Nader Calls Out Obama: Debate Warren on TPP


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Ralph has just sent another of his letters to power, calling on the current Corporate-Lobbyist-in-Chief to prove Senator Warren is "spreading misinformation" about the TPP.

As a possible starting point, Nader offers:

"You believe Elizabeth Warren is wrong on the facts relating to the 'Investor-State Dispute Settlement' provision of the TPP, which allows foreign companies to challenge our health, safety and other regulations, not in our courts but before an international panel of arbitrators. A perfect point/counterpoint for a debate process, no?

Millions of Americans are likely to feel the effects of "NAFTA on steroids" after the TPP expands the special protections for corporations that offshore US jobs to low-wage countries.

Obama Debate Senator Warren on Global Economic Pact The Nader Page
Ralph concludes his missive to the corporate "socialist" in the White House:
"Some may wonder why you don’t call this agreement a 'treaty', like other countries. Could it be that an agreement only requires a 51 percent vote, rather than a two-thirds vote in the Congress for treaty ratification?

"You are quoted in the Washington Post decrying 'misinformation' circulating on the TPP and pledging that you are 'going to be pushing back very hard if I keep on hearing that.' Fine. Push back before tens of millions of people with Senator Elizabeth Warren as your debating counterpart. If you agree, be sure that interested Americans have a copy of the TPP deal first so that they can be an informed audience.

"I look forward to your response..."

Don't we all?
Obama's threat to push back sounds a lot like his red line in the Syrian sand, to me. Maybe he should start learning from a few of his mistakes?
Ralph has just sent another of his letters to power, calling on the current Corporate-Lobbyist-in-Chief to prove Senator Warren is "spreading misinformation" about the TPP.

As a possible starting point, Nader offers:

"You believe Elizabeth Warren is wrong on the facts relating to the 'Investor-State Dispute Settlement' provision of the TPP, which allows foreign companies to challenge our health, safety and other regulations, not in our courts but before an international panel of arbitrators. A perfect point/counterpoint for a debate process, no?

Millions of Americans are likely to feel the effects of "NAFTA on steroids" after the TPP expands the special protections for corporations that offshore US jobs to low-wage countries.

Obama Debate Senator Warren on Global Economic Pact The Nader Page

When was the last time a sitting president, who was not running for re-election, ever have a debate with anyone?
When was the last time a sitting president, who was not running for re-election, ever have a debate with anyone?
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Over the years, it has been abundantly clear that very few lawmakers or presidents have actually read the text of these trade agreements involving excessive surrender of local, state and federal sovereignties.

"They have relied on memoranda prepared by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and corporate lobbies.

"Given the mass of fine print with portentous consequences for every American, a worthy debate topic is whether to put off submitting this trade pact so that copies can be made accessible to the American people to discuss and consider before going to Congress under very limited debate for an up or down vote without any amendments being permitted.

"Why the rush when the ink isn’t even dry on the page?"

Obama Debate Senator Warren on Global Economic Pact The Nader Page
When was the last time a sitting president, who was not running for re-election, ever have a debate with anyone?
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Over the years, it has been abundantly clear that very few lawmakers or presidents have actually read the text of these trade agreements involving excessive surrender of local, state and federal sovereignties.

"They have relied on memoranda prepared by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and corporate lobbies.

"Given the mass of fine print with portentous consequences for every American, a worthy debate topic is whether to put off submitting this trade pact so that copies can be made accessible to the American people to discuss and consider before going to Congress under very limited debate for an up or down vote without any amendments being permitted.

"Why the rush when the ink isn’t even dry on the page?"

Obama Debate Senator Warren on Global Economic Pact The Nader Page

So the answer is .... never.

The real question is.... if this really is such a desperate issue, why isn't Warren using her position to make the American people aware of it rather than leaving it in the hands of Nader, who no one is listening to.
So the answer is .... never.

The real question is.... if this really is such a desperate issue, why isn't Warren using her position to make the American people aware of it rather than leaving it in the hands of Nader, who no one is listening to.
No, the real question is why Americans aren't paying more attention to the TPP; btw, millions of Americans listen regularly to what Nader has to say, just as we have for decades. Which corporate squeal are you listening to?
Bernie Sanders and the TPP:
"During my 23 years in Congress, I helped lead the fight against NAFTA and PNTR with China.

"During the coming session of Congress, I will be working with organized labor, environmentalists, religious organizations, Democrats, and Republicans against the secretive TPP trade deal.

"Let’s be clear: the TPP is much more than a 'free trade' agreement.

"It is part of a global race to the bottom to boost the profits of large corporations and Wall Street by outsourcing jobs; undercutting worker rights; dismantling labor, environmental, health, food safety and financial laws; and allowing corporations to challenge our laws in international tribunals rather than our own court system.

"If TPP was such a good deal for America, the administration should have the courage to show the American people exactly what is in this deal, instead of keeping the content of the TPP a secret.

10 Ways that TPP would hurt Working Families..."
So the answer is .... never.

The real question is.... if this really is such a desperate issue, why isn't Warren using her position to make the American people aware of it rather than leaving it in the hands of Nader, who no one is listening to.
No, the real question is why Americans aren't paying more attention to the TPP; btw, millions of Americans listen regularly to what Nader has to say, just as we have for decades. Which corporate squeal are you listening to?

Perhaps because it is not a "desperate" issue.
Perhaps because it is not a "desperate" issue.
  1. feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
    'a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth'
    synonyms: despairing, hopeless; More

    • (of an act or attempt) tried in despair or when everything else has failed; having little hope of success.
      'drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life'
      synonyms: last-ditch, last-gasp, eleventh-hour, do-or-die, final; More
      (of a situation) extremely bad, serious, or dangerous.
    • 'there is a desperate shortage of teachers'
      synonyms: grave, serious, critical, acute, risky, precarious; "
The TPP would expand NAFTA, adding to massive US trade deficits, job loss, downward pressure on US wages, unprecedented levels of economic inequality, new floods of agricultural imports, and special new protections for firms that offshore US jobs. All of which qualify as "extremely bad, serious, or dangerous" situations.

Trans-Pacific Partnership
Bernie knows best:
"10 Ways that TPP would hurt Working Families

"1. TPP will allow corporations to outsource even more jobs overseas. According to the Economic Policy Institute, if the TPP is agreed to, the U.S. will lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. · Service Sector Jobs will be lost. At a time when corporations have already outsourced over 3 million service sector jobs in the U.S., TPP includes rules that will make it even easier for corporate America to outsource call centers; computer programming; engineering; accounting; and medical diagnostic jobs. ·

"Manufacturing jobs will be lost. As a result of NAFTA, the U.S. lost nearly 700,000 jobs. As a result of Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, the U.S. lost over 2.7 million jobs. As a result of the Korea Free Trade Agreement, the U.S. has lost 70,000 jobs. The TPP would make matters worse by providing special benefits to firms that offshore jobs and by reducing the risks associated with operating in low-wage countries."

For those who believe in investor class entitlements, the TPP will ensure 1% of all "workers" continue to acquire 90+% of US income gains.
Ralph has just sent another of his letters to power, calling on the current Corporate-Lobbyist-in-Chief to prove Senator Warren is "spreading misinformation" about the TPP.

As a possible starting point, Nader offers:

"You believe Elizabeth Warren is wrong on the facts relating to the 'Investor-State Dispute Settlement' provision of the TPP, which allows foreign companies to challenge our health, safety and other regulations, not in our courts but before an international panel of arbitrators. A perfect point/counterpoint for a debate process, no?

Millions of Americans are likely to feel the effects of "NAFTA on steroids" after the TPP expands the special protections for corporations that offshore US jobs to low-wage countries.

Obama Debate Senator Warren on Global Economic Pact The Nader Page
I don't like these trade treaties because We( The US) always get the shaft....
Having said that, why on earth should Obama debate Warren?.....He is not running for POTUS...
So the answer is .... never.

The real question is.... if this really is such a desperate issue, why isn't Warren using her position to make the American people aware of it rather than leaving it in the hands of Nader, who no one is listening to.
No, the real question is why Americans aren't paying more attention to the TPP; btw, millions of Americans listen regularly to what Nader has to say, just as we have for decades. Which corporate squeal are you listening to?
Millions? Look, Nader has not been relevant since the 80's....He's an old dude...He should enjoy retirement.
It will be passed eventually, and screw over Americans. Damn, Obama is working hard to ruin what shreds of a legacy remain for himself.
I don't like these trade treaties because We( The US) always get the shaft....
Having said that, why on earth should Obama debate Warren?.....He is not running for POTUS..
Al Gore debated the merits of NAFTA with Ross Perot seven years before he ran against Bush. As Nader pointed out in his letter, Obama threatened he would "push back" against those spreading "misinformation", and he specifically mentioned Senator Warren as one prominent critic of TPP. If he's serious about "pushing back" what better method than debate?
oh gawd, Ralph Nader. Is he still ALIVE? And now he's kissing up to the fake Indian, Lizzy Hiawatha Warren

Like she's someone we all need to bow to now.
Millions? Look, Nader has not been relevant since the 80's....He's an old dude...He should enjoy retirement.
"Nader appeared on the ballot in 43 states and DC, up from 22 in 1996. He won 2,882,995 votes, or 2.74 percent of the popular vote. His campaign did not attain the 5 percent required to qualify the Green Party for federally distributed public funding in the next election. The percentage did, however, enable the Green Party to achieve ballot status in many new states, such as Delaware and Maryland."
Ralph Nader presidential campaign 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ralph's been changing minds since the 60s, and he's not through yet.
oh gawd, Ralph Nader. Is he still ALIVE? And now he's kissing up to the fake Indian, Lizzy Hiawatha Warren

Like she's someone we all need to bow to now.

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