Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 23101732, member: 60550"]
Here’s the truth Trumpies. Straight up.

You cannot have an Impeachment inquiry that exposes the presidents criminal and impeachable conduct and not impeach.

Now you can hem and haw and squeal in protest all you want..... but impeachment is the inevitable result of an inquiry that exposes a presidents criminal conduct.

It can’t be anything but.

I’ve no doubt FOX and Fools and Rush, Hannity etc. are going to bang their fist on the table and try to rationalize holding an impeachment inquiry is a waste to time an tax payer dollars because the SENATE will never vote to impeach Trump out of office..... but no.

This is going to happen. It can’t but be. It’s physics. They know it’s going to happen and it’s why they.... and you.... are scared and having these fits.

Because whether you want to admit it or not..... you know where this impeachment inquiry is heading and what the outcome can only be.

Sorry to set your hearts a pattering but it is what it is. If I had a little fun drubbing it in...... tough shit. Not like you aren’t deserving of a little drubbing for voting that idiot in office in the first place.


It's not our fault that you aren't very intelligent and do not understand how any of this works.

Who is the better Investigator, Mueller, and his pack of Trump Hating Lawyers, and The FBI, or Fat Jerry Nadler?

There is no impeachment inquiry. It's all made up fictitious shit, and Nadler, Pelosi and the Dems are just abusing their powers. There were no recommendations for indictment that came out of The Mueller Report.

You did not accept the results of The Election just like you did not accept The Results of The Fictitious and Fraudulent Special Counsel Investigation. No Recommendations for indictment were made. Stick to the facts.

It will bite them in the ass in the end.

Their political chest beating means nothing. There is nothing actionable. Mueller, and his Partisan staff which included Strozk, McCabe, Paige, and Preet Bhara, as well as Weismann, could not uncover a single crime.

This is a major flop already, and your party crash and burned the day they paid $14 Million for Russian Propaganda.

Talk of impeachment if just plain silliness and is a desperate attempt by The Democrat Party to stop the hemoragging of people leaving their party. All you have left are hard core radicals

Your party is in a political nose dive, because they bet all their futures on a single horse while their cities and districts are flooded with illegals, drug addicts, shit on the sidewalls, hordes of guns in their gun free zones in the hands of criminals and not law abiding citizens, and heroin needles and trash in the streets.

Sane and educated, and informed people see the writing on the wall.

You do not, and I have to say, you deserve what is coming to you in 2020.
"You did not accept the results of The Election"


Coming from a rightarded Birther, THAT is fucking hysterical.

Coming from a pole smoking LibTard who is part of "The Resistance" who never accepted The Results of The Election.

Trump accepted The Results. He is president, and Hillary is a drunk old hag.
who didn't.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...

Still another sign Pelosi has lost control of the House Democratic leadership which has become fragmented.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down press questions about whether the House is conducting a formal impeachment inquiry as some lawmakers claim.

“I’m not answering any more questions about a possible inquiry, investigation, and the rest,” Pelosi tersely told reporters who asked her about the matter at her weekly press conference.

Pelosi’s frustration led her to walk away from the podium, cutting her press conference short after calling for the media to focus on the Senate GOP’s refusal to take up a Democratic proposal to expand background checks for gun purchases.

“Why is it that you are hung up with a word over here when lives are at stake over there?” the California Democrat said, walking out of the room.

Pelosi has resisted a formal House vote that would authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an official impeachment inquiry. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has nonetheless declared the panel is conducting an official investigation. The committee voted Thursday to establish formal rules for pursuing an impeachment inquiry, and Nadler declared a House vote is not needed to authorize one.

Pelosi walks out on press: I’m done talking about impeachment
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.
Here’s the truth Trumpies. Straight up.

You cannot have an Impeachment inquiry that exposes the presidents criminal and impeachable conduct and not impeach.

Now you can hem and haw and squeal in protest all you want..... but impeachment is the inevitable result of an inquiry that exposes a presidents criminal conduct.

It can’t be anything but.

I’ve no doubt FOX and Fools and Rush, Hannity etc. are going to bang their fist on the table and try to rationalize holding an impeachment inquiry is a waste to time an tax payer dollars because the SENATE will never vote to impeach Trump out of office..... but no.

This is going to happen. It can’t but be. It’s physics. They know it’s going to happen and it’s why they.... and you.... are scared and having these fits.

Because whether you want to admit it or not..... you know where this impeachment inquiry is heading and what the outcome can only be.

Sorry to set your hearts a pattering but it is what it is. If I had a little fun drubbing it in...... tough shit. Not like you aren’t deserving of a little drubbing for voting that idiot in office in the first place.


It's not our fault that you aren't very intelligent and do not understand how any of this works.

Who is the better Investigator, Mueller, and his pack of Trump Hating Lawyers, and The FBI, or Fat Jerry Nadler?

There is no impeachment inquiry. It's all made up fictitious shit, and Nadler, Pelosi and the Dems are just abusing their powers. There were no recommendations for indictment that came out of The Mueller Report.

You did not accept the results of The Election just like you did not accept The Results of The Fictitious and Fraudulent Special Counsel Investigation. No Recommendations for indictment were made. Stick to the facts.

It will bite them in the ass in the end.

Their political chest beating means nothing. There is nothing actionable. Mueller, and his Partisan staff which included Strozk, McCabe, Paige, and Preet Bhara, as well as Weismann, could not uncover a single crime.

This is a major flop already, and your party crash and burned the day they paid $14 Million for Russian Propaganda.

Talk of impeachment if just plain silliness and is a desperate attempt by The Democrat Party to stop the hemoragging of people leaving their party. All you have left are hard core radicals

Your party is in a political nose dive, because they bet all their futures on a single horse while their cities and districts are flooded with illegals, drug addicts, shit on the sidewalls, hordes of guns in their gun free zones in the hands of criminals and not law abiding citizens, and heroin needles and trash in the streets.

Sane and educated, and informed people see the writing on the wall.

You do not, and I have to say, you deserve what is coming to you in 2020.
"You did not accept the results of The Election"


Coming from a rightarded Birther, THAT is fucking hysterical.

Coming from a pole smoking LibTard who is part of "The Resistance" who never accepted The Results of The Election.

Trump accepted The Results. He is president, and Hillary is a drunk old hag.

Dumbfuck, I never denied trump is president. You've gone over the cliff and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...

Still another sign Pelosi has lost control of the House Democratic leadership which has become fragmented.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down press questions about whether the House is conducting a formal impeachment inquiry as some lawmakers claim.

“I’m not answering any more questions about a possible inquiry, investigation, and the rest,” Pelosi tersely told reporters who asked her about the matter at her weekly press conference.

Pelosi’s frustration led her to walk away from the podium, cutting her press conference short after calling for the media to focus on the Senate GOP’s refusal to take up a Democratic proposal to expand background checks for gun purchases.

“Why is it that you are hung up with a word over here when lives are at stake over there?” the California Democrat said, walking out of the room.

Pelosi has resisted a formal House vote that would authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an official impeachment inquiry. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has nonetheless declared the panel is conducting an official investigation. The committee voted Thursday to establish formal rules for pursuing an impeachment inquiry, and Nadler declared a House vote is not needed to authorize one.

Pelosi walks out on press: I’m done talking about impeachment
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...

Still another sign Pelosi has lost control of the House Democratic leadership which has become fragmented.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down press questions about whether the House is conducting a formal impeachment inquiry as some lawmakers claim.

“I’m not answering any more questions about a possible inquiry, investigation, and the rest,” Pelosi tersely told reporters who asked her about the matter at her weekly press conference.

Pelosi’s frustration led her to walk away from the podium, cutting her press conference short after calling for the media to focus on the Senate GOP’s refusal to take up a Democratic proposal to expand background checks for gun purchases.

“Why is it that you are hung up with a word over here when lives are at stake over there?” the California Democrat said, walking out of the room.

Pelosi has resisted a formal House vote that would authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an official impeachment inquiry. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has nonetheless declared the panel is conducting an official investigation. The committee voted Thursday to establish formal rules for pursuing an impeachment inquiry, and Nadler declared a House vote is not needed to authorize one.

Pelosi walks out on press: I’m done talking about impeachment
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Here’s the truth Trumpies. Straight up.

You cannot have an Impeachment inquiry that exposes the presidents criminal and impeachable conduct and not impeach.

Now you can hem and haw and squeal in protest all you want..... but impeachment is the inevitable result of an inquiry that exposes a presidents criminal conduct.

It can’t be anything but.

I’ve no doubt FOX and Fools and Rush, Hannity etc. are going to bang their fist on the table and try to rationalize holding an impeachment inquiry is a waste to time an tax payer dollars because the SENATE will never vote to impeach Trump out of office..... but no.

This is going to happen. It can’t but be. It’s physics. They know it’s going to happen and it’s why they.... and you.... are scared and having these fits.

Because whether you want to admit it or not..... you know where this impeachment inquiry is heading and what the outcome can only be.

Sorry to set your hearts a pattering but it is what it is. If I had a little fun drubbing it in...... tough shit. Not like you aren’t deserving of a little drubbing for voting that idiot in office in the first place.


It's not our fault that you aren't very intelligent and do not understand how any of this works.

Who is the better Investigator, Mueller, and his pack of Trump Hating Lawyers, and The FBI, or Fat Jerry Nadler?

There is no impeachment inquiry. It's all made up fictitious shit, and Nadler, Pelosi and the Dems are just abusing their powers. There were no recommendations for indictment that came out of The Mueller Report.

You did not accept the results of The Election just like you did not accept The Results of The Fictitious and Fraudulent Special Counsel Investigation. No Recommendations for indictment were made. Stick to the facts.

It will bite them in the ass in the end.

Their political chest beating means nothing. There is nothing actionable. Mueller, and his Partisan staff which included Strozk, McCabe, Paige, and Preet Bhara, as well as Weismann, could not uncover a single crime.

This is a major flop already, and your party crash and burned the day they paid $14 Million for Russian Propaganda.

Talk of impeachment if just plain silliness and is a desperate attempt by The Democrat Party to stop the hemoragging of people leaving their party. All you have left are hard core radicals

Your party is in a political nose dive, because they bet all their futures on a single horse while their cities and districts are flooded with illegals, drug addicts, shit on the sidewalls, hordes of guns in their gun free zones in the hands of criminals and not law abiding citizens, and heroin needles and trash in the streets.

Sane and educated, and informed people see the writing on the wall.

You do not, and I have to say, you deserve what is coming to you in 2020.
"You did not accept the results of The Election"


Coming from a rightarded Birther, THAT is fucking hysterical.

Coming from a pole smoking LibTard who is part of "The Resistance" who never accepted The Results of The Election.

Trump accepted The Results. He is president, and Hillary is a drunk old hag.

Dumbfuck, I never denied trump is president. You've gone over the cliff and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Again, you are in here every day stirring up shit, and claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, unfit for office, anything you can say to express your hatred of him.

You did not accept the results of our election, nor do you accept our duly elected president through the Democratic Process.

Now go find a sheep to love, Left Tard.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...

Still another sign Pelosi has lost control of the House Democratic leadership which has become fragmented.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down press questions about whether the House is conducting a formal impeachment inquiry as some lawmakers claim.

“I’m not answering any more questions about a possible inquiry, investigation, and the rest,” Pelosi tersely told reporters who asked her about the matter at her weekly press conference.

Pelosi’s frustration led her to walk away from the podium, cutting her press conference short after calling for the media to focus on the Senate GOP’s refusal to take up a Democratic proposal to expand background checks for gun purchases.

“Why is it that you are hung up with a word over here when lives are at stake over there?” the California Democrat said, walking out of the room.

Pelosi has resisted a formal House vote that would authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an official impeachment inquiry. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has nonetheless declared the panel is conducting an official investigation. The committee voted Thursday to establish formal rules for pursuing an impeachment inquiry, and Nadler declared a House vote is not needed to authorize one.

Pelosi walks out on press: I’m done talking about impeachment
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Are you this stupid to not know that you cannot have even a vote for impeachment without articles of impeachment, and you cannot have articles of impeachment without recommendations for indictment from The Special Counsels Office?

Your Impeachment is over, and has been over since Mueller struck out.

This is nothing but a Butt Puppet Show for you and the rest of your Butt Puppet friends.

Have another helping of hairy man butt if it will sooth your pain.

Truth sucks and so do you.
Still another sign Pelosi has lost control of the House Democratic leadership which has become fragmented.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down press questions about whether the House is conducting a formal impeachment inquiry as some lawmakers claim.

“I’m not answering any more questions about a possible inquiry, investigation, and the rest,” Pelosi tersely told reporters who asked her about the matter at her weekly press conference.

Pelosi’s frustration led her to walk away from the podium, cutting her press conference short after calling for the media to focus on the Senate GOP’s refusal to take up a Democratic proposal to expand background checks for gun purchases.

“Why is it that you are hung up with a word over here when lives are at stake over there?” the California Democrat said, walking out of the room.

Pelosi has resisted a formal House vote that would authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an official impeachment inquiry. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has nonetheless declared the panel is conducting an official investigation. The committee voted Thursday to establish formal rules for pursuing an impeachment inquiry, and Nadler declared a House vote is not needed to authorize one.

Pelosi walks out on press: I’m done talking about impeachment
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Are you this stupid to not know that you cannot have even a vote for impeachment without articles of impeachment, and you cannot have articles of impeachment without recommendations for indictment from The Special Counsels Office?

Your Impeachment is over, and has been over since Mueller struck out.

This is nothing but a Butt Puppet Show for you and the rest of your Butt Puppets.

Have another helping of hairy man butt if it will sooth your pain.

Truth sucks and so do you.
it's why Pelosi walked out.
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Are you this stupid to not know that you cannot have even a vote for impeachment without articles of impeachment, and you cannot have articles of impeachment without recommendations for indictment from The Special Counsels Office?

Your Impeachment is over, and has been over since Mueller struck out.

This is nothing but a Butt Puppet Show for you and the rest of your Butt Puppets.

Have another helping of hairy man butt if it will sooth your pain.

Truth sucks and so do you.
it's why Pelosi walked out.
Exactly because she was painted in to a corner with a simple honest question.

She had to flee....the TRUTH staring her right in the face.

What does that tell you about her?

People who are honest walk towards the light. The Evil Run from it.

If the Media would do it's fucking Job, these Traitorous Bastards would be fleeing in terror every night they dared to come to any podium and spew their lies, simply by reason of being forced to admit THEY ARE LIARS.
Here’s the truth Trumpies. Straight up.

You cannot have an Impeachment inquiry that exposes the presidents criminal and impeachable conduct and not impeach.

Now you can hem and haw and squeal in protest all you want..... but impeachment is the inevitable result of an inquiry that exposes a presidents criminal conduct.

It can’t be anything but.

I’ve no doubt FOX and Fools and Rush, Hannity etc. are going to bang their fist on the table and try to rationalize holding an impeachment inquiry is a waste to time an tax payer dollars because the SENATE will never vote to impeach Trump out of office..... but no.

This is going to happen. It can’t but be. It’s physics. They know it’s going to happen and it’s why they.... and you.... are scared and having these fits.

Because whether you want to admit it or not..... you know where this impeachment inquiry is heading and what the outcome can only be.

Sorry to set your hearts a pattering but it is what it is. If I had a little fun drubbing it in...... tough shit. Not like you aren’t deserving of a little drubbing for voting that idiot in office in the first place.


It's not our fault that you aren't very intelligent and do not understand how any of this works.

Who is the better Investigator, Mueller, and his pack of Trump Hating Lawyers, and The FBI, or Fat Jerry Nadler?

There is no impeachment inquiry. It's all made up fictitious shit, and Nadler, Pelosi and the Dems are just abusing their powers. There were no recommendations for indictment that came out of The Mueller Report.

You did not accept the results of The Election just like you did not accept The Results of The Fictitious and Fraudulent Special Counsel Investigation. No Recommendations for indictment were made. Stick to the facts.

It will bite them in the ass in the end.

Their political chest beating means nothing. There is nothing actionable. Mueller, and his Partisan staff which included Strozk, McCabe, Paige, and Preet Bhara, as well as Weismann, could not uncover a single crime.

This is a major flop already, and your party crash and burned the day they paid $14 Million for Russian Propaganda.

Talk of impeachment if just plain silliness and is a desperate attempt by The Democrat Party to stop the hemoragging of people leaving their party. All you have left are hard core radicals

Your party is in a political nose dive, because they bet all their futures on a single horse while their cities and districts are flooded with illegals, drug addicts, shit on the sidewalls, hordes of guns in their gun free zones in the hands of criminals and not law abiding citizens, and heroin needles and trash in the streets.

Sane and educated, and informed people see the writing on the wall.

You do not, and I have to say, you deserve what is coming to you in 2020.
"You did not accept the results of The Election"


Coming from a rightarded Birther, THAT is fucking hysterical.

Coming from a pole smoking LibTard who is part of "The Resistance" who never accepted The Results of The Election.

Trump accepted The Results. He is president, and Hillary is a drunk old hag.

Dumbfuck, I never denied trump is president. You've gone over the cliff and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Again, you are in here every day stirring up shit, and claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, unfit for office, anything you can say to express your hatred of him.

You did not accept the results of our election, nor do you accept our duly elected president through the Democratic Process.

Now go find a sheep to love, Left Tard.
Fucking imbecile, I've literally never once said trump is an illegitimate president. I never once said I don't accept the results of the election.

You prove over and over and over again that you're batshit delirious. :cuckoo:

Virtually everything you post stems from your own delusions and not rooted in reality.
QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 23101953, member: 60550"]
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Are you this stupid to not know that you cannot have even a vote for impeachment without articles of impeachment, and you cannot have articles of impeachment without recommendations for indictment from The Special Counsels Office?

Your Impeachment is over, and has been over since Mueller struck out.

This is nothing but a Butt Puppet Show for you and the rest of your Butt Puppets.

Have another helping of hairy man butt if it will sooth your pain.

Truth sucks and so do you.
it's why Pelosi walked out.
Exactly because she was painted in to a corner with a simple honest question.

She had to flee....the TRUTH staring her right in the face.

What does that tell you about her?

People who are honest walk towards the light. The Evil Run from it.

If the Media would do it's fucking Job, these Traitorous Bastards would be fleeing in terror every night they dared to come to any podium and spew their lies, simply by reason of being forced to admit THEY ARE LIARS.
It's not our fault that you aren't very intelligent and do not understand how any of this works.

Who is the better Investigator, Mueller, and his pack of Trump Hating Lawyers, and The FBI, or Fat Jerry Nadler?

There is no impeachment inquiry. It's all made up fictitious shit, and Nadler, Pelosi and the Dems are just abusing their powers. There were no recommendations for indictment that came out of The Mueller Report.

You did not accept the results of The Election just like you did not accept The Results of The Fictitious and Fraudulent Special Counsel Investigation. No Recommendations for indictment were made. Stick to the facts.

It will bite them in the ass in the end.

Their political chest beating means nothing. There is nothing actionable. Mueller, and his Partisan staff which included Strozk, McCabe, Paige, and Preet Bhara, as well as Weismann, could not uncover a single crime.

This is a major flop already, and your party crash and burned the day they paid $14 Million for Russian Propaganda.

Talk of impeachment if just plain silliness and is a desperate attempt by The Democrat Party to stop the hemoragging of people leaving their party. All you have left are hard core radicals

Your party is in a political nose dive, because they bet all their futures on a single horse while their cities and districts are flooded with illegals, drug addicts, shit on the sidewalls, hordes of guns in their gun free zones in the hands of criminals and not law abiding citizens, and heroin needles and trash in the streets.

Sane and educated, and informed people see the writing on the wall.

You do not, and I have to say, you deserve what is coming to you in 2020.
"You did not accept the results of The Election"


Coming from a rightarded Birther, THAT is fucking hysterical.

Coming from a pole smoking LibTard who is part of "The Resistance" who never accepted The Results of The Election.

Trump accepted The Results. He is president, and Hillary is a drunk old hag.

Dumbfuck, I never denied trump is president. You've gone over the cliff and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Again, you are in here every day stirring up shit, and claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, unfit for office, anything you can say to express your hatred of him.

You did not accept the results of our election, nor do you accept our duly elected president through the Democratic Process.

Now go find a sheep to love, Left Tard.
Fucking imbecile, I've literally never once said trump is an illegitimate president. I never once said I don't accept the results of the election.

You prove over and over and over again that you're batshit delirious. :cuckoo:

Virtually everything you post stems from your own delusions and not rooted in reality.
You are just a Fuck Tard in THE LibTard Circle Jerk of Life. Now how about you just go back to The Circle Jerk since that is about the only thing you seem to know how to do. There will be no impeachment, because your Messiah, Mueller, could not make any recommendations for indictment to even base articles of impeachment on.

Sux to be you and stupid.
Still another sign Pelosi has lost control of the House Democratic leadership which has become fragmented.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down press questions about whether the House is conducting a formal impeachment inquiry as some lawmakers claim.

“I’m not answering any more questions about a possible inquiry, investigation, and the rest,” Pelosi tersely told reporters who asked her about the matter at her weekly press conference.

Pelosi’s frustration led her to walk away from the podium, cutting her press conference short after calling for the media to focus on the Senate GOP’s refusal to take up a Democratic proposal to expand background checks for gun purchases.

“Why is it that you are hung up with a word over here when lives are at stake over there?” the California Democrat said, walking out of the room.

Pelosi has resisted a formal House vote that would authorize the House Judiciary Committee to launch an official impeachment inquiry. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has nonetheless declared the panel is conducting an official investigation. The committee voted Thursday to establish formal rules for pursuing an impeachment inquiry, and Nadler declared a House vote is not needed to authorize one.

Pelosi walks out on press: I’m done talking about impeachment
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Are you this stupid to not know that you cannot have even a vote for impeachment without articles of impeachment, and you cannot have articles of impeachment without recommendations for indictment from The Special Counsels Office?

Your Impeachment is over, and has been over since Mueller struck out.

This is nothing but a Butt Puppet Show for you and the rest of your Butt Puppet friends.

Have another helping of hairy man butt if it will sooth your pain.

Truth sucks and so do you.
Where the fuck is it written that a Special Counsel has to recommend indictment in order for the House to draft, and vote, on articles of impeachment??

Is this just another one of your delusions?
"You did not accept the results of The Election"


Coming from a rightarded Birther, THAT is fucking hysterical.

Coming from a pole smoking LibTard who is part of "The Resistance" who never accepted The Results of The Election.

Trump accepted The Results. He is president, and Hillary is a drunk old hag.

Dumbfuck, I never denied trump is president. You've gone over the cliff and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Again, you are in here every day stirring up shit, and claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, unfit for office, anything you can say to express your hatred of him.

You did not accept the results of our election, nor do you accept our duly elected president through the Democratic Process.

Now go find a sheep to love, Left Tard.
Fucking imbecile, I've literally never once said trump is an illegitimate president. I never once said I don't accept the results of the election.

You prove over and over and over again that you're batshit delirious. :cuckoo:

Virtually everything you post stems from your own delusions and not rooted in reality.
You are just a Fuck Tard in THE LibTard Circle Jerk of Life. Now how about you just go back to The Circle Jerk since that is about the only thing you seem to know how to do. There will be no impeachment, because your Messiah, Mueller, could not make any recommendations for indictment to even base articles of impeachment on.

Sux to be you and stupid.
Fuck off, pissant. You already proved you're crazy by accusing me of saying things I never actually said.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


President Trump should demand the right to address this Star Chamber and testify.

Nadler would piss his pants
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


President Trump should demand the right to address this Star Chamber and testify.

Nadler would piss his pants
I wish he would but we all know he never will.
She had to cut off the press conference and run from The Podium or embarrass Fat Jerry Nadler and her party for going on The Record and calling him a Liar and a Fraud.

There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query going on.

Not even an unofficial one.

The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed in order to determine if articles of impeachment can be drawn up and an impeachment vote can go forward. None were. Mueller tried, but failed to find a single one. It was over right then and there.

Everything else is just for show, and is an act of desperation by a party about to get wiped off the map for dragging The American People through 3 years of lies.
"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Are you this stupid to not know that you cannot have even a vote for impeachment without articles of impeachment, and you cannot have articles of impeachment without recommendations for indictment from The Special Counsels Office?

Your Impeachment is over, and has been over since Mueller struck out.

This is nothing but a Butt Puppet Show for you and the rest of your Butt Puppet friends.

Have another helping of hairy man butt if it will sooth your pain.

Truth sucks and so do you.
Where the fuck is it written that a Special Counsel has to recommend indictment in order for the House to draft, and vote, on articles of impeachment??

Is this just another one of your delusions?
See that Left Tard standing on the right of you with the I'm with Her T-shirt? And see that DemNazi standing to the left of you with his Feel The Bern T-shirt on? Step out of the circle jerk with them, kiss them on the cheek and excuse yourself, and listen for a second.




Please name The High Crimes and Misdemeanors Mueller Listed in his Report to be Recommended for Indictment to Congress and or The Attorney General.
Coming from a pole smoking LibTard who is part of "The Resistance" who never accepted The Results of The Election.

Trump accepted The Results. He is president, and Hillary is a drunk old hag.

Dumbfuck, I never denied trump is president. You've gone over the cliff and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Again, you are in here every day stirring up shit, and claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, unfit for office, anything you can say to express your hatred of him.

You did not accept the results of our election, nor do you accept our duly elected president through the Democratic Process.

Now go find a sheep to love, Left Tard.
Fucking imbecile, I've literally never once said trump is an illegitimate president. I never once said I don't accept the results of the election.

You prove over and over and over again that you're batshit delirious. :cuckoo:

Virtually everything you post stems from your own delusions and not rooted in reality.
You are just a Fuck Tard in THE LibTard Circle Jerk of Life. Now how about you just go back to The Circle Jerk since that is about the only thing you seem to know how to do. There will be no impeachment, because your Messiah, Mueller, could not make any recommendations for indictment to even base articles of impeachment on.

Sux to be you and stupid.
Fuck off, pissant. You already proved you're crazy by accusing me of saying things I never actually said.
Please list The High Crimes and or Misdemeanors Mueller Recommended to Congress and or The Attorney General that President Trump be indicted for, which qualify as actionable offenses for which Articles of Impeachment can be written upon.

Do you have 1?

Not even 1?

To call you stupid is an insult to the retarded and moronic.
The compounding investigations are simply the tactic and the strategy to make swing voters think Trump is doing something wrong.

No. They’re doing their congressional duty of oversight and that they’ve started an impeachment inquiry is indicative they’re not paying attention to those polls showing the public doesn’t want an impeachment of Trump.

Now if the public wants to punish democrats for doing their duty and upholding our constitutional principles and laws..... fine.

But they’re betting their seats, upholding their principles and congressional seats they won’t be punished as long as Trump is still in office.

Keep investigating. It’s going to backfire. So far, Democrats are not coming across as doing their job and “upholding principles”. They are coming across as petulant children who want to hold everyone else accountable for accepting election results when they win yet lose their shit and throw tantrums when they lose.
Am not for impeachment, BUT a hard look at everything they think warrants it, with an end date of 90 days, then do it or TOTALLY stop talking about it and move on.

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