NAACP Leader: ‘It Really Doesn’t Matter If He Had a Gun’

Now, if the Rev Jackson has such an instinctive reaction, why do you blame cops, black or white, for having the same one?

Because they shoot people behind it. What arent you getting about taking action that is confusing you?

We know that it's more than just a white racism problem, because black cops shoot people too. As we all know, they face deadly situations and often have only a few seconds, if that, to determine whether a suspect is just someone being stupid trying to act tough or if they represent a true threat. Where is the public's responsibility to not be stupid?

Okay, I've listened to you complain, and have tried to help you understand the environment a cop faces. Now it comes down to this, what do you propose to do about it? Exactly what concrete steps would you take and what effect do you really think those steps would have?

If I was a Genie I'd wish away the hundreds of years of racism, discrimination etc. Since I'm not the only way for it to be "fixed" is generations down the road once this frame of mind and thinking no longer exists or is diminished. There is nothing anyone can do to fix it right now...Its like a 400 pound person asking how to lose the weight right now. How long did it take them to get to 400 pounds?
RW: "I love how quickly conservatives rally to smear the victim"

I love how YOU consider pointing out the FACTS of the case - that a black man was shot by a black female officer for being a threat because he refused to obey repeated orders to drop his weapon - is 'smearing the victim'.


Because the cops said so but wont release the video
Now, if the Rev Jackson has such an instinctive reaction, why do you blame cops, black or white, for having the same one?

Because they shoot people behind it. What arent you getting about taking action that is confusing you?

We know that it's more than just a white racism problem, because black cops shoot people too. As we all know, they face deadly situations and often have only a few seconds, if that, to determine whether a suspect is just someone being stupid trying to act tough or if they represent a true threat. Where is the public's responsibility to not be stupid?

Okay, I've listened to you complain, and have tried to help you understand the environment a cop faces. Now it comes down to this, what do you propose to do about it? Exactly what concrete steps would you take and what effect do you really think those steps would have?

If I was a Genie I'd wish away the hundreds of years of racism, discrimination etc. Since I'm not the only way for it to be "fixed" is generations down the road once this frame of mind and thinking no longer exists or is diminished. There is nothing anyone can do to fix it right now...Its like a 400 pound person asking how to lose the weight right now. How long did it take them to get to 400 pounds?
I thought you might take that approach, and I hope you don't use it to avoid dealing with this. I want to know where you think we should start. What's the first step? What did Obama not do when he had the bully pulpit and the power of the White House?
Now, if the Rev Jackson has such an instinctive reaction, why do you blame cops, black or white, for having the same one?

Because they shoot people behind it. What arent you getting about taking action that is confusing you?

We know that it's more than just a white racism problem, because black cops shoot people too. As we all know, they face deadly situations and often have only a few seconds, if that, to determine whether a suspect is just someone being stupid trying to act tough or if they represent a true threat. Where is the public's responsibility to not be stupid?

Okay, I've listened to you complain, and have tried to help you understand the environment a cop faces. Now it comes down to this, what do you propose to do about it? Exactly what concrete steps would you take and what effect do you really think those steps would have?

If I was a Genie I'd wish away the hundreds of years of racism, discrimination etc. Since I'm not the only way for it to be "fixed" is generations down the road once this frame of mind and thinking no longer exists or is diminished. There is nothing anyone can do to fix it right now...Its like a 400 pound person asking how to lose the weight right now. How long did it take them to get to 400 pounds?
I thought you might take that approach, and I hope you don't use it to avoid dealing with this. I want to know where you think we should start. What's the first step? What did Obama not do when he had the bully pulpit and the power of the White House?

Your problem is you believe that Obama was supposed to use his magic negro powers to change America from the laws to the attitudes of all Americans. He cant, you know he cant so thats why you point to him as not fixing it. Then you look at me and ask what I would do to change the environment whites created. Again, I dont have a ready made instant answer so again you're being totally reasonable.

The first step is already happening. Its the races becoming less segregated and having more interactions with other cultures.

The reason people here dont get that is because I think the average age here is mid 50's and up. The young ones get it...and as they grow they will be not only able to see discrimination happening but they are saying its not right also.
Now, if the Rev Jackson has such an instinctive reaction, why do you blame cops, black or white, for having the same one?

Because they shoot people behind it. What arent you getting about taking action that is confusing you?

We know that it's more than just a white racism problem, because black cops shoot people too. As we all know, they face deadly situations and often have only a few seconds, if that, to determine whether a suspect is just someone being stupid trying to act tough or if they represent a true threat. Where is the public's responsibility to not be stupid?

Okay, I've listened to you complain, and have tried to help you understand the environment a cop faces. Now it comes down to this, what do you propose to do about it? Exactly what concrete steps would you take and what effect do you really think those steps would have?

If I was a Genie I'd wish away the hundreds of years of racism, discrimination etc. Since I'm not the only way for it to be "fixed" is generations down the road once this frame of mind and thinking no longer exists or is diminished. There is nothing anyone can do to fix it right now...Its like a 400 pound person asking how to lose the weight right now. How long did it take them to get to 400 pounds?
I thought you might take that approach, and I hope you don't use it to avoid dealing with this. I want to know where you think we should start. What's the first step? What did Obama not do when he had the bully pulpit and the power of the White House?

Your problem is you believe that Obama was supposed to use his magic negro powers to change America from the laws to the attitudes of all Americans. He cant, you know he cant so thats why you point to him as not fixing it. Then you look at me and ask what I would do to change the environment whites created. Again, I dont have a ready made instant answer so again you're being totally reasonable.

I did not bring Obama in to the picture because I thought in any way he could come up with a magic answer, but because I saw him doing things that exacerbated the problem.

The first step is already happening. Its the races becoming less segregated and having more interactions with other cultures.

The reason people here dont get that is because I think the average age here is mid 50's and up. The young ones get it...and as they grow they will be not only able to see discrimination happening but they are saying its not right also.
I agree that there are no fast answers and that things really are already improving. And, just like with serious racism, attitudes take generations to change, because people don't stop looking down on those who are different just because a new law says they can't discriminate. Now, I have a few specific ideas of my own.

1. Return of the beat cop. Seeing the same policeman walking the sidewalks every day, talking with him and getting to know him removes some of the strangeness and "otherness" of the cop. It also allows him to get to know the people in the neighborhood, who they are, what they need. He's an ambassador, not a hammer.

2. Strong father figures for young black men. I know many in the black community agree, but it can't be stressed enough. When only about 30% of boys have a father in the home to teach them how to live a decent life and to find worth in themselves outside of violence, it's easy for a cycle of crime and prison to repeat itself.
the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?

Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal record

Yes. I've heard wingers say that. I haven't seen it in any legitimate source.

It also wouldn't be anything the officer would know when they gunned him down.

I do love bigoted scum celebrating every time a black man is killed
I love how quickly conservatives rally to smear the victim

They have become so good at it

they've done that since Zimmerman stalked and killed treyvon martin
Shitforbrains thinks Obama let Zimmerman off because?

who are you referring to, dum dum? and who said the president had anything to do with the Zimmerman trial?

jeeze, you're a moron.
I did not bring Obama in to the picture because I thought in any way he could come up with a magic answer, but because I saw him doing things that exacerbated the problem.

Every move Obama made exacerbated the problem....with whites. And just like earlier in this thread do you know why? Because whites THINK its about them anytime a black person says anything. I didnt mention whites earlier and the first response was white people crying I was blaming them.

How is that possible? Is it my fault?

I agree with both of your suggestions by the way but I would encourage you to think for a minute how the unfair targeting, jailing and convicting of blacks may play a part in why those father figures arent around. Locking people away makes it hard to be around. And you might say stop committing crimes but as you know blacks go to jail for things that whites do at the same rate with less time or targeting. That makes a difference

Yes. I've heard wingers say that. I haven't seen it in any legitimate source.

It also wouldn't be anything the officer would know when they gunned him down.

I do love bigoted scum celebrating every time a black man is killed
I love how quickly conservatives rally to smear the victim

They have become so good at it

they've done that since Zimmerman stalked and killed treyvon martin
Shitforbrains thinks Obama let Zimmerman off because?

who are you referring to, dum dum? and who said the president had anything to do with the Zimmerman trial?

jeeze, you're a moron.
The Federal Government spent a YEAR investigating Zimmerman and the shooting. Remind us how they charged him?
I did not bring Obama in to the picture because I thought in any way he could come up with a magic answer, but because I saw him doing things that exacerbated the problem.

Every move Obama made exacerbated the problem....with whites. And just like earlier in this thread do you know why? Because whites THINK its about them anytime a black person says anything. I didnt mention whites earlier and the first response was white people crying I was blaming them.

How is that possible? Is it my fault?

There is certainly enough racial sensitivity to go around. I would say that white people just wanting to live their lives and get along with everyone get tired of being harangued that they're racist just because they happen to be white, or they're somehow crossed a line if they get dreadlocks or listen to rap. Then, when Obama jumps into a police shooting case and blames white cops for acting "stupidly" before any real information comes out, they are (to use a liberal term in an ironic manner) triggered. Think of it this way. When you get hassled by cops because you're black, don't you assume you'll be hassled again and are ready to interpret everything they do as harassment when they're around?

I agree with both of your suggestions by the way but I would encourage you to think for a minute how the unfair targeting, jailing and convicting of blacks may play a part in why those father figures arent around. Locking people away makes it hard to be around. And you might say stop committing crimes but as you know blacks go to jail for things that whites do at the same rate with less time or targeting. That makes a difference
Equality in conviction and sentencing rates is a problem, no doubt. The "affluenza" case comes to mind. Makes me want to smack somebody. Same crimes should carry the same penalties because justice is supposed to be blind.

Basically, someone has to make the first move. If the cops actually backed off targeting young black men, would there be more criminal activity from them or less?

How much additional crime are the people in the neighborhoods going to put up with until it settles down, assuming it does?

I'm still waiting for some concrete, practical steps that you think will reduce and ultimately eliminate the problem.
Crime will never be eliminated. All blacks will never be all better. All whites will never be all better. So if you're looking for a solution to that question its the same as asking "what is the purpose of life" and expecting an answer that fits everyone everywhere.

If they stopped there wouldnt be less crime...there would be the same level of crime that whites currently have without the harassment.

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