NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

The NAACP decries racist elements within the Tea Party.

Is that okay with you? Is it okay with you if the Tea Partiers decry racist elements withint the NAACP?

Doesn't that seem fair to you?

Do you think the NAACP hasn't been called names before?

They have been called Communists, Anti-american, race baiters, anarchists...

Same names the Tea Party calls Obama
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In fact, I wonder what the NAACP would think if the Tea Partiers issued a resolution decrying the racist elements in the NAACP?

Wouldn't that be fair?

How do you think the morning headlines would read?

Is that your stance that a civil rights organization, the NAACP is racist because it has 'colored people' in its name? I think we can all agree that the Tea Party movement, as it stands today, is overwhelmingly white, working to middle class, and overwhelmingly disdainful of President Obama and his policies. They don't help themselves comparing the President to Stalin and Hitler.

Some protesters shouted racial epithets at Black congressmen but that does not make the whole organizaton racist. It merely indicates there are racist elements in the party, which is what the NAACP claims. Having David Duke as it's champion is not helping the Tea Party seem moderate. Neither is trying to get a militia going in Oklahoma.

They aren't moderate, that's the point. They see themselves as revolutionaries.
Okla. GOP rebukes tea party 'militia' - Andy Barr -

We continue to have a problem communicating Sky.

I think I went into some detail that there are no gatherings or organizations of people without a few of those probably being racist. That is certainly true of the NAACP.

I think the NAACP are major HYPOCRITES if they presume to judge the Tea Partiers because there are a few racists in their midst, and don't acknowledge the racists in their own midst.

Further, the NAACP has yet to show me that their complaint is even valid. At our local Tea Party events, a very few people we know to be Tea Partiers brought signs that we thought offensive or inappropriate and we asked those people to put them away. In every single case they did.

There have been a couple of occasions in which people brought offensive signs and refused to put them away. They also were not known to anybody within the Tea Party group and refused to give their names. But they worked really hard to be sure they got in front of the TV cameras every chance they get.

We have had similar reports from other Tea Party representatives in neighboring states.

But again, in my opinion, the NAACP is WAY out of line and major hypocrites in this. And Also, there is zero evidence that the Tea Party movement has any emphasis, or is pushing for any policy that could be evenly remotely be identified as racist.

I think we communicate quite well. We're opponents. I support the NAACP. You support the Tea Party. There are racist elements in the Tea Party and the NAACP is right to decry them.

When I take the broad view I see the Tea Party and the NAACP as completely interdependent.

They need each other.
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Is that your stance that a civil rights organization, the NAACP is racist because it has 'colored people' in its name? I think we can all agree that the Tea Party movement, as it stands today, is overwhelmingly white, working to middle class, and overwhelmingly disdainful of President Obama and his policies. They don't help themselves comparing the President to Stalin and Hitler.

Some protesters shouted racial epithets at Black congressmen but that does not make the whole organizaton racist. It merely indicates there are racist elements in the party, which is what the NAACP claims. Having David Duke as it's champion is not helping the Tea Party seem moderate. Neither is trying to get a militia going in Oklahoma.

They aren't moderate, that's the point. They see themselves as revolutionaries.
Okla. GOP rebukes tea party 'militia' - Andy Barr -

We continue to have a problem communicating Sky.

I think I went into some detail that there are no gatherings or organizations of people without a few of those probably being racist. That is certainly true of the NAACP.

I think the NAACP are major HYPOCRITES if they presume to judge the Tea Partiers because there are a few racists in their midst, and don't acknowledge the racists in their own midst.

Further, the NAACP has yet to show me that their complaint is even valid. At our local Tea Party events, a very few people we know to be Tea Partiers brought signs that we thought offensive or inappropriate and we asked those people to put them away. In every single case they did.

There have been a couple of occasions in which people brought offensive signs and refused to put them away. They also were not known to anybody within the Tea Party group and refused to give their names. But they worked really hard to be sure they got in front of the TV cameras every chance they get.

We have had similar reports from other Tea Party representatives in neighboring states.

But again, in my opinion, the NAACP is WAY out of line and major hypocrites in this. And Also, there is zero evidence that the Tea Party movement has any emphasis, or is pushing for any policy that could be evenly remotely be identified as racist.
I asked a question hoping for a direct answer. Do you think the NAACP is a racist organizaton or a civil rights organization? Is the Tea Party movement overwhelmingly white, and critical of President Obama and his policies or not? Have they gone as far as calling him Hitler and Stalin? Do they see themselves as revolutionaries and have they floated the idea of a tea party miliia in Oklahoma?

The NAACP's resolution stands as correct. There are racist elements in the Tea Party. The NAACP was right to take a stand.

Yes the NAACP is racist.

Yes the Tea party is mostly white as is the entire United States of America.

Yes the Tea Party is critical of Obama's policies, it's not personal.

Yes some idiots may have compared Obama to Hitler and/or Stalin. But those on the left have fo reight years made the same comparisons about Bush. ( And I didn't hear a peep out of you condeming it)

No the tea Partiers do not see themselves as revolutionaries perse, that what idiot leftist do.

Provide a link for you claim about a "tea party militia" in Oklahoma. I haven't heard any such thing. Of course you do know that forming a militia is a Constituional right we Americans have.
A new study shows that Tea Partiers are more likely to be racially resentful:
Ever since the Tea Party phenomenon gathered steam last spring, it has been plagued by charges of racism. Placards at rallies have depicted President Barack Obama as a witch doctor, denounced his supposed plans for "white slavery," and likened Congress to a slave owner and the taxpayer to a "n----r." Opponents have seized on these examples as proof that Tea Partiers are angry white folks who can't abide having a black president. Supporters, on the other hand, claim that the hateful signs are the work of a small fringe and that they unfairly malign a movement that simply seeks to rein in big government. In the absence of empirical evidence to support either characterization, the debate has essentially deadlocked.

Until now, that is. A new survey by the University of Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality offers fresh insight into the racial attitudes of Tea Party sympathizers. "The data suggests that people who are Tea Party supporters have a higher probability"—25 percent, to be exact—"of being racially resentful than those who are not Tea Party supporters," says Christopher Parker, who directed the study. "The Tea Party is not just about politics and size of government. The data suggests it may also be about race."

Are Tea Partiers Racist? - Newsweek
The dipshits who keep saying the NAACP is racist are deluding themselves, they have not posted one incidence of racism by the NAACP, I will not argue with a bunch of intellectually dishonest pieces of shit on this point.

The NAACP never said all of the Tea Bastards are racist, they criticized those in the party who are racist and those who refuse to hold them accountable, the Tea Bastards fire back with ad hominem response like the one by Palin where accuses the NAACP of attacking patriotic Americans when NAACP did not attack all Tea Bastards, these are the facts.
We continue to have a problem communicating Sky.

I think I went into some detail that there are no gatherings or organizations of people without a few of those probably being racist. That is certainly true of the NAACP.

I think the NAACP are major HYPOCRITES if they presume to judge the Tea Partiers because there are a few racists in their midst, and don't acknowledge the racists in their own midst.

Further, the NAACP has yet to show me that their complaint is even valid. At our local Tea Party events, a very few people we know to be Tea Partiers brought signs that we thought offensive or inappropriate and we asked those people to put them away. In every single case they did.

There have been a couple of occasions in which people brought offensive signs and refused to put them away. They also were not known to anybody within the Tea Party group and refused to give their names. But they worked really hard to be sure they got in front of the TV cameras every chance they get.

We have had similar reports from other Tea Party representatives in neighboring states.

But again, in my opinion, the NAACP is WAY out of line and major hypocrites in this. And Also, there is zero evidence that the Tea Party movement has any emphasis, or is pushing for any policy that could be evenly remotely be identified as racist.
I asked a question hoping for a direct answer. Do you think the NAACP is a racist organizaton or a civil rights organization? Is the Tea Party movement overwhelmingly white, and critical of President Obama and his policies or not? Have they gone as far as calling him Hitler and Stalin? Do they see themselves as revolutionaries and have they floated the idea of a tea party miliia in Oklahoma?

The NAACP's resolution stands as correct. There are racist elements in the Tea Party. The NAACP was right to take a stand.

Yes the NAACP is racist.

Yes the Tea party is mostly white as is the entire United States of America.

Yes the Tea Party is critical of Obama's policies, it's not personal.

Yes some idiots may have compared Obama to Hitler and/or Stalin. But those on the left have fo reight years made the same comparisons about Bush. ( And I didn't hear a peep out of you condeming it)

No the tea Partiers do not see themselves as revolutionaries perse, that what idiot leftist do.

Provide a link for you claim about a "tea party militia" in Oklahoma. I haven't heard any such thing. Of course you do know that forming a militia is a Constituional right we Americans have.

The NAACP is essentially asking tea partiers to formally denounce racism, a sensible request in American politics

I've got to go I'll get a link for you later or you can just google Oklahoma Tea Party militia yourself.
Is that your stance that a civil rights organization, the NAACP is racist because it has 'colored people' in its name? I think we can all agree that the Tea Party movement, as it stands today, is overwhelmingly white, working to middle class, and overwhelmingly disdainful of President Obama and his policies. They don't help themselves comparing the President to Stalin and Hitler.

Some protesters shouted racial epithets at Black congressmen but that does not make the whole organizaton racist. It merely indicates there are racist elements in the party, which is what the NAACP claims. Having David Duke as it's champion is not helping the Tea Party seem moderate. Neither is trying to get a militia going in Oklahoma.

They aren't moderate, that's the point. They see themselves as revolutionaries.
Okla. GOP rebukes tea party 'militia' - Andy Barr -

We continue to have a problem communicating Sky.

I think I went into some detail that there are no gatherings or organizations of people without a few of those probably being racist. That is certainly true of the NAACP.

I think the NAACP are major HYPOCRITES if they presume to judge the Tea Partiers because there are a few racists in their midst, and don't acknowledge the racists in their own midst.

Further, the NAACP has yet to show me that their complaint is even valid. At our local Tea Party events, a very few people we know to be Tea Partiers brought signs that we thought offensive or inappropriate and we asked those people to put them away. In every single case they did.

There have been a couple of occasions in which people brought offensive signs and refused to put them away. They also were not known to anybody within the Tea Party group and refused to give their names. But they worked really hard to be sure they got in front of the TV cameras every chance they get.

We have had similar reports from other Tea Party representatives in neighboring states.

But again, in my opinion, the NAACP is WAY out of line and major hypocrites in this. And Also, there is zero evidence that the Tea Party movement has any emphasis, or is pushing for any policy that could be evenly remotely be identified as racist.
I asked a question hoping for a direct answer. Do you think the NAACP is a racist organizaton or a civil rights organization? Is the Tea Party movement overwhelmingly white, and critical of President Obama and his policies or not? Have they gone as far as calling him Hitler and Stalin? Do they see themselves as revolutionaries and have they floated the idea of a tea party miliia in Oklahoma?

The NAACP's resolution stands as correct. There are racist elements in the Tea Party. The NAACP was right to take a stand.

I believe the NAACP is both racist and a civil rights organization that is fostering racism more than it is fostering civil rights these days.

If the Tea Partiers are mostly white, that is not be design but because they favor smaller, less costly, more efficient and effective government, lower taxes, and basic freedoms as intended in the original Constitution.

The NAACP opposes all of these things in favor of special consideration and benefits for black people. And they and other black organizations and/or white leftists make life miserable for any black people who would presume to agree with the Tea Partiers. That just isn't allowed.

And I have said all this enough times now that I will refer any more of your anti-Tea Party misinformation back to this and previous posts because I'm tired of typing it out again and again and again.

Thanks for understanding.
The dipshits who keep saying the NAACP is racist are deluding themselves, they have not posted one incidence of racism by the NAACP, I will not argue with a bunch of intellectually dishonest pieces of shit on this point.

The NAACP never said all of the Tea Bastards are racist, they criticized those in the party who are racist and those who refuse to hold them accountable, the Tea Bastards fire back with ad hominem response like the one by Palin where accuses the NAACP of attacking patriotic Americans when NAACP did not attack all Tea Bastards, these are the facts.

So an NAACP speaker calling a black man an Uncle Tom isn't a racist invective? Fact is the NAACP charged the Tea Party folks as racist without one shred of evidence. And you liberal idiots bought it. Gullible fucks!
Once again, the NAACP is asking the Tea Party to denounce racism, a completely reasonable political request.
He's still a white supremacist.

That’s your opinion. You're only saying because he is white. FYI, David Duke doesn’t believe that any race should be “supreme” or rule over any other. That’s where I share ideological ideas with Dr. Duke. Everybody has a home. Japanese have Japan, Chinese have China, Hispanics have Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc, etc. Blacks have Africa, Somalia, Ugnada, not to mention Liberia which we gave them. White countries are for everybody. Just what do you think will be the ultimate result of all this immigration? The problem isn’t that there’s not enough whites, but there’s too many non-whites.

That's what they believed in South Africa. They called it Apartheid.

In being white you’ve won the genetics lottery. Whites have tremendous ingenuity and have invented so much. In Africa, to this day there’s people that live in straw huts, hell birds and gophers have better mechanical ingenuity than your average African. Everybody wants to live in white nations to benefit off our vast wealth of knowledge and liquidity.

That's only true if you are measuring it in an historical vacuum.

Inventions are built upon earlier discoveries.

Where would we be without the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and more? This is incredibly ignorant.

Maybe you are sock puppet.
I asked a question hoping for a direct answer. Do you think the NAACP is a racist organizaton or a civil rights organization? Is the Tea Party movement overwhelmingly white, and critical of President Obama and his policies or not? Have they gone as far as calling him Hitler and Stalin? Do they see themselves as revolutionaries and have they floated the idea of a tea party miliia in Oklahoma?

The NAACP's resolution stands as correct. There are racist elements in the Tea Party. The NAACP was right to take a stand.

Yes the NAACP is racist.

Yes the Tea party is mostly white as is the entire United States of America.

Yes the Tea Party is critical of Obama's policies, it's not personal.

Yes some idiots may have compared Obama to Hitler and/or Stalin. But those on the left have fo reight years made the same comparisons about Bush. ( And I didn't hear a peep out of you condeming it)

No the tea Partiers do not see themselves as revolutionaries perse, that what idiot leftist do.

Provide a link for you claim about a "tea party militia" in Oklahoma. I haven't heard any such thing. Of course you do know that forming a militia is a Constituional right we Americans have.

The NAACP is essentially asking tea partiers to formally denounce racism, a sensible request in American politics

I've got to go I'll get a link for you later or you can just google Oklahoma Tea Party militia yourself.

The Tea Party does not have to formally renounce racism

However, when they see an offensive sign or offensive language they need to say "Get the fuck out of here"
Once again, the NAACP is asking the Tea Party to denounce racism, a completely reasonable political request.

Nobody has to bow down to the DEMANDS of a racist race baiting organization, or the lefties.

they should worry about their OWN actions instead of worrying about everybody else's.
It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.


There are many societies and special interest groups that work for the betterment of certain groups of people defined by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality:

Anti-Defamation League
Catholic Alliance
National Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee
Uyghur American Association
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund

etc etc etc

Are all these groups "ists" of some sort?

Don't know all of those, but from what I can tell of the ones I know... yes.

You forgot CAIR and La Raza too


I left out a great many - it was a long list, and I picked a variety to show how varied it was and included National Mexican-American Anti-Defamation Committee to represent hispanic interests and NAAA (National Association of Arab Americans) to represent Arab interests.

Why are they "racist"?

Is any group that works for the betterment of that group an "ist"?

If so, how can a minority that is so small it's needs are swallowed by the needs of a larger community, get their needs and rights heard? Strength is often in numbers.

Is American Conservative Student Union (ACSU) and "ist"? After all, their charter (on their website) "establishes, cultivates, and unites collegiately affiliated conservative policy organizations in order to better educate students, faculty, and staff about the conservative movement, providing them with the tools necessary to engage society through effective activism." They are working on behalf of a select group of people with similar interests.

The NAACP's mission statement is: The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
Yes the NAACP is racist.

Yes the Tea party is mostly white as is the entire United States of America.

Yes the Tea Party is critical of Obama's policies, it's not personal.

Yes some idiots may have compared Obama to Hitler and/or Stalin. But those on the left have fo reight years made the same comparisons about Bush. ( And I didn't hear a peep out of you condeming it)

No the tea Partiers do not see themselves as revolutionaries perse, that what idiot leftist do.

Provide a link for you claim about a "tea party militia" in Oklahoma. I haven't heard any such thing. Of course you do know that forming a militia is a Constituional right we Americans have.

The NAACP is essentially asking tea partiers to formally denounce racism, a sensible request in American politics

I've got to go I'll get a link for you later or you can just google Oklahoma Tea Party militia yourself.

The Tea Party does not have to formally renounce racism

However, when they see an offensive sign or offensive language they need to say "Get the fuck out of here"

That would be a step in the right direction. When they completely deny there is a problem they can hardly address it, can they?
Once again, the NAACP is asking the Tea Party to denounce racism, a completely reasonable political request.

Nobody has to bow down to the DEMANDS of a racist race baiting organization, or the lefties.

they should worry about their OWN actions instead of worrying about everybody else's.

What actions would those be?
Once again, the NAACP is asking the Tea Party to denounce racism, a completely reasonable political request.

Nobody has to bow down to the DEMANDS of a racist race baiting organization, or the lefties.

they should worry about their OWN actions instead of worrying about everybody else's.

What NAACP actions are you talking about?

Give us specific actions that you found offensive. Other than the fact that they have "Colored" in their name?
The tea party has some reason for calling everyone in the NAACP racists and refusing to denounce racism by telling the racists they would never be welcome in their little party.

I wonder why they would be acting this way?
Once again, the NAACP is asking the Tea Party to denounce racism, a completely reasonable political request.

they should worry about their OWN actions instead of worrying about everybody else's.

In general, that's great advice. Police your own ranks rather than point fingers at others. That's not how it works in politics though.

Surveyers asked respondents in California and a half dozen battleground states (like Michigan and Ohio) a series of questions that political scientists typically use to measure racial hostility. On each one, Tea Party backers expressed more resentment than the rest of the population, even when controlling for partisanship and ideology. When read the statement that "if blacks would only try harder, they could be just as well off as whites," 73 percent of the movement's supporters agreed, while only 33 percent of people who disapproved of the Tea Party agreed. Asked if blacks should work their way up "without special favors," as the Irish, Italians, and other groups did, 88 percent of supporters agreed, compared to 56 percent of opponents. The study revealed that Tea Party enthusiasts were also more likely to have negative opinions of Latinos and immigrants.

These results are bolstered by a recent New York Times/CBS News surveyfinding that white Tea Party supporters were more likely to believe that "the Obama administration favors blacks over whites" and that "too much has been made of the problems facing black people." The survey also showed that Tea Party sympathizers are whiter, older, wealthier, and more well-educated than the average American. They're "just as likely to be employed, and more likely to describe their economic situation as very or fairly good," according to a summary of the poll
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Do they want to advance or be equal?

I would think that if you were behind you would need to advance in order to be equal.

Just basic geometry here.

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