck.

That's what I thought. Your concession is duly noted.

Thge NAACP for the last 20 years being doing what its always been doing, speaking out against the injustices against African Americans, sponsoring voter registration drives and looking to get young people involved with their movement, which is not anti white which means the racism charge is a heap of shit.
And while 'advancement' of a particular group would be a soft racism; i.e. one not necessarily intended to give the group extraordinary power or advantage, the fact that it targets a specific group of people based on color is what makes it racist.

Change the name to National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People or
National Association for the Advancement of People of European Descent or
National Association for the Advancement of White or light skinned People, and I'm quite sure there would be no effort to downplay the racist connotations of that.

Bullshit, the NAACP was created during a time in our country when acts of overt, violent racism was prevalent and as time moved on the organization dedicated itself to fighting for the rights of disenfranchised African Americans primarly but not solely. The NAACP does not advance any racist agendas for black people and many people were lynched for associting with the NAACP, think Megar Evers for example, you need to go back and do some fucking research before you start letting dumbshit fly out of your mouth by playing word games. David Duke does have a group called NAAWP and I want you to compare his group with the NAACP and tell is there any similarity you piece of shit.

Perhaps you overlooked the part where I did not criticize or misrepresent the NAACP in any way.

I am simply making the point that ANY organization no matter WHY it was organized or what its stated purpose is or what its history is will be racist if it singles out any particular race for special treatment or consideration. It is basing policy or expectations or activity based on the color of a person's skin that makes something racist.

All racism is not evil or hateful or intended to diminish or harm anybody. And some racism is.

But until all Americans of all skin colors and ethnicities learn to stop separating ourselves into groups and see all of us as Americans, we will never become a colorblind society where the color of one's skin does not determine policy or opportunity. We can still enjoy each other's cultural heritage, but we don't have to treat each other as people that must be treated differently than other people.

When we reach that point, racism will no longer be a problem in America.

The NAACP is not about racial separatism and advocates nothing special on behalf of African Americans and contrary to your bullshit, all racism and prejudice is wrong, there is no such thing as good racism and or helpful racism, stop fucking deluding yourself.
Do your research and take a look for yourself dumbfuck.

That's what I thought. Your concession is duly noted.

Thge NAACP for the last 20 years being doing what its always been doing, speaking out against the injustices against African Americans, sponsoring voter registration drives and looking to get young people involved with their movement, which is not anti white which means the racism charge is a heap of shit.

So they've been speaking out. Wow great feat! Tell me these get out the vote drives and getting people involved in their movement. Exactly how many of those people were white?

Oh and you forgot to include their condemnation of the NBPP's latest racist tirade.
Bullshit, the NAACP was created during a time in our country when acts of overt, violent racism was prevalent and as time moved on the organization dedicated itself to fighting for the rights of disenfranchised African Americans primarly but not solely. The NAACP does not advance any racist agendas for black people and many people were lynched for associting with the NAACP, think Megar Evers for example, you need to go back and do some fucking research before you start letting dumbshit fly out of your mouth by playing word games. David Duke does have a group called NAAWP and I want you to compare his group with the NAACP and tell is there any similarity you piece of shit.

Perhaps you overlooked the part where I did not criticize or misrepresent the NAACP in any way.

I am simply making the point that ANY organization no matter WHY it was organized or what its stated purpose is or what its history is will be racist if it singles out any particular race for special treatment or consideration. It is basing policy or expectations or activity based on the color of a person's skin that makes something racist.

All racism is not evil or hateful or intended to diminish or harm anybody. And some racism is.

But until all Americans of all skin colors and ethnicities learn to stop separating ourselves into groups and see all of us as Americans, we will never become a colorblind society where the color of one's skin does not determine policy or opportunity. We can still enjoy each other's cultural heritage, but we don't have to treat each other as people that must be treated differently than other people.

When we reach that point, racism will no longer be a problem in America.

The NAACP is not about racial separatism and advocates nothing special on behalf of African Americans and contrary to your bullshit, all racism and prejudice is wrong, there is no such thing as good racism and or helpful racism, stop fucking deluding yourself.

I think you don't understand the point I was making, and probably won't for awhile because you seem to be such an angry, intolerant person, but thanks for trying.

As for any racism in the Tea Party movement, I'm afraid I simply haven't seen any, but if you guys will point it out, I'll be happy to denounce it with you.

Of course there are some racists in the Tea Party movement. You aren't going to be able to gather tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people into one place for one purpose without also gathering in a few racists. I don't care WHAT the gathering is or what it is about. I doubt you can point out a single organization anywhere that can say no racist exists within its midst.

The the movement itself racist? Sorry, haven't seen it. But if anybody can identify it, I'll sure join with you in condemning it.
In fact, I wonder what the NAACP would think if the Tea Partiers issued a resolution decrying the racist elements in the NAACP?

Wouldn't that be fair?

How do you think the morning headlines would read?
In fact, I wonder what the NAACP would think if the Tea Partiers issued a resolution decrying the racist elements in the NAACP?

Wouldn't that be fair?

How do you think the morning headlines would read?

Is that your stance that a civil rights organization, the NAACP is racist because it has 'colored people' in its name? I think we can all agree that the Tea Party movement, as it stands today, is overwhelmingly white, working to middle class, and overwhelmingly disdainful of President Obama and his policies. They don't help themselves comparing the President to Stalin and Hitler.

Some protesters shouted racial epithets at Black congressmen but that does not make the whole organizaton racist. It merely indicates there are racist elements in the party, which is what the NAACP claims. Having David Duke as it's champion is not helping the Tea Party seem moderate. Neither is trying to get a militia going in Oklahoma.

They aren't moderate, that's the point. They see themselves as revolutionaries.
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The NAACP decries racist elements within the Tea Party.

Is that okay with you? Is it okay with you if the Tea Partiers decry racist elements withint the NAACP?

Doesn't that seem fair to you?
The NAACP decries racist elements within the Tea Party.

Is that okay with you? Is it okay with you if the Tea Partiers decry racist elements withint the NAACP?

Doesn't that seem fair to you?

All's fair in love and war.
Matthew Yglesias Racist Signs at Tea Parties

What was racist about that sign? Are you suggesting all Kenyans are black? I think Ryan Hall among other white Kenyans would disagree.
In fact, I wonder what the NAACP would think if the Tea Partiers issued a resolution decrying the racist elements in the NAACP?

Wouldn't that be fair?

How do you think the morning headlines would read?

Is that your stance that a civil rights organization, the NAACP is racist because it has 'colored people' in its name? I think we can all agree that the Tea Party movement, as it stands today, is overwhelmingly white, working to middle class, and overwhelmingly disdainful of President Obama and his policies. They don't help themselves comparing the President to Stalin and Hitler.

Some protesters shouted racial epithets at Black congressmen but that does not make the whole organizaton racist. It merely indicates there are racist elements in the party, which is what the NAACP claims. Having David Duke as it's champion is not helping the Tea Party seem moderate. Neither is trying to get a militia going in Oklahoma.

They aren't moderate, that's the point. They see themselves as revolutionaries.
Okla. GOP rebukes tea party 'militia' - Andy Barr -

We continue to have a problem communicating Sky.

I think I went into some detail that there are no gatherings or organizations of people without a few of those probably being racist. That is certainly true of the NAACP.

I think the NAACP are major HYPOCRITES if they presume to judge the Tea Partiers because there are a few racists in their midst, and don't acknowledge the racists in their own midst.

Further, the NAACP has yet to show me that their complaint is even valid. At our local Tea Party events, a very few people we know to be Tea Partiers brought signs that we thought offensive or inappropriate and we asked those people to put them away. In every single case they did.

There have been a couple of occasions in which people brought offensive signs and refused to put them away. They also were not known to anybody within the Tea Party group and refused to give their names. But they worked really hard to be sure they got in front of the TV cameras every chance they get.

We have had similar reports from other Tea Party representatives in neighboring states.

But again, in my opinion, the NAACP is WAY out of line and major hypocrites in this. And Also, there is zero evidence that the Tea Party movement has any emphasis, or is pushing for any policy that could be evenly remotely be identified as racist.
In fact, I wonder what the NAACP would think if the Tea Partiers issued a resolution decrying the racist elements in the NAACP?

Wouldn't that be fair?

How do you think the morning headlines would read?

Is that your stance that a civil rights organization, the NAACP is racist because it has 'colored people' in its name? I think we can all agree that the Tea Party movement, as it stands today, is overwhelmingly white, working to middle class, and overwhelmingly disdainful of President Obama and his policies. They don't help themselves comparing the President to Stalin and Hitler.

Some protesters shouted racial epithets at Black congressmen but that does not make the whole organizaton racist. It merely indicates there are racist elements in the party, which is what the NAACP claims. Having David Duke as it's champion is not helping the Tea Party seem moderate. Neither is trying to get a militia going in Oklahoma.

They aren't moderate, that's the point. They see themselves as revolutionaries.
Okla. GOP rebukes tea party 'militia' - Andy Barr -

We continue to have a problem communicating Sky.

I think I went into some detail that there are no gatherings or organizations of people without a few of those probably being racist. That is certainly true of the NAACP.

I think the NAACP are major HYPOCRITES if they presume to judge the Tea Partiers because there are a few racists in their midst, and don't acknowledge the racists in their own midst.

Further, the NAACP has yet to show me that their complaint is even valid. At our local Tea Party events, a very few people we know to be Tea Partiers brought signs that we thought offensive or inappropriate and we asked those people to put them away. In every single case they did.

There have been a couple of occasions in which people brought offensive signs and refused to put them away. They also were not known to anybody within the Tea Party group and refused to give their names. But they worked really hard to be sure they got in front of the TV cameras every chance they get.

We have had similar reports from other Tea Party representatives in neighboring states.

But again, in my opinion, the NAACP is WAY out of line and major hypocrites in this. And Also, there is zero evidence that the Tea Party movement has any emphasis, or is pushing for any policy that could be evenly remotely be identified as racist.
I asked a question hoping for a direct answer. Do you think the NAACP is a racist organizaton or a civil rights organization? Is the Tea Party movement overwhelmingly white, and critical of President Obama and his policies or not? Have they gone as far as calling him Hitler and Stalin? Do they see themselves as revolutionaries and have they floated the idea of a tea party miliia in Oklahoma?

The NAACP's resolution stands as correct. There are racist elements in the Tea Party. The NAACP was right to take a stand.
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