Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

This is just the dems tossing hush puppies to their base to hush them up...and with the suckers that the progressive base are they will fall for it.

Has Mexico started to pay for that wall yet?

.but the dems will never impeach Trump...not in a million years...

Yeah we will. :)

and after he is finished with his second term and back home in NY....they won't prosecute him then either....all of this noise and bluster just to calm the TDS brigade....

Deplorable wishful thinking.

There’s a lot to impeach Trump on. What this formal impeachment inquiry does is cut through the crap of this administration trying to stonewall and block subpoenas. They can no longer do it.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
To my death, I will always believe Progs massively cheat. If Repubs fought for Trump a bit more 2018 would not have been what it was.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.

House Dems are doing the work of their Party, NOT the work of the people. For God's sake dude, it's been almost 3 effing years, and your side has absolutely nothing that they can take to the voters and say "look what we did for you".

When did the house impeach Billy Boy, in 1998 and how long did the investigation last, 6 years and finally they got him for obstructing since he lied about Monica and enc. his secretary to lie. (so they say) LOL
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..

Ask yourself why democrats won the House in the first place.

We’re going to keep the House and the Senate is in play now. 2020 is going to be replay of the 2018.

Don’t think for a second the American people who voted democrats the majority in the House are suddenly going to vote against them when Trump is still in power. That’s not going to happen. They’re going to vote Trump out and they’re going to punish those Senate republicans who sat on their ass and allowed this president to run roughshod over the constitution and the myriad of rules he’s overturned to protect our national lands and clean water act. If Trump is the scum..... senate republicans are the bags.
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Well, what the hell. What ELSE do they have to do?

Our elected "leaders" aren't allowed to work together any more. At least this keeps them busy, poor souls.
Why is Nancy Pelosi sitting on the USMCA agreement? Why has Nancy Pelosi refused to address the border crisis, and the drug and human trafficking epidemic at our Southern Border?
I just explained that. Pay attention.
No one pays attention to people who lie for a living.
Agreed. That was my point.
Why isn't Nancy Pelosi allowed to work with The President on The Behalf of The American People? Isn't that what she was elected for?

Maybe she should be forced to go clean shit off the sidewalks and Heroin needles in San Fran Shitsco.

She can't keep her own back yard clean so why in The Hell should she or any other Dim Tard be trusted to do anything at all, when their own backyards are cesspools created by their bleeding heart feelings policies.
Why isn't Nancy Pelosi allowed to work with The President on The Behalf of The American People? Isn't that what she was elected for?
I would ask the same thing about McConnell and Obama.

You don't want to admit how similar the two ridiculous parties are in their behaviors, I get it. But they are. And their sycophants pretend not to see it.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


Hey Billy Bob. Just when you thought the investigation was over.....




If only he would stop obstructing and enriching himself, but no , he is doing it more than ever, just wait till the Dems get in.

Trump is not only screwing himself, but he’s screwing the republican party and the country with his regressive regulations.

What does it say of the man who orders NOAA to dismiss empirical scientific weather data in order to cover for his lie.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..

Ask yourself why democrats won the House in the first place.

We’re going to keep the House and the Senate is in play now. 2020 is going to be replay of the 2018.

Don’t think for a second the American people who voted democrats the majority in the House are suddenly going to vote against them when Trump is still in power. That’s not going to happen. They’re going to vote Trump out and they’re going to punish those Senate republicans who sat on their ass and allowed this president to run roughshod over the constitution and the myriad of rules he’s overturned to protect our national lands and clean water act. If Trump was the scum..... senate republicans where the bags.
They won The House on a Propaganda Campaign that " Trump Colluded with Russia" They are about to get kicked out of power for the very same thing.

I predict a blood bath for The Dem Tards on 2020.
Why isn't Nancy Pelosi allowed to work with The President on The Behalf of The American People? Isn't that what she was elected for?
I would ask the same thing about McConnell and Obama.

You don't want to admit how similar the two ridiculous parties are in their behaviors, I get it. But they are. And their sycophants pretend not to see it.
Hog wash. The President has personally invited these fiends to The White House multiple times to find a way to work with them on these issue, but EVERY TIME, The Dems wanted to hang on to easily resolved issues as talking points, and political leverage because they have nothing to run on but Free Shit and Get Trump!
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..

Ask yourself why democrats won the House in the first place.

We’re going to keep the House and the Senate is in play now. 2020 is going to be replay of the 2018.

Don’t think for a second the American people who voted democrats the majority in the House are suddenly going to vote against them when Trump is still in power. That’s not going to happen. They’re going to vote Trump out and they’re going to punish those Senate republicans who sat on their ass and allowed this president to run roughshod over the constitution and the myriad of rules he’s overturned to protect our national lands and clean water act. If Trump was the scum..... senate republicans where the bags.
They won The House on a Propaganda Campaign that " Trump Colluded with Russia" They are about to get kicked out of power for the very same thing. I predict a blood bath for The Dem Tards on 2020.

I predict you’ll be sorely disappointed and in here bitching about those “Dem Tards” the day after.

And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..

Ask yourself why democrats won the House in the first place.

We’re going to keep the House and the Senate is in play now. 2020 is going to be replay of the 2018.

Don’t think for a second the American people who voted democrats the majority in the House are suddenly going to vote against them when Trump is still in power. That’s not going to happen. They’re going to vote Trump out and they’re going to punish those Senate republicans who sat on their ass and allowed this president to run roughshod over the constitution and the myriad of rules he’s overturned to protect our national lands and clean water act. If Trump was the scum..... senate republicans where the bags.
They won The House on a Propaganda Campaign that " Trump Colluded with Russia" They are about to get kicked out of power for the very same thing. I predict a blood bath for The Dem Tards on 2020.

I predict you’ll be sorely disappointed and in here bitching about those “Dem Tards” the day after.

Hate to tell you delusional Dim Tard, but America is turning against your Radical Terrorist Coddling, Anti-American Citizenship, Pro Criminal Illegal Alien, Anti-Economy, Policies, and Your Propaganda Campaign went up in smoke.

You are toast.
And during that period the work of the people was still conducted.
This time is it???

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..

Ask yourself why democrats won the House in the first place.

We’re going to keep the House and the Senate is in play now. 2020 is going to be replay of the 2018.

Don’t think for a second the American people who voted democrats the majority in the House are suddenly going to vote against them when Trump is still in power. That’s not going to happen. They’re going to vote Trump out and they’re going to punish those Senate republicans who sat on their ass and allowed this president to run roughshod over the constitution and the myriad of rules he’s overturned to protect our national lands and clean water act. If Trump was the scum..... senate republicans where the bags.
They won The House on a Propaganda Campaign that " Trump Colluded with Russia" They are about to get kicked out of power for the very same thing. I predict a blood bath for The Dem Tards on 2020.

I predict you’ll be sorely disappointed and in here bitching about those “Dem Tards” the day after.

As long as you people keep doing what your doing its going to be a blood bath your not expecting..
Watergate memories for the Repubs! Stupid ph uks let the then commies destroy their president. The natural way for the Progs. Guaranteed Progs would have not done the same. We are so due for another mass tragedy....
Nixon destroyed himself by trying to cover up Watergate. Clinton destroyed himself by cheating on his wife and then lying about it under oath.

When do you rightards ever accept personal responsibility?
When will you left-tards admit your attempted coup?
LOLOL what attempted coup??

Feigning ignorance in the midst of rising evidence is the defense posture of a 9-year-old.

I knew you don't have a lucid answer.

You are just a dumb Propagandist and Shill with nothing to offer anyone here but trolling and misinformation.
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.


Keep that head firmly impacted....
They will be laughingly known as "The Party Of Investigations".
I already think of the Democrat leadership as "Communist Criminals who criminalize innocent patriots and patriarchs of America."

Why is Jerry Nadler making a nutcase of himself? He already holds a seat in the Congress of the United States of America. I think he is sealing himself into a very bad place in the History of freedom as being its archvillain. What kind of prescription medication is Congressman Nadler on? Whatever it is, I don't want any given to anyone I love.
What do Trumpies think Senate republicans are going to do if the House votes to impeach? Y’all think they’re going to vote to keep Trump in office?

Here’s a clue.

Why do you think senate republicans are so vociferous in their argument they’ll never impeach Trump?

Let’s see your thinking on that. :)
What do Trumpies think Senate republicans are going to do if the House votes to impeach? Y’all think they’re going to vote to keep Trump in office?

Here’s a clue.

Why do you think senate republicans are so vociferous in their argument they’ll never impeach Trump?

Let’s see your thinking on that. :)
The House already failed at a vote to impeach and they have the majority. Now go to the mirror, and get that Obama Bin Lying Pube from out of your teeth.

They couldn't even cite or draw up articles of impeachment, so the vote was invalid before it even started and was just for show, like everything the Do Nothing Obstructionist Dems Do.

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