Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

Nixon destroyed himself by trying to cover up Watergate. Clinton destroyed himself by cheating on his wife and then lying about it under oath.

When do you rightards ever accept personal responsibility?
When will you left-tards admit your attempted coup?
LOLOL what attempted coup??

Feigning ignorance in the midst of rising evidence is the defense posture of a 9-year-old.

I knew you don't have a lucid answer.

You are just a dumb Propagandist and Shill with nothing to offer anyone here but trolling and misinformation.

And still no lucid answer.

The compounding investigations are simply the tactic and the strategy to make swing voters think Trump is doing something wrong.

No. They’re doing their congressional duty of oversight and that they’ve started an impeachment inquiry is indicative they’re not paying attention to those polls showing the public doesn’t want an impeachment of Trump.

Now if the public wants to punish democrats for doing their duty and upholding our constitutional principles and laws..... fine.

But they’re betting their seats, upholding their principles and congressional seats they won’t be punished as long as Trump is still in office.
Sorry, but they have actually overstepped their authority several times and are engaged in abuse of power. The only reason no one has been censured on The Left by House Ethics is because The House is Dem Controlled. This is the only reason Nadler and Schiff and the other Perverted Traitors are getting away with extending The Soft COUP.....and continuing to Terrorize The American People.
Yes by taking in the south American migrants and sending their troops to the border north and south....saving us untold millions of dollars in welfare costs alone....

You understand what a “wall” is don’t you? :)

You don't really believe that....

How can they not given the evidence they have now..... and the more to come!

You CANNOT open an impeachment inquiry, GATHER all this impeachable evidence... AND THEN not impeach.

We’re going to impeach Trump. Word.

Still using the word that caused Hillary to lose the middle of the country I see....good....:muahaha:

If the slipper fits there cinderfella. Y’all could get away with that in 2016 but after years watching YOU and his base rationalize his stupidity.... y’all are in every sense of the word....deplorables. How else to define a group of people who’d rationalize their president wiping his ass with our constitution.
Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Trumps going to be impeached and that impeachment is going to upheld by Senate republicans.


I do hope you are right.:)
He's wrong as usual, just like most retarded libs.
When will you left-tards admit your attempted coup?
LOLOL what attempted coup??

Feigning ignorance in the midst of rising evidence is the defense posture of a 9-year-old.

I knew you don't have a lucid answer.

You are just a dumb Propagandist and Shill with nothing to offer anyone here but trolling and misinformation.

And still no lucid answer.

You cannot answer a NON QUESTION
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


In the interests of both Fairness and Due Process, it is critical for President Trump to be reelected even by those who might disagree with his politics.

This is the only way we can be assured of coming to a decision in this investigation. Trump has a right to have his name cleared if innocent, and the possibility that the libs will just drop this investigation if they win in November 2020 makes it an existential necessity to reelect the President regardless of our feelings about The Donald.


A super majority is necessary to vote to convict on impeachment while the motions first must be tabled by McConnell.

what? :)

So, you just keep giggling.

I haven’t stop since they voted to start an impeachment inquiry this morning. Reading y’alls postings is a hoot and a half. :)
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

This is Real Though

US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal
Sorry, but they have actually overstepped their authority several times and are engaged in abuse of power.

No they haven’t. Because they’re in the majority... they can’t overstep their authority because THEY GET TO SAY what the rules are.


This is a win win for all parties involved.

The HoR members of the Democratic Party can demonstrate they did their due diligence regarding articles of impeachment. What the GOP Senate does during trial is irrelevant. They can sell the principle of oversight as justification for their actions.

The Republican Party can claim that these spurious charges are partisan driven. President Trump will call it a witch hunt and hammer the democrats for doing it to begin with.

Why is anyone complaining. This is political theater at its finest!
They are falling on their face and will pay for it in 2020.

23 Investigations, Pre-Dawn Raids reminiscent of an Invading Army over a Contrived Petty Process Crime, and $100 Million flushed down the drain of taxpayer money and 3 years of Nauseating Hate and Propaganda. and doing absolutely nothing about any of the issues before The American People will ensure you assholes are thrown out of power in a 2020 election night blood bath.

Note the part WIN WIN. You should be ecstatic if it costs the Democrats their House Majority!
I suggest you go find a good therapist now to help you deal with the wailing and gnashing of teeth you and your friends are going to experience on election night 2020.

Not triggered at all. Only partisans get bent out of shape over these things. The tribalism is priceless to watch.
Trump has my vote for the simple fact he is the most vetted president in history
3 years of non-stop investigations by some of the most crooked people in government with unlimited resources and power and they can't find crap
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"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
Watergate memories for the Repubs! Stupid ph uks let the then commies destroy their president. The natural way for the Progs. Guaranteed Progs would have not done the same. We are so due for another mass tragedy....
Nixon destroyed himself by trying to cover up Watergate. Clinton destroyed himself by cheating on his wife and then lying about it under oath.

When do you rightards ever accept personal responsibility?
When will you left-tards admit your attempted coup?
LOLOL what attempted coup??

When will you rightards realize you're crazy?
Compared to you retarded libs were sane.


A super majority is necessary to vote to convict on impeachment while the motions first must be tabled by McConnell.

what? :)

So, you just keep giggling.

I haven’t stop since they voted to start an impeachment inquiry this morning. Reading y’alls postings is a hoot and a half. :)
They can't get it to a supermajority for a senate vote and first they'd have to get it tabled as a motion to vote on... in the senate... for that necessary super majority...

...that they don't have.

Even "if" the democrats could get it tabled in the senate.

Democrats want to use impeachment as a fog in the upcoming election. There must be something there or they wouldn't be wasting all their time. The public has long since lost interest and will ignore the whole issue.

The true effect is to throw up a wall so high and thick that the democrat candidates will neither be heard nor seen.
Freaking Hilarious how Lib
Sorry, but they have actually overstepped their authority several times and are engaged in abuse of power.

No they haven’t. Because they’re in the majority... they can’t overstep their authority because THEY GET TO SAY what the rules are.


They did nothing but restated rules for such things already in place. Again, there is NO OFFICIAL ACTIONS. A Committee engaged in a circle jerk and homoerotic Orgasms over a fantasy means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Democrats send mixed messages as House Judiciary Committee sets guidelines for impeachment hearings
There is no such thing as an Impeachment Query Numb Nuts. It's Political Theater and Propaganda.

I don’t think so. :)

It’s serious. It’s very real. It imposes a threat to Trump. And it’ll expose Trumps criminal conduct and the reason to impeach him.

And senate republicans will agree upholding the house’s articles of impeachment.

Your president..... is a goner.


"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
Difference is the Republicans actually had something on Bill the rapist.

They did?? So what did they catch him on regarding Whitewatergate, travelgate, filegate, cattlegate, vincefostersuicidegate?
LOLOL what attempted coup??

Feigning ignorance in the midst of rising evidence is the defense posture of a 9-year-old.

I knew you don't have a lucid answer.

You are just a dumb Propagandist and Shill with nothing to offer anyone here but trolling and misinformation.

And still no lucid answer.

You cannot answer a NON QUESTION

Dumbfuck, of course there was a question. You morons just can't give a lucid answer because there isn't one. Here it is again....

What was this supposed attempted coup by the left??
Freaking Hilarious how Lib
Sorry, but they have actually overstepped their authority several times and are engaged in abuse of power.

No they haven’t. Because they’re in the majority... they can’t overstep their authority because THEY GET TO SAY what the rules are.


They did nothing but restated rules for such things already in place. Again, there is NO OFFICIAL ACTIONS. A Committee engaged in a circle jerk and homoerotic Orgasms over a fantasy means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Democrats send mixed messages as House Judiciary Committee sets guidelines for impeachment hearings

Suck on it dummy.


Democrats want to use impeachment as a fog in the upcoming election. There must be something there or they wouldn't be wasting all their time. The public has long since lost interest and will ignore the whole issue.

The true effect is to throw up a wall so high and thick that the democrat candidates will neither be heard nor seen.
There is nothing there. It is Desperation.

Same as Stormy Daniels Hoax,

Same as He said "They let you grab their pussy"

Same as Fake "Russian Collusion"

Same as "Trump is Crazy"

Same as "He wants to be president to become even more rich" when he has lost money working for Free, and Donating his salary."

Same as "Kavanaugh is a Sex Pimp Kingpin at Age 16."

Same as California trying to pass laws to Unlawfully Keep The President off of the California Ballot.

Same as The Dim Tards trying to find a way to Eradicate The Electoral College.

There will be more Stupid Dem Tard Fantasies they will try to employ between now and 2020 like trying to buy The Black Vote, like they were for sale like slaves, and on and on and on.

Rob Smith: Dems pander for black votes by exploring reparations for slavery – my vote isn’t for sale

Asshole Dems are Desperate and Paranoid looking for a monster under their bed, when all they have to do is look in the mirror.

People hate The Democrat Party because of The People in it. Not because of The President.
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