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Name 5 things that you're glad that Trump has done so far

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Addressing border security
Tax cuts
Taking on China
Getting Nato allies to pay more
Yes,yes,no not done, no nothing yet, no too general, no he didn't do it.
And if you say something like "the economy", or "the stock market" say what Trump did to make it better.
And you're all going to say he beat Hilary, but I'm looking for policy, and winning an election isn't policy.
  • He kept Hillary out of the White House
  • He started building the wall
  • He got us out of the Paris accords
  • He pardoned 3 warriors in prison for killing the enemy
  • He destroyed ISIS and killed its leader
  • He stood up to China
  • He began talks with North Korea
No,no,yes,yes,no,no and no. 2 points.
Are you lying to yourself?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
I said in the OP that winning an election isn't policy. His policies didn't take out ISIS or the leader, standing up to China isn't policy, and got nothing from NK.
1. Beating Clinton
2. Beating Clinton
3. Beating Clinton
4. Beating Clinton
5. Driving progressive imbeciles insane³
So no policy moves. Got it.
Anything I say will bring forth more lies from you, so pound sand loser.

You haven't said anything. Your Clinton Derangement Syndrome is noted. It's rendered you a babbling idiot who cannot even think beyond winning the Presidency. That's the problem with fools like you. You're so busy jerking yourself off to the refrain "Clinton lost, Clinton lost", that you fail to note that the rest of the world is laughing at you, as your democracy burns down around you.
I see you're one of the first ones Trump took on a drive.
1. Untied the hands of the military and destroyed 97% of ISIS (notice how we no longer see vid's of rows of people on their knees getting their heads cut off).

2. Cut regulations bigly & renegotiated trade deals which allowed companies to start hiring more people (creating jobs).

3. Opened up the energy sector in many ways...so much that blocking the strait of hormuz is no longer that big of a deal to the USA (big deal for the rest of the world but nor for us).

4. Made NATO countries start paying for their own military so their only plan incase of invasion is NOT to call the USA for help.

5. Best of all we now have a smoking hot first lady! :banana:

Number 4 was pit in place by Obama in 2014, Tramp has followed up on it though so far as we know.
Supreme Court appointments

Federal Judicial Appointments.

Asylum Policies from Mexico, South America and other parts of the world.

Uses the Economy as leverage vis a vis Mexico and them doing nothing to stem the tide of migrants. That was plain smart.

China. People will disagree on that, but it's time somebody stood up to them for their outright theft of IP and predatory economic practices. If the world had half his balls on this issues those bastards could be brought into the world community and not continue to run roughshod over their own people while they fuck everyone else to build a new dynasty.

NATO- Called them out on not holding to their agreements. I have no idea why it took this long.

Iran - Pulled out of that shit deal.

Climate Accord- Pulled out of that lousy agreement, which left China and India and other major pollutors free to do what they wanted, giving them further economic leverage.

Tax Cuts

There's a lot to not like about Trump in how he conducts himself. I think he golfs too much, which are bad optics and a waste of money. He ran his yapper about that so he needs to walk the walk. He is a fucking blowhard that needs to control his compulsions and think before he speaks; and he plays very fast and easy with the facts when it suits him.

I like some of what he's done in simply cutting to the chase and dispensing with the political BS to get down to brass tacks and talk about what makes sense instead of what makes people feel good, or taking the 'something is better than nothing' approach in international negotiations.

I did not vote for him in 2016, but I will in 2020, in large part because of what the Dems have done, which is reprehensible in their effort to overturn the results of an election. I do not think they should be rewarded for that insanity by giving them the White House.

However, I agree with him on many things in terms of what he has done and think that what he has done has been decent in terms of policy. Not great, but decent, and I would much rather have 4 more years of this than anything I've seen from the Dems to date, not to mention the fact that Ginsberg is on her way out, whether she likes it or not, and there may be other appointments that I would rather not be filled by the likes of another Sotomayor or similar activist judge.

He puts America first in international negotiations and immigration policy, tells people when to shove it, and uses the leverage he has. That is more important to me than meaningless accords, flowery language and a load of milksop bullshit about how we need to bend over and take it up the ass for the good of other countries that couldn't give 2 shits about the US.
Yes,yes, Nothing I could find about Policies for Mexico..., no nothing has happened, standing up to China isn't policy, got nothing out of NATO, the rest ok.
And if you say something like "the economy", or "the stock market" say what Trump did to make it better.
And you're all going to say he beat Hilary, but I'm looking for policy, and winning an election isn't policy.

Limiting to five is gonna be a challenge, so these are not ranked, just random:

  1. Declaring Nazis/Skinheads/Klanners to be "very fine people"
  2. Citing "what happened in Sweden last night"
  3. Placing his father's birth in "a very wonderful place in Germany" (over and over)
  4. Informing us how the Continental Army took over the airports
  5. Showing up to get booed at a Whirled Series game

Why? Number 1 because it confirms where he stands, on the record; 2-4 because they're comedy gold; and 5 for the feedback opportunity for We the People
Beating Clinton
Going after china
Refugee policies
"Asylum" policies
Neil Gorsuch
- 5 things I dont like
Not strong enough on immigration
Flip flopping all the time. More or less speaking before thinking.
China: he imposed tariffs on Americans, that's it. You're happy about that?
What refugee and asylum policies?
What's a Neil Gorsuch and what did he do?
Tariffs on Americans? Lol
Try paying attention.
Supreme court pick. But I'm sure your retarded ass already knew that
Supreme Court appointments

Federal Judicial Appointments.

Asylum Policies from Mexico, South America and other parts of the world.

Uses the Economy as leverage vis a vis Mexico and them doing nothing to stem the tide of migrants. That was plain smart.

China. People will disagree on that, but it's time somebody stood up to them for their outright theft of IP and predatory economic practices. If the world had half his balls on this issues those bastards could be brought into the world community and not continue to run roughshod over their own people while they fuck everyone else to build a new dynasty.

NATO- Called them out on not holding to their agreements. I have no idea why it took this long.

Iran - Pulled out of that shit deal.

Climate Accord- Pulled out of that lousy agreement, which left China and India and other major pollutors free to do what they wanted, giving them further economic leverage.

Tax Cuts

There's a lot to not like about Trump in how he conducts himself. I think he golfs too much, which are bad optics and a waste of money. He ran his yapper about that so he needs to walk the walk. He is a fucking blowhard that needs to control his compulsions and think before he speaks; and he plays very fast and easy with the facts when it suits him.

I like some of what he's done in simply cutting to the chase and dispensing with the political BS to get down to brass tacks and talk about what makes sense instead of what makes people feel good, or taking the 'something is better than nothing' approach in international negotiations.

I did not vote for him in 2016, but I will in 2020, in large part because of what the Dems have done, which is reprehensible in their effort to overturn the results of an election. I do not think they should be rewarded for that insanity by giving them the White House.

However, I agree with him on many things in terms of what he has done and think that what he has done has been decent in terms of policy. Not great, but decent, and I would much rather have 4 more years of this than anything I've seen from the Dems to date, not to mention the fact that Ginsberg is on her way out, whether she likes it or not, and there may be other appointments that I would rather not be filled by the likes of another Sotomayor or similar activist judge.

He puts America first in international negotiations and immigration policy, tells people when to shove it, and uses the leverage he has. That is more important to me than meaningless accords, flowery language and a load of milksop bullshit about how we need to bend over and take it up the ass for the good of other countries that couldn't give 2 shits about the US.
Yes,yes, Nothing I could find about Policies for Mexico..., no nothing has happened, standing up to China isn't policy, got nothing out of NATO, the rest ok.

You can say he's gotten nothing out of NATO, but how we deal and speak with other countries is diplomatic policy. Besides, Policy =/= result. You asked what we liked. I said I liked that he called them out, which he has. I don't care that he basically came up empty, because there is no mechanism to force anything really, I'm just tired of the dancing around the issues.

He clearly told Mexico if they didn't stem the tide of migrants he would be imposing tariffs. 24 hours later they saw the light and committed troops to doing so. He didn't have to implement the policy because the mere threat was enough. That policy of using that leverage, which I haven't seen before, is something I do like, especially with Mexico, who has an awful lot to lose if Uncle Sam decides to start playing rough, and to that point had done nothing to stem migration.

Standing up to China on IP theft and imposing tariffs to get them to move off of their position is economic policy, as well as a geopolitical policy to attempt to stem the meteoric rise of China until it starts playing by the rules of the international community and/or the terms of its own agreements, instead of their cherry-picking the benefits from deals, breaking the terms if it suits them and counting on the world turning a blind eye to those transgressions and human rights issues while they suck up profits. You may see it differently, but I don't agree there.
And if you say something like "the economy", or "the stock market" say what Trump did to make it better.
And you're all going to say he beat Hilary, but I'm looking for policy, and winning an election isn't policy.

The energy sector, we are now the leading exporter of energy, he took the regulations off of fracking.

The military.....took the handcuffs off and they destroyed the isis caliphate created by obama.

The economy, lowered taxes, cut regulations, let the business community know he wasn't going to punish them.

He appointed 2 conservative judges to the Supreme Court, and has appointed huge numbers of lower level judges turning formerly blue, anti-American circuit courts back to the Constitutional courts they are supposed to be....

Taking on China when all the other dimwits let them walk all over us.....

Kept hilary out of office. The biggest, bestest, most bigly thing he did for all of America.
Funny how we are all going to name 5 solid things he has done......leaving this moron with no room to complain...
And if you say something like "the economy", or "the stock market" say what Trump did to make it better.
1) I am glad he has placed two conservatives on the Supreme Court, though I am sure there was a better choice than Kavanaugh.

2) I am glad he is in favor of improving our infrastructure, though this cannot be claimed as an achievement since he has not yet actually done anything about it on the scale which it needs to be.

3) Signed the Right-To-Try legislation into law.

4) Has made an effort to make health care cheaper for seniors.

I can't think of a 5th at the moment.

Wow....3 and 4 are good, and you bringing them up......Trump is winning...
Donates salary to charity.
Donates $400,000. Increases spending by more than $800 billion, and runs trillion dollar deficits.

Russian Bot - Ignore

the truth hurts your little head, doesn't it?
That the account is a Russian Bot?

You know better than that. He has been on this forum since 2011, he has 100 times as many anti-Obama post as he does anti-Trump. He has been consistent in his message the whole time on this forum...he is against deficit spending and tax expenditures.

You are normally better than some stupid Russian bot accusation. Given your inconsistent postings, you are more apt to be a russian bot
And if you say something like "the economy", or "the stock market" say what Trump did to make it better.
1) I am glad he has placed two conservatives on the Supreme Court, though I am sure there was a better choice than Kavanaugh.

2) I am glad he is in favor of improving our infrastructure, though this cannot be claimed as an achievement since he has not yet actually done anything about it on the scale which it needs to be.

3) Signed the Right-To-Try legislation into law.

4) Has made an effort to make health care cheaper for seniors.

I can't think of a 5th at the moment.

Wow....3 and 4 are good, and you bringing them up......Trump is winning...
An actual conservative President would have accomplished far more.
And if you say something like "the economy", or "the stock market" say what Trump did to make it better.
1) I am glad he has placed two conservatives on the Supreme Court, though I am sure there was a better choice than Kavanaugh.

2) I am glad he is in favor of improving our infrastructure, though this cannot be claimed as an achievement since he has not yet actually done anything about it on the scale which it needs to be.

3) Signed the Right-To-Try legislation into law.

4) Has made an effort to make health care cheaper for seniors.

I can't think of a 5th at the moment.

Wow....3 and 4 are good, and you bringing them up......Trump is winning...
An actual conservative President would have accomplished far more.

None of the losers he ran against would have beaten hilary.....you fight with the fighter you have....
1. Beat the bitch (saved the nation from imminent disaster)

2. Cut unnecessary regulations to spur expansion.

3. Put more rational judges on the courts.

4. Stopped the game of political patticake with the worlds leaders.

5. Got us out of the scam that was the Paris Climate Accord.

6. Cut corporate tax rates to be "closer" to being in line globally.

7. Caused the MSM to make fools of themselves.

8. Caused the greatest show ever on Earth the night of the last presidential election when all the liberals cried out in unison.
And if you say something like "the economy", or "the stock market" say what Trump did to make it better.
1) I am glad he has placed two conservatives on the Supreme Court, though I am sure there was a better choice than Kavanaugh.

2) I am glad he is in favor of improving our infrastructure, though this cannot be claimed as an achievement since he has not yet actually done anything about it on the scale which it needs to be.

3) Signed the Right-To-Try legislation into law.

4) Has made an effort to make health care cheaper for seniors.

I can't think of a 5th at the moment.

Wow....3 and 4 are good, and you bringing them up......Trump is winning...
An actual conservative President would have accomplished far more.

And those 5 things I listed and the 2 you listed....are far more than any other republican has accomplished in office...
1. Beat the bitch (saved the nation from imminent disaster)

2. Cut unnecessary regulations to spur expansion.

3. Put more rational judges on the courts.

4. Stopped the game of political patticake with the worlds leaders.

5. Got us out of the scam that was the Paris Climate Accord.

6. Cut corporate tax rates to be "closer" to being in line globally.

7. Caused the MSM to make fools of themselves.

8. Caused the greatest show ever on Earth the night of the last presidential election when all the liberals cried out in unison.

This isn't going the way Taz expected.......:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::banana::banana::banana::banana:

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