Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


President Trump should demand the right to address this Star Chamber and testify.

Nadler would piss his pants
I wish he would but we all know he never will.

I know nothing of the sort.

But what I do know is the President Trump is innocent and further, isn't intimidated in the least by dim bulbs like Nadler and AOC.

If he were to decide to testify, they would rue the day they cooked up this scheme.
"I double-dog dare you!"

Nadler was just exposed as a Trump-hating, seditious, treasonously undermining, gutless Democrat by a Republican Rep who challenged Nadler to NOT just hold a vote to continue to INVESTIGATE / ATTEMPT TO SALVAGE OBAMA'S FAILED COUP but to hold a vote to IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT!


The man already proved to the world that he does not qualify to even be a member of the committee he runs, let alone lead it, by demanding, threatening, and attempting to blackmail the US AG into violating U.S. law that HE himself helped pass ... and then being a vote to Censure the U.S. A.G. for REFUSING TO BREAK EXISTING U.S. LAW!

Nadler is not only a coward, unethical, immoral. and partisan - he is a proven CRIMINAL.
"I double-dog dare you!"

Nadler was just exposed as a Trump-hating, seditious, treasonously undermining, gutless Democrat by a Republican Rep who challenged Nadler to NOT just hold a vote to continue to INVESTIGATE / ATTEMPT TO SALVAGE OBAMA'S FAILED COUP but to hold a vote to IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT!


The man already proved to the world that he does not qualify to even be a member of the committee he runs, let alone lead it, by demanding, threatening, and attempting to blackmail the US AG into violating U.S. law that HE himself helped pass ... and then being a vote to Censure the U.S. A.G. for REFUSING TO BREAK EXISTING U.S. LAW!

Nadler is not only a coward, unethical, immoral. and partisan - he is a proven CRIMINAL.

Nadler really should recuse himself in this matter.

He has a history with Trump and was really angry at The Donald for some of the Trump Organization plans for tremendous projects in Nadler's district. Further, Nadler took it personally when his President criticized Nadler's historic weight problem.
What do Trumpies think Senate republicans are going to do if the House votes to impeach? Y’all think they’re going to vote to keep Trump in office?

Here’s a clue.

Why do you think senate republicans are so vociferous in their argument they’ll never impeach Trump?

Let’s see your thinking on that. :)
It will never get out of the Senate, and Americans won't be voting for corrupt Democrats ever again.They already charged America $50,000,000.00 on 5 different inquiries, and this is number 6. They're only doing it because they think they can win more House Seats if they please their base. Sorry, they lost their base. The writing in on the wall for the Democrats: It's over city, and don't come back.
You're right. You're not toast any more. You're just a burnt-out cinder that's got nothin' left. And we're all so sad about it, we're gonna play you the world's saddest song on the world's smallest violin: :eusa_boohoo:

Hey, but on the bright side, you got a really cute doggie to hug. :)
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"The rules dictate that a Special Counsel has to be appointed to investigate whether High Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed"

You freaks are such fucking imbeciles. :eusa_doh:

Read... and learn...

Historically, the initiation of impeachment proceedings has had implications for the way the Judiciary Committee obtains relevant material by granting the committee more and broader authorities to collect information. But broader changes in congressional rules and procedures in recent years mean that today’s Judiciary Committee may not need the same kind of special powers it was granted as part of previous impeachment inquiries. For example, both the subpoena power and the power to take depositions, which past Judiciary Committees were granted specially to conduct impeachment investigations, are now a regular part of the committee’s powers—which is why this resolution does not address those issues and, perhaps, why the committee did not feel compelled to lay out procedures for its investigation until now.

What’s in the Judiciary Committee Resolution on Impeachment Procedures
They won't be able to do a damn thing.

It's just a committee Dim Tard. Only The Special Counsel can make recommendations for indictment which articles of impeachment are written from.

Mueller made none. Game Set Match.

Your Impeachment Hoax was over when The Mueller Investigation was over.

This is nothing but a dog and pony show for Stupid People smoking crack, and living on The Welfare.

Jerry Nadler can conduct all the Fake Hearings he wants. The real shit was over and was a flop when Mueller turned in his trashy report full of Nothing Burgers to The AG.

Sux to be you.

Dumbfuck, have someone read the Constitution to ya...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Are you this stupid to not know that you cannot have even a vote for impeachment without articles of impeachment, and you cannot have articles of impeachment without recommendations for indictment from The Special Counsels Office?

Your Impeachment is over, and has been over since Mueller struck out.

This is nothing but a Butt Puppet Show for you and the rest of your Butt Puppet friends.

Have another helping of hairy man butt if it will sooth your pain.

Truth sucks and so do you.
Where the fuck is it written that a Special Counsel has to recommend indictment in order for the House to draft, and vote, on articles of impeachment??

Is this just another one of your delusions?
See that Left Tard standing on the right of you with the I'm with Her T-shirt? And see that DemNazi standing to the left of you with his Feel The Bern T-shirt on? Step out of the circle jerk with them, kiss them on the cheek and excuse yourself, and listen for a second.




Please name The High Crimes and Misdemeanors Mueller Listed in his Report to be Recommended for Indictment to Congress and or The Attorney General.
Dumbfuck, I didn't ask you to ask me a question... I challenged you to show where it's written that the House requires an indictment from a Special Counsel to draw up, and vote on, articles of impeachment.

You failed the challenge because you're a failure.

Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


President Trump should demand the right to address this Star Chamber and testify.

Nadler would piss his pants
I wish he would but we all know he never will.

I know nothing of the sort.

But what I do know is the President Trump is innocent and further, isn't intimidated in the least by dim bulbs like Nadler and AOC.

If he were to decide to testify, they would rue the day they cooked up this scheme.
Innocent of what? What are the charges the House is considering?
What do Trumpies think Senate republicans are going to do if the House votes to impeach? Y’all think they’re going to vote to keep Trump in office?

Here’s a clue.

Why do you think senate republicans are so vociferous in their argument they’ll never impeach Trump?

Let’s see your thinking on that. :)
It will never get out of the Senate, and Americans won't be voting for corrupt Democrats ever again.They already charged America $50,000,000.00 on 5 different inquiries, and this is number 6. They're only doing it because they think they can win more House Seats if they please their base. Sorry, they lost their base. The writing in on the wall for the Democrats: It's over city, and don't come back.
$50 million? From where did you get that figure?
Even "if" the democrats could get it tabled in the senate.

What the fuck are you talking about “get it tabled in the Senate?”

They are articles of impeachment which the Senate MUST have hear out and judge on.

Which republicans will vote to uphold and toss Trump out of office.

The only reason senate republicans are squealing it’s a waste of time and they’re not going to vote to impeach Trump out of office is BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO GO ON RECORD with their votes for regardless how they vote..... they’re fucked!

If they vote to uphold their oaths, the constitution and our laws and vote Trump out of office they’ll be punished by Trumpies base.

If they vote to keep the criminal Trump in office they’re going to be punished by the American people for allowing a crook to keep in office.

An impeachment trial IS A WIN WIN FOR DEMOCRATS.

Regardless how republicans vote...... democrats win.

That is why they don’t want an impeachment trial. If Trump is impeached..... they’re screwed regardless how they vote!

And that’s why they’re running around loudly proclaiming to ANYONE WHO’LL LISTEN.... they’re not going to vote to impeach Trump so impeaching him would be a waste of time and taxpayers money. They definitely, desperately don’t want to hold that vote.

It’s only when a gun is figuratively put to their head and they have to go on record with their vote.... will you see the truth come form the republicans and I’m betting they’ll uphold their oath and the constitution and vote Trump out of office because they surely don’t want to have a legacy of upholding a crook being president.

Hell, it’s not like they don’t hate his ass now. With a Trump impeachment.... they’re going to be exposed for all to see.

It’s going to be OH so delicious to watch them squirm, hem and haw.

Here’s the truth Trumpies. Straight up.

You cannot have an Impeachment inquiry that exposes the presidents criminal and impeachable conduct and not impeach.

Now you can hem and haw and squeal in protest all you want..... but impeachment is the inevitable result of an inquiry that exposes a presidents criminal conduct.

It can’t be anything but.

I’ve no doubt FOX and Fools and Rush, Hannity etc. are going to bang their fist on the table and try to rationalize holding an impeachment inquiry is a waste to time an tax payer dollars because the SENATE will never vote to impeach Trump out of office..... but no.

This is going to happen. It can’t but be. It’s physics. They know it’s going to happen and it’s why they.... and you.... are scared and having these fits.

Because whether you want to admit it or not..... you know where this impeachment inquiry is heading and what the outcome can only be.

Sorry to set your hearts a pattering but it is what it is. If I had a little fun drubbing it in...... tough shit. Not like you aren’t deserving of a little drubbing for voting that idiot in office in the first place.


Well, what the hell. What ELSE do they have to do?
Our elected "leaders" aren't allowed to work together any more. At least this keeps them busy, poor souls.
There's still no justification for them to go after Trump's private tax returns/
Well, what the hell. What ELSE do they have to do?
Our elected "leaders" aren't allowed to work together any more. At least this keeps them busy, poor souls.
There's still no justification for them to go after Trump's private tax returns/
They think it's worth it to foist socialism on the nation if they can just get power back by continuing their rag on Trump and people who voted and supported his White House quest. I knew nothing about Trump except for what he said and what he would do for America if elected. He did twice what he promised with one hand tied behind his back that those investigations were. 4 inquiries pointed to a truthful Trump; and look what our national detectives did to bring justice out--people in the FBI who saw things were lopsided, Judicial Watch, a person who trained as a priest who became a person who kept seeking the truth, a Judicial Watch President who came across stunning information with FOIA, and even the bumbles of the angry feminists in the DNC who want to put the eyes out of men some days. If justice is served, we will see great Americans headed for jail cells, because they sold out the American people. For a while, everybody loses. We're literally at this point, in God's hands. And we need to pray for right to be done, because the easiest path is to do nothing. So those of faith, vespers tonight and every night, and don't stop praying after a year. Good night, it's late. God bless our country, and I bless him for giving us first responders who gave up their lives on 9/11 to save thousands of Americans who just showed up to work and less than an hour later, their world was burning all around them, and First Responders worked to open doors to get them out of there. May we likewise respond to what is to come in the next few months with prayer and concern that national wrongs are made right. :huddle: :thup:
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?

Two wrongs make a right ?
They will be laughingly known as "The Party Of Investigations".
Forgot Benghazi already?
Oh, that was the uppity nixxer time
Oh yeah, I remember Benghazi. Wasn't that when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama got our ambassador killed because they didn't give a shit that he was pleading for help during a terrorist attack that they claimed was a spontaneous reaction to a video? Thanks for reminding me, jerkoff.

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