Nadler Calls For DOJ Review

How dumb can you be?

No matter how I tried, never as dumb as you.

Here's to hoping Kyle sues everyone on the fascist left, from Rachel Madcow to Quid Pro himself, for defamation.

When Quid Pro slandered Kyle as a "white supremacist" (Der Juden) he was speaking as a private citizen and is liable for his slanderous actions.

Every last DNC stenographer on MSNBCCP and CCPNN should be sued. Cuomo defamed Rittenhouse and cause substantial damages. Cuomo spoke on behalf of CNN and Comcast. Rittenhouse should file a $500 billion suit for real and punitive damages against Comcast. Then go after AT&T for the MSNBC (actually ALL NBC) libel that has been promulgated.

If Rittenhouse can get a few hundred billion dollars from these vermin, it will hopefully put them out of business, and the proceeds could be used to start and organization to defend civil rights of Americans against hate groups like the Anti Civil Liberties Union.
I don't believe there was even an attempt last night to Riot.
Because this 18 yr. old Kid holds the key to many lawsuits.Not just
CNN and MSNBC but also Joe Biden.Who was a private citizen last year when he
called Rittenhouse a " White Supremacist " as a Presidentiual Candidate.
Therefore he can't cite any use of Protections afforded the Presidency.
He said it and meant it as a private Citizen.
Any Host or Regular at MSNBC and CNN who referred to Rittenhouse as a
"Racist" or " Active Shooter" or a " White Supremacist "w/o a lick of proof can
be sued and sued Big Time.That decision is Kyle Rittenhouse' to make.
Shades of Richard Jewell.

democrats rioted in Portland.

He is posturing.
And unfortunately, posturing today will get you somewhere.
I would not be surprised if Biden jumps on this bandwagon and suggest it himself.
Not only is it possible, but plausible.
Progressives are emboldened enough today to take no pause in selectively trashing the whole system to promote tyranny.
Again, the line from a movie comes to mind - "so this is how liberty the sound of thunderous applause".
If Biden suggested he should have the power to overturn the trial - I honestly believe most liberals would support it.
If he did commit some degree of crime, why didn't he receive some degree of punishment?

Only a moron would believe that an innocent person should be punished, right? You're not a moron, are you?
Real simple New Journalism standards.Lie worse than a Retired Bassett Hound
on an old wooden porch as Bugs Bunny trapse past with a placard reading
- Salute Old Joe,a Great American -.
The Left likes that they have the ability to Punish normal americans
every hour of every day.There's a word for this condition.
Or being Sadomachists'.Practicing Sadomasochism.
Real simple New Journalism standards.Lie worse than a Retired Bassett Hound
on an old wooden porch as Bugs Bunny trapse past with a placard reading
- Salute Old Joe,a Great American -.
The Left likes that they have the ability to Punish normal americans
every hour of every day.There's a word for this condition.
Or being Sadomachists'.Practicing Sadomasochism.
It is pretty simple.
Virtue Signaling is the new religion.
And just like how in religious fervor in days of old, people did tremendous evil against others in the name of that religion - virtue signalers will not pause to do great harm to others, in the name of their new religion.
However no one to sue.At least as far as individuals.Plus we had a summer of
Mob Justice which wasn't even Justice just Revenge.
Double plus those defending Mob Justice like Kamala Harris who
help fund a cite that offers those in BLM and Antifa ways to get bailed out.
Rioting,Looting,Burnings down city blocks ,1basically happens ONLY in
Big Blue City's.Eventually Normal americans will choose to flee those places.
Kenosha was an exception.However the Verdict was rational.
The quality of our elected representatives reflects directly on the quality of life in our country. It’s what America wants, nothing more, nothing less, mediocrity from top down.
The lesson you need to learn is that courage is more than just holding a gun. If you are going to approve of vigilantism you should pick a poster child that's not such a weepy worthless coward.
That is the most out-of-touch post I’ve read today…so far. Rittenhouse’s emotional breakdown on the stand was what a person does when overwhelmed by remorse. It’s the normal human reaction.

Your comment would have had weight if this were 1921 not 2021. In 1921 most boys in the states were taught to never show emotion. Many had a rigid lesson about this very thing. A time when strong men don’t cry was written in stone somewhere.

Newsflash, the strongest males release negative emotions because they have more substance. The weakest ones hold all emotions inside (including showing happiness and definitely hide their remorse) because they are more concerned about what others think about them. A more confident male is usually less concerned about outward appearances and expresses himself openly. No. I am not speaking of the feminine type of male and that has nothing to do with it my point. Strong males express their emotions.
The car lot he was guarding was not threatened when he left to go engage rioters a few blocks away.
Let’s stick to the facts shall we? Rittenhouse saw a dumpster on fire and some of the mob were pushing it to a gas station. He used a fire extinguisher to put it out. Reportedly, that is when the first thug began targeting him because he didn’t like that he put out his fire.
Reviewing it isn’t overturning it and trying him again. A review means looking at what happened and how and why it happened. A review should be welcomed by both sides.

Primarily, it was the public statement that was made by DOJ as to the reason the case was going to be reviewed, or have you forgotten that important aspect?
The quality of our elected representatives reflects directly on the quality of life in our country. It’s what America wants, nothing more, nothing less, mediocrity from top down.

I agree with you there... Electing representatives to government that rather than preserve our freedoms and attempt to enslave us is idiotic. They lie to be elected then use the power against those that elected them. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Biden, Harris et al, continue to show us what's gone wrong in the cesspool of gov't in Washington D.C.
When will logic ever come to the American voter.
Yep, the fat little shit wants the DOJ to review the Rittenhouse verdict.....

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler said the acquittal of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday afternoon sets a “dangerous precedent” that the Justice Department ought to review.

“This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ,” the New York Democrat tweeted minutes after a jury found Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges related to the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.

These powerful Marxist-Democrats obviously would like to overthrow our judicial system. Nadler should be censured. Apparently the fat little asshole thinks a fair trial and a jury verdict is 'heartbreaking'....Who the Hell votes for these stupid dickheads? NY 10th congressional district should be ashamed.
Good. While they are at it, investigate the Kenosha police, too.
The 'not guilty' verdict on all counts was an impossibility and so a review of the entire trial and the judge's behaviour is warranted.
That's why the only way out for the judge was to send the jury back with covert instructions to find minimal guilt that could be punished with a suspended sentence.
Thereby accomplishing his mission.
Primarily, it was the public statement that was made by DOJ as to the reason the case was going to be reviewed, or have you forgotten that important aspect?
I get it ... now.Like an Aspect Ratio.
Or ASS pecked Race show.
The quality of our elected representatives reflects directly on the quality of life in our country. It’s what America wants, nothing more, nothing less, mediocrity from top down.
It’s what voters have come to expect- the practice of outward lying almost fully embraced by many voters. A laissez-faire voter states, “It’s just the way it’s always been”, while another antipathetic voter says, “There is nothing we can do about it” . The first voter quoted is unfortunately right, but the second one? Undetermined. The power of massive boycotting can be huge when a concentrated effort is persistent. The power of large numbers united, coming from different political persuasions, would shock the whole system. It could happen if enough voters commit their time and effort to no longer accepting mediocre. Until that time we’ll get mediocre and nothing more.
Primarily, it was the public statement that was made by DOJ as to the reason the case was going to be reviewed, or have you forgotten that important aspect?
How does that change anything. A DOJ review can’t alter the outcome. It is an after action review. What happened, how snd why.
Let’s stick to the facts shall we? Rittenhouse saw a dumpster on fire and some of the mob were pushing it to a gas station. He used a fire extinguisher to put it out. Reportedly, that is when the first thug began targeting him because he didn’t like that he put out his fire.
The car lot he was guarding was not threatened.

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