name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution

Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

Have you read any of his books? Allow me to recommend Men In Black and Liberty and Tyranny. They can give you a much better insight as to his beliefs than my opinions might.
He's a conservative and I'm a libertarian, so I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social and overseas military issues, but he writes some of the the best contemporary books on the Constitution and the Supreme Court out there.

Agreed. If you have to put just one authoritarian on the list I suppose he'd be better than Hillary or Reid.

Gotta agree with that. Actually, I am with you that he wouldn't be in my five for that reason. I would hire him to be on my staff though and give me input.

Agreed. I'd hire him too. I use guns when they are necessary, but sometimes you have to know when to keep your guns in the holster.
Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

Have you read any of his books? Allow me to recommend Men In Black and Liberty and Tyranny. They can give you a much better insight as to his beliefs than my opinions might.

Read them both. Good books. I don't question his love of liberty for the people he thinks deserve liberty. It's the people that get in his way and the means he's all to willing to accept that bother me. As I said, he comes so damn close to being one of the greatest defenders of liberty around... then he puts his boot on the people that disagree with him or worse dare to have a different geo-political view than he does. It is for this reason that I'd have to think real hard on who to put on the list first Jon Stewart or Levin. Neither Stewart nor Levin make my list... but my gut says Stewart first.
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Rewriting the Constitution is illegal just as it should be. The only legal way to change it is through the amendment process which involves everyone.
Rewriting the Constitution is illegal just as it should be. The only legal way to change it is through the amendment process which involves everyone.

No, it can be rewritten, you can have a constitutional convention and it says in the document if you need to replace it, replace it. The only thing I would change would be the judiciary to be a lot less powerful as the founders intended
Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

Have you read any of his books? Allow me to recommend Men In Black and Liberty and Tyranny. They can give you a much better insight as to his beliefs than my opinions might.
Add the Liberty Amendments...
Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

Have you read any of his books? Allow me to recommend Men In Black and Liberty and Tyranny. They can give you a much better insight as to his beliefs than my opinions might.

Read them both. Good books. I don't question his love of liberty for the people he thinks deserve liberty. It's the people that get in his way and the means he's all to willing to accept that bother me. As I said, he comes so damn close to being one of the greatest defenders of liberty around... then he puts his boot on the people that disagree with him or worse dare to have a different geo-political view than he does. It is for this reason that I'd have to think real hard on who to put on the list first Jon Stewart or Levin. Neither Stewart nor Levin make my list... but my gut says Stewart first.

Honestly I think Levin has a much better understanding of original intent than Stewart would ever have. I tried to avoid lawyers all together because I don't think they should be writing laws, there is an inherent conflict of interest.
Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

Have you read any of his books? Allow me to recommend Men In Black and Liberty and Tyranny. They can give you a much better insight as to his beliefs than my opinions might.
Add the Liberty Amendments...

I just started that one, I don't recommend books I haven't finished.
Legislative and voting body

Akhil Amar - Yale Law
any 2 persons recomended by Professor Amar

Louis Henkin - Columbia Law
any 2 pesrons recomended by Professor Henkin

Dr. Condolezza Rice - Former Sec. of State

Guy-Uriel Charles - Duke Law
any 2 pesrons recomended by Professor Charles

David Boise - Constitutional Lawyer

Theodore Olson - Constitutional Lawyer

Colin Powel - Former Sec. of State

All current and living Supreme Court Justices
and one person each recomended by each justice

Voting body

All US governors with a Law degree
Join in debate and vote yeah or nay on proposals, but have no legislative power.

50 US Mayors
5 Mayors from each state voted on by the respective state's congress[house and senate]
join a pool of mayors.

That Pool votes on 50 mayors to attend the convention.
The mayors only vote yeah or nay on the proposals and join in on debate only.
They do not have lesiglative power.
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Hey bripat9643, the original post is asking people to fantasize who they would like to see rewrite the Constitution, if they could. Just fiction dude.
If they could be pulled from history.......
I suppose on one side of the coin it could be:
Red Cloud, Cochise, Chief Joseph, Sitting Bull, Geronimo and Tecumseh.
That would make an interesting document indeed.
On the other side of the coin, perhaps:
Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Clarence Darrow, Frederick Douglass, Albert Einstein (although technically, he wasn't born in the U.S.), and what the heck, toss in Mark Twain and George Carlin for some humor in the document.
In any case, either group would make for one interesting nation.
Rewriting the Constitution is illegal just as it should be. The only legal way to change it is through the amendment process which involves everyone.

No, it can be rewritten, you can have a constitutional convention and it says in the document if you need to replace it, replace it. The only thing I would change would be the judiciary to be a lot less powerful as the founders intended

Nope. Don't think so. That would require the approval and participation of all the States to be covered by the new constitution. No way all the States are going to agree on anything. The last time it was tried we ended up with a war that lasted several years and the same Constitution.
The progressive constitution....

You will obey.

There, done

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
Nice how the people who preach the constitution as a holy document handed down from the almighty are also the people most willing to rewrite it, make up your narrow little minds for god's sake! It does not need to be rewritten by conservatives anyway, all they would do is make rights so uneven and conditional that only white Christian males would enjoy the full rights of an American citizen.

And this is why it can not and should not be re-written in today's political climate, partisan bullshit. While I would not claim that things were politically perfect when it was originally written, today we'd be lucky if even one amendment could get passed. At least back then the powers that be seemed to have the best interests, then and now, of the country that would become the United States of America at heart.

No, leave it alone. While it may not be perfect, it's the best thing going and I know of no one who could set aside their own interests to benefit us all.
Peter Singer. Wendy Davis. John Gray. Bill Clinton. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day O'Connor, John Kerry, Noam Chomsky, Aaron Sorkin, Rachel Maddow, Thomas Friedman, and me.

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