name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution

Assuming you wanted to rewrite the Constitution. As we know to ass-u-me makes an ass of u and me.
I wouldn't want anyone re-writing the Constitution. I like it the way it is - mostly. And I wouldn't support changing the Constitution based on 12- or 5-person re-write teams even if they wrote it exactly the way I want.

It takes two-thirds, and I advocate keeping it that way.
One Anthony Scalia, plus Marc Levin, Jonathan Turley, Leonard Peikoff, and Victor Davis Hansen.
Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

What a great question!

Here's my five and I don't want it to be all politicians. Quite the opposite.

Elizabeth Warren
Matt Taibbi (political writer for Rolling Stone magazine)
Chris Hedges (Princeton political science professor)
Ron Paul (surprised?)
Jon Stewart (seriously, he really is THAT smart)
Mark Levin would be the top of my list.

Alito and Thomas would be on it...

Judge Napolitano, Rand and Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, John Kasich..

There is my start of a list.
If I could travel to the past, I would have Murray Rothbard rewrite it.

It would take him about a second to write it down.
Phil Robinson

Pat Robertson


Mel Gibson

mary cheney

michelle Bachmann

sarah (assuming a room large enough for she and michelle can be found)

Dr. Glen Beck

Bill Kristol

Former Cardinal Bernard Law
Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

No one is talking about rewriting the Constitution, numskull.

I wouldn't even trust half the Founding Fathers to write the document in the first place. The fact that they botched the job is all the evidence needed to demonstrate that my judgment is correct.
name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution

It doesn't need rewriting.
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Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

No one is talking about rewriting the Constitution, numskull.

I wouldn't even trust half the Founding Fathers to write the document in the first place. The fact that they botched the job is all the evidence needed to demonstrate that my judgment is correct.

wingnuttery on display

name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution

It doesn't need rewriting.

It just needs obeying. For a change.
New Constitution

Dump the second and third amendments....they are no longer relevant
Dump the electoral college and elect the President by popular vote
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New Constitution

Dump the second and third amendments....they are no longer relevant
Dump the electoral college and elect the President by popular vote

A majority of states would be needed to ratify, so being realistic the electoral college stays.

And the 2nd stays and clearer language might never be accomplished as a compromise.


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