NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

you are right gremlin.

and don't think for one minute that the Obama's and his comrades in arms administration didn't have a HAND in all this.

after all, Michelle attended the race baiting event.

Yes. It's become clearer and clearer that this administration and its powerful supporters don't give a flying fuck about the people they are supposedly representing. It's about political power and votes. How sad for those who believed in them.
I did not see where the TP was compared to the KKK.

I still find comparisons of a Patriotic organization like the NAACP to the KKK to repulsive. The NAACP has spent 100 years being nonviolent in the face of extreme violence from white terrorists

Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

It is true that the NAACP was instrumental in the fight for civil rights and I applaud them for that, but I cannot agree that they are not a racist organization.

When they start working for the betterment of all people not just certain people, I will change my mind on that.

I have absolutely no problem condemning racism in the Tea Party, but I believe the racism in the NAACP should be condemned as should all racism nationwide.


Got any proof of this "racism"... I have'nt seen it, and Andrew Brietbart is on record with a $100,000 reward for this "proof".

Go cash in and get rich, or STFU!
Oh sorry, I didn't know he spit in the Black Congressman's face by accident. Nevermind

He didnt "spit" in anyones face.... have you ever gotten so mad while yelling at someone that "spittle" flew out? I have, and I dont recall getting acused of spitting on them. :eusa_hand: Its called being an idiotic angry man, but not racist!

You race-baiters are soooooo sickeningly stupid its almost comical.
Couldn't say it any better than Michelle!!! :eusa_whistle:

Townhall - Michelle Malkin - The National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People
Before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People decided to ride the anti-tea party wave back to political relevancy, its most recent activist crusade involved a silly space-themed Hallmark graduation card. Yes, the NAACP has been lost in space for quite some time now. And blaming whitey will no longer cut it.

In June, the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP demanded that the greeting card be pulled because it used the term "black holes" (which the bionically equipped ears of the p.c. police insisted sounded like "black whores"). "It sounds like a group of children laughing and joking about blackness," one NAACP official complained.

It was a group of hipster cartoon characters chattering about the universe and galaxies and wide-open possibilities to new high school and college grads. Alas, this is what has become of the once-inspired drive against racial discrimination.

In just a few short decades, the stalwart strivers for equality have turned into coddled whiners for hypersensitivity. The NAACP is a laughingstock. The group no longer represents the best interests of oppressed minorities, but the thin-skinned whims of the black elite and the ravenous appetite of the Nanny State. Establishment civil rights leaders now use their once-compelling moral authority to hector, bully and shake down corporate and political targets.

As Ward Connerly, the truly maverick opponent of government racial preferences who is black, wrote recently, "the NAACP is not so much a civil-rights organization as it is a trade association with clear links to the Democratic Party, despite the claim of its chairman that 'the NAACP has always been non-partisan.' Such a statement doesn't pass the giggle test. The NAACP uses the plight of poor black people as a fig leaf to hide its true agenda of promoting policies that benefit their dues-paying members, not black people in general or poor black people in particular."

To compensate for squandering the proud history of the civil rights organization on innocent greeting cards, NAACP leaders introduced a much-hyped resolution at their annual convention this week attacking the nation's biggest racial bogeyman: the tea party movement. It's a tried and true tactic of worn-out grievance-mongers: When you can't find evil enough enemies to blame for your problems, manufacture them. (Just ask hate crimes huckster Al Sharpton.) This is why one of the most popular signs spotted at tea party protests across the country remains the one that reads: "It doesn't matter what this sign says. You'll call it racism, anyway!"

The NAACP resolution calls on its chapters across the country to "repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties" and stand against the movement's attempt to "push our country back to the pre-civil rights era." Yet, it's the NAACP that lobbied the Obama White House to dismiss voter intimidation charges against the thugs of the New Black Panther Party, according to Justice Department whistleblower J. Christian Adams. It's the NAACP that opposes the 21st century school choice movement to free poor minority students from rotten government schools, as black parents in Washington, D.C., have suffered firsthand. It's the NAACP that elevates "diversity" above academic rigor as its primary education goal. And it's the NAACP that backs retrograde, race-based set-asides and classifications that encourage cronyism of color championed by their water-carriers at the Congressional Black Caucus.

And it's the NAACP that tolerates racist sneers and smears like those leveled by the St. Louis NAACP chapter against black limited-government activist Kenneth Gladney, who was derided by civil rights leaders as an "Uncle Tom" after he was beaten bloody by Service Employees International Union henchmen last summer.

Unbelievable. Not only is it utterly absurd to think 'black holes' used in the context of science is in any way a 'racist' term, but all intelligent black people everywhere should be rising up in protest of any advocate group for anything or anybody trying to make something racist out of it.

I get sick to death of political correctness crap anyway and more and more words and imagery being declared taboo because somebody wants to make something racist out of it. It stupid. It is offensive. It is ignorant. And it should not be tolerated by intelligent people anywhere. It's enough to make a person a racist.


(Sorry about that. Back to your regularly sceduled programming here.)
I have absolutely no problem condemning racism in the Tea Party, but I believe the racism in the NAACP should be condemned as should all racism nationwide.


Got any proof of this "racism"... I have'nt seen it, and Andrew Brietbart is on record with a $100,000 reward for this "proof".

Go cash in and get rich, or STFU!

Tell me how to get ahold of Brietbart that would be an easy 100k. Also, I've never seen the offer. I don't bother reading Brietbart unless it is in reference to a discussion on site. Have a link to the offer?

Their name alone is racist.

Oh sorry, I didn't know he spit in the Black Congressman's face by accident. Nevermind

He didnt "spit" in anyones face.... have you ever gotten so mad while yelling at someone that "spittle" flew out? I have, and I dont recall getting acused of spitting on them. :eusa_hand: Its called being an idiotic angry man, but not racist!

You race-baiters are soooooo sickeningly stupid its almost comical.

if someone's spittle flies into my face, because that someone is screaming into my face like a fucking lunatic, then that is per se not only disgusting, rude and uncalled for, but, depending on what he screams, if it is even comprehensible, it can be racist. :eek:
The NAACP is a racist organization as the name implies.

Nonsense. It's a historic civil rights organization with a track record of accomplishment. Rosa Parks was one of its members. You have heard of Rosa Parks, haven't you?

Historic track records can mean very little over time. What was the Democratic parties strongest point through 1830s to the 1860s? To keep negros under a state of slavery. What about during the 1st half of the 20th century? Maintain segregation!!!

I also LOVE how liberals attribute success to organizations that DON'T deserve it! The civil rights movement worked because of BRAVE civil rights workers who were both WHITE and BLACK!!! They worked because a great leader Martin Luther King Jr. preached the message judge me not by the color of my skin but the content of my character. He would disapprove of the NAACP and its racial segregation and discriminatory message, actions and motivation!

Blacks (as should all HUMAN BEINGS) should do their best to follow MLK's message! Too bad so many of them are so uneducated to what he preached that they try to associate him with black power! Nothing could be further than the truth!

Rosa Parks earned her praise.
Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

holy smokes, I guess no tea bagging American fought and died to help give them rights to all them people, oh no,.
you are one lost sheep. sheesh

Yes they fought and died fighting for freedom and when they got home from fighting in other countries certain Americans were less free than others.

Black Americans came back from WWII and Korea only to find that the American ideals they fought for were not available to them
Then you're stupid. The NAACP passed some kind of bullshit resolution claiming the TP were a bunch of racist, if that's not akin to calling them the KKK then I don't know what is.

NAACP is a racist group. Period.

The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

Stop dreaming.

The original terrorists in this country were white and came in the middle of the night. They would openly bomb churches, grab innocent people from their beds and lynch them and openly brag about it. These terrorists were supported by their local and state governments and were never convicted regardless of the evidence against them

The Patriotic NAACP engaged in peaceful protest, boycotts and engaged worldwide media attention to their plight and finally got Federal intervention to enforce the Constitution

What exactly maked Tea Baggers Patriots?
The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

holy smokes, I guess no tea bagging American fought and died to help give them rights to all them people, oh no,.
you are one lost sheep. sheesh

Yes they fought and died fighting for freedom and when they got home from fighting in other countries certain Americans were less free than others.

Black Americans came back from WWII and Korea only to find that the American ideals they fought for were not available to them

So what. You're talking ancient history.

You talk about it like it was yesterday.
Most of the Negros drafted into service in WWII were kept behind the "lines" doing menial work. They were not trusted.
Most of the Negros drafted into service in WWII were kept behind the "lines" doing menial work. They were not trusted.

During Korea the 24th Infantry was mostly Black. They were the first to get the full brunt of the N. Korean attack in the Korean peninsula. What I've read on the subject they claim that many of them wouldn't fight because they didn't feel they should fight for a country that treated them like second-classed citizens.
The NAACP has fought terrorism in this country long before 9-11. It was the NAACP fighting for the Constitutional rights of Americans, the NAACP fighting for the right to vote, the NAACP fighting against known terrorists going free

They are true Patriots in our society....the Tea Baggers just run around wearing silly costumes that make them feel like Patriots.

Stop dreaming.

The original terrorists in this country were white and came in the middle of the night. They would openly bomb churches, grab innocent people from their beds and lynch them and openly brag about it. These terrorists were supported by their local and state governments and were never convicted regardless of the evidence against them

The Patriotic NAACP engaged in peaceful protest, boycotts and engaged worldwide media attention to their plight and finally got Federal intervention to enforce the Constitution

What exactly maked Tea Baggers Patriots?

Well assuming you're bright enough to know that the Tea Partiers and the KKK are not the same thing, in no way related, and are mostly 180 degree opposite in their perspectives, values, and goals, then perhaps you might see that the Tea Partiers are promoting Constitutional law, fiscal integrity in government, and unalienable rights as the Founders defined those.

What exactly do you see unpatriotic about that?

To compare the Tea Partiers with the KKK, which you did in a subtle manner in your post, is as offensive as comparing the NAACP to black groups that promote killing crackers and their babies before black power will be achieved.
Stop dreaming.

The original terrorists in this country were white and came in the middle of the night. They would openly bomb churches, grab innocent people from their beds and lynch them and openly brag about it. These terrorists were supported by their local and state governments and were never convicted regardless of the evidence against them

The Patriotic NAACP engaged in peaceful protest, boycotts and engaged worldwide media attention to their plight and finally got Federal intervention to enforce the Constitution

What exactly maked Tea Baggers Patriots?

Well assuming you're bright enough to know that the Tea Partiers and the KKK are not the same thing, in no way related, and are mostly 180 degree opposite in their perspectives, values, and goals, then perhaps you might see that the Tea Partiers are promoting Constitutional law, fiscal integrity in government, and unalienable rights as the Founders defined those.

What exactly do you see unpatriotic about that?

To compare the Tea Partiers with the KKK, which you did in a subtle manner in your post, is as offensive as comparing the NAACP to black groups that promote killing crackers and their babies before black power will be achieved.

Why is David Duke courting the Tea Party? Why are there militias in the Tea Party?
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The original terrorists in this country were white and came in the middle of the night. They would openly bomb churches, grab innocent people from their beds and lynch them and openly brag about it. These terrorists were supported by their local and state governments and were never convicted regardless of the evidence against them

The Patriotic NAACP engaged in peaceful protest, boycotts and engaged worldwide media attention to their plight and finally got Federal intervention to enforce the Constitution

What exactly maked Tea Baggers Patriots?

Well assuming you're bright enough to know that the Tea Partiers and the KKK are not the same thing, in no way related, and are mostly 180 degree opposite in their perspectives, values, and goals, then perhaps you might see that the Tea Partiers are promoting Constitutional law, fiscal integrity in government, and unalienable rights as the Founders defined those.

What exactly do you see unpatriotic about that?

To compare the Tea Partiers with the KKK, which you did in a subtle manner in your post, is as offensive as comparing the NAACP to black groups that promote killing crackers and their babies before black power will be achieved.

Why is David Duke courting the Tea Party? Why are there militias in the Tea Party?

I had no idea that David Duke was courting the Tea Party. I am absolutely 100% certain that no Tea Party group anywhere is courting him however, and that is what is important in assessing the Tea Partiers.

You might as well ask why that black dude was making his hateful black power speech including killing crackers and their babies to a peaceful group of people celebrating African heritage.
Well assuming you're bright enough to know that the Tea Partiers and the KKK are not the same thing, in no way related, and are mostly 180 degree opposite in their perspectives, values, and goals, then perhaps you might see that the Tea Partiers are promoting Constitutional law, fiscal integrity in government, and unalienable rights as the Founders defined those.

What exactly do you see unpatriotic about that?

To compare the Tea Partiers with the KKK, which you did in a subtle manner in your post, is as offensive as comparing the NAACP to black groups that promote killing crackers and their babies before black power will be achieved.

Why is David Duke courting the Tea Party? Why are there militias in the Tea Party?

I had no idea that David Duke was courting the Tea Party. I am absolutely 100% certain that no Tea Party group anywhere is courting him however, and that is what is important in assessing the Tea Partiers.

You might as well ask why that black dude was making his hateful black power speech including killing crackers and their babies to a peaceful group of people celebrating African heritage.

David Duke has noticed the Tea Party is a white movement.
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and blacks did not have LESS liberties because they belonged to the NAACP....they had less because they were BLACK.......
so that black guy i pointed out who was alive back in the 50's-60's DID NOT have to put up with the same shit the people you mention did? even today he doesnt?....he had more liberties than other blacks? about the Japanese guy i mentioned?....he had no liberties taken away? since they just happen to believe in a movement you dont....they are token minorities?....and i am sure Rw that back in 1909 the NAACP was considered by MANY Americans to be a took them 50 years before they were finally know what Rw....i think the NAACP TODAY, has basically been an organization that keeps blacks back....they are in their way....and i think a hell of a lot of black people see this....others eat them up like they do Sharpton and Jackson....that being said,at one time i do recognize what they were, a group that helped many of the people they set out to help,and i will give them their dues for that.....but as with many "help" organizations,their effectiveness wanes each decade as blacks succeed more and more....blacks who have "made it" in this country in all probability do not need the NAACP...what can they do for them?.....its a different time and a different organization Rw....

Is the NAACP as relevant as it was in the 50s and 60s? Of course not
Should whites be able to pronounce they are no longer needed because you now have all your freedoms? No, that is up to the members of the NAACP to decide. When they declare "Mission Accomplished" they can go home.

Are they within their rights to be concerned with the agenda of the Tea Party? Yes they are. Actions of the Tea Pary have shown they are less than sympathetic to the rights of Blacks.

- Tea Party candidate Rand Paul openly questioned the Civil Rights movement and had to think it over when asked if he favored repeal

- Tea Party members singled out black Congressmen for abuse and reportedly called them the N word.

- Tea Party rallies have contained many messages that are either subtly or openly racist

If the NAACP has a concern about the Tea Party movement they have a right to address it. That document the Tea Party waves says they do

i notice you danced around the questions i asked...but its cool....and you dont think that a great many members of the NAACP are less than sympathetic to the rights of white people?..... and i can care less about the "Tea Party" Rw.....what they do or dont do has no effect on me....if some of them are bigots it will come out in time as it already has....people of all sorts are paying way to much attention to these people.....especially those on the left....WAY to much attention....

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