NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Once again, the NAACP is asking the Tea Party to denounce racism, a completely reasonable political request.

Nobody has to bow down to the DEMANDS of a racist race baiting organization, or the lefties.

they should worry about their OWN actions instead of worrying about everybody else's.

What NAACP actions are you talking about?

Give us specific actions that you found offensive. Other than the fact that they have "Colored" in their name?

that is offensive enough. but of course you lefties don't see it that way, because that is how you see black people.
Nobody has to bow down to the DEMANDS of a racist race baiting organization, or the lefties.

they should worry about their OWN actions instead of worrying about everybody else's.

What NAACP actions are you talking about?

Give us specific actions that you found offensive. Other than the fact that they have "Colored" in their name?

that is offensive enough. but of course you lefties don't see it that way, because that is how you see black people.

Why is seeing black people advance in a society that was stacked against them offensive to you?
And what racism in the NAACP exists? Please I do pray.

Ummm, there name says for the advancement of colored people.

Can it get any clearer?

And while 'advancement' of a particular group would be a soft racism; i.e. one not necessarily intended to give the group extraordinary power or advantage, the fact that it targets a specific group of people based on color is what makes it racist.

Change the name to National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People or
National Association for the Advancement of People of European Descent or
National Association for the Advancement of White or light skinned People, and I'm quite sure there would be no effort to downplay the racist connotations of that.

There are groups for people of specific European descent.
German-American Heritage Foundation
National Italian-American Foundation
Albanian American Civic League
Sons of Norway
What NAACP actions are you talking about?

Give us specific actions that you found offensive. Other than the fact that they have "Colored" in their name?

that is offensive enough. but of course you lefties don't see it that way, because that is how you see black people.

Why is seeing black people advance in a society that was stacked against them offensive to you?

boy you are something else. that is not anything I said.
And while 'advancement' of a particular group would be a soft racism; i.e. one not necessarily intended to give the group extraordinary power or advantage, the fact that it targets a specific group of people based on color is what makes it racist.

Change the name to National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People or
National Association for the Advancement of People of European Descent or
National Association for the Advancement of White or light skinned People, and I'm quite sure there would be no effort to downplay the racist connotations of that.

Bullshit, the NAACP was created during a time in our country when acts of overt, violent racism was prevalent and as time moved on the organization dedicated itself to fighting for the rights of disenfranchised African Americans primarly but not solely. The NAACP does not advance any racist agendas for black people and many people were lynched for associting with the NAACP, think Megar Evers for example, you need to go back and do some fucking research before you start letting dumbshit fly out of your mouth by playing word games. David Duke does have a group called NAAWP and I want you to compare his group with the NAACP and tell is there any similarity you piece of shit.

Perhaps you overlooked the part where I did not criticize or misrepresent the NAACP in any way.

I am simply making the point that ANY organization no matter WHY it was organized or what its stated purpose is or what its history is will be racist if it singles out any particular race for special treatment or consideration. It is basing policy or expectations or activity based on the color of a person's skin that makes something racist.

All racism is not evil or hateful or intended to diminish or harm anybody. And some racism is.

But until all Americans of all skin colors and ethnicities learn to stop separating ourselves into groups and see all of us as Americans, we will never become a colorblind society where the color of one's skin does not determine policy or opportunity. We can still enjoy each other's cultural heritage, but we don't have to treat each other as people that must be treated differently than other people.

When we reach that point, racism will no longer be a problem in America.

NAACP was formed 1909, almost a century ago when circumstances for blacks in this country were very very different. Like alot of old organizations - it has retained it's name, but it's mission has evolved.

It's 1911 mission statement was: To promote equality of rights and to eradicate caste or race prejudice among the citizens of the United States; to advance the interest of colored citizens; to secure for them impartial suffrage; and to increase their opportunities for securing justice in the courts, education for the children, employment according to their ability and complete equality before law.

It's current mission statement is: The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

Is it still "racist"?
It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.


There are many societies and special interest groups that work for the betterment of certain groups of people defined by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality:

Anti-Defamation League
Catholic Alliance
National Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee
Uyghur American Association
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund

etc etc etc

Are all these groups "ists" of some sort?

Don't know all of those, but from what I can tell of the ones I know... yes.

You forgot CAIR and La Raza too


Civil rights organizations, so what?
Perhaps you overlooked the part where I did not criticize or misrepresent the NAACP in any way.

I am simply making the point that ANY organization no matter WHY it was organized or what its stated purpose is or what its history is will be racist if it singles out any particular race for special treatment or consideration. It is basing policy or expectations or activity based on the color of a person's skin that makes something racist.

All racism is not evil or hateful or intended to diminish or harm anybody. And some racism is.

But until all Americans of all skin colors and ethnicities learn to stop separating ourselves into groups and see all of us as Americans, we will never become a colorblind society where the color of one's skin does not determine policy or opportunity. We can still enjoy each other's cultural heritage, but we don't have to treat each other as people that must be treated differently than other people.

When we reach that point, racism will no longer be a problem in America.

The NAACP is not about racial separatism and advocates nothing special on behalf of African Americans and contrary to your bullshit, all racism and prejudice is wrong, there is no such thing as good racism and or helpful racism, stop fucking deluding yourself.

I think you don't understand the point I was making, and probably won't for awhile because you seem to be such an angry, intolerant person, but thanks for trying.

As for any racism in the Tea Party movement, I'm afraid I simply haven't seen any, but if you guys will point it out, I'll be happy to denounce it with you.

Of course there are some racists in the Tea Party movement. You aren't going to be able to gather tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people into one place for one purpose without also gathering in a few racists. I don't care WHAT the gathering is or what it is about. I doubt you can point out a single organization anywhere that can say no racist exists within its midst.

The the movement itself racist? Sorry, haven't seen it. But if anybody can identify it, I'll sure join with you in condemning it.

I agree with that - the movement is not racist, but it suffers - like many popular movements - from a deluge of vocal wingnuts who try to hijack it to their particular agendas and I think some of them are racist.
what business is it of "anybody" who is racist and who isn't?

you all should try minding your own business, instead of trying to run everybody else's.
I have absolutely no problem condemning racism in the Tea Party, but I believe the racism in the NAACP should be condemned as should all racism nationwide.


And what racism in the NAACP exists? Please I do pray.

Already been answered in this thread not only by me buy by other people as well. I can understand if you don't want to read through the entire thread, but I am not going to go back and dig up that post for you not am I going to answer it again.

Is that okay with you? Is it okay with you if the Tea Partiers decry racist elements withint the NAACP?

Doesn't that seem fair to you?

All's fair in love and war.
Matthew Yglesias Racist Signs at Tea Parties

What was racist about that sign? Are you suggesting all Kenyans are black? I think Ryan Hall among other white Kenyans would disagree.

Nice. But dishonest. Do you seriously think those sign-holders were thinking of white Kenyans or, lets be blunt - even thought there was any such thing as whites in Kenya?

The subtle racism of the Birfers is that that sort of conspiracy would never (has never) evolved around a white president, and when it has (McCain) it lost steam.

Why? Every Birfer "fact" has been countered. Yet a small but vocal portion of the public - continue to believe it and, what isn't so good for the Tea-Party movement is that the Birfers have attached themselves to it.

Is the Birfer movement racism in the guise of "legitimate constitutional concern"? I tend to think so.
sheeesh, there seems to be a echo in this thread.

I guess we are suppose to all believe the Naacp is all honorable and doesn't have a racist bone in their bodies.:lol:
what business is it of "anybody" who is racist and who isn't?

you all should try minding your own business, instead of trying to run everybody else's.

That advice could well apply to the Tea Party movement as well you know....just sayin'
sheeesh, there seems to be a echo in this thread.

I guess we are suppose to all believe the Naacp is all honorable and doesn't have a racist bone in their bodies.:lol:

Who the hell said that?

Or is this more flailing in an attempt to find actual examples of racism?

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