Nadler Calls For DOJ Review

Who asked him to do anything? He made the decision to go to a place where civil unrest was occurring with a gun but somehow in this case personal responsibilty is not a factor. If he had stayed home nothing would have turned out different except no one would have been shot that night.
The car dealership he was protecting would have been destroyed.
Who asked him to do anything? He made the decision to go to a place where civil unrest was occurring with a gun but somehow in this case personal responsibilty is not a factor. If he had stayed home nothing would have turned out different except no one would have been shot that night.
If the rioters had stayed home Rittenhouse wouldn't have gone there.
You and Penelope being here will guarantee that because all you two do is try and poke people until they get angry so you can sit back and passively egg them on and act like they are the problem.

As examples by your post I just quoted. It's passive aggressive intended to get a reaction. It's not furthering the posts topics discussion, it doesn't even have anything to do with the topic, just a quick post to cheese off people.

Only difference between you and Penelope is you try to hide behind faux intelligence and calmness, while Penelope is just a brash and incredibly forward person that say outlandish things to piss off people.

Topics would be better off without both you trying to anger people into name calling.
I’m not sure what your problem is. I’m guessing that should are so insecure in your beliefs you need constant agreement.
You and Penelope being here will guarantee that because all you two do is try and poke people until they get angry so you can sit back and passively egg them on and act like they are the problem.

As examples by your post I just quoted. It's passive aggressive intended to get a reaction. It's not furthering the posts topics discussion, it doesn't even have anything to do with the topic, just a quick post to cheese off people.

Only difference between you and Penelope is you try to hide behind faux intelligence and calmness, while Penelope is just a brash and incredibly forward person that say outlandish things to piss off people.

Topics would be better off without both you trying to anger people into name calling.
Don’t know anything about the other poster but “ Penelope “. SHERI is just posting garbage.
I assure you, if Kyle had been Black she would have been celebrating
When it comes to her; Garbage in; Garbage out
Yep, the fat little shit wants the DOJ to review the Rittenhouse verdict.....

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler said the acquittal of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday afternoon sets a “dangerous precedent” that the Justice Department ought to review.

“This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ,” the New York Democrat tweeted minutes after a jury found Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges related to the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.

These powerful Marxist-Democrats obviously would like to overthrow our judicial system. Nadler should be censured. Apparently the fat little asshole thinks a fair trial and a jury verdict is 'heartbreaking'....Who the Hell votes for these stupid dickheads? NY 10th congressional district should be ashamed.
I'm glad the " Little fat shit " made it public.That means that maybe he won't
get voted back into the less than a years time.
Get the Irony.That this Puke example of a Pol is using the word " Precedent "
by establishing a new precedent as far as our DOJ.
That is the kinda mindset of an Obama.Use doublethink and language to
make new policy.
Remember: it's always the Left that starts the civil wars.
I can't say I agree.

The left is tiny and powerless.

Liberals/Democrats on the other hand...
So when you see deadly leftwing violence with tens or hundreds dead, prep up. It won't be the right that starts it; it never is because we are conservative.
I think (allegedly) left wing violence can be a barometer, and I agree that conservatives are, well, more conservative.

I hope the Democrats aren't so insane as to pursue this poor kid.
I'm glad the " Little fat shit " made it public.That means that maybe he won't
get voted back into the less than a years time.
Get the Irony.That this Puke example of a Pol is using the word " Precedent "
by establishing a new precedent as far as our DOJ.
That is the kinda mindset of an Obama.Use doublethink and language to
make new policy.
Nadler: Criminal scum.
The car lot he was guarding was not threatened when he left to go engage rioters a few blocks away.

That's a lie, as you know. Kyle went to fight a fire democrats had set. democrats were attacking fire fighters responding to the arson the democrats were engaged in. Kyle and others responded to keep the whole fucking place from burning down, which of course is what the democrats wanted.

I get it though, the right of free men to defend themselves and their family is the foundation of a civil society - which is why you fought so hard to end that right..

Your Kristalnacht depends on an unarmed populace that will cower in fear, never daring to defend against the terrorism on the democrat goons.
Why was it his business to insert himself? Why didn’t you?

Were you one of the Brown Shirts burning down Kenosha for your Reich?

All that is needed for democrats to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

Kyle Rittenhouse did something. Kyle Rittenhouse is the definition of an American hero, facing down hoards of Nazi democrat terrorists.
Who asked him to do anything? He made the decision to go to a place where civil unrest was occurring with a gun but somehow in this case personal responsibilty is not a factor. If he had stayed home nothing would have turned out different except no one would have been shot that night.
Since others in the riotous mob were armed with guns and even shooting them that is a weak assumption. It also does not negate his right to self defense which is why this was the coorrect decision.
You and Penelope being here will guarantee that because all you two do is try and poke people until they get angry so you can sit back and passively egg them on and act like they are the problem.

As examples by your post I just quoted. It's passive aggressive intended to get a reaction. It's not furthering the posts topics discussion, it doesn't even have anything to do with the topic, just a quick post to cheese off people.

Only difference between you and Penelope is you try to hide behind faux intelligence and calmness, while Penelope is just a brash and incredibly forward person that say outlandish things to piss off people.

Topics would be better off without both you trying to anger people into name calling.
if people ignored them we'd all be a lot better off.
Were you one of the Brown Shirts burning down Kenosha for your Reich?

All that is needed for democrats to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

Kyle Rittenhouse did something. Kyle Rittenhouse is the definition of an American hero, facing down hoards of Nazi democrat terrorists.
Yes. I was one of the rioters… idiot.
Yep, the fat little shit wants the DOJ to review the Rittenhouse verdict.....

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler said the acquittal of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday afternoon sets a “dangerous precedent” that the Justice Department ought to review.

“This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ,” the New York Democrat tweeted minutes after a jury found Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges related to the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.

These powerful Marxist-Democrats obviously would like to overthrow our judicial system. Nadler should be censured. Apparently the fat little asshole thinks a fair trial and a jury verdict is 'heartbreaking'....Who the Hell votes for these stupid dickheads? NY 10th congressional district should be ashamed.

Why does it need to be reviewed? WTF kind of Fascism is this?
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That's a lie, as you know. Kyle went to fight a fire democrats had set. democrats were attacking fire fighters responding to the arson the democrats were engaged in. Kyle and others responded to keep the whole fucking place from burning down, which of course is what the democrats wanted.

I get it though, the right of free men to defend themselves and their family is the foundation of a civil society - which is why you fought so hard to end that right..

Your Kristalnacht depends on an unarmed populace that will cower in fear, never daring to defend against the terrorism on the democrat goons.
It’s not a lie. It came up in his trial when he he was being questioned by the prosecutor. The incompetent prosecutor fails to capitalize on that.

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