NAACP Leader: ‘It Really Doesn’t Matter If He Had a Gun’

Does the link include the point you are trying to make?

Yeah that's right. Keep ducking and dodging.


I'm asking for your point and you're crying about it? So we are right back where we crying victim.

Blacks are screaming that cops are killing them based on race. The reality is that twice as many whites than blacks have been killed by cops, more unarmed whites than blacks have been killed by cops in 2016. How are the cops killing more whites than blacks racist against blacks? Playing your race card ... how many whites killed by cops stories do you hear about? How about whites rioting over these shootings? Cops must be racist against whites because they're killing them 2-to-1?

So you think whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population? Please tell me that so I can have a good hardy har har to start my day

Answer on the info I provided.

The only way I can is if you are saying that blacks and whites are equal percentages. Then I'll know for sure what I'm dealing with. Thanks.
Yeah that's right. Keep ducking and dodging.


I'm asking for your point and you're crying about it? So we are right back where we crying victim.

Blacks are screaming that cops are killing them based on race. The reality is that twice as many whites than blacks have been killed by cops, more unarmed whites than blacks have been killed by cops in 2016. How are the cops killing more whites than blacks racist against blacks? Playing your race card ... how many whites killed by cops stories do you hear about? How about whites rioting over these shootings? Cops must be racist against whites because they're killing them 2-to-1?

So you think whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population? Please tell me that so I can have a good hardy har har to start my day

Answer on the info I provided.

The only way I can is if you are saying that blacks and whites are equal percentages. Then I'll know for sure what I'm dealing with. Thanks.

Nope, you don't get to change the narrative because it suits you.
I'm asking for your point and you're crying about it? So we are right back where we crying victim.

Blacks are screaming that cops are killing them based on race. The reality is that twice as many whites than blacks have been killed by cops, more unarmed whites than blacks have been killed by cops in 2016. How are the cops killing more whites than blacks racist against blacks? Playing your race card ... how many whites killed by cops stories do you hear about? How about whites rioting over these shootings? Cops must be racist against whites because they're killing them 2-to-1?

So you think whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population? Please tell me that so I can have a good hardy har har to start my day

Answer on the info I provided.

The only way I can is if you are saying that blacks and whites are equal percentages. Then I'll know for sure what I'm dealing with. Thanks.

Nope, you don't get to change the narrative because it suits you.

Numbers dont suit anyone...they just are. But if you're saying whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population then your observation about whites being shot more is valid.
I'm giving you the presumption of being correct. Now, do you or do you not agree that young black men commit violent crimes at a much higher rate than their representation in the population would suggest, and do you claim that profiling, as in the case of serial killers, is wrong?

Yes they do and when you profile someone you come to a conclusion across the board. Thats what they are doing they are judging based on nothing but the skin color and taking action. When they profile whites they take no action...its an idea. Do you see I keep talking about actions and you're talking about thought without action.

Thats the diff

And I am pointing out that the harassment you've complained about stems from perfectly natural profiling that everyone engages in, for example, being approached by a group of young black men triggers a different response and action than being approached by others.

Remember this from Jesse Jackson?

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating"

Now, if the Rev Jackson has such an instinctive reaction, why do you blame cops, black or white, for having the same one? Yes, they're trained to treat everyone the same way, but they are also put in situations where they become targets, and self preservation often overrides even the best training.

The only way that's credible is if they are certain it can never be proven that's what they did. Now, if the dead person in the street has assaulted the police officer, he has given up the presumption of innocence. Like I said elsewhere, do what the cop says and let the lawyers get you a big payday if they were wrong. They are as human as everyone else is.

As you can see, its hard to go to a lawyer when a cop has already blown your head off but thanks for the advice.

If you have cooperated in every way with the cop's instructions and still get shot, you're dealing with a bad cop. There are bad cops, and always will be, no matter how hard we try to root them out, just like there will always be young black men that kill or assault other people no matter how hard we try to prevent it. Again, disproportionate response from police is inevitable when there is disproportionate crime from a certain segment of the population. We can reform police forces, require better training, use more non-lethal weapons, but young black men also need to acknowledge the damage they're causing their own communities when they commit violent crimes.

All I can say is the rioters don't generate a lot of sympathy when they claim racism as the cause of their riots and the dead black person was shot by a black cop.

So you JUST lost sympathy for the protests thats been going on for 3 years because of this case? Or is this the newest example you're using to justify not having sympathy from the start. I bet I can guess which one it is.
You can guess all day long and never hit on reality. Quite frankly, it's moot because one can have sympathy for a cause while simultaneously decrying stupidity expressed by those in the cause.
Now, if the Rev Jackson has such an instinctive reaction, why do you blame cops, black or white, for having the same one?

Because they shoot people behind it. What arent you getting about taking action that is confusing you?

the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?

Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal record
Blacks are screaming that cops are killing them based on race. The reality is that twice as many whites than blacks have been killed by cops, more unarmed whites than blacks have been killed by cops in 2016. How are the cops killing more whites than blacks racist against blacks? Playing your race card ... how many whites killed by cops stories do you hear about? How about whites rioting over these shootings? Cops must be racist against whites because they're killing them 2-to-1?

So you think whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population? Please tell me that so I can have a good hardy har har to start my day

Answer on the info I provided.

The only way I can is if you are saying that blacks and whites are equal percentages. Then I'll know for sure what I'm dealing with. Thanks.

Nope, you don't get to change the narrative because it suits you.

Numbers dont suit anyone...they just are. But if you're saying whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population then your observation about whites being shot more is valid.
So you admit we have a major problem with black crime since it is an epidemic? something like 37 percent of all violent crime is committed by less then 13 percent of the population? 50 percent of all murders are committed by 13 percent of the population? Yet we are to wonder why more blacks percentgae wise are shot by cops then whites?

Did they shoot him? No they didnt.
Do you understand why he wasnt shot?

Went right over your head didn't it?

The white guy tells the cop to shut up and leave him alone and the cop does nothing. Umm...excuse me citizen but why are you carrying that AR-15? None of your business

Black guy? Guns drawn...down on the ground
So you think whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population? Please tell me that so I can have a good hardy har har to start my day

Answer on the info I provided.

The only way I can is if you are saying that blacks and whites are equal percentages. Then I'll know for sure what I'm dealing with. Thanks.

Nope, you don't get to change the narrative because it suits you.

Numbers dont suit anyone...they just are. But if you're saying whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population then your observation about whites being shot more is valid.
So you admit we have a major problem with black crime since it is an epidemic? something like 37 percent of all violent crime is committed by less then 13 percent of the population? 50 percent of all murders are committed by 13 percent of the population? Yet we are to wonder why more blacks percentgae wise are shot by cops then whites?

We do have a epidemic? Calm down toots. When I say police are targeting blacks you deny it...then you accept it only after saying they deserve it.

Well buddy that means that the police and justice system is biased pal. If that is the case then its no wonder why the court stats are what they are. If you target Old Irish ladies guess what will happen? You'll see an increase in Old Irish ladies being in jail. This is all so easy.

Did they shoot him? No they didnt.
Do you understand why he wasnt shot?

Went right over your head didn't it?

The white guy tells the cop to shut up and leave him alone and the cop does nothing. Umm...excuse me citizen but why are you carrying that AR-15? None of your business

Black guy? Guns drawn...down on the ground


Damn...if that was a black man mouthing off about his gun rights he would have been shot in the first two minutes
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the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?

Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal record

Yes. I've heard wingers say that. I haven't seen it in any legitimate source.

It also wouldn't be anything the officer would know when they gunned him down.

I do love bigoted scum celebrating every time a black man is killed

the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?

Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal record

Yes. I've heard wingers say that. I haven't seen it in any legitimate source.

It also wouldn't be anything the officer would know when they gunned him down.

I do love bigoted scum celebrating every time a black man is killed
I love how quickly conservatives rally to smear the victim

They have become so good at it

the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?

Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal record

Yes. I've heard wingers say that. I haven't seen it in any legitimate source.

It also wouldn't be anything the officer would know when they gunned him down.

I do love bigoted scum celebrating every time a black man is killed

It's from the Charlotte Observer.
How about you do a little research on your little darling and get back with me.
The dude was a thug.

the person shot wasn't a "criminal".

what they are saying, for you white supremacists, is that if there is open carry (like in NC) then if there is a gun in the car, it certainly isn't a justification for the cop firing their weapon.

or does the 2nd amendment only apply to white people?

Slain Charlotte man had lengthy criminal record

Yes. I've heard wingers say that. I haven't seen it in any legitimate source.

It also wouldn't be anything the officer would know when they gunned him down.

I do love bigoted scum celebrating every time a black man is killed
I love how quickly conservatives rally to smear the victim

They have become so good at it

Sorry,I did nothing to encourage the poor innocent black dudes life of crime.
It's all on him.
Answer on the info I provided.

The only way I can is if you are saying that blacks and whites are equal percentages. Then I'll know for sure what I'm dealing with. Thanks.

Nope, you don't get to change the narrative because it suits you.

Numbers dont suit anyone...they just are. But if you're saying whites and blacks are the same percentage of the population then your observation about whites being shot more is valid.
So you admit we have a major problem with black crime since it is an epidemic? something like 37 percent of all violent crime is committed by less then 13 percent of the population? 50 percent of all murders are committed by 13 percent of the population? Yet we are to wonder why more blacks percentgae wise are shot by cops then whites?

We do have a epidemic? Calm down toots. When I say police are targeting blacks you deny it...then you accept it only after saying they deserve it.

Well buddy that means that the police and justice system is biased pal. If that is the case then its no wonder why the court stats are what they are. If you target Old Irish ladies guess what will happen? You'll see an increase in Old Irish ladies being in jail. This is all so easy.
Quote where I ever said percentage wise more blacks then whites were shot, EVER. Provide actual evidence that cops are "targeting" some group not because they commit crimes but because of their skin color. The ACTUAL evidence is that blacks are criminals more than whites the FACTS support the claim there is no evidence that cops actually arrest innocent blacks and trump up charges on them.

More black criminals means more blacks are actually confronted by police. Remind me what is so hard about obeying orders and why it is that whites obey said orders and don't get shot?

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