Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

Trump has my vote for the simple fact he is the most vetted president in history
3 years of non-stop investigations by some of the most crooked people in government with unlimited serious and power and they can't find crap
No President has ever been more vetted and been ran through The Gauntlet, and been more Transparent than President Trump.


And that scares THE SHIT out of THE FAKE LEFT!
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.
Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Trumps going to be impeached and that impeachment is going to upheld by Senate republicans.


Any day now, going on 3 years now.
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

I don’t think so. :)

It’s serious. It’s very real. It imposes a threat to Trump. And it’ll expose Trumps criminal conduct and the reason to impeach him.

And senate republicans will agree upholding the house’s articles of impeachment.

Your president..... is a goner.


Feigning ignorance in the midst of rising evidence is the defense posture of a 9-year-old.

I knew you don't have a lucid answer.

You are just a dumb Propagandist and Shill with nothing to offer anyone here but trolling and misinformation.

And still no lucid answer.

You cannot answer a NON QUESTION

Dumbfuck, of course there was a question. You morons just can't give a lucid answer because there isn't one. Here it is again....

What was this supposed attempted coup by the left??
What's The Question TARD?

You stating Facts?

We have the texts of what McCabe, Comey, Strozk, Paige all were trying to do. They are too stupid to keep their mouths shut, like you.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
Watergate memories for the Repubs! Stupid ph uks let the then commies destroy their president. The natural way for the Progs. Guaranteed Progs would have not done the same. We are so due for another mass tragedy....
Nixon destroyed himself by trying to cover up Watergate. Clinton destroyed himself by cheating on his wife and then lying about it under oath.

When do you rightards ever accept personal responsibility?
When will you left-tards admit your attempted coup?
LOLOL what attempted coup??

When will you rightards realize you're crazy?
Compared to you retarded libs were sane.
What a pity that's not reflected in your posts. :dunno:
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

I don’t think so. :)

It’s serious. It’s very real. It imposes a threat to Trump. And it’ll expose Trumps criminal conduct and the reason to impeach him.

And senate republicans will agree upholding the house’s articles of impeachment.

Your president..... is a goner.


You are the most delusional person on this forum.

Really, you are just an inconsequential troll.


A super majority is necessary to vote to convict on impeachment while the motions first must be tabled by McConnell.

what? :)

So, you just keep giggling.

I haven’t stop since they voted to start an impeachment inquiry this morning. Reading y’alls postings is a hoot and a half. :)
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

This is Real Though

US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal

What was the investigation they did on Bill Clinton for 6 years before the House impeached him?? What was that called?


A super majority is necessary to vote to convict on impeachment while the motions first must be tabled by McConnell.

what? :)

So, you just keep giggling.

I haven’t stop since they voted to start an impeachment inquiry this morning. Reading y’alls postings is a hoot and a half. :)
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

This is Real Though

US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal

What was the investigation they did on Bill Clinton for 6 years before the House impeached him?? What was that called?
The Ken Starr Report.

Go take a long walk off of a short pier.


A super majority is necessary to vote to convict on impeachment while the motions first must be tabled by McConnell.

what? :)

So, you just keep giggling.

I haven’t stop since they voted to start an impeachment inquiry this morning. Reading y’alls postings is a hoot and a half. :)
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

This is Real Though

US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal

What was the investigation they did on Bill Clinton for 6 years before the House impeached him?? What was that called?
The Ken Starr Report.

Go take a long walk off of a short pier.

No it didn't include stuff except about Monica. The star report read like a trashy novel.

Mueller should of just brought his report to the House and bypassed Barr.


A super majority is necessary to vote to convict on impeachment while the motions first must be tabled by McConnell.

what? :)

So, you just keep giggling.

I haven’t stop since they voted to start an impeachment inquiry this morning. Reading y’alls postings is a hoot and a half. :)
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

This is Real Though

US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal

What was the investigation they did on Bill Clinton for 6 years before the House impeached him?? What was that called?
The Ken Starr Report.

Go take a long walk off of a short pier.

No it didn't include stuff except about Monica. The star report read like a trashy novel.

Mueller should of just brought his report to the House and bypassed Barr.
The Starr Report Listed 13 Recommendations for Indictment from which Articles of Impeachment were Drawn UP.

The Mueller Report Listed ZERO
Even "if" the democrats could get it tabled in the senate.

What the fuck are you talking about “get it tabled in the Senate?”

They are articles of impeachment which the Senate MUST have hear out and judge on.

Which republicans will vote to uphold and toss Trump out of office.

The only reason senate republicans are squealing it’s a waste of time and they’re not going to vote to impeach Trump out of office is BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO GO ON RECORD with their votes for regardless how they vote..... they’re fucked!

If they vote to uphold their oaths, the constitution and our laws and vote Trump out of office they’ll be punished by Trumpies base.

If they vote to keep the criminal Trump in office they’re going to be punished by the American people for allowing a crook to keep in office.

An impeachment trial IS A WIN WIN FOR DEMOCRATS.

Regardless how republicans vote...... democrats win.

That is why they don’t want an impeachment trial. If Trump is impeached..... they’re screwed regardless how they vote!

And that’s why they’re running around loudly proclaiming to ANYONE WHO’LL LISTEN.... they’re not going to vote to impeach Trump so impeaching him would be a waste of time and taxpayers money. They definitely, desperately don’t want to hold that vote.

It’s only when a gun is figuratively put to their head and they have to go on record with their vote.... will you see the truth come form the republicans and I’m betting they’ll uphold their oath and the constitution and vote Trump out of office because they surely don’t want to have a legacy of upholding a crook being president.

Hell, it’s not like they don’t hate his ass now. With a Trump impeachment.... they’re going to be exposed for all to see.

It’s going to be OH so delicious to watch them squirm, hem and haw.

Even "if" the democrats could get it tabled in the senate.

What the fuck are you talking about “get it tabled in the Senate?”

They are articles of impeachment which the Senate MUST have hear out and judge on.

Which republicans will vote to uphold and toss Trump out of office.

The only reason senate republicans are squealing it’s a waste of time and they’re not going to vote to impeach Trump out of office is BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO GO ON RECORD with their votes for regardless how they vote..... they’re fucked!

If they vote to uphold their oaths, the constitution and our laws and vote Trump out of office they’ll be punished by Trumpies base.

If they vote to keep the criminal Trump in office they’re going to be punished by the American people for allowing a crook to keep in office.

An impeachment trial IS A WIN WIN FOR DEMOCRATS.

Regardless how republicans vote...... democrats win.

That is why they don’t want an impeachment trial. If Trump is impeached..... they’re screwed regardless how they vote!

And that’s why they’re running around loudly proclaiming to ANYONE WHO’LL LISTEN.... they’re not going to vote to impeach Trump so impeaching him would be a waste of time and taxpayers money. They definitely, desperately don’t want to hold that vote.

It’s only when a gun is figuratively put to their head and they have to go on record with their vote.... will you see the truth come form the republicans and I’m betting they’ll uphold their oath and the constitution and vote Trump out of office because they surely don’t want to have a legacy of upholding a crook being president.

Hell, it’s not like they don’t hate his ass now. With a Trump impeachment.... they’re going to be exposed for all to see.

It’s going to be OH so delicious to watch them squirm, hem and haw.

1.) You have no clue about how any of this works.
2.) Incessant Trolling and Misinformation will get your posts deleted and you banned.
3.) You'd deserve it, but it's better just to Ignore you.
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

I don’t think so. :)

It’s serious. It’s very real. It imposes a threat to Trump. And it’ll expose Trumps criminal conduct and the reason to impeach him.

And senate republicans will agree upholding the house’s articles of impeachment.

Your president..... is a goner.


You are the most delusional person on this forum.

Really, you are just an inconsequential troll.

Then you have nothing to worry about and should pay me no attention.

Trump, and you Trumpies, have nothing to worry about in democrats exposing Trumps criminal.. AND IMPEACHABLE..... conduct.

Everything will just be honky dory. :)


There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

I don’t think so. :)

It’s serious. It’s very real. It imposes a threat to Trump. And it’ll expose Trumps criminal conduct and the reason to impeach him.

And senate republicans will agree upholding the house’s articles of impeachment.

Your president..... is a goner.


You are the most delusional person on this forum.

Really, you are just an inconsequential troll.

Then you have nothing to worry about and should pay me no attention.

Trump, and you Trumpies, have nothing to worry about in democrats exposing Trumps criminal.. AND IMPEACHABLE..... conduct.

Everything will just be honky dory. :)


I pay you attention because there are stupid people who may read your pack of lies and bullshit and actually believe your nonsensical dribble.

I like to throw Truth on your Idiotic Posts like Van Helsing Throws Holy Water on a Vampire.
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

I don’t think so. :)

It’s serious. It’s very real. It imposes a threat to Trump. And it’ll expose Trumps criminal conduct and the reason to impeach him.

And senate republicans will agree upholding the house’s articles of impeachment.

Your president..... is a goner.


You are the most delusional person on this forum.

Really, you are just an inconsequential troll.

Then you have nothing to worry about and should pay me no attention.

Trump, and you Trumpies, have nothing to worry about in democrats exposing Trumps criminal.. AND IMPEACHABLE..... conduct.

Everything will just be honky dory. :)


I pay you attention because there are stupid people who may read your pack of lies and bullshit and actually believe your nonsensical dribble.

I like to throw Truth on your Idiotic Posts like Van Helsing Throws Holy Water on a Vampire.

Original Tree.

You pay attention to my posts because you recognize the truth in them and what a threat AN IMPEACHMENT imposes on the narrative you Trumpie idiots and those FOX News and Fools are trying to sell to the public in defense of Trump.

And it concerns you because when Trumps criminal conduct is exposed in THOSE OPEN HEARINGS they’re going to hold...... there’s no turning back.

And when that happens, and it’s going to happen... the only way... THE ONLY WAY impeachment. Nothing less. Congress will be forced to vote.. FORCED TO VOTE... on articles of impeachment.

This is going to happen. Nadler knows this and there isn’t shit republicans can do to stop it. Not Nancy... not public opinion.

And that scares the shit out of you Trumpies and baby.... don’t think I don’t know it.


There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

I don’t think so. :)

It’s serious. It’s very real. It imposes a threat to Trump. And it’ll expose Trumps criminal conduct and the reason to impeach him.

And senate republicans will agree upholding the house’s articles of impeachment.

Your president..... is a goner.


You are the most delusional person on this forum.

Really, you are just an inconsequential troll.

Then you have nothing to worry about and should pay me no attention.

Trump, and you Trumpies, have nothing to worry about in democrats exposing Trumps criminal.. AND IMPEACHABLE..... conduct.

Everything will just be honky dory. :)


I pay you attention because there are stupid people who may read your pack of lies and bullshit and actually believe your nonsensical dribble.

I like to throw Truth on your Idiotic Posts like Van Helsing Throws Holy Water on a Vampire.

Original Tree.

You pay attention to my posts because you recognize the truth in them and what a threat AN IMPEACHMENT imposes on the narrative you Trumpie idiots and those FOX News and Fools are trying to sell to the public in defense of Trump.

And it concerns you because when Trumps criminal conduct is exposed in THOSE OPEN HEARINGS they’re going to hold...... there’s no turning back.

And when that happens, and it’s going to happen... the only way... THE ONLY WAY impeachment. Nothing less. Congress will be forced to vote.. FORCED TO VOTE... on articles of impeachment.

This is going to happen. Nadler knows this and there isn’t shit republicans can do to stop it. Not Nancy... not public opinion.

And that scares the shit out of you Trumpies and baby.... don’t think I don’t know it.


No, I pay attention to your Posts, because I am a Champion for Truth, and I fight EVIL., and you are like your father, the devil, the father of lies.

You are Evil.

Therefore I oppose you.

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