Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

How is congressional oversight not doing the work of the people? You might want to ask yourself why house republicans got their ass kicked in the 2018 election.
Democrats are set to lose about 57 seats, if the election were held today. And you are all acting like it wont happen..

Ask yourself why democrats won the House in the first place.

We’re going to keep the House and the Senate is in play now. 2020 is going to be replay of the 2018.

Don’t think for a second the American people who voted democrats the majority in the House are suddenly going to vote against them when Trump is still in power. That’s not going to happen. They’re going to vote Trump out and they’re going to punish those Senate republicans who sat on their ass and allowed this president to run roughshod over the constitution and the myriad of rules he’s overturned to protect our national lands and clean water act. If Trump was the scum..... senate republicans where the bags.
They won The House on a Propaganda Campaign that " Trump Colluded with Russia" They are about to get kicked out of power for the very same thing. I predict a blood bath for The Dem Tards on 2020.

I predict you’ll be sorely disappointed and in here bitching about those “Dem Tards” the day after.

As long as you people keep doing what your doing its going to be a blood bath your not expecting..


We were doing this BEFORE the 2018 election... how did that turn out for you. :)
This is just the dems tossing hush puppies to their base to hush them up...and with the suckers that the progressive base are they will fall for it.

Has Mexico started to pay for that wall yet?

.but the dems will never impeach Trump...not in a million years...

Yeah we will. :)

and after he is finished with his second term and back home in NY....they won't prosecute him then either....all of this noise and bluster just to calm the TDS brigade....

Deplorable wishful thinking.

There’s a lot to impeach Trump on. What this formal impeachment inquiry does is cut through the crap of this administration trying to stonewall and block subpoenas. They can no longer do it.
You saving $2500 a year on your health insurance yet?
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.
Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.
What do Trumpies think Senate republicans are going to do if the House votes to impeach? Y’all think they’re going to vote to keep Trump in office?

Here’s a clue.

Why do you think senate republicans are so vociferous in their argument they’ll never impeach Trump?

Let’s see your thinking on that. :)
The House already failed at a vote to impeach and they have the majority. Now go to the mirror, and get that Obama Bin Lying Pube from out of your teeth.

They couldn't even cite or draw up articles of impeachment, so the vote was invalid before it even started and was just for show, like everything the Do Nothing Obstructionist Dems Do.

That was before an impeachment inquiry.

Has it ever occurred to you that Nancy just maybe...just putting on an act to keep your side cooled down and guessing as to democrats true motives?

Here’s something to think about. Nancy.... just this morning....gave her full support to the House committee’s voting to start an impeachment inquiry.

Don’t let it bother you. I’m sure it’s nothing.


The compounding investigations are simply the tactic and the strategy to make swing voters think Trump is doing something wrong. Even if he is, the Democrats are the biggest pussies that don’t have the guts or the stamina to go impeachment. I have been saying “Bring it On” since they started throwing Impeachment around.
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.
Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Trumps going to be impeached and that impeachment is going to upheld by Senate republicans.

What do Trumpies think Senate republicans are going to do if the House votes to impeach? Y’all think they’re going to vote to keep Trump in office?

Here’s a clue.

Why do you think senate republicans are so vociferous in their argument they’ll never impeach Trump?

Let’s see your thinking on that. :)
The House already failed at a vote to impeach and they have the majority. Now go to the mirror, and get that Obama Bin Lying Pube from out of your teeth.

They couldn't even cite or draw up articles of impeachment, so the vote was invalid before it even started and was just for show, like everything the Do Nothing Obstructionist Dems Do.

That was before an impeachment inquiry.

Has it ever occurred to you that Nancy just maybe...just putting on an act to keep your side cooled down and guessing as to democrats true motives?

Here’s something to think about. Nancy.... just this morning....gave her support the House committee’s voting to start an impeachment inquiry.

Don’t let it bother you. I’m sure it’s nothing.



What do you think The Fake Mueller Investigation was about? That was for purposes of finding out if The President Committed High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The Result was ZERO unlike Clinton's were he was recommended for 13 Indictments, and that was the basis of Articles of Impeachment FOR HIM, and that is why Congress and The Senate underwent Impeachment Proceedings after an Impeachment Vote and Writing Articles of Impeachment.

I suppose you think you can pull Articles of Impeachment out of your ass now, where your Putin Dildo has been firmly lodged for 3 solid years. You be shitting out of your mouth.

Stop doing that.
This is a win win for all parties involved.

The HoR members of the Democratic Party can demonstrate they did their due diligence regarding articles of impeachment. What the GOP Senate does during trial is irrelevant. They can sell the principle of oversight as justification for their actions.

The Republican Party can claim that these spurious charges are partisan driven. President Trump will call it a witch hunt and hammer the democrats for doing it to begin with.

Why is anyone complaining. This is political theater at its finest!
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.
Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Trumps going to be impeached and that impeachment is going to upheld by Senate republicans.

Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG

Your fantasy is playing out in your own private theater....
This is a win win for all parties involved.

The HoR members of the Democratic Party can demonstrate they did their due diligence regarding articles of impeachment. What the GOP Senate does during trial is irrelevant. They can sell the principle of oversight as justification for their actions.

The Republican Party can claim that these spurious charges are partisan driven. President Trump will call it a witch hunt and hammer the democrats for doing it to begin with.

Why is anyone complaining. This is political theater at its finest!
They are falling on their face and will pay for it in 2020.

23 Investigations, Pre-Dawn Raids reminiscent of an Invading Army over a Contrived Petty Process Crime, and $100 Million flushed down the drain of taxpayer money and 3 years of Nauseating Hate and Propaganda. and doing absolutely nothing about any of the issues before The American People will ensure you assholes are thrown out of power in a 2020 election night blood bath.
All they can do is vote and talk.

So, let them vote and talk.
The compounding investigations are simply the tactic and the strategy to make swing voters think Trump is doing something wrong.

No. They’re doing their congressional duty of oversight and that they’ve started an impeachment inquiry is indicative they’re not paying attention to those polls showing the public doesn’t want an impeachment of Trump.

Now if the public wants to punish democrats for doing their duty and upholding our constitutional principles and laws..... fine.

But they’re betting their seats, upholding their principles and congressional seats they won’t be punished as long as Trump is still in office.
Y’all Trumpies think senate republicans won’t vote to remove Trump from office if he’s impeached?

This is a win win for all parties involved.

The HoR members of the Democratic Party can demonstrate they did their due diligence regarding articles of impeachment. What the GOP Senate does during trial is irrelevant. They can sell the principle of oversight as justification for their actions.

The Republican Party can claim that these spurious charges are partisan driven. President Trump will call it a witch hunt and hammer the democrats for doing it to begin with.

Why is anyone complaining. This is political theater at its finest!
They are falling on their face and will pay for it in 2020.

23 Investigations, Pre-Dawn Raids reminiscent of an Invading Army over a Contrived Petty Process Crime, and $100 Million flushed down the drain of taxpayer money and 3 years of Nauseating Hate and Propaganda. and doing absolutely nothing about any of the issues before The American People will ensure you assholes are thrown out of power in a 2020 election night blood bath.

Note the part WIN WIN. You should be ecstatic if it costs the Democrats their House Majority!
Y’all Trumpies think senate republicans won’t vote to remove Trump from office if he’s impeached?


A super majority is necessary to vote to convict on impeachment while the motions first must be tabled by McConnell.

So, you just keep giggling.
This is a win win for all parties involved.

The HoR members of the Democratic Party can demonstrate they did their due diligence regarding articles of impeachment. What the GOP Senate does during trial is irrelevant. They can sell the principle of oversight as justification for their actions.

The Republican Party can claim that these spurious charges are partisan driven. President Trump will call it a witch hunt and hammer the democrats for doing it to begin with.

Why is anyone complaining. This is political theater at its finest!
They are falling on their face and will pay for it in 2020.

23 Investigations, Pre-Dawn Raids reminiscent of an Invading Army over a Contrived Petty Process Crime, and $100 Million flushed down the drain of taxpayer money and 3 years of Nauseating Hate and Propaganda. and doing absolutely nothing about any of the issues before The American People will ensure you assholes are thrown out of power in a 2020 election night blood bath.

Note the part WIN WIN. You should be ecstatic if it costs the Democrats their House Majority!
I suggest you go find a good therapist now to help you deal with the wailing and gnashing of teeth you and your friends are going to experience on election night 2020.
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.
Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Trumps going to be impeached and that impeachment is going to upheld by Senate republicans.


I do hope you are right.:)
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
Difference is the Republicans actually had something on Bill the rapist. The idiots in the house have nothing but hurt feelings and lies.

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