name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution

It needs to be rewritten more clearly on the bill of rights. Most of the debate today is because of this.....Next, it needs to be made more modern with allowing the federal government the CLEAR power(not saying it doesn't already have this) to invest in our country and expand the powers to allow for the nws, noaa, nasa, fda, epa and safety nets that we all enjoy. Again our constitution allows this, but there's debate-- so I believe it needs to be made crystal clear within a few more amendments.

It would be as clear as mud when our current dipshits got through with it.
Yes! Mark Levin! And one of the amendments should be that it be read in a loud, nasally, whiny tone in Congress once per year.

Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

Um......sarcasm. Dig it!
still interesting for the most part.

I am surprised so many members here are up to the task.

shame on moi for doubting
Yes! Mark Levin! And one of the amendments should be that it be read in a loud, nasally, whiny tone in Congress once per year.

Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

Um......sarcasm. Dig it!

Nod... thought your reference to the whine was to rub feces in their faces... not to show the first statement was sarcasm. We need a sarcasm emote. I find it amazing that Levin can rail against people taking our liberty one second, then no more than a second later scream about how we need to take liberty away from people he doesn't like.
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Nice how the people who preach the constitution as a holy document handed down from the almighty are also the people most willing to rewrite it, make up your narrow little minds for god's sake! It does not need to be rewritten by conservatives anyway, all they would do is make rights so uneven and conditional that only white Christian males would enjoy the full rights of an American citizen.

I bet your eyes are brown, cause you're totally full of shit.
Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

What a great question!

Here's my five and I don't want it to be all politicians. Quite the opposite.

Elizabeth Warren
Matt Taibbi (political writer for Rolling Stone magazine)
Chris Hedges (Princeton political science professor)
Ron Paul (surprised?)
Jon Stewart (seriously, he really is THAT smart)

Hmmm...quite a list. Good job.
name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution

It doesn't need rewriting.

It just needs obeying. For a change.

Yes it does need some tweaking. We need to strengthen property rights, for example. And privacy rights.
Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

No one is talking about rewriting the Constitution, numskull.

I wouldn't even trust half the Founding Fathers to write the document in the first place. The fact that they botched the job is all the evidence needed to demonstrate that my judgment is correct.

wingnuttery on display


Seriously man...Bri is a waste of oxygen.:badgrin:
Yes! Mark Levin! And one of the amendments should be that it be read in a loud, nasally, whiny tone in Congress once per year.

Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!
1. Ron Paul

2. Rahm Emanuel

3. Joe Arpaio

4. Hillary Clinton

5. Paul Ryan

6. Patrick Quinn

7. Jeb Bush

8. Lisa Madigan

9. Marco Rubio

10. Kathleen Sebelius

11. Gary Sinese

12. Oprah Winfrey
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Yes! Mark Levin! And one of the amendments should be that it be read in a loud, nasally, whiny tone in Congress once per year.

Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?
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Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

It needs to be modernized:

with rules for the houses of Congress so you don't see the shit that Reid and McConnell are pulling or the shit that Pelosi and Boehner are pulling

with rules for Presidential debates so that anyone who gets X number of voters names on a petition can get on the stage and make their case to the American people.

with rules for funding federal-level elections where candidates who get X number of voters names on a petition get free airtime on radio/TV and free space in the newspapers

with (a Romney idea) any Administration's regulation projected by the CBO to cost either a large number of jobs to be lost or a large amount of money to be spent in compliance to be voted on by Congress. Where it is determined (by congressional vote) that the measures are to be adopted, the vote would be a time-table for phasing in/phasing out the measure

with a zero based budgeting cycle every 2, 5, or 10 years (take your pick) as to where each expenditure over $1,000,000 is itemized and voted on by Congress.

As you can see, none of the bills of rights would be affected or any change to the document itself. Just rules for the players so they cannot pull their basically works to remove Party power from the institutions.
  • Thanks
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Nice how the people who preach the constitution as a holy document handed down from the almighty are also the people most willing to rewrite it, make up your narrow little minds for god's sake! It does not need to be rewritten by conservatives anyway, all they would do is make rights so uneven and conditional that only white Christian males would enjoy the full rights of an American citizen.

You just felt like participating, but had nothing to really say?

Yes! Mark Levin! And one of the amendments should be that it be read in a loud, nasally, whiny tone in Congress once per year.

Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

How many of his books have you read?
yes! Mark levin! And one of the amendments should be that it be read in a loud, nasally, whiny tone in congress once per year.

why trust a guy like mark levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let levin re-write the constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

how many of his books have you read?

3. He comes really close to understanding liberty... then throws liberty out the door to meet the ends that he desires.
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J. R. R. Tolkein
Arthur Conan Doyle
Edgar Allen Poe
Thomas Harris

If we're not going to follow it, "What difference does it make?"
Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

From his book "Liberty and Tyranny":

The Statist has also opposed the interception of enemy communications, such as email and cell-phone contacts, without approval from a court. But his position is contrary to all legal precedent, historical practice and highly impractical, given the speed by which such communications occur. Yet again he claims the practice threatens Americans’ civil liberties. Where is the actual evidence of widespread civil liberties abuses against American citizens? It is nonexistent.

Notice he is talking about "enemy" communications. Not American citizens communications.
why trust a guy like mark levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let levin re-write the constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

how many of his books have you read?

3. He comes really close to understanding liberty... then throws liberty out the door to meet the ends that he desires.

Support your claim with some evidence. Just your saying so doesn't cut it.
Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

1. [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION], 2. [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION], 3. [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION], 4, [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION], 5 [MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION]


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